Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
73633 IEEE Computing in Science and Engineering
73634 Fundation of Computational Mathematics
73635 Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv Springer
73638 Proceedings in Mathematics 2190-5614 Springer
73640 The Musiela Festschrift
73642 Recent Advances in Financial Engineering
73644 International Journal of Ecology 1687-9708 Hindawi Publishing Corporation
73645 French Royal Entries in the Sixteenth Century : Event, Image, Text, "The Center for Reformation and Renaissance Studies, Essays and Studies series
73651 LES ECHOS / Club des Juristes
73652 Scientia Iranica, Transaction A: Civil Engineering
73661 Journal of International Transactions on Systems Science and Applications
73665 Têtes chercheuses
73669 Vème colloque "Questions de pédagogies dans l'enseignement supérieur : enseigner, étudier dans le supérieur : pratiques pédagogiques et finalités éducatives
73670 Memorie della Societa Italiana di Scienze Naturali e del Museo Civico di Stroria Naturale di Milano
73675 Salduie : Estudios de prehistoria y arqueología 1576-6454 Universidad de Zaragoza: Departamento de Ciencias de la Antigüedad
73678 Taipei, Taiwan Journal of East Asia Studies
73679 Taipei, Institute of Advanced Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences Newsletter, Taiwan National University
73680 American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 1945-7685 American Economic Association
73687 The Kerguelen Plateau: Marine Ecosystem and Fisheries
73688 Arxius de ciències socials
73693 Global Change Biology Bioenergy
73695 Advances inWireless and Mobile Communications
73696 Clinical and Experimental Gastroenterology 1178-7023 Dove Medical Press
73700 Les Clés du Moyen-Orient
73701 Lettre de l'IRSEM (Institut de Recherche Stratégique de l'Ecole militaire)
73702 Publications of the Scuola Normale Superiore, CRM Series
73703 Santé de l'homme
73704 MédiaMorphoses. Hors-série 1955-8228 Institut National de l'Audiovisuel (INA)
73709 Forum: International Journal of Interpretation and Translation
73712 The European Physics Journal - Special Topics
73713 CIFED
73714 ICISTM
73715 Advances in Wireless and Mobile Communications
73717 Libyca 1111-360X Centre national d'études historiques
73718 Etudes et documents tchadiens
73719 Odense Working Papers in Language and Communication
73720 Supplemento di Studi Etruschi
73721 Schibbolet
73722 Duchamp et l'érotisme
73723 Revue mahgrébine de documentation et d'information
73725 Recherches Anglaises et Nord Americaines 0557-6989 Presses Universitaires de Strasbourg
73729 Palace Museum Journal 故宮博物院院刊
73732 International Journal of Geosciences 2156-8359 Scientific Research
73737 INForum
73740 Finnisch-Ugrische Mitteilungen
73741 The romanian journal of journalism and communication
73742 Quaderns
73743 Bull. Ass. sénég. ét. Quatern. Ouest afr
73748 Transactions on Machine Learning and Data Mining 1865-6781 IBAI Publishing
73752 CRBC
73755 Sport, éthique et économie, Sport and Citizenship/Sport et citoyenneté
73756 Indian Journal of Human Development
73761 Influenza Research and Treatment 2090-1380 Hindawi Publishing Corporation
73762 Revue multidisciplinaire sur l'emploi, le syndicalisme et le travail REMEST
73763 Tribuna social
73764 International Series of Numerical Mathematics (Birkhäuser, Basel)
73765 Recherches sociologiques et anthropologiques 1782-1592 Recherches sociologiques et anthropologiques
73772 Revista Fotocinema Málaga
73775 Microwave Symposium Digest (MTT), 2011 IEEE MTT-S International
73777 Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology Academic Journals
73778 Rivista di diritto agrario
73781 e-Journal Academy of Environmental Law
73782 Boletim da Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática / Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society/ Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society
