Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
145133 Annals of public health and research JSciMed Central
115091 Chemical Engineering & Process Techniques 2333-6633 JSciMed Central
121618 JSM Environmental Science & Ecology JSciMed Central
119590 JSM Tropical Medicine and Research JSciMed Central
100471 Journal of Behavior JSciMed Central
70510 JURISdoctoria 1760-6225 JURISdoctoria
40591 Southeastern Law Librarian 0272-7560 Jack Bissett
433510 Jacket 1440-4737 Jacket Magazine - Australian Literary Management
7608 Opera -London 0030-3526 Jackson-rudd and Associates, Ltd
177480 South Eastern European Journal of Public Health 2197-5248 Jacob Verlag
113889 Jacobs Journal of Radiation Oncology 2376-9424 Jacobs Publisher
882610 Journal of Global, Public and One Health 2942-5123 Jacobs Publishing
348815 Quaderni di lavoro ASIt 1828-2326 Jacopo Garzonio
159183 Jacques Delors Institute - Blog Post Jacques Delors Institute
95546 Jacques Delors Institute Policy Paper Jacques Delors Institute
181795 Mille Cosmos Jacques dans le vert
168766 Trade and development review 0974-4347 Jadavpur University
51 Acta Physica Polonica B 0587-4254 Jagellonian University, Cracow
107927 Acta Physica Polonica B Proceedings Supplement 1899-2358 Jagiellonian University
53 Acta Protozoologica 0065-1583 Jagiellonian University
635 Diametros : an Online Journal of Philosophy 1733-5566 Jagiellonian University
47981 Eurasian Prehistory 1730-8518 Jagiellonian University / Peabody Museum Press (Harvard University)
113176 Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten 2353-656X Jagiellonian University Press
148680 Studia Iberystyczne 2082-8594 Jagiellonian University of Cracow
110386 Pratnatattva 1560-7593 Jahangirnagar University
804046 Jahrbuch der Oswald von Wolkenstein Gesellschaft Jahrbuch der Oswald von Wolkenstein Gesellschaft
169617 Württembergisch Franken Jahrbuch des Historischen Vereins für Württembergisch Franken (Schwäbisch Hall)
19040 Sociological Studies of Children and Youth 1537-4661 Jai
10211 Advances in Learning and Behavioral Disabilities 0735-004X Jai Press Inc
11957 Comparative Social Research 0195-6310 Jai Press Inc
18589 Research in Finance 0196-3821 Jai Press Inc
18597 Research in Organizational Change and Development 0897-3016 Jai Press Inc
18599 Research in Political Economy 0161-7230 Jai Press Inc
19216 Studies in Law Politics and Society 1059-4337 Jai Press Inc
19218 Studies in Symbolic Interaction 0163-2396 Jai Press Inc
12317 Current Perspectives in Social Theory 0278-1204 Jai Press Ltd
18581 Research in Community and Mental Health 0192-0812 Jai Press Ltd
90209 International Journal of Engineering Research 2347-5013 Jaikaran Singh
115986 International Journal of New Technology and Research 2454-4116 Jaipur : Nextgen Research Publication
179847 GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2581-3250 Jalgaon: GSC Online Press
3600 Bulletin of Popular Information 0196-6057 Jamaica Plain, Mass. Arnold Arboretum
117603 Bioarchaeology in Southeast Asia and the Pacific: Newsletter James Cook University
2290 Rural and Remote Health 1445-6354 James Cook University
740 The Electronic Journal of Australian and New Zealand History 1321-5752 James Cook University
96420 etropics : electronic journal of studies in the tropics 1448-2940 James Cook University
5755 James Cook University Law Review 1321-1072 James Cook University of North Queensland
114561 Foundations and Trends® in Renewable Energy 2328-8906 James Finlay
124209 Political Crossroads 1323-5761 James Nicholas Publishers
9388 World Studies in Education 1441-340X James Nicholas Publishers
178849 Michigan war studies review : review, surveys, essays and commentary in the field of military studies 1930-045X James P. Holoka
43734 Jamestown Terrorist Monitor Jamestown Foundation
112698 Russia and Eurasia Review Jamestown Foundation
7566 The Office Economist 0030-0160 Jamestown, N.Y. Art Metal Construction Co
158657 Token : A Journal of Linguistics 2299-5900 Jan Kochanowski University Press
