Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
69747 Fontes Linguae Vasconum: Studia et Documenta Pamplona : Institución Príncipe de Viana
69750 Renewable Sustainable Energy
69753 A Collection of Technical Papers - 14th AIAA/AHI International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference
69754 Collection of Technical Papers - 4th International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference
69755 A Collection of Technical Papers - 13th AIAA/CIRA International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference
69756 22nd ICDERS
69762 Open Journal of Composite Materials 2164-5612 Scientific Research Publishing
69763 MedChemComm 2040-2503 Royal Society of Chemistry
69766 Implementation and Application of Automata: 14th International Conference, CIAA 2009, Sydney, Australia, July 2009, Proceedings, Springer-Verlag
69771 Hydrocarbonworld
69775 Journal of the American Oriental Society
69777 Le sens de la métamorphose
69778 Int. J. Work Organisation and Emotion
69781 Drogues, santé et société 1703-8839 Drogues, santé et société
69785 EPJ Photovoltaics 2105-0716 EDP sciences
69787 Bulletin de l'École Antique de Nîmes 0755-916X Ecole Antique de Nîmes
69790 Journal of Marine Engineering and Technology 2046-4177 Taylor & Francis
69792 Mathematics and Social Sciences
69797 Revista Complutense de Estudios Franceses
69798 International Journal of Dentistry 1687-8728 Hindawi Publishing Corporation
69803 International Journal of Information Technology and Management (IJITM),
69806 Revista Inteligencia Competitiva ; Revista Inteligencia Competitiva,
69811 Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis 2194-5888 Cambridge University Press
69815 Bioresour. Technol
69816 IEEE-J-Stars
69820 International Journal of Business,
69822 Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development,
69824 Gestion,
69825 Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal,
69826 Advences Strategic Management,
69829 Économies et sociétés. Série K, Économie de l'entreprise 1760-8864 ISMEA
69830 Lange française
69831 Cahiers de l'Ecole Doctorale 139
69832 Advances in Behavioral Finance & Economics: The Journal of the Academy of Behavioral
69834 Synergie
69835 Blé91 1269-4010 DSDEN Essonne
69836 L'Éducateur
69838 Caractères 1377-3755 Association belge pour la lecture (ABLF). Section francophone
69839 SAE Internationnal Journal of Aerospace
69842 Journal of the Canadian Society for Mesopotamian Studies
69844 Le Diable probablement
69847 Journal of Air Transport Studies
69848 Revue Santé et Systémique:73-85
69849 Africa Mathematics Annals
69852 J.Vestib.Res
69853 International Language Resources and Evaluation Journal, special issue on Multimodal Corpora For Modelling Human Multimodal Behavior
69854 IEEE/RSJ
69857 Digital journal of CEPIS (Spanish version was published in Novática)
69858 Revista de Estudios Internacionales Mediterráneos 1887-4460 Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
69863 Hisrory and Languages of the Tigre speaking peoples. Studi Africanistici. Serie Etiopica 7
69865 Dominique Archambault, Roland Ossmann, Thomas Gaudy, and Klaus Miesenberger. "Computer games and visually impaired people". UpgDigital journal of CEPIS. A monograph in spanish was published in Novática
69868 AMSE-journals (Barcelona, Spain), Modelling C
69869 The European Journal for the informatics professionaL
69870 Neurology. Res
69872 Transactions on Systems, Signals and Devices
69875 AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings AMIA
69877 Notiziario Neutroni e Luce di Sincrotrone
69880 ORASIS
69881 ICPR (Pattern Recognition, 2008)
69885 Ofioliti 0391-2612 Edizioni ETS
69892 Medieval Prosopography
69896 Informatique et Sciences Humaines
69898 Int. J. Entrepreneurship and Small Business
69899 Prépublications du centre international de sémiotique et de linguistique
69901 Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems Series B: Applications & Algorithms 1492-8760 University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
69903 Bulletin de la Banque de France
69909 RTDH
69915 Nouveaux actes sémioniques
69918 Revue de sciences humaines/Ethique/Société
69919 Economie et Société, séries dynamique technologie et organisation
69928 Journal of Semiconductors 1674-4926 Beijing : Chinese Institute of Electronics ; Bristol : IOP,
69929 Clinical Investigation
69931 Topoi Orient Occident. Supplément 1764-0733 Association des amis de la Bibliothèque Salomon Reinach. Lyon
69934 Plastics Research Online
69935 Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security, 2
69936 RELat
69937 Int J Environ Res Public Health
69941 Synergies Espagne 1961-9359 GERFLINT
69943 Multi- disciplinary International Scheduling Conference
69948 Digital journal of CEPIS. A monograph in spanish was published in Novática
69950 The European Journal for the informatics professional (in Spanish) / Information Technologies for Visually Impaired People (in English)
69951 The Journal of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music,
69952 Neurology Res
69957 Le jeu vidéo, au croisement du social, de l'art et de la culture
69960 Objets et communication
69962 Lettera Matematica
69967 ZASPiL, Berlin
69969 Biuletyn {GUST}
70198 Survey Methodology
70204 Le Monde des Moulins
70205 Ferrantia, Luxembourg,
70206 Ferrantia, Luxembourg
70211 Journal Shock Waves
70212 Annuario
70216 J. Comput. Graph. Statist
70217 Earth-Science ReÍiews
70225 Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning 1935-8237 Now Publishers