Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
7111 Midwest Quarterly -Pittsburg 0026-3451 Pittsburg State University
51990 Bulletin of Carnegie Museum of Natural History 0145-9058 Pittsburgh : Carnegie Museum of Natural History
21379 Research Communications in Molecular Pathology and Pharmacology 1078-0297 Pjd Publications, Ltd
6936 Managerial Planning 0025-1941 Planning Executives Institute
164262 Plant Archives 0972-5210 Plant Archives
40188 Quarterly (Plant Growth Regulator Society of America) 1042-3524 Plant Growth Regulation Society of America
38328 Applied Turfgrass Science 1552-5821 Plant Management Network International
38703 Crop Management 1543-7833 Plant Management Network International
39061 Forage and Grazinglands 1547-4631 Plant Management Network International
40228 Plant health progress 1535-1025 Plant Management Network International
114848 Planum, the journal of urbanism 1723-0993 Planum Association
78664 Planète Sciences 1765-727X Planète Sciences
7832 Plastics Design & Processing 0032-1176 Plastics Design & Processing
7831 Plastics & Rubber International 0309-4561 Plastics and Rubber Institute
118342 Notos - Espaces de la création : arts, écritures, utopies Plateforme NUMEREV
161926 Place 2650-1163 Plateforme Place
84353 Rhuthmos : Plateforme internationale et transdisciplinaire de recherche sur les rythmes dans les sciences, les philosophies et les arts Plateforme Rhuthmos / Editions Rhuthmos
181498 Les Fiches du Petit Quotidien 2426-7562 Play bac presse : Paris
130964 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 1995-0802 Pleiades Publishing
129166 Protection of Metals and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces 2070-2051 Pleiades Publishing
2641 Advances in human genetics 0065-275X Plenum Publishing
4653 Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Change 1059-0137 Plenum Publishing Corp
159435 Work Organisation, Labour & Globalisation 1745-641X Pluto Journals
7848 Pnla Quarterly 0030-8188 Pnla Quarterly
7699 Parnassus Poetry in Review 0048-3028 Poetry in Review Foundation
7852 Poets & Writers 0891-6136 Poets & Writers, Inc
3988 The Coevolution quarterly 0095-134X Point
9280 Whole earth review 0749-5056 Point
83513 La Revue des 1776-0887 Points de fuite multimédia, 1998
120124 Atlas of Genetics and Cytogenetics in Oncology and Haematology 1768-3262 Poitiers : Atlas of genetics and cytogenetics in oncology and haematology
110099 Poli - Politique de l'Image 2104-2195 Poli éditions
38425 Benefits -Nottingham 0962-7898 Policy Press
13158 Evidence and Policy 1744-2648 Policy Press
181707 International Journal of Care and Caring 2397-8821 Policy Press
18088 Policy and Politics 0305-5736 Policy Press
1002 Horizons 1487-7090 Policy Research Initiative, Government of Canada
4244 Creativity Plus 1527-0378 Policy Studies Organization
4388 Developmental Policy 1541-4566 Policy Studies Organization
141404 International journal on criminology 2333-9861 Policy Studies Organization
7713 Peace, Prosperity & Democracy 1533-1636 Policy Studies Organization
7857 Policy Evaluation 1524-3273 Policy Studies Organization
7860 Policy Studies Review 0278-4416 Policy Studies Organization
147344 European Policy Analysis Policy Studies Organization (PSO)
36417 Applicationes Mathematicae 1233-7234 Polish Academy of Sciences
22930 Archives of Control Sciences Polish Academy of Sciences
54159 Archives of Electrical Engineering 1427-4221 Polish Academy of Sciences
76952 Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences 2300-1917 Polish Academy of Sciences
27967 Computational Methods in Science and Technology 1505-0602 Polish Academy of Sciences
105315 Computer Assisted Methods in Engineering and Science 2299-3649 Polish Academy of Sciences
20872 Control and Cybernetics Polish Academy of Sciences
22232 Folia Biologica -Krakow 0015-5497 Polish Academy of Sciences
108087 Metrology and Measurement Systems / Metrologia i Systemy Pomiarowe 0860-8229 Polish Academy of Sciences
1862 Oceanologia 0078-3234 Polish Academy of Sciences
1967 Polish journal of pharmacology and pharmacy 0301-0244 Polish Academy of Sciences
169565 Acta Archaeologica Carpathica 0001-5229 Polish Academy of Sciences - Cracow Branch Commission of Archaeology
20020 Acta Physica Polonica A 0587-4246 Polish Academy of Sciences. Institute of Physics
56534 Acta zoologica cracoviensia 0065-1710 Polish Academy of Sciences. Institute of Systematics and Evolution of Animals
129835 Acta Theriologica 0001-7051 Polish Academy of Sciences. Mammal Research Institute
156204 Hydroacoustics 1642-1817 Polish Acoustical Society, Gdansk Department
764 Electronic Journal of Polish Agricultural Universities 1505-0297 Polish Agricultural Schools of Higher Education
116806 Acta Agrobotanica Polish Botanical Society
1964 Kardiologia Polska 0022-9032 Polish Cardiac Society
61706 Volumina Jurassica 1731-3708 Polish Geological Institute
748806 Annals of Computer Science and Information Systems Polish Information Processing Society
148639 Ekspolatacja i Niezawodnosc - Maintenance and Reliability 1507-2711 Polish Maintenance Society
62497 Studies in Physical Culture and Tourism 0867-1079 Polish Scientific Publ
169080 Archives of Acoustics 0137-5075 Polish Scientific Publishers
42628 Archives of Mechanics 0373-2029 Polish Scientific Publishers Pwn
390564 Journal of Ecological Engineering Polish Society of Ecological Engineering
131274 Diagnostyka 1641-6414 Polish Society of Technical Diagnostics (PSTD)
117789 Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 1429-2955 Polish Society of theoretical and applied Mechanics
120703 Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae 0001-6977 Polish botanical society
20834 The Journal of juristic papyrology Polish scientific publishers
108189 Scientific Bulletin - "Politehnica" University of Bucharest. Series D, Mechanical engineering 1454-2358 Politechnica University of Bucharest
72139 Plurimondi 1129-4469 Politecnico di Bari
166864 Ingegneria sismica - International Journal of Earthquake Engineering 0393-1420 Politecnico di Milano
148033 Journal of Electrical Engineering 1582-4594 Politehnica Publishing House
133314 Passés Futurs Politika / LabEx Tepsis
114074 Politique internationale 0221-2781 Politique internationale
119651 Politis 1290-5550 Politis
40244 Polling Report 0887-171X Polling Report Inc
112287 Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny 0023-5911 Polska Akademia Nauk
628 Dendrobiology 1641-1307 Polska Akademia Nauk, Instytut Dendrologii
118386 Wieś i Rolnictwo 0137-1673 Polska Akademia Nauk, Instytut Rozwoju Wsi i Rolnictwa
178633 Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa / Problems of the Science of Science 0044-1619 Polska Akademia Nauk, Komitet Naukoznawstwa
829105 World Art Studies 2543-4624 Polski Instytut Studiów nad Sztuką Świata
120471 Sylwan 0039-7660 Polskie Naukowe Towarzystwo Leśne
20891 Fundamenta Informaticae 0169-2968 Polskie Towarzystwo Matematyczne
21414 Psychiatria Polska 0033-2674 Polskie Towarzystwo Psychiatryczne
22231 Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica 0239-8508 Polskiego Towarzystwa Histochemików i Cytochemików (Polish Histochemical and Cytochemical Society)
38493 Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences - Mathematics 0239-7269 Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Instytut Matematyczny
49 Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 0567-7920 Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Instytut Paleobiologii
40686 T&T International 1369-3999 Polygon Media Ltd
40783 TTJ (Timber Trades Journal) 1463-032X Polygon Media Ltd
1969 Polylog : Forum for Intercultural Philosophy 1616-2943 Polylog e.V
49380 Markov Processes And Related Fields 1024-2953 Polymat Publishing Company
586633 Plant Protection Quarterly 0815-2195 Polymeria Publishing
104334 University Polytechnica of Bucharest Scientific Bulletin, Series B Chemistry and Materials Sciences 1454-2331 Polytechnic University of Bucharest
138017 International Journal of South Asian Studies 0974-2514 Pondicherry University
1098 Ingenieria y Universidad 0123-2126 Pontifica Universidad Javeriana, Faculty of Science