Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
175433 Revista Brasileira de Geografia Física 1984-2295
175434 Diversitas Journal 2525-5215
175444 Journal of Historical Research in Marketing
175446 Gesture in Human-Computer Interaction and Simulation
175447 Gesture-Based Communication in Human-Computer Interaction
175449 Gesture and Sign Language in Human-Computer Interaction
175450 Centre arabe de recherches et d’études politiques de Paris (CAREP Paris)
175452 Turkish Policy Quarterly 1303-5754
175455 Journal for Peace and Nuclear Disarmament 2575-1654
175458 Liver Cancer International 2642-3561
175459 Magazine municipal "Toul'Horizon Mairie de Toulaud, 07130, France
175461 Bone & Joint Open 2633-1462
175462 Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta 2500-2171
175463 BioRxiv 2692-8205
175464 Introduction into Chemoinformatics
175466 Revista Direitos Culturais 2177-1499 Programa de Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu em Direito – Mestrado e Doutorado da URI – Campus de Santo Ângelo - RS - Brasil
175467 Asian Journal of Advanced Research and Reports 2582-3248
175469 British Medical Journal Sexual & Reproductive Health 2045-2098
175471 South african historical journal 0258-2473
175472 Russia in Global Affairs 1810-6374
175475 The Historical Expertise 2409-6105
175479 Journal of Palliatif Care Medicine
175480 Clinical Nursing Studies 2324-7940
175482 Journal of Economic Surveys
175483 Bulletin of Perm University. Geology 1994-3601
175484 Belgeo. Revue Belge de Géographie 2294-9135
175486 Siggi, le magazine de sociologie 2563-5425
175487 Journal of Ancient Topography 1121-5275 Mario Congedo Editore
175489 Archives départementales de la Seine-Saint-Denis
175491 La Nouvelle République Centre Presse Hors Série
175501 Sciences Po, Programme de recherche et d'enseignement des savoirs sur le genre (PRESAGE)
175502 Journal of the History of Ideas - BLOG
175504 Illiberalism Studies Program
175506 Microsystems & Nanoengineering
175507 Centre for European Policy Studies
175508 IEEE Electron Device Letters
175509 Encyclopedia of Virology
175510 Institut Mémoires de l'édition contemporaine (IMEC)
175511 Harmoon Center for Contemporary Studies
175512 Hebdo édition affaires
175515 Observatoire d'IN Groupe
175516 Mare Internum. Archeologia e Culture del Mediterraneo 2035-0783 Fabrizio Serra Editore
175517 Nature Commun
175519 Association for Political Risk Analysis
175520 Illiberalism Studies Program
175521 Fondation Robert Schuman
175522 émile
175523 Blog//Los Angeles Review of Books
175541 Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 0174-4909
175543 Democracy in Africa
175544 Finzioni
175546 Eastern Journal of European Studies
175548 Hypertension Research 1348-4214
175551 Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 1535-9484
175554 Laboreal
175555 Journal of Occupational Health
175556 La Gazette Sociale d’Ile-de-France
175557 La Lettre de médecine physique et de réadaptation 1778-4301
175558 Bulletin du Groupe d'Acoustique Musicale (GAM)
175559 International Journal INFORMATION THEORIES & APPLICATIONS VOLUME 26/2019
174576 Nkafu Policy Institute
174577 Progressus 2284-0869 Nuova Immagine
174580 Anatomical Science International 1447-073X
174583 IET Microw. Antennas Propag
174590 édition Mare & Martin
174592 the mobile century GTWN
174594 L’Harmattan, Collection Bibliothèques de droit
174603 Chemins critiques. Revue Haïtiano-caraïbéenne 2560-8711
174604 Bulletin Ersuma de Pratique Professionnelle
174607 Terra Antarctica
174608 Atmosphère & Climat 0997-0037 Météo-France
174610 Prace Kulturoznawcze 0860-6668
174613 Handbook of Research Ethics and Scientific Integrity
174617 Applied and Computational Mathematics an International Journal 1683-3511 Institute of Applied Mathematics of Baku State University, Z. Khalilov str., 23, AZ 1148, Baku, Azerbaijan
174620 International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Applied Science (IJSEAS) 2395-3470 International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Applied Science (IJSEAS)
174622 Studi interculturali 2281-1273 Université de Trieste
174623 The International Journal of Applied Language Studies and Culture
174627 Evolutionary Computation
174631 Urban Design 1750-712X Urban Design Group
174634 Opérations immobilières 1961-6597 Le Moniteur
174636 Polis: The Journal for Ancient Greek and Roman Political Thought 0142-257X Brill
174640 Biopolymers 1097-0282
174641 The Anatomical Record: Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology 1932-8494
174646 L'observatoire de la justice pénale
174647 Revista DYNA 0012-7353 Facultad de Minas, Universidad Nacional de Colombi
174651 Economie et management 1771-8414 Réseau Canopée
174654 The American journal of forensic medicine and pathology 1533-404X
174655 Injury 1879-0267
174658 Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering 1878-3619
174659 Herald of the Social Sciences 0320-8117 National Academy of Sciences of Armenia
174660 Optimus Omnium. SLS News Letter Dr. Aneesh V. Pillai
174663 Technology Letters 2348-8131
174665 The Italian Law Journal. An international forum for the critique of Italian Law 2421-2156 Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane
174666 Indian journal of pure & apllied physics
174669 World Resources Institute's publications World Resources Institute
174671 Annual Review of Economics 1941-1367
174672 Mechanics Research Communications
174673 Computational Mechanics
174674 Management et sciences sociales
174675 International Journal of Scientific Research in Science Engineering and Technology