Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
117726 Journal of animal breeding and genetics = Zeitschrift für Tierzüchtung und Züchtungsbiologie 1439-0388
117731 Journal of Plant Ecology 1752-9921 Wiley
117732 Revue des Microbiotes 2428-4688
117737 Global Journal of Business Research 1931-0277 IBFR - Institute for Business and Finance Research
117738 Italian journal of educational research 2038-9744 Pensa MultiMedia
117742 Mathematical Programming Computation 1867-2949 Springer
117747 Interplay : A journal of Languages, Linguistics and Literature 2617-0574 Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C
117751 Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences 2213-7467 Springer
117757 ASM Science Journal 1823-6782 Akademi Sains Malaysia
117758 L'Atalante. Revista de estudios cinematograficos 1885-3730 Associació Cinefòrum L'Atalante
117762 International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship 1756-6266 Emerald Insight
117766 Reviews of Adhesion and Adhesives 2168-0965
117772 Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics 1450-5444 Institut za matematiku
117773 ComputingEdge 2469-7087 IEEE Computer Society
119195 OMNI : revue numismatique 2104-8363 VIIRIA
119197 Paléorient 0153-9345 CNRS
119206 Cahiers George Sand 2275-1939 Les Amis de George Sand
119207 Cota zero: revista d'arqueologia i ciència 2385-3190 Universitat de Vic - Universitat Central de Catalunya
119212 Doklady Akademii Nauk Sssr
119222 Journal of Algebraic Statistics Mathematical Sciences Publishers
119233 International Journal of Dairy Science 1811-9743
119239 Onkologia i Radioterapia - Oncology and Radiotherapy 1896-8961 Onkologia I Radioterapia Publisher
119246 Ethologie & Praxéologie 2490-8037 ADRET
119264 Archives françaises de pédiatrie
119267 Rorschachiana 1192-5604 Hogrefe
119269 Yansıtma : Psikopatoloji ve Projektif Testler Dergisi [The journal of psychopathology and projective tests] 1305-1210 Psikiyatri Dizini Lundbeck Akademi Türkiye’nin koşulsuz katkılarıyla hazırlanmıştır
119277 Open Journal of Psychiatry 2161-7325 SCIRP
119315 Bulletin of Chinese linguistics 1933-6985 Brill
119324 Acta Iassyensia Comparationis 1584-6628 Editura Universităţii "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" / Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Press
119343 Mosella : revue du Centre d'études géographiques de Metz 0047-8164 Université de Metz
119348 IET Biometrics 2047-4938 The Institution of Engineering and Technology
119364 Cahiers de Brèves 1625-659X Association Romain Rolland
119372 Revue COSSI : communication, organisation, société du savoir et information 2495-5906 Groupe de recherche international en information, communication et documentation durables
119375 Briefings in Functional Genomics 2041-2649 Oxford University Press
119382 E.T.A. Hoffmann-Jahrbuch 0944-5277 Erich Schmidt Verlag
119383 Internationales Jahrbuch der Bettina-von-Arnim-Gesellschaft 0933-6370 Saint-Albin-Verl. Lemm
119390 ACS Central Science 2374-7951 ACS Publications
119392 Folia Amazonica 1018-5674
119397 Micromachines 2072-666X MDPI
120021 Archeologicke Rozhledy 0323-1267 Archeologicky ústav Akademie ved Ceské republiky
120024 Current tropical medicine reports 2196-3045 Springer
120040 Engineering Mathematics Letters 2049-9337 SCIK Publishing Corporation
120079 Esse arts + opinions 0831-859X Les éditions Esse
120086 Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition 2329-8456 American Psychological Association
120087 Horizons Maghrébins 0984-2616 Toulouse: Centre de promotion culturelle de l'Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail Horizons maghrébins
120091 Trends in Bioinformatics 1994-7941 Asian Network for Scientific Information
120093 The Journal of Forensic Practice 2050-8794 Bingley : Emerald Publishing
120094 Macla 1885-7264
