Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
145753 Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska. Sectio AAA, Physica 2300-7559 Gruyter Open, Wydawnictwo UMCS
145760 Anthropologie
145762 Journal of Palaeogeography-English
145764 Zeitschrift für Ausländerrecht und Ausländerpolitik 0721-5746 Nomos
145765 Delivrable HYTECH
145768 Interoperable communication networks journal
145773 Journal of Paleolimnology
145775 EMC - Medicina Riabilitativa 1283-078X
145776 EMC - Kinesiterapia - Medicina Física 1293-2965
145777 Geoscience Communication Discussions 2569-7439 EGU – European Geosciences Union
145784 F1000Research
145785 InPress
145786 Audiology and Neurotology
145793 Journal of Nuclear Cardiology
145796 Neuroscience
145797 Trends in Cognitive Sciences
145801 Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics
145807 Médecine Nucléaire
145810 Journal of Neurosurgery
145811 Revue Francophone dtextquotesingleOrthoptie
145812 LtextquotesingleEncéphale
145813 Language, Cognition and Neuroscience
145814 The International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging
145815 British Journal of Psychology
145816 Psychological Research
145823 MDPI Proceedings 2504-3900 MDPI
145825 The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis 0886-9367
145826 Réflexions 2320-0677 English and Foreign Language University Press
145829 Calcium Signaling 2373-1168
145834 Molecular and Cellular Aspects of the Serpinopathies and Disorders in Serpin Activity
145835 Regards sur la biochimie
145838 Progress in clinical and biological research
145840 International Journal of Neonatal Screening
145841 EOS 0012-7825 Societas philologica Polonorum
145842 Cahiers du RITM Université de Nanterre Paris X - Publidix
145843 The Linnean The Society's Biannual Newsletter for Fellows The Linnean Society
145844 Journal of Ancient Civilizations 1004-9371 The Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations, Northeast Normal University, Changchun
145846 Apuntes estratégicos 2683-8257 Universidad Nacional de Rosario
145849 Revista Legislativa, de Estudios Sociales y De Opinión Pública 2007-1531 CESOP, Camara de diputados, Mexico
145851 Hydrological Processes
145853 Water Resources Research
145857 Chorégraphie. Rivista di ricerca sulla danza
145860 Kotoba to Mozi 日本のローマ字社
145863 The Current, Newsletter of the Island and Coastal archaeology Interest Group,
145864 Current Psychology Letters: Behaviour, Brain & Cognition 1376-2095 De Boeck Université
145869 Chorégraphie. Studi e ricerche sulla danza
145871 SEA scieNtific Open data Edition
145872 Estudios Políticos (Medellín) 0121-5167
145873 apuntes electorales IEEM 1665-0921 Instituto Electoral del Estado de México
145875 Culture Com' FLSH - Université Catholique de Lille
145877 Journal on Vehicle Routing Algorithms 2367-3591
145878 France Tennis de Table Magazine 0984-421X Fédération française de tennis de table
145879 Quaderno di storia contemporanea 1122-536X Istituto per la storia della Resistenza e della Società Contemporanea in provincia di Alessandria “CARLO GILARDENGHI”
145882 Revista Ibero-Americana de Ciência da Informação
145885 Neuroscience of Consciousness
145892 Schizophrenia Research: Cognition
145893 Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery
145897 International Journal of Radiation OncologyastBiologyastPhysics
145899 Annales Françaises dtextquotesingleAnesthésie et de Réanimation
145900 Journal of Comparative Neurology
145909 Open Journal of Humanities 2612-6966 Universitas Studiorum
145924 Eurostudia 1718-8946
145929 Studia theodisca 2385-2917 Fausto Cercigniani
145930 Islamochristiana 0392-7288
145932 International Journal of Hypertension 2090-0384
145934 Décideur Public
145936 Le Point Pop 2607-3730 SEBDO Le Point
145947 International Journal of Rapid Solidification 0265-0916 A B Academic Publishers
145954 Chimica Techno Acta 2409-5613
145957 Clinical Lymphoma Myeloma and Leukemia 2152-2650
145963 European Space Agency Voyage 2050 white paper
145976 Sieteculebras 1856-7983 Mario Guevara Paredes
145982 The Open Book Series 2329-9061
145988 Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences
145989 Naturwissenschaften
145992 Nuova atletica dal Friuli, Ricerca in Scienze dello Sport
145993 Proteste : revue trimestrielle d'information et de réflexion de la Fédération de l'entraide protestante 1637-5971 Fédération entraide protestante
145994 Fish & Shellfish Immunology 1050-4648
145996 Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy
146005 Reports on Geodesy and Geoinformatics
146006 Bulletin of Geosciences
146008 Studies in Church History 0424-2084
146012 International Clinical Psychopharmacology 1473-5857
146029 Anecdota - Rare texts and images from early modern France
146030 Matters 2297-8240 Science Matters
146031 Asia Maior - The Journal of the Italian Think Tank on Asia founded by Giorgio Borsa in 1989 2612-6680
146032 Revue de Médecine Subaquatique et Hyperbare
146033 Baltic Journal of Sport and Health Sciences 2080-9999
146034 Celebratio Mathematica
146041 Advance Sage
146042 Independent Journal of Management & Production 2236-269X
146046 Revista de literatura 0034-849X
146054 International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials
146055 Materials Research Society
146060 ELCVIA Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis
146061 Bulletin du Groupe d’Étude des Mammifères de Lorraine 2117-4482 Groupe d’Étude des Mammifères de Lorraine
146062 Migraciones 2341-0833
146065 NIPS Proceedings
146066 Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 1543-1940
146067 Radiochimica Acta
146068 delivrable hythec
146069 Revue Europeenne de Genie Civil
146070 ESA-SP
146072 Canadian Journal of Chemistry
146077 International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design 1573-8841
146079 African humanities review 2413-5909
146081 Cogent Environmental Science
146084 Presença Pedagógica
146085 IEEE OCEANS 2019 IEEE
146088 Journal of Special Operations Medicine 1553-9768
146089 Ciência da Informação em Revista 2358-0763
146094 Mind and Language
146099 Journal of earthquake engineering and structural dynamics
146100 Mathematics of Computations
146108 journal of alloy and compounds
146110 Optometry and Vision Science 1538-9235
146113 Journal of Attention Disorders 1557-1246
146114 Revue du patrimoine du Muretain 1629-937X
146117 La Charte 1269-472X Fédération André Maginot
144993 Eur.Phys.J.ST
144998 Int.J.Med.Nano Res
144999 Rapid Commun.Mass Spectr
145000 Chemical Engineering Science: X 2590-1400
145002 Le Journal de Culture & Démocratie Culture & Démocratie
145005 L'agrégation Société des agrégés de l'enseignement secondaire
145014 Cerâmica
145019 LSE - The London School of Economics and Political Science - EUROPP
145022 Chanoyu Quarterly 0009-1537 Urasenke Foundation of Kyoto, Japan
145023 Carnets du CERPAC université Paul Valéry Montpellier
145024 Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
145025 Cahiers du GRIC- YHI L'Harmattan
145036 Journal of Applied Surfaces and Interfaces
145047 SCIREA Journal of Electrical Engineering
145049 Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing
145061 Colligere 2556-6989 Collège de France
145069 Fundamental and Applied Limnology / Archiv für Hydrobiologie 1863-9135
145073 Les Carnets de l'Alliance Française en Pologne AF Pologne
145074 Journal of Geovisualization and Spatial Analysis 2509-8810
145076 Recherches germaniques 0399-1989
145077 Immunobiology 1878-3279
145079 Patrimoine Environnement Patrimoine Environnement LUR-FNASSEM
145080 Health and Environment
145081 Publications du LMA 1159-0947 Laboratoire de Mécanique et d'Acoustique
145105 Financial Reporting 2036-671X
145106 Scholarpedia 0001-0011
145109 The Journal of Prices & Markets 2291-6172
145128 Bruker Report
145129 npj Flexible Electronics
145130 Les journaux de guerre. Algérie 1954-1962 BNF
145131 Plein Sud, Journal de l'Université de Paris-Sud (XI) Université de Paris-Sud (XI)
145132 Lettre du Département des Sciences Chimiques du CNRS CNRS
145138 Bodo's Power System Bodo Arlt
145143 Results in Materials 2590-048X
145146 IUPHAR/BPS Guide to Pharmacology CITE
145148 L'Année Gérontologique 1288-7854
145159 African Journal of Herpetology 2156-4574
145170 Scientific American
145171 Ichnos-an International Journal for Plant and Animal Traces
145172 Annales de Paléontologie
145176 Geological Society of America Bulletin
145178 Geologica Acta
145179 Facies
145182 American Studies in Scandinavia Nordic Association for American Studies
145183 Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis 1383-5718
145184 Current Objectives of Postgraduate American Studies 1861-6127 The University of Regensburg
145188 Journal of Applied Chemical Science 2395-3705 Bengi Uslu, Ankara University, Turkey
145189 OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America)
145190 Proceedings of ICALEO 2019
145192 Geoinformatics & Geostatistics: An Overview
145194 Scientific & Academic Publishing 2163-2677
145195 IJRRAS
145196 Plasma Physics and Technology XX
145197 Agalma 1723-0284 Mimesis
145199 ChemBioEng Reviews
145200 Geofizičeskij žurnal 0203-3100
145204 Management Prisma Media
145205 Bulletin de la Société de Géographie de Marseille
145206 SCEaR Newsletter UNESCO
145209 Cahiers pédagogiques
145212 Journal of Consumer Culture
145442 Meltem. Izmir akdeniz akademisi dergisi 2602-2508
145444 Global Geology
145445 Norwegian Journal of Geology
145446 Island Arc
145447 Palaeontology
145449 Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition
145451 Seismological Research Letters
145453 Collection "Les Regards sur la sécurité industrielle 2268-4174 Fondation pour une culture de sécurité industrielle (FONCSI)
145454 Chinese Teaching in the World 1002-5804 Beijing Language University
145456 Sosiologia 0038-1640 Westermarck-seura
145459 Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering 2328-2142
145460 Jungle World
145463 Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie : international journal of medical microbiology 0934-8840
145464 Annales de l'Institut Pasteur / Microbiologie 0769-2609
145465 Journal of architecture and planning -Nihon Kenchiku Gakkai keikakukei ronbunshū 1881-8161 Tōkyō Gakkai
145466 Klaxon 2295-5585 CIFAS
145467 Gakujutsu kōen kōgai-shū Nihon Kenchiku Gakkai
145469 G.I.T. Journal Laboratory Europ
145470 Archiv Weltmuseum Wien 0066-6513 Verein Freunde der Völkerkunde