Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
115805 Le Correspondancier du Collège de 'Pataphysique 1965-1244 Collège de 'Pataphysique
115806 L'école numérique 2105-0384 CNDP
115808 Journal of Mater Chem
115811 Revue Française de Génie Civil 1279-5119 Taylor & Francis
115819 Journal of Materials Sciences Letters
115825 Encyclopedia of Nanotechnology
115828 Thérapie psychomotrice et recherches
115829 Nuestra Historia : Revista de Historia de la FIM 2529-9808 Fundación de Investigaciones Marxistas
115830 国際哲学研究 = Journal of International Philosophy
115832 Italia contemporanea 0392-1077 Franco Angeli Edizioni
115833 Bourgogne Côté Livre
115834 Românica, Revista de Literatura 0872-5675 Colibri
115835 Double Sens 2276-190X AFILS
115837 Am. J. Probab. Math. Stat
115838 Bulletin du CERTEIC 0981-8596 Centre de recherche en techniques d'expression, information et communication (Lille)
115840 Journal of Clinical Research in Pediatric Endocrinology 1308-5727 Galenos Publishing House
115849 The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Elec
115850 journal des sciences Association des journées du savoir
115854 BSGLg
115855 Haute Normandie archéologique 0995-7219 CRAHN - Centre de Recherches Archéologiques et Historiques de Normandie
115856 ACS Sensors American Chemical Society
115857 Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies
115858 Gerontechnology
115861 Circuits and Systems, Scientific Research Publishing
115862 Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences 2330-7285 Science Publishing Group
115863 American Journal of Nano Research and Applications Science Publishing Group
115864 Bollettino d'arte del Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione 0394-4557 Casa editrice d'arte Bestetti e Tuminelli
115865 Revue des régions arides Institut des Régions Arides, Médenine, Tunisie
115866 REEL - Revue étudiante des expressions lusophones 2497-2614 CREPAL
115867 Journal of Information Processing 1882-6652 Information Processing Society of Japan
115868 Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance
115869 Advances in Accounting
115871 Bulletin mathématique de la Société des Sciences mathématiques de Roumanie 1220-3874 Société des Sciences mathématiques de Roumanie
115873 ELyra Faculdade de Letras
115874 Cadernos de Filosofia e Poesia
115875 Cadernos de Poesia e Filosofia
115876 Pontes de Vista, nº 0, Faculdade de Letras, Universidade do Porto
115877 Revista do Centro de Estudos Portugueses, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, vº 32, nº 48, julho-dezembro 2012
115878 Colóquio Letras 0010-1451 Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
115879 Revista Olho d’água Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras da Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” São José do Rio Preto
115880 International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS)
115881 Frontiers in Built Environment 2297-3362 Frontiers media
115885 American Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine 2330-8125 Science Publishing Group
115886 Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information - Série TSI : Technique et Science Informatiques 2116-5920 Cachan
115887 Mémoires de la Société académique du département de l'Aube 0395-0786 Société académique de l'Aube
115888 Lupus: open access
115891 Veterinary Medicine International 2090-8113 Sage-Hindawi Access to Research
115892 Sociologia urbana e rurale 0392-4939 Franco Angeli
115893 RGOW: Religion & Gesellschaft in Ost und West G2W, Zürich
115895 Religion & Education 1550-7394 Taylor & Francis
115896 Stato e mercato 0392-9701 Il Mulino
115897 Quaderni per il dialogo e la pace
114168 Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing 1865-1348 Springer
114171 Qurtuba : estudios andalusies 1137-5671
114172 Nucleus
114173 Al-ʿUsur al-Wusta: The Journal of Middle East Medievalists 1068-1051 Columbia University Libraries
114177 Advances in Multidisciplinary Research Journal 2488-8699 The Multidisciplinary Research Group of the International Centre for Information Technology & Development, Southern University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA
114178 Environmental Reviews Canadian Science Publishing
114179 EcoSal Plus
114181 Biomol NMR Assign
114183 Mol. Microbiol
114185 Transgenic Res
114186 Microbial Cell
114192 Microbiology (Reading, Engl.)
114194 Biochim. Biophys. Acta
114195 Cell Rep
114199 Microb. Drug Resist
114200 Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond., B, Biol. Sci
114203 Acta Crystallogr. D Biol. Crystallogr
114206 Food Policy 0306-9192
114209 Journal of Agriculture and Environment for International Development 1590-7198
114210 Polypode 1638-3184
114211 Zones Humides Infos 1165-452X SNPN
114213 Journal of Freshwater Ecology 0270-5060
114214 Aspects of Applied Biology 0265-1491
114215 Early Modern French Studies 2056-3035 Taylor & Francis
114216 Acta Litt&Arts [En ligne] 2496-5731 Grenoble: Université Grenoble Alpes
114217 Kolor, journal on moving communities 1379-7948
114218 EAI Endorsed Transactions on Cognitive Communications 2313-4534 EAI Publications
114220 Special Paper of the Geological Society of America
114221 Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina
114223 Bulletin of the Geological Society of America
114226 Exploration and Mining Geology
114230 Rivista Italiana di Psicolinguistica Applicata (RIPLA) 1592-1328 Fabrizio Serra editore, Pisa - Roma
114232 Seventeenth-Century French Studies 2056-3035 Taylor & Francis
114238 Diasporas Russian Academy of Sciences
114244 Algérie Littérature Action 1270-9131 Marsa Editions
114248 Rechtswissenschaft : Zeitschrift für rechtswissenschaftliche Forschung
114250 International Journal of Nephrology and Renovascular Disease 1178-7058 Dove Medical Press
114251 Case Reports in Oncological Medicine 2090-6706 Hindawi
114254 Théma Essentiel
114255 Trivium 1963-1820 Editions de la Maison des sciences de l'homme
114262 Research report
114265 Journal of Sedimentary Environments 2447-9462 Palaeontology and Stratigraphy Department of University of State of Rio de Janeiro
114267 Revue des loyers, de la copropriété et des fermages 1779-6903 Lamy [2004-2007] - Wolters Kluwer [2007-2002] - Lamy Liaisons [2023-....]
