Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
154687 International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development Taylor & Francis
5661 International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 0309-1317 Wiley
39453 International Journal of Urological Nursing 1749-7707 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
14759 International Journal of Urology 0919-8172 Wiley
107003 International Journal of Urology
63257 International Journal of VLSI Design
14760 International Journal of Value Chain Management 1741-5357 Inderscience
14761 International Journal of Value-Based Management 0895-8815 Springer Verlag
492124 International Journal of Vascular Medicine 2090-2824
14762 International Journal of Vehicle Autonomous Systems 1471-0226 Inderscience
54537 International Journal of Vehicle Autonomous Systems (IJVAS)
14763 International Journal of Vehicle Design 0143-3369 Inderscience
84596 International Journal of Vehicle Design (IJVD)
14764 International Journal of Vehicle Information and Communication Systems 1471-0242 Inderscience
14765 International Journal of Vehicle Noise and Vibration 1479-1471 Inderscience
14766 International Journal of Vehicle Safety 1479-3105 Inderscience
132778 International Journal of Vehicle Structures & Systems 0975-3060 Maftree
14767 International Journal of Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing 1745-6436 Inderscience
134423 International Journal of Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing
78930 International Journal of Vehicular Technology 1687-5702 Hindawi Publishing Corporation
160414 International Journal of Veterinary Science and Medicine Taylor & Francis Online
71773 International Journal of Vine and Wine Sciences
55998 International Journal of Violence and Schools 1778-4387 Bordeaux: International observatory on violence in school
122375 International Journal of Virtual Reality IPI Press
174429 International Journal of Virtual Reality
159236 International Journal of Vocational Education and Training Research 2469-8180 Science Publishing Group
14768 International Journal of Water 1465-6620 Inderscience
178097 International Journal of Water Governance
14769 International Journal of Water Resources Development 0790-0627 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
174835 International Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering 2141-6613 Academic Journals
91527 International Journal of Water Resources and Environmental Management
14770 International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing 0219-6913 World Scientific Publishing
23023 International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution, and Information Processing
96397 International Journal of Web Applications
111462 International Journal of Web Applications 0974-7710 International Journal of Web Applications
14772 International Journal of Web Based Communities 1477-8394 Inderscience
14773 International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology 1476-1289 Inderscience
116291 International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology
108868 International Journal of Web Information Systems 1744-0084 Emerald Publishing Limited
115344 International Journal of Web Information Systems
70395 International Journal of Web Information Systems (IJWIS)
126153 International Journal of Web Intelligence
68323 International Journal of Web Portals 1938-0194 IGI Global
875568 International Journal of Web Science 1757-8795
117691 International Journal of Web Services Practices 1738-6535
107087 International Journal of Web Services Research 1545-7362 Idea Group Pub
14771 International Journal of Web and Grid Services 1741-1106 Inderscience
39454 International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies 1548-1093 IGI Global
88097 International Journal of West Asian Studies
1188 International Journal of Whole Schooling 1710-2146 Whole Schooling Press
14774 International Journal of Wildland Fire 1049-8001 CSIRO Publishing
62329 International Journal of Wildland Fire
116634 International Journal of Wine Business Research 1751-1062
64361 International Journal of Wine Business Research
14775 International Journal of Wine Marketing 0954-7541 Emerald
14777 International Journal of Wireless Information Networks 1068-9605 Springer Verlag
682414 International Journal of Wireless Networks and Broadband Technologies 2155-6261
103594 International Journal of Wireless Networks and Broadband Technologies
14776 International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing 1741-1084 Inderscience
112290 International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing (IJWMC)
84587 International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing, Inderscience
150022 International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Networks AIRCC Publishing Corporation
178455 International Journal of Women's Dermatology 2352-6475
111470 International Journal of Women's Dermatology
112451 International Journal of Women's Health dove press
578769 International Journal of Women’s Health
173545 International Journal of Wood Culture 2772-3186 Brill
116740 International Journal of Work Innovation 2043-9032 Inderscience
14778 International Journal of Work Organisation and Emotion 1740-8938 Inderscience
177471 International Journal of Workplace Health Management 1753-8351
33912 International Journal of Wrashworthiness