73789 Argumentum. Journal of the Seminar of Discursive Logic, Argumentation Theory and Rhetoric 1583-2767 AXIS Academic Foundation Press
73792 TVSeries
73793 Géovisions
73795 Español Actual
73797 Revista Española de Derecho Deportivo
73799 International journal of Tourism Anthropology
73802 Jingji guanchabao shuping zengkan 经济观察报书评增刊 = EO's Book Review
73806 Unterrichtswissenschaft
73809 Asia Pacific Media Educator
73810 Australasian Journal of Educational Technology
73813 International Journal of Media, Technology & Lifelong Learning
73814 dicorevue
73815 International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning
73818 Cahiers d'Ambronay
73821 IEEE conference publications
73824 23es Journées francophones d'Ingénierie des Connaissances
73826 Comité Français de Cartographie
73830 VST - Vie sociale et traitements 0396-8669 ERES
73834 International Journal of the EuMA (European Microwave Association)
73841 The Romanic Review
73845 Brazilian journal of biomedical engineering
73846 War & Society
73849 Revue d'éducation comparée raisons-comparaisons
80521 SinFra '09 : Singaporean-French IPAL Symposium
80526 The 8th International Conference on Signal Image Technology & Internet based systems
80533 Re-public
80535 Next
80536 Mediapart 2100-0735 Paris (8 passage Brulon ; 75012) : Société éditrice de Mediapart, 2008
80537 Le Nouvel Educateur, Revue de l'Institut Coopératif de l'Ecole Moderne, ICEM Pédagogie Freinet
80558 IEEE Global Communications Conference, IEEE GLOBECOM'12
80570 L'Astronomie Société Astronomique de France
80571 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference, IWCMC'12, IEEE Xplore
80573 Microscopy today
80576 Studii si materiale de istorie medie, ISSN : 1222-4766
80577 ICOST '10 : The 8th International Conference on Smart Homes and Health telematics
80583 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, WCNC'12
80585 New Cultural Frontiers
80586 the 9th Annual IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference, CCNC'12
80588 IEEE WCNC 2012 Workshop on Wireless Vehicular Communications and Networks, WVCN'12
80593 ISG '10 : International Society for Gerontechnology 7th World Conference
80595 Trends in cell and molecular biology 0972-8449 Research Trends
80597 ARVO 2009 : the association for research in vision and ophtalmology meeting
80598 SCA '12 : The 2nd International Conference on Social Computing and its Applications
80606 Multibody System Dynamic
80607 Congrès mondial de Linguistique française
80608 Global Information Infrastructure Symposium, GIIS'11, IEEE Xplore
80610 SocInfo '12 : The 4th International Conference on Social Informatics
80611 World Journal of Modelling and Simulation 1746-7233 World Academic Press
80612 Journal of Ergonomics 2165-7556 Longdom
80621 Elisée, revista de geografia da Universidade Estatal de Goiás
80627 IFIP Wireless Days, WD'10, IEEE Xplore
80631 the 8th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems, MASS'11
80636 Proceedings of the Hyperspectral Workshop 2010 - ESA-ESRIN
80640 Cahiers Percherons
80641 UbiMob '09 : 5èmes Journées Fancophones Mbilité et Uiquité
80642 Riparian Ecology and Conservation
80643 Chaos -Woodbury
80644 C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I
80645 Proceedings of the CAPE International Workshops, 2012 (CAPE Studies in Applied Philosophy & Ethics Series Vol.1)
80646 Sibirskij Matematičeskij Žurnal : Akademija Nauk SSSR, Sibirskoe Otdelenie
80648 ICTTA 2006 : IEEE International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies: From Theory to Applications ICTTA
80649 MoVeNet '08 : 2nd International Workshop on Mobile Vehicular Networks
80650 Comunicacion y Pedagogia
80651 journal of functional foods
80652 WPMC '08 : The 11th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications
80653 IGARSS 2007: IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium
80654 ICTTA 2008: IEEE International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies: From Theory to Applications ICTTA