114268 International Journal of Aerodynamics
114274 Chemical Society Reviews
114281 Asn Neuro
114282 J. Energy Heat and Mass Transfer
114284 Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry
114290 European Journal of Pharmacology
114291 Speech and Language Technology 1895-0434 Polskie Towarzystwo Fonetyczne
114292 Archivio Storico Italiano 0391-7770 Leo S. Olschki Editore
114294 Dieciocho : Hispanic enlightenment 0163-0415
114295 Cuadernos de Ilustración y Romanticismo 1132-8304 Grupo de Estudios del Siglo XVIII de la Universidad de Cádiz
114298 Revue de l'Alimentation Animale 0242-6595
114299 Aquafilia 1766-5930
114300 Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Naturais 1981-8114
114301 Agrosolutions 0840-9900
114302 Agrochimica 0002-1857
114303 LEISA 1569-8424
114304 Lettre PIGB-PMRC France 1261-4246
114305 Revista de Ciências Agrárias 1517-591X
114307 Tearmann 1649-1009
114308 Courrier de l'Environnement de l'INRA 1241-3992
114309 Revue Durable
114310 PNRZH Infos
114311 Océanis : Série de documents océanographiques 0182-0745 Institut Océanographique
114313 Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection 1861-3829 Springer
114314 Furor
114315 Australian review of french studies
114316 Revue d'études rimbaldiennes Seoul University
114319 JPET Lett 0370-274X Akademizdatcenter "Nauka
114321 International Journal of Earth Sciences
114328 International Journal of Applied Logistics 1947-9573 IGI Global
114329 Advances in Artificial Intelligence 1687-7470
114332 Éducation thérapeutique du Patient
114337 Antiquity Project Gallery
114338 CNRS en Chine
114339 Early China
114340 International journal of mathematical and computational methods (IJMCM) 2367-895X
114342 Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems 1848-9257 SDEWES Centre
114343 Cahiers Jean Vilar
114344 International Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration
114353 Magyar Filozófiai Szemle = Hungarian Philosophical Review 0025-0090 Philosophical Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
114354 Revue roumaine des sciences techniques. Série de mécanique appliquée 0035-4074 Editura Academiei Române
114355 Analele Universitatii Bucuresti - Fizica
114356 Études Françaises Université Aoyama Gakuin
114366 Bianjiang kaogu yanjiu, 19
114367 Beifang wenwu
114368 Asian Archaeology
114370 Dongbei shidi
114371 Jilin huabao
114372 Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience
114373 Group Decision and Negotiation
114374 Bianjiang kaogu yanjiu
114958 Restoration …
114959 Fluid Dynamics and Material Processes
114960 Arachnology
114961 Toxicological & …
114962 Agriculture, Ecosystems …
114963 Journal of Cancer …
114966 La Revue Sage- …
114970 Planta …
114971 Quaternary Science …
114972 Journal of the Marine …
114974 Advanced Functional …
114975 Ecological …
114976 EGU General Assembly …
114978 Tecnología …
114979 Palaeogeography, …
114980 … of Geohazards and …
114981 Vegetation History and …
114982 OA Arthritis OA Publishing London
114987 EGU General …
114992 Cahiers de l’ERIAC. Fonctionnements linguistiques 2119-9329 Presses Universitaires de Rouen et du Havre
114995 Lung Cancer: Targets and Therapy
114996 Questions d’éthique dans l’exercice professionnel du chirurgien-dentiste Presse Édition Média
115003 Inflammation
115006 Endocrine Pathology
115010 Inflammation Research: Official Journal of the European Histamine Research Society ... [et Al.]
115018 … Marinas y Costeras
115022 Regional Environmental …
115029 Ius & Actores : Revue des acteurs de la justice et du recouvrement 1784-6188 Larcier
115030 Revue Africaine des Huissiers de Justice
115031 Executio 2063-1596 Ordre national des huissiers de justice de Hongrie
115032 Herald of Civil Procedure - The herald of civil process 2226-0781 Herald of Civil Procedure
115034 Research Ideas and Outcomes
115035 Hypoxia 2324-1128 DovePress
115037 Walailak Journal of Science and Technology
115038 Fluid Dynamic and Material Process 1555-256X Tech Science Press
115041 Semiotiche 9788873251354 Torino: Ananké
115046 Royal Economic Society Newsletter
115047 Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
115048 Hormone and Metabolic Research = Hormon- Und Stoffwechselforschung = Hormones Et Metabolisme
115049 Cellular Signalling
115050 Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology
115054 Molecular Pharmaceutics
115056 Functional & Integrative Genomics
115059 Pituitary
115060 Neurology(R) Neuroimmunology & Neuroinflammation
115064 Iberic@l 2260-2534 CRIMIC
115066 Banks and Bank Systems 1816-7403 Business perspectives