Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
14782 International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer 1433-2779 Springer Verlag
887774 International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer
887781 International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT)
88562 International Journal on Spirituality and Organizational Leadership
341820 International Journal on Stereo & Immersive Media 2184-1241 Universidade Lusófona, Lisbonne
568907 International Journal on Studies in Education (IJonSE) 2690-7909 International Journal on Studies in Education (IJonSE)
44347 International Journal on System Research and Information Science Inconnu
139164 International Journal on Teaching and Learning Mathematics 2621-2188 Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
634055 International Journal on Technical and Physical Problems Of Engineering 2077-3528
74307 International Journal on Theoritical Computer Science
20918 International Journal on Very Large Databases
52060 International Journal on Violence and School
64559 International Journal on Violence and Schools
68190 International Journal on Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing
91094 International Journal on Web Intelligence and Agent Systems
114418 International Journal on Web Service Computing (IJWSC)
79643 International Journal on Wireless Personnal Communications
14783 International Journal on Wireless and Optical Communications 0219-7995 World Scientific Publishing
88467 International Journal, Canada's Journal of Global Policy Analysis
111146 International Journal: Canada's Journal of Global Policy Analysis 0020-7020 SAGE Publications
63464 International JournalofRockMechanics&MiningSciences
47411 International Journal  Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering
39456 International Justice Tribune 1767-8889 Justice Memo Sarl
39457 International Justice Tribune (French Version) 1767-8862 Justice Memo Sarl
141399 International Juvenile Justice Observatory
98172 International Labor Brief 1599-8355
157826 International Labor Review 0020-7780 International Labour Office
162497 International Labor Rights Case Law 2405-688X
14784 International Labor and Working-Class History 0147-5479 Cambridge University Press (CUP)
28000 International Labour Law Reports 0168-6526 Brill
120275 International Labour Office
5663 International Labour Review 0020-7780 Wiley
115787 International Labour Review
69853 International Language Resources and Evaluation Journal, special issue on Multimodal Corpora For Modelling Human Multimodal Behavior
13520 International Law FORUM du droit international 1388-9036 Brill Academic Publishers
159371 International Law Journal of London
5664 International Law Review 1558-9226 Loyola University Chicago School of Law
5666 International Lawyer 0020-7810 American Bar Association
5667 International Leads 0892-4546 American Library Association
182025 International Legal Studies V
146173 International Letters of Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy
120475 International Letters of Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy 2299-3843 SciPress Ltd
98704 International MS journal / MS Forum
61625 International Management
5669 International Management (Europe edition) 0020-7888 International Management, Circulation Director
79111 International Management Review 1551-6849 American scholars press
130432 International Marine Energy Journal 2631-5548 European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference
14785 International Marketing Review 0265-1335 Emerald
176325 International Marketing Review
144334 International Marmot Network
14786 International Materials Reviews 0950-6608 ASM International
60926 International Math. Research Notices
67509 International Mathematical Forum
801447 International Mathematical Forum. Journal for Theory and Applications 1312-7594
103150 International Mathematical Journal 1311-6797 Emil Minchev
14787 International Mathematics Research Notices 1073-7928 Oxford University Press (OUP)
14788 International Mathematics Research Papers 1687-3009 Oxford University Press (OUP)
14789 International Mathematics Research Surveys 1687-1308 Oxford University Press
110319 International Medical Case Reports Journal 1179-142X Dove medical press
628298 International Medical Journal 1341-2051 Japan International Cultural Exchange Foundation JICEF
119274 International Medical Journal
1191 International Microbiology 1139-6709 Hemeroteca Científica Catalana
135794 International Microbiology
141591 International Microbiology. Official journal of the Spanish Society for Microbiology
46717 International Microwave and Optoelectronics Conference
14790 International Migration 0020-7985 Wiley
14791 International Migration Digest 0538-8716 JSTOR