80655 AIPACa '08 : Applications of private and anonymous communications workshop
80659 Дивногорский сборник. № 1, Археология
80660 Научные Ведомости Белгородского Гос. Университета. Серия: История. Политология. Экономика. Информатика. Belgorod
80661 Zona arqueologica
80664 , in "Geschichte der Germanistik. Mitteilungen
80666 Nietzsche Forschung
80668 Nietzsche Studien
80672 ICDCS '08 : The 28th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems
80673 Roger Martin du Gard et le biographique
80674 Colères d'écrivains
80676 Usages des vies, le biographique hier et aujourd'hui (XVIIe-XXIe siècle)
80677 L'Ecriture du bonheur dans le roman contemporain
80680 Communication in analysis and geometry
80683 journal of environmental solutions
80684 Chem Centr J. 2012
80688 Dictionnaire des pensées du cinéma
80689 Afr J Pharm Pharmaco
80690 ISWPC '08 : 3rd IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Pervasive Computing
80692 ICT-MobileSummit '08 : The ICT Mobile and Wireless Communications Summit
80693 Flav. Fragr. J
80695 Catalogue cinémathèque Bogota,
80696 Proc. IODP
80697 Food Sci Biotechnol
80698 De(s)génération
80700 IET Science, Measurement & Technology
80702 Adv.Diff.Equations
80703 Proceedings of international conference on: Nonlinear phenomena with energy dissipation. Mathematical analysis, modeling and simulation, Chiba, Japan, Tokyo: Gakkotosha. Gakuto International Series Mathematical Sciences and Applications
80704 Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Reasearch
80705 Stroke Res Treat
80706 C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris,
80707 Археологические вести
80709 Stratum plus. Archaeology and Cultural Anthropology 1608-9057 Haute École d'Anthropologie
80710 Scripta Antiqua, Moscou
80711 Oium, Kiev
80717 J. Approx. Theory
80719 ICOIN '08 :The International Conference on Information Networking
80724 Recherches en sciences sociales sur Internet/Social science research on the Internet 2264-6221 RESET
80725 Revue de l'Institut du Monde et du Développement
80726 Temporel
80728 GP2PC '08 : Eighth International Workshop on Global and Peer-to-Peer Computing
80729 Identité/Altérité dans la culture hispanique aux XXe-XXIe siècles
80733 Lettre d'Information sur les Risques et Crises Institut national des hautes études de la sécurité et de la justice (INHESJ)
80736 Menu: Journal of Food and Hospitality
80738 GM Crops Food
80739 SITIS '08 : The Fourth International Conference on Signal-Image Technology & Internet-Based Systems
80740 Commémorations nationales 2013
80741 California Italian studies
80749 Proc IMechE Part G: J Aerospace Engineering
80750 SAST '08 : 2nd Brazilian Workshop on Systematic and Automated Software Testing
80754 ICSTW '08 : IEEE International Conference on Software Testing Verification and Validation Workshop
80769 Canadian Journal of Media Studies - Revue canadienne d'études médiatiques 1911-4281 Faculty of Information and Media Studies at the University of Western Ontario
80775 Documenta Math
80776 Les cahiers du Lasmas, CNRS
80781 MRS Online Proceedings Library 1946-4274 Cambridge University Press
80782 Technical Proceedings of the 2012 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Expo
80253 Construction History
80254 Russ. J. Num. Anal. Math. Modelling
80256 Mar Genomics
80261 Romanian Journal of Mineral Deposits 1220-5648 Bucharest: Geological Institute of Romania
80266 Mediterrenean Telecommunication Journal
80270 Économies et Sociétés. PE, Histoire de la pensée économique
80275 Progress in Electromagnetic Research C (PIERC)
80278 RITS 2011 : colloque Recherche en Imagerie et Technologies pour la Santé
80279 EMBC 2011 : 33rd International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
80282 INTECH '12 : Second International Conference on Innovative Computing Technology
80283 Osteoporosis Int
80284 in Journal of Biomech. Engineering