801208 Newspaper Jan Mot Jan Mot Gallery
118439 New Eastern Europe - A Quarterly journal of Central and Eastern European Affairs 2083-7372 Jan-Nowak Jezioranski College of Eastern Europe in Wrocław
133721 Asian and African Studies Jana S. Rošker
323461 Samta Marg Janata Trust
1921 Persuasions: the Jane Austen Journal On-Line 0821-0314 Jane Austen Society of North America
5562 Interavia 0020-5168 Jane's Information Group
39514 Jane's Foreign Report 0532-1328 Janeãs Information Group
587578 Historical Harp Society Bulletin Janna Urschel
21703 Medsurg Nursing 1092-0811 Janneth Publications Inc
21787 Journal- Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases 0387-5911 Jap Assoc Infect Diseases
78519 Footprint. Delft Architecture Theory Journal 1875-1490 Jap Sam Books
16522 Mokuzai gakkai shi 0021-4795 Jap Wood Res Soc
49765 Studi e materiali di storia delle religioni 0393-8417 Japadre : Morcelliana
5757 Japan 21st 0916-877X Japan 21st
909874 Hiroshima Journal of Mathematics Education 0919-1720 Japan Academic Society of Mathematics Education
1993 Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Series B Physical and Biological Sciences 0386-2208 Japan Academy
1994 Proceedings of the Japan Academy. Series A: Mathematical Sciences 0386-2194 Japan Academy
17418 Neurosonology / Neurosonalogy 0917-074X Japan Academy of Neurosonology, The
500808 JAXA Special Publication: Proceedings of the 54th Fluid Dynamics Conference / the 40th Aerospace Numerical Simulation Symposium Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)
21794 Japanese Journal of Antibiotics 0368-2781 Japan Antibiotics Research Association; 1998
5758 Japan Architect -International Edition 0448-8512 Japan Architect Co. Ltd
2554 Architecture and Urbanism -Tokyo 0389-9160 Japan Architect Co., Ltd
77948 Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review 1349-4961 Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics ; Springer
760650 Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 0453-0691 Japan Association for Philosophy of Science
15671 Journal of Japan Association on Odor Environment 1348-2904 Japan Association on Odor Environment
1357 Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis 1340-3478 Japan Atherosclerosis Society
17467 Nihon Kikan Shokudoka Gakkai Kaiho / The Journal of the Japan Broncho-esophagological Society 0029-0645 Japan Broncho-esophagological Society
15027 Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology 1346-8014 Japan Concrete Institute
5760 Japan Spotlight 1348-9261 Japan Economic Foundation
787 Endocrine Journal 0918-8959 Japan Endocrine Society
15437 Journal of Epidemiology 0917-5040 Japan Epidemiological Association
152184 Bulletin of Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency 2432-2830 Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency
122394 Nihon-shi kôkyû / Journal of Japanese History 1883-325X Japan Historical Study Society
106235 International Journal of Informatics Society 1883-4566 Japan Informatics Society
15622 Jo¿¿¿¿ho¿¿¿¿ kanri 0021-7298 Japan Information Center of Science and Technology
98070 Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy 1882-6121 Japan Institute of Energy
15672 Journal- Japan Institute of Light Metals 0451-5994 Japan Institute of Metals (日本金属学会)
628298 International Medical Journal 1341-2051 Japan International Cultural Exchange Foundation JICEF
129185 Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering 1880-0688 Japan Laser Processing Society
13769 Haigan 0386-9628 Japan Lung Cancer Society, The
12352 Cytologia 0011-4545 Japan Mendel Society
1826 The Nonprofit Review 1346-4116 Japan NPO Research Association (JANPORA)
1805 Neurologia Medico-Chirurgica 0470-8105 Japan Neurosurgical Society
39691 Journal of oleo science 1345-8957 Japan Oil Chemists Society
16556 Suizo / Journal of the Japan Pancreas Society; J JPN PANC SOC 0913-0071 Japan Pancreas Society
1583 Journal of the Japan Petroleum Institute 1346-8804 Japan Petroleum Institute