5670 International Migration Review 0197-9183 Wiley
156336 International Milling Flour and Feed 0954-4860
161402 International Molinology
5672 International Money Marketing 0955-6133 Centaur Communications Ltd
22040 International Ms Journal 1352-8963 Cambridge Medical Publications
162827 International Multilingual Journal of Science and Technology International Multilingual Journal of Science and Technology
133206 International Nano Letters 2008-9295
14792 International Negotiation 1382-340X Brill Academic Publishers
157347 International Nematology Network Newsletter 1052-5408
33248 International Network for Economic Research : Annual conference 2005
806076 International Neuropsychiatric Disease Journal 2321-7235
128958 International Neurourology Journal 2093-4777
126589 International News on Fats, Oils and Related Materials
59448 International Newsletter On Rock Art - INORA 1022-3282 A.R.A.P.E
63065 International Newsletter for Communist Studies
83066 International Newsletter for Communist Studies (ISSN : 1862-698X)
79487 International Newsletter of Communist Studies Online (INCS)
53348 International Numismatic Newsletter
801573 International Numismatic e-Newsletter International Numismatic Concil
14793 International Nursing Review 0020-8132 Wiley
122069 International Ocean Discovery Program
65605 International Ocean Drilling Program Scientific Prospectus
143778 International Oil Spill Conference Proceedings 2169-3366
244665 International Online Journal of Education and Teaching (IOJET) 2148-225X
14794 International Ophthalmology 0165-5701 Springer Verlag
176074 International Ophthalmology 1573-2630
14795 International Ophthalmology Clinics 0020-8167 Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
5673 International Organization 0020-8183 Cambridge University Press (CUP)
39458 International Organizations Law Review 1572-3739 Brill Academic Publishers
39459 International Orthodontics 1761-7227 Elsevier Masson
263984 International Orthodontics 1761-7727
179360 International Orthodontics 1879-680X
14796 International Orthopaedics 0341-2695 Springer Verlag
474490 International Orthopaedics 1432-5195
14797 International Peacekeeping 1380-748X Springer (Kluwer Academic Publishers);Informa UK (Taylor & Francis)
121630 International Peacekeeping 1353-3312
156068 International Peat Journal 0782-7784
169845 International Perspectives in Psychology 2157-3883
14798 International Perspectives on Education and Society 1479-3679 Elsevier
14799 International Perspectives on Higher Education Research 1479-3628 Elsevier
14800 International Perspectives on Inclusive Education 1479-3636 Elsevier
5674 International Pest Control 0020-8256 Research Information
5675 International Philosophical Quarterly 0019-0365 Philosophy Documentation Center
14801 International Planning Studies 1356-3475 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
156601 International Plant Genetic Resources Institute Newsletter for Europe 1026-695X
5676 International Political Science Review 0192-5121 SAGE Publications
39460 International Political Sociology 1749-5679 Wiley
917401 International Political Sociology
14802 International Politics 1384-5748 Palgrave Macmillan
161549 International Politics 1384-5748
113873 International Politics Quarterly
93840 International Politics and Society/International Politik und Gesellschaft
23305 International Polymer Processing 2195-8602 De Gruyter
39461 International Polymer Science and Technology 0307-174X Raper Technology Ltd
155526 International Poster Journal of Science and Technology 2224-5618
115214 International Preservation News
162766 International Preservation News, IFLAPAC
78040 International Proceedings of Economics Development and Research
108489 International Productivity Monitor
14803 International Psychogeriatrics 1041-6102 Cambridge University Press (CUP)
725904 International Psychogeriatrics 1741-203X
145219 International Psychogeriatrics
105369 International Psychology, Practice and Research
339613 International Public History
14804 International Public Management Journal 1096-7494 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
39462 International Public Management Review International Public Management Network
5677 International Quarterly 0738-534X
163819 International Quarterly for Asian Studies 2566-686X Arnold Bergstraesser Institute Windausstr. 16 | D-79110 Freiburg i.Br. |
14805 International Quarterly of Community Health Education 0272-684X SAGE Publications
182548 International Quarterly of Sport Science
115384 International REvue of Automatic COntrol (IREACO)
126116 International Refereed Journal of Arts, Science & Commerce 2320-3145 Scholar World - Maaz Publications
106987 International Refereed Journal of Engineering and Science 2319-1821 IRJES-Editor