145398 International Journal of Wrestling Science
117719 International Journal of Youth Economy 2537-0243 Natural Sciences Publishing
1189 International Journal of Zoological Research 1811-9778 Academic Journals, New York
110327 International Journal of Zoology 1687-8477 Hindawi Publishing Corporation
139338 International Journal of Zoology Studies 2455-7269 International Journal of Zoology Studies (IJZS)
84322 International Journal of and Regional Development
96606 International Journal of applied and fundamental research. Publishing House "Academy of Natural Sciences" (Penza, Russia)/ Международный журнал прикладных и фундаментальных исследований. Издательский Дом "Академия Естествознания" (Пенза)
46947 International Journal of bioelectromagnetism 1456-7865 International Society for Bioelectromagnetism
132448 International Journal of circuit theory and applications
101469 International Journal of climate change strategies and management emerald group publishing limited
88752 International Journal of computer & Technology (IJCT)
47712 International Journal of computer and their applications
30076 International Journal of computers-aided Engineering Software
107485 International Journal of e-Collaboration 1548-3673 IGI Publishing
146960 International Journal of e-Education, e-Business, e-Management and e-Learning 2010-3654
101210 International Journal of e-Politics 1947-9131 IGI Global
84586 International Journal of eHealth and Medical Communications
128689 International Journal of finance 1041-2743
82908 International Journal of future Generation Communication and Networking
58830 International Journal of nanoelctronics and materials
61392 International Journal of pharmaceuticsarmaceutics
79637 International Journal of research and Reviews in Applied Sciences 2076-734X ARPA Press
930586 International Journal of sub-Saharan African Research (IJSSAR) 3043-4467
105980 International Journal of the Analytic Hierarchy Process Creative Decisions Foundation
72443 International Journal of the Asian Philosophical Association
137929 International Journal of the Bioflux Society
39447 International Journal of the Book 1447-9516 Common Ground Publishing
39448 International Journal of the Classical Tradition 1073-0508 Springer Verlag
126530 International Journal of the Commons 1875-0281 International Association for the Study of the Commons (IASC)
62658 International Journal of the Computer, the Internet and Management - IJCIM
103725 International Journal of the Digital Human 2046-3375 Inderscience
94014 International Journal of the Economics of Buisness
14744 International Journal of the Economics of Business 1357-1516 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
143076 International Journal of the Economics of Business
48045 International Journal of the Economics of Business
73834 International Journal of the EuMA (European Microwave Association)
19487 International Journal of the History of Sport 0952-3367 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
39449 International Journal of the Humanities 1447-9508 Common Ground Publishing
14745 International Journal of the Legal Profession 0969-5958 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
66591 International Journal of the Physical Sciences
78987 International Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan (JRSJ)
492328 International Journal of the Society of Iranian Archaeologists 2423-3412 Tarbiat Modares University
133008 International Journal of the Sociology of Agriculture and Food
14746 International Journal of the Sociology of Language 0165-2516 De Gruyter
5660 International Journal of the Sociology of Law 0194-6595 Elsevier
154037 International Journal of the Sociology of Leisure 2520-8683 RC13 Sociology of Leisure (ISA).
65149 International Journal of vehicule design
47711 International Journal of web information systems Emerald
81215 International Journal of Žižek Studies
170746 International Journal of …
570483 International Journal of. Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications 2150-7988 IJCISIM
62132 International Journal on Adaptive Control and Signal Processing
171097 International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology 2460-6952 INSIGHT - Indonesian Society for Knowledge and Human Development
88548 International Journal on Advanced in telecommunications
94561 International Journal on Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences (AISS)
78747 International Journal on Advances in Network and Services
115519 International Journal on Advances in Software (IJAS)
105834 International Journal on Advances in Telecommunication
86159 International Journal on Advences in Networks Services
14779 International Journal on Algae 1521-9429 Begell House
488967 International Journal on Applied Physics and Engineering 2945-0489
14343 International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 0218-2130 World Scientific Publishing
171625 International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 0218-2130
116155 International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools
77472 International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools (IJAIT)
52142 International Journal on Bioinformatics Engineering (IJBE)
916810 International Journal on Biomedicine and Healthcare 1805-8698 International Journal on Biomedicine and Healthcare [2013-....]
