Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
549473 Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Science and Technology
549676 Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978) 1413-0939
549779 Cahiers d'Anatomie
549863 Revista de Estudios Kantianos 2445-0669 SEKLE
550034 Géobios
550035 Indian Ocean Biogeochemical Processes and Ecological Variability. (2009), Geophys. Monogr. Ser
550116 Climate Services
550257 Scientific journal «Bulletin of NAS RK» 2518-1467 National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan
550378 Zeitschrift für Urheber- und Medienrecht (ZUM)
550513 Npj Computational Materials
550516 On-line Journal Modelling the New Europe 2247-0514
550610 Illuminazioni 2037-609X
550643 Cuadernos de Arte e Iconografía 0214-0284 Fundación Universitaria Española, Madrid
550656 Slovenský národopis Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava
550661 Matraga - Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras da UERJ 1414-7165
550929 The Defence Horizon Journal 2710-3722
550930 AE-EPS
551118 Journal of Magnetics Society of Japan 1882-2932 Magnetics Society of Japan
551148 Entertainment, droit médias art et culture 2566-1671
551233 Journal of Intelligent Systems and Internet of Things
551408 Roads and Bridges - Drogi i Mosty 1643-1618 Road and Bridge Research Institute
551413 Structure and Environment 2081-1500
551432 Revista CPC 1980-4466
551435 Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Research 2771-0378
551441 Journal of the International Academy for Case Studies
551457 Education Sciences
551487 Annals of Gerentology and Geriatric Research
551645 International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 0975-2366
551657 Drug and Alcohol Dependence 1879-0046
551677 Udgam Vigyati – The Origin of Knowledge 2455-2488 Indore Institute of Law
551813 European Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research (EJHTR) 2054-6424 eaJ
551935 Esempi d’architettura
552026 Questions d'économie de la santé
552237 History of Economic Ideas 1724-2169
552435 Experimental Diabetes Research 1687-5303
552437 European Journal of Biochemistry 1432-1033
552460 Art & Perception 2213-4905
552630 Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 1433-9285
552689 L'a revue 2825-9173 Audap - Agence d'Urbanisme Atlantique et Pyrénées
552715 SLEEP Advances 2632-5012
552843 Adv.At.Mol.Opt.Phys
552848 Publications of the Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade
552887 Cahier d'Art de l'ICT 2274-8253 Institut Catholique de Toulouse
552890 Optical Society of America Journal B
552904 Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics
552938 Journal of Applied Physics
552946 Proceeding of International Conference on Optical & Wireless Technologies , OWT 2019
552965 Boletín de información técnica [de] AITIM 0044-9261 Asociación de Investigación Técnica de las Industrias de la Madera y el Corcho (
553014 La Revue Télécom
553048 Physics Letters A
553219 Schifanoia 0394-5421 Fabrizio Serra editore
553274 Itinera. Supplément de la Revue suisse d’histoire 2624-5566 Schwabe Verlag
553275 Principia: an international journal of epistemology 1414-4247
553345 Lampião 2675-9659
553380 Musiktheorie. Zeitschrift für Musikwissenschaft
573558 Lettre des unités expérimentales (LUE)
573619 Jus Politicum (numérique) Institut Michel Villey
573644 Chemical Thermodynamics and Thermal Analysis 2667-3126
573862 Bioinformatics Advances 2635-0041
573875 Journal of Cognitive Enhancement 2509-3290
573917 Gigabyte 2709-4715
573937 Rassegna : problemi di architettura dell'ambiente 0393-0203
573979 Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics 21
573996 Nouvelle Revue Neuchâteloise 1012-4012
574059 Reviews in Science, Religion and Theology 1385-3473 Published by European Society for the Study of Science and Theology; International Society for Science and Religion
574189 Archives of Clinical and Experimental Surgery 2146-8133 ScopeMed
574243 HISTOS – The On-Line Journal of Ancient Historiography 2046-5963 Newcastle University
574293 Annals of Medical & Health Sciences Research 2277-9205 amhsr
574351 The Hague Program for Cyber Norms Podcast
574352 Foreign Policy Analytics
574411 Confluences des droits 2681-8302
574428 Revue des Lettres Modernes. Chateaubriand 0035-2136 Classiques Garnier
574507 Storyworlds: A Journal of Narrative Studies
574623 Recherches en danses
574672 Engeki eizô gaku Tôkyô : Association d’études en cinéma et théâtre de l’Université Waseda
574702 Jus Politicum (numérique)
574727 Buyô-gaku Tôkyô : Société japonaise d’études en danse
574779 Le Bulletin de la Faculté des lettres Tôkyô : Université de Waseda
574783 Journal of Sailing Technology
574840 Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research 2141-9248
574899 Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health 2684-3269 ScopeMed
574927 Ieee Journal of Radio Frequency Identification
575006 Unizik Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
575009 Frontiers in Fungal Biology
575052 Minutes of NEA-PANACEA Expert Groups
575059 Nature Reviews Bioengineering 2731-6092
575065 Advances in Mathematics
575068 Digital Investigation
575077 The Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law
575082 Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering
575088 IZA Journal of Migration
575089 Journal of European Competition Law & Practice
575091 Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies
575092 Journal of Money, Credit and Banking
575098 European Journal of Innovation Management
575103 ICSID Review
575104 Revue d'études comparatives Est-Ouest
575108 Business and Human Rights Journal