14806 International Regional Science Review 0160-0176 SAGE Publications
14807 International Relations 0047-1178 SAGE Publications
101585 International Relations and Diplomacy 2328-2134 David Publishing
14808 International Relations in a Globalising World 0972-8864 Sage Publications
14809 International Relations of the Asia-Pacific 1470-482X Oxford University Press (OUP)
98131 International Reports on Socio-Informatics International Institute for Socio-Informatics
181289 International Research Journal 2227-6017 Publishing house Sokolova M.V
102284 International Research Journal of Agricultural Science and soil Science 2251-0044
106016 International Research Journal of Computer Science 2393-9842 AM Publications
115162 International Research Journal of Earth Sciences 2321-2527 International Science Community Association
134062 International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology 2395-0072 Fast Track Publications
115899 International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology
151086 International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN
173866 International Research Journal of Finance & Economics
1192 International Research Journal of Finance and Economics 1450-2887 EuroJournals
261389 International Research Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
84030 International Research Journal of Geology and Mining
111080 International Research Journal of Innovative Engineering - IRJIE 2395-0560
595784 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
501185 International Research Journal of Oncology
600341 International Research Journal of Oncology Science Domain
101981 International Research Journal of Public and Environmental Healt 2360-8803
105142 International Research Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry 2231-3443 SCIENCEDOMAIN International
480117 International Research Journal of Social Sciences ISCA
51369 International Research Symposium Proceedings 0915-2822 International Research Center for Japanese Studies
168834 International Research in Children's Literature 1755-6198 Edinburgh University Press
14810 International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education 1038-2046 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
117471 International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development 2187-3666 SPSD Press
14811 International Review for the Sociology of Sport 1012-6902 SAGE Publications
54823 International Review of Administraive Science
14812 International Review of Administrative Sciences 0020-8523 SAGE Publications
540288 International Review of Administrative Sciences
51739 International Review of Aerospace Engineering
51740 International Review of Aerospace Engineering
59243 International Review of Aerospace Engineering (I.RE.AS.E)
227468 International Review of Aesthetics and Sociology of Music
5679 International Review of African American Art 1045-0920 Hampton University Museum
5680 International Review of Agriculture 0368-864X Rome : The Institute
14813 International Review of Applied Economics 0269-2171 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
68441 International Review of Applied Financial Issues and Economics
5716 International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching 0019-042X De Gruyter
55685 International Review of Automatic Control 1974-6059 Praise worthy prize
171345 International Review of Automatic Control (Theory and Applications)
64050 International Review of Business Research Papers
92292 International Review of Cell and Molecular Biology
121340 International Review of Chemical Engineering 2035-1755 IRECHE
5681 International Review of Children's Literature and Librarianship 0269-0500 Taylor Graham Publishing
14814 International Review of Cytology 0074-7696 Elsevier
160047 International Review of Cytology 0074-7696
564854 International Review of Economics
158713 International Review of Economics & Finance 1059-0560
1193 International Review of Economics Education 1477-3880 Economics Network, University of Bristol
14815 International Review of Economics and Finance 1059-0560 Elsevier
610547 International Review of Economics, Management and Law Research 2665-7279
5682 International Review of Education 0020-8566 Springer Verlag
25701 International Review of Education/Internationale Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft/Revue internationale de l'éducation Springer Science+Business Media B.V
25514 International Review of Education/Internationale Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft/Revue internationale l'éducation Springer
36061 International Review of Electrical Engineering 1827-6660 Praise Worthy Prize
256241 International Review of Electrical Engineering
686680 International Review of Electrical Engineering (I.R.E.E.) 1827-6600