88324 International Journal on Communications Antenna & Propagation
71928 International Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation 2039-5086 Praise Worthy Prize
530770 International Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation
136187 International Journal on Computational Science & Applications 2200-0011
98043 International Journal on Computational Sciences & Applications 2200-0011 AIRCC
56222 International Journal on Computer Network and Internet Research
411365 International Journal on Computer Network and Internet Research (CNIR)
71569 International Journal on Computer Science and Information Systems. Special Issue "Users and Information Systems
112254 International Journal on Cryptography and Information Security
63163 International Journal on Design Automation for Embedded Systems
12705 International Journal on Digital Libraries 1432-5012 Springer Verlag
44266 International Journal on Document Analysis and & Recognition
12645 International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition 1433-2833 Springer Verlag
129215 International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition
66000 International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR)
5662 International Journal on E-Learning 1537-2456 Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education
42744 International Journal on E-Learning (IJEL) Association for the Advancement in Computing in Education (AACE)
116821 International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics 2085-6830 School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
129929 International Journal on Emerging Mathematics Education 2549-4996 Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
164256 International Journal on Emerging Technologies 0975-8364 Research Trend
88583 International Journal on Energy Conversion
169863 International Journal on Energy Conversion (IRECON)
92795 International Journal on Engineering Applications
93387 International Journal on Engineering Applications (IREA)
41090 International Journal on Engineering-Based Fire Codes
55504 International Journal on Finite Volumes 1634-0655 Institut de Mathématiques de Marseille, AMU
75289 International Journal on Food System Dynamics
60246 International Journal on Fundations of Computer Science
60517 International Journal on Graphics, Vision and Image Processing
14780 International Journal on Grey Literature 1466-6189 Emerald
116192 International Journal on Human Machine Interaction
234080 International Journal on Humanistic Ideology 1844-458X The Romanian Academy, Cluj-Napoca
100087 International Journal on Image and Graphics
64818 International Journal on Industrial Risks Engineering
60845 International Journal on Information & Communication Technologies (IJICT)
93861 International Journal on Information and Communication Technologies 0973-5836 Serials Publications
39372 International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing 1955-2513 Springer Verlag
180114 International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM) 1955-2505
72897 International Journal on Internet and Distributed Computing Systems 2219-1887 International journal on Internet and distributed computing systems
95853 International Journal on Learning and Media
22994 International Journal on Manufacturing Technology and Management
71095 International Journal on Measurement Technologies and Instrumentation Engineering (IJMTIE)
39519 International Journal on Media Management 1424-1250 Taylor & Francis (Routledge): SSH Titles
16561 International Journal on Media Management 1424-1277 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
14781 International Journal on Minority and Group Rights 1385-4879 Brill Academic Publishers
1190 International Journal on Multicultural Societies 1564-4901 UNESCO
978486 International Journal on Natural Language Computing 2319-4111
90512 International Journal on Networking and Computing unknown
178536 International Journal on Numerical and Analytical Methods in Engineering (IRENA) 2281-7026
68204 International Journal on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence
74914 International Journal on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (IJPRAI)
45931 International Journal on Product Development
160975 International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication Research Department, Auricle Technologies Pvt. Ltd
109386 International Journal on Requirement Engineering
52222 International Journal on Science and Techniques of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering
57005 International Journal on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control (IJ-STA)
115386 International Journal on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic control
50374 International Journal on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic control & computer engineering 1737-7749 Academic Publication Center, CPU
39455 International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems 1552-6283 IGI Global
90148 International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems 1178-5608 Professor Subhas Chandra Mukhopadhyay - Exeley Inc. (New York)
175192 International Journal on Social and Education Sciences 2688-7061 Ismail Sahin
112255 International Journal on Soft Computing, Artificial Intelligence and Applications (IJSCAI) 2319-4081 AIRCC Publishing