120095 GREAT Insights 2215-0595
120096 Les Dossiers d'Agropolis International 1961-9979 Agropolis internationnal
120097 Rethinking Ecology 2534-9260 Pensoft
120100 Vi@, Tourism Review, International journal Multilingual and interdisciplinary 2259-924X Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne
120101 Tvergastein interdisciplinary Journal of Environnement University of Oslo, Centre for Development and Environment (SUM)
120116 Computational Thermal Sciences: An International Journal 1940-2503 Begell House
120122 Cuadernos Inter.c.a.mbio sobre Centroamérica y el Caribe 1659-4940 CIICLA - Universidad de Costa Rica
120123 Travel Behaviour and Society 2214-367X Elsevier
120126 BioImpacts 2228-5660 Tabriz University of Medical Sciences
120132 Raumforschung und Raumordnung | Spatial Research and Planning 0034-0111
120134 Cadernos do Laboratorio Xeolóxico de Laxe 0213-4497
120137 Lire au collège 0754-1384 Ministère éducation natioanle
120138 Robotics 2218-6581 MDPI
120171 Analytical Spectroscopy Library 0926-4345 Elsevier
120193 Transcriptases 1965-2607 Paris: PISTES
120194 Breathe 1810-6838 The European Respiratory Society
120207 Next Generation Building 2213-4433 Delft University of Technology
120220 New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 0028-8306 Taylor & Francis
120227 Virologica Sinica 1995-820X
120230 Porcine health management 2055-5660 BioMed Central
120232 Materials Sciences and Applications 2153-117X Scientific Research
120235 Chroniques phénoménologiques 2555-7769 Aphex
120239 The Howard journal of crime and justice John Wiley & Sons Ltd
120240 Psicologia Sociale 1827-2517 Bologna : il Mulino
120243 Revue du Tarn 0763-868X Albi: Fédération des sociétés intellectuelles du Tarn
120248 Journal of Medieval Religious Cultures 1947-6566 Pennsylvania State University Press
120254 Bulletin de la Société royale belge d'Entomologie/Bulletin van de Koninklijke Belgische Vereniging voor Entomologie 1374-8297 Société royale belge d'Entomologie/Koninklijke Belgische Vereniging voor Entomologie
120256 Revue Internationale d'Etudes en Langues Modernes Appliquées - International Review of Studies in Modern Applied Languages 1844-5586 Risoprint
120271 International journal of thermal and environmental engineering 1923-7316 International Association for Sharing Knowledge and Sustainability
120279 Journal of forest products and industries 2325-4513 Research Publisher, Inc
120282 Innovation in woodworking industry and engineering design 1314-6149 University of forestry. Faculty of forest industry (Bulgaria)
120283 The Journal of Comparative Law 1477-0814 Talbot Publishing
120288 International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering IJETAE Publishing House
120300 International Journal of Social Science Studies 2324-8033 Redfame Publishing
120315 Physical Mesomechanics 1029-9599 Springer
120317 Moniteur des Travaux Publics et du Bâtiment 0026-9700
120320 Berichte über Landwirtschaft 0005-9080
120321 DLG - Mitteilungen 0341-0412
120322 Pêche Maritime 0031-3726
120323 Cahiers Economiques de Bretagne 0154-8557
120324 Economie Prospective Internationale 0242-7818
120325 Syntheses Statistiques Comptes et Revenus
120331 European Journal of Forest Pathology 0300-1237
120332 MathematicS In Action Société de Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles (SMAI)
120334 Courrier de la Transplantation 1628-8319
120335 Phytopathologia Mediterranea 0031-9465 Firenze University Press
120336 Journal of Crohn's and Colitis 1873-9946 Elsevier - Oxford University Press
120337 International Journal of Food Safety, Nutrition and Public Health 1479-3911
120340 Campagnes Solidaires 0984-9181
120341 Sciences au Sud 1297-2258 Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD)
120343 Proceedings - International Fertiliser Society 1466-1314
120344 Scientifica 2090-908X Hindawi