Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
83308 Springer LNBIP 96 (Lecture Notes in Business Intelligence Processing)
83313 Ironmaking & Steelmaking
83322 Europhysics Conference Abstracts
83325 New England Journal of International and Comparative Law
83332 Revue du MRAP
83336 American Institute of Physics Advances
83342 De musica disserenda
83344 Structures and Buildings
83345 Travaux de didactique du FLE, n° 55,
83347 Proceedings of the symposium
83349 MobiQuitous '12 : 9th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems : Computing, Networking and Services
83351 PerCom '13 : IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications
83961 Social Glance. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
83962 Proc. 20 Years of Progress in Radar Altimetry
83964 Translation of the american mathematical society
83965 Cahiers du Centre de Recherches Préhistoriques. Université Paris I
83968 Economie et perspective
83969 Journal Human Factors Modelling and Simulation,
83972 CoastGIS proceeding
83977 Développement social
83981 Calculue of Variations and partial differential equations
83982 Annales de Faculté des sciences de Toulous
83983 Differntial and Integral equations
83990 NetMM '13 : International Workshop on Network Management and Monitoring
83993 Proceedings HYP2012
84003 Journal of GIS
84016 The Electronic Journal of Mathematics & Technology
84019 SRL Schriften
84021 Educação
84023 International journal of inorganic chemistry
84025 Catholic Southwest, A Journal of History and Culture
84026 Brèves Iramis
84029 Journal of Environmental and Earth Science
84030 International Research Journal of Geology and Mining
84032 Revue Interdisciplinaire Management & Humanisme
84033 Revue d'Automatique et de Productique Appliquées (R.A.P.A.)
84034 Ecosystem Services
84035 International Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Research
84036 Transactions of Engineering Academy of Armenia
84037 4. Transactions of National Academy of Sciences of Armenia and Engineering Academy of Armenia
84040 Transactions of National Academy of Sciences of Armenia and Engineering Academy of Armenia
84043 Transactions of National Academy of Sciences of Armenia nd Engineering Academy of Armenia
84044 Automatique, Productique, Informatique Industrielle (APII)
84047 Quantum Topol
84048 European Transport/Trasporti Europei
84049 European Journal of Transnational Studies
84051 JNM 2013 : 18èmes Journées Nationales Microondes
84058 The Early Evolution of the Atmospheres of Terrestrial Planets
84060 Biodiversité droit de propriété, Economics and Environment