Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
46291 Publications de l'IFB
46292 Annales de l'UAM. Niamey
46296 Mésogeios 1284-1935 Athènes: Editions Herodotos
46297 the South African Geographical Journal
46301 E-Revue d'Aménagement PRAXIS
46304 JOURNAL OF COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN & COMPUTER GRAPHICS China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House
46313 Compos. Sci. Tecnol,
46315 Europhys. Journal E,
46316 Computer Phys. Commun
46319 Notas Economicas
46322 Compte Rendus Académie des Sciences. Série IIa. ,
46326 Espace et Territoires
46329 Hormones and Behaviour
46334 ERCOFTAC Bulletin, March
46336 J. Dental Research
46340 Chemical engineering technology
46345 Centpourcent Basse-Normandie. Revue régionale INSEE
46346 Età Evolutiva
46347 Genetic Epistemologist,
46348 Revue PAROLE 1373-1955 Université de Mons-Hainaut
46352 Interaction et Cognitions 1270-2048 L'Harmattan
46353 Paroles d'Or
46354 Substratum
46355 Bulletin CILA 0251-7256 Université de Neuchâtel
46356 Cahiers de la Fondation Archives Jean Piaget
46364 Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia
46365 Romanian Statitiscal Review
46366 Revue Espace Marx
46371 Les Cahiers du GRMF
46372 Bulletin of Death and Life Studies 0988-4114 Paris: [International association for Near death studies]-France
46377 Journal of Operations and Logistics 2031-9746 International Institute of Innovation, Industrial Engineering and Entrepreneurship I4e2
46378 Cahiers du mouvement ouvrier
46380 Bordas encyclopédies
46381 Cahiers de l'IREHG
46382 Cahiers du CIREN
46383 Cahiers d'histoire de l'IRM
46391 Integrated Protection in Viticulture
46394 iJIM International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies
46395 The Electrochemical Society
46396 La Revue administrative 0035-0672 Éditions de la Revue administrative [1948-2005] - Presses universitaires de France (Puf) [2006-2008] - Economica [2010-2014]
46403 Verre (Paris, 1987)
46409 prisme
46410 Journal of eHealth Technology and Application 1881-4581 Tokai University - National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
46412 Automatique & de Productique Appliquées
46413 APII
46416 Communication in Algebra
46420 J Labelled Compd Rad
46423 Circuits and Systems, 2006. APCCAS 2006. IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on
45434 Cahiers de l'OCHA 1275-5168 Paris : OCHA,
45435 J of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials
45436 Bulletin of the Institute of Modern History 中央研究院近代史研究所集刊
45437 Eur. Coatings J
45438 An International Journal
45439 Min-su ch'ü-yi
45441 International Transactions on Systems Science and Applications
45442 Utilitas Mathematica 0315-3681 Utilitas Mathematica Publishing Inc
45446 Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics. Instructional Workshop and Symposium on Discrete Mathematics and Applications (on the occasion of the birth centenary of Professor Raj Chandra Bose), India (Kolkata)
45447 Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing 0835-3026 Charles Babbage Research Centre
45448 Morroccan Journal of Control Computer Science and Signal Processing
45455 La Découverte
45460 GRAMMA: Journal of Theory and Criticism
45461 Transtext(e)s Transcultures : Journal of Global Cultural Studies 1771-2084 Institut d'Etudes Transtextuelles et Transculturelles
45463 South African Journal of Statistics,
45464 Gramma
45465 Nouvelles du Sud
45471 International Journal of Engineering Design
45473 Computers and Applied Chemistry 1001-4160 Peking Publishing House of Electronics Industry
45474 polarforschung
45475 marine ornothology
45479 The Journal of Solid Waste Management and Technology
45480 CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Systems
45481 Journal Coating Technology Research
45482 Polymer Preprints
45483 acta Biologica Cracoviensia
45484 Spies's Holography Newsletter
45485 Research Chem. Intermed
45486 International Journal of Procurement Management
45487 Polymer preprints (ACS Philadelphia)
45488 Polymer Preprints (ACS Symposium Philaderphia)
45489 Polymer Preprints (ACS Symposium Philadelphia)
45493 Presse Universitaire du Mirail
45495 Opt. Eng
45498 Acta Cryst. E
45499 Chemical Engineering S
45500 Packaging, Transport, Storage & Security of Radioactive Materials
45503 proceeding the royal society london B
45509 Journal of Experimental and Theorical Physics Letters
45514 biology of the vipers
45515 Euro Asia Journal of Management
45517 Compell Journal
45519 COMPUMAG 2005
45520 sous les quarantièmes rugissants
45521 Future HIV Therapy
45525 Revue de Primatologie 1279-8304 Société francophone de primatologie (SFDP)
45526 marine biological assosciation of the United Kingdom
45532 Res. Microbiol
45540 antartic science
45541 Principia (Florianopolis, Brésil)