Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
83430 Bonr
83431 International Journal of Collaborative Enterprise (IJCEnt)
83432 International Tree Crops Journal
83437 ZENO-Zeitschrift für Nachhalitiges Bauen
83438 ESC Criminology in Europe
83439 Composites and Nanostructures 1999-7590 Institute of Solid State Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
83442 Advances Materials Research
83443 ISCO '12 : 2nd international symposium on combinatorial optimization
83447 Springer LNCS series
83449 Topics in Cognitive Psychology NecPlus
83450 Jahrbuch für Geschichte Lateinamerikas
83451 L'Atelier de Théorie Littéraire
83455 International Journal of Geography and Geology
83456 International Seed Testing Association
83465 La Forge
83469 Maced. J. Chem. Chem. Engin
83470 Bangladesh Journal of Plant Taxonomy
83471 Physioacta
83475 Croatica Chim. Acta
83476 J. Fluoresc
83483 Urbanisme et services publics urbains : l'indispensable alliance
83484 4èmes Journées Démonstrateurs en Automatique
83495 Research World
83497 XVIe siècle
83498 Cahiers Jacques Maritain
83502 l@bsolu
83503 International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT)
83508 Stochastic Model
83516 Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences
83526 Glob Health Promot
83529 I Jun 基于生态理念的城市规划研究 (jīyú shēngtài lǐniàn de chéngshì guīhuà yánjiū, Recherche sur le développement urbain durable)
83534 Issues in the Evaluation of Educational Technology: International Perspectives, special issue of Evaluation and Program Planning -- Spector, J. Michael and de la Teja, Ileana (eds.)
83539 Curare. Zeitzschrift für Medizinethnologie/Journal of Medical Anthropology
83542 Sineris. Revista de Musicologia
83543 Cuadernos de Música Iberoamericana
83544 Música y Educación
83546 Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science
83547 Matemáticas: Enseñanza Universitaria
83552 Handwriting Today, Journal of the National Handwriting Association
83553 Without Bounds: A Scientific Canvas of Nonlinearity and Complex Dynamics
83555 Fo r ê t - e n t r e p r i s e
83561 cinergie
83563 Bulletin de la Société des Amis du Pays du Lochois
83568 British microbiology research journal
83570 Southeast Asian Studies of China
83573 Traitement de Signal
83577 Assurance et Gestion des Risques
83578 Turysm
83584 Revista de Circulo de Estudos Bandeirantes
83585 Recherche en Education