575109 International Journal of Retail &mathsemicolon Distribution Management
575111 Revue dtextquotesingleassyriologie et dtextquotesinglearchéologie orientale
575116 Droit et société
575119 Contemporary European History
575129 International Journal of Business Research
575131 Journal of Economic Psychology
575132 Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television
575139 Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders
575145 Journal of Private International Law
575146 Internet Policy Review
575147 Journal of International Criminal Justice
575154 Optimization
575157 History of European Ideas
575159 ELT Journal
575183 Géodiversité en France
575263 Medrxiv : the Preprint Server For Health Sciences
575266 Implementation Science Communications 2662-2211
575312 Health Systems and Reform 2328-8620
575328 Pec Innovation 2772-6282
575427 Journal of Global Health Reports
575428 Recherches en psychanalyse 1965-0213
575457 International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research Studies
575461 Health Sciences & Diseases
575473 Journal of Infectious Diseases
575512 MOMBA'ETÉVA. Revista de Investigaciones Jurídicas, Sociales y Políticas UNNE 2718-7144
575513 Revista Criminalidad 1794-3108
575514 Política criminal 0718-3399
575515 Homenaje al profesor Ignacio Berdugo Gómez de la Torre. Liber discipulorum schola iuris criminalis Salmanticensis Aquila Fuente, Universidad de Salamanca
575516 Sudamérica : Revista de Ciencias Sociales 2250-7779 Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata
575604 Environmental Engineering - Inženjerstvo okoliša 1849-4714 Faculty of Geotechnical Engineering. University of Zagreb
575615 Multimedia Tools and Applications
575706 SIGMA (Symetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications)
575756 cArgo - Revue internationale d'anthropologie culturelle et sociale
575789 Blog Le club des juristes
575977 Austin Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
575995 Cuadernos de Alzate 0213-1862 Editorial Pablo Iglesias
575996 FORO. Revista de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales, Nueva Época 1698-5583
576000 Prosopopeya 1575-8141 Tirant lo Blanch
576045 Value in Health Regional Issues 2212-1099
576158 Seminars in Nuclear Medicine
576168 Médecine Tropicale et Santé Internationale - magazine
540753 Health and Technology
540974 Lomonosov Journal of Philology 0130-0075
541072 Paper and Biomaterials
541112 Journal of Fish Biology 1095-8649
541113 Fisheries Management and Ecology 1365-2400
541197 Boletín de la Academia Peruana de la Lengua 0567-6002
541212 International journal of latest technology, management & applied science
541214 International journal of industrial and production engineering
541294 Experimental Dermatology 1600-0625
541350 African Identities 1472-5851
541391 STUDKON 5 - Zbornik radova Université de Nis
541409 Contexts Conference for Young Scholars in Social sciencies and Humanities
541412 Revue du Centre d'études et de recherches caraïbéennes (CERC) Université des AntillesGuyanes
541482 Nees Erevnes New Research Journal 2944-9214 University of the Aegean
541650 Письма в журнал технической физики 0320-0116
541731 Revue Française de Systémique 1762-5890
541956 Sport Stratégies 1772-7693
542317 Forêt et Innovation 2970-359X CNPF-IDF
542422 Nunatak. Revue d'histoires, cultures et luttes des montagnes
542441 Annuario filosofico Ugo Mursia Editore
542471 Revista Latinoamericana de Población 2175-8581
542489 El lugar sin límites. Revista de estudios y políticas de género UNTREF
542531 Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences
542548 Association for the Advancement of modeling and simulation techniques in entreprises (AMSE)
542643 Magnificat Cultura i Literatura Medievals 2386-8295 Universitat de València
542772 European journal of sport science 1536-7290
542781 Fukuoka University Review of Literature & Humanities
542808 Philological Sciences. Scientific Essays of Higher Education 2310-4287
542885 Bone 1873-2763
542942 Journal of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery 1916-0216
542948 Metamorfosi LetteraVentidue
542989 Brain : a journal of neurology 1460-2156
543047 Emerald Open Research 2631-3952
543231 European conference on Power electronics and applications
543261 IEEE international symposium on the physical and failure analysis of integrated circuits
543297 Secousses
543305 Revista de química textil 0300-3418
543347 European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA)
543353 Tierce : Carnets de recherches interdisciplinaires en Histoire, Histoire de l'Art et Musicologie
543388 Energy and Environment Research 1927-0569
543396 Rayon Boissons 1247-2077 Editions du Boisbaudry
543437 Cadernos Sociedade e Trabalho
543488 YldirimBeyazit Law Review
543494 Dalloz IP/IT
543600 The Journal of the Middle East and Africa 2152-0844
543603 Les Jours
543636 Working paper LEM 2284-0400 Laboratory of economics and Management
543735 Annals of Clinical and Laboratory Research 2386-5180 Insight Medical Publishing
543804 Trends in Psychology 2358-1883 Springer
543828 Stat 2049-1573 Holger Dette
543895 The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy 1460-2091
543928 Plasma Sources Science and Technology 0963-0252
543929 Ukraïnsʹkij ìstoričnij žurnal 0130-5247
544119 Hippocampe Journal critique Hippocampe Edition
544122 Bulletin du Groupe Lyonnais de Psychanalyse, Société psychanalytique de Paris Société psychanalytique de Paris
544227 Frontiers in Digital Humanities
544240 Tijdschrift voor auteurs-, media- en informatierecht
544241 Zeitgeschehen im Fokus
544243 Annali italiani del diritto d'autore, della cultura e dello spettacolo
544249 CHIMIA 2673-2424