Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
180945 Acta Medica Lituanica 1392-0138 Vilnius University Press
307334 Cryptogamie, Bryologie
307339 Conchylia 1869-5302 ConchBooks
307363 中国法律评论 [Zhongguo falu pinglun] / China Law Review / Revue de droit de la Chine 2095-7440 Law Press (Pékin, Chine) [2014-....]
307400 Journal of maritime research 1697-4040
307642 Scapegoat : Architecture | