Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
160832 LAPASEC 9783868217896 Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier
160833 The European Spectator 2265-5271 Presses Universitaires de la Médittérannée
160836 Cellular Microbiology 1462-5822
160837 Bulletin de l'Association des Amis de Giono
160839 The Journal of comparative neurology 1096-9861
160840 Journal of Sleep Disorders and Medical Care 2577-882X
160843 Le penser pompier
160844 COVIDAM : la Covid-19 dans les Amériques
160854 24th IMEKO TC4 International Symposium 22nd International Workshop on ADC and DAC Modelling and Testing IMEKO TC-4 2020
160856 Goethe-Jahrbuch Wallstein
160857 Quaderni Norensi 2280-983X Padova University Press
160864 Doctissimus
160865 Postharvest Biology and Technology Postharvest Biology and Technology
160867 Inl'rared Phys. Technol
160874 J Cell Mol Med
160882 Protocole National de Diagnostic et de Soins (PNDS) Hémophilie
160883 Publications des Archives nationales
160888 Britannica 1085-9721 Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc
160892 Front. Environ. Sci
160899 J. Clin. Psychiatry
160909 The Economics of Peace and Security Journal 1749-852X EPS Publishing for Economists for Peace and Security
160936 Annals of Medicine
160937 Resoscmf 
160938 Journal de Parodontologie et d'Implantologie Orale
160939 Resoscmf
160940 Revue Africaine d’Environnement et d’Agriculture
160941 Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences
160942 Page19. Bulletin des doctorants du Centre de recherche en Histoire du XIXe siècle
160945 Journal - American Water Works Association
160948 Iranian Distance Education Journal 2676-7775 Payam Noor University
160949 Les Etudes Hospitalières
160950 Mélanges en l’honneur de Francis Kernaleguen Presses universitaires de Rennes - PUR
160961 Comparative Analysis of Ralstonia solanacearum Methylomes. Front. Plant Sci
160963 American Book Review 39.1 (November/December 2017): 13; 29
160968 Les Cahiers de la qualité Lexitis
160974 Fractional Differential Calculus 1847-9677
160980 Mining Electromechanics and Automatics 0201-7814 State Higher Educational Institution "National Mining University
160989 Pénélope 0240-9453
160994 International Journal of Product Lifecycle Management 1743-5129
160995 Chiropractic & Manual Therapies
160998 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine
160999 Journ. soc
161005 Journal of Nursing & Care 2167-1168
161011 L'hippocampe 1624-6683
161013 Peter-Weiss-Jahrbuch Röhrig
161014 Consorseguros Consorcio de Compensación de Seguros
161019 Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability 1052-6188 Pleiades Publishing
161020 KI - Künstliche Intelligenz 0933-1875 Springer Nature
161024 Breast cancer research : BCR BioMed Central Ltd
161040 Télévision CNRS
161066 Revue algérien de la sécurité et développement 2600-6928
161067 Revue du développement humain 2602-6686
161074 Risk in Contemporary Economy
161076 The Biological Bulletin 0006-3185 The university of Chicago Press Journals
161080 Phys.Lett
161081 International Journal of Computer Techniques
161083 Travel Behaviour and Society
161084 International Journal of Nuclear Energy Science and Technology
161085 Chemical Engineering Science
161086 Eksploatacja i Niezawodnosc
161088 Bioenergetics Communications
161093 IWGO-Newsletter
161098 China city planning review 1002-8447 City Planning Section of China Architectural Society and China Academy of Urban Planning and Design
161099 Web Intelligence and Agent Systems: An International Journal
161103 Sistema salute 2280-0166 Università di Perugia Centro sperimentale per l'educazione sanitaria
161113 Bulletin cartésien
161118 Journal of Applied Logics: The IfCoLog Journal of Logics and their Applications 2631-9810
161123 Initiative communiste 1321-3513
161126 MitoFit Preprint Archives
161138 Les Études hospitalières
161151 Paradigmes Université Kasdi Merbah, Ouargla
161153 Filigrane
161155 Kansai University Reports 0453-2198 Kansai University
161156 Les Cahiers de l’Institut International pour l’Innovation, la Création Artistique et la Recherche icareditions
161159 Talanta Open
161162 EUROPAEA, Journal of the Europeanists
161165 Hobo
161172 Sensors - special issue "Sensor Data Fusion for Autonomous and Connected Driving
161179 L'Année gérontologique 0990-2295
161180 Applications of Mathematics and Informatics in Natural Sciences and Engineering
161183 L’entreprise multinationale et le droit international éd. Pédone
161190 Repenser les biens communs éd. CNRS
161193 Pop'Sciences 2680-5987 Université de Lyon
161194 Actes des Premières Rencontres Nationales Petits Mammifères
161196 Boukan - le courrier ultramarin Une saison en Guyane
161203 Le Cercle des Travailleurs de La Garde-Freinet
161207 International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences 2664-7125 International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences
161208 Juristische Studiengesellschaft Karlsruhe 0447-1806 CF Müller
161209 Atti Soc. Nat. Mat. Modena 0365-7027
161210 Journal of Biomedical Physics and Engineering
161211 Dialogos 1351-0355 Frank Cass
161217 Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
161218 Mediações 2176-6665 Universidade de Londrina
161221 Bull. Trim. Soc. Géol. Normandie et Amis du Museum du Havre
161222 Palaeoecology, Palaeography, Palaeoclimatology
161229 Operative Neurosurgery
161231 Prevenir c'est changer®
161233 International Journal of Arts, Humanities & Social Science
161236 Cinephile. The university of British Columbia's Film Journal Morgan Harper, Zoë Laks
161241 Cultural Trends
161245 Trends in genetics: TIG
161272 Questões Transversais – Revista de Epistemologias da Comunicação 2318-6372 Unisinos
161273 Études à la mémoire de Philippe Neau-Leduc - Le juriste dans la cité éd. LGDJ
161274 Quarks, Brazilian Electronic Journal of Physics 2674-9688
161288 Personal and Ubiquitous Computing
161289 Multimedia Systems
161290 International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering (IJITWE)
161291 IET Software
161298 Catalysis Letters
161303 Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Machine Learning
161312 Medycyna Paliatywna
161315 Journal of Palynology Palynological Society of India
161317 SubStance
161318 International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology (IJBET)
161321 Bioethica Forum. Journal suisse d’éthique biomédicale
161325 Régal 1769-3977 Uni-médias, Paris (FR)
161330 Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering Fusuo Zhan
161335 European Conference on Computer Vision
161336 International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews
161341 Radiotherapy Oncology
161350 Journal of Royal Society Interface
161351 Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering
161354 Computer Methods in Materials Science
161355 Proc. Nati. Acad. Sci. USA
161357 Liaisons, Bulletin d'information du consistoire israélite de la Moselle Consistoire Israélite de la Moselle
161359 Metáfora. Revista de literatura y análisis del discurso 2617-4839 Asociación Peruana de Retórica
161375 Journal of Politics and Society
161384 Gesprächsforschung: Online-Zeitschrift zur verbalen Interaktion 1617-1837
161385 Geprächsforchung: Online-Zeitschrift zur verbalen Interaktion 1617-1837
161392 Le Philosophoire
161401 Journal of Nanjing University of Science and Technology
161402 International Molinology
161409 K. Revue trans-européenne de philosophie et arts 2609-2484 Laboratoire Cecille - Université de Lille
161413 Tekipaki 2729-465X
161415 Journal of Aviation Research 2687-3338 Maltepe University
161422 L'Avventura. International Journal of Italian Film and Media Landscape 2421-6496 Il Mulino (Bologna)
161424 Eminds – International Journal of Human Computer Interaction Universidad de Oviedo
161426 La semaine de Nancy
161436 La Presse Médicale Formation
161439 Taqralik 2562-3206 Makivik corporation
161443 Graphè
161448 Iles d'Imesli 2170-113X Université Mouloud Mammeri de Tizi-Ouzou
161455 Green Chemistry
161457 Energy Science & Engineering
161462 Rev. Integr. Bus. Econ. Res
161479 Quaderns de la Mediterrania 1577-9297 IEMed
161482 The Palaeobotanist Birbal Sahni Institute Of Palaeobotany, Lucknow
161483 Compositae Newsletter Department of Phanerogamic Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History, Sweden
161487 Analele stiintifice ale Universitatii "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" din Iasi - seria Geografie 1223-5334
161499 Text+Kritik 0040-5329 edition text + kritik
161501 Assessment in Physical Activity and Sport (REAPS)
161504 échos de theatre RADAC
161505 Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (JESTEC) 1823-4690
161507 chroniques féministes 0774-3432 Université des femmes
161511 Journal of Information Security 2153-1242 Scientific Research Publishing (SCIRP)
161514 Miríada: Investigación en Ciencias Sociales 2469-1178 Universidad del Salvador
161518 Morocco World News
161520 Le Cormoran GONm - Groupe Ornithologique Normand
161527 Les grandes conclusions du Parquet général Cour de cassation, éd. Panthéon-Assas
161534 GSRL
161536 Forum du développement territorial 1660-6248 Office fédéral du développement territorial (ARE)
161538 Politique internationale 0221-2781
161543 American Journal of Political Science 0092-5853
161545 Relations 0034-3781
161547 Intern. J. Neuroscience
161548 Politique africaine 0244-7827
161549 International Politics 1384-5748
159474 META Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 2067-3655
159476 British Computer Society's Computer Journal
159480 Bulletin de l'Association des sédimentologistes Français
159486 International Journal of Recent Scientific Research International Journal of Recent Scientific Research
159487 Cuadernos de literatura comparada
159490 International journal of communication networks and distributed systems (IJCNDS) 1754-3924
159491 Patrimoine restauré en Région Centre 1275-451X Ministère de la Culture
159493 Prehistoria alpina
159499 Basic research in cardiology
159500 Therapeutic advances in gastroenterology
159506 International Journal of Communication Systems 1099-1131
159508 Clin Nutr
159509 Expert opinion on drug metabolism & toxicology
159510 Journal of geriatric oncology
159512 Int. J. Mol. Sci
159513 The Journal of cardiovascular surgery
159515 Allergologia et immunopathologia
159520 Journal of pediatric hematology/oncology
159523 Papyrus 0903-4714 Dansk Ægyptologisk Selskab
159524 Publication of the International Union Against Cancer
159525 Kush-Journal of the National Corporation for Antiquities and Museums National Corporation for Antiquities and Museums, Sudan
159526 История, археология и этнография Кавказа 2618-849X Дагестанский федеральный исследовательский центр РАН,
159528 International Workshop of Advanced Manufacturing and Automation
159532 Ideas for India
159533 West African Journal of Applied Ecology
159537 Medievalis 2316-5442 Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ
159538 Digital Icons 2043-7633 University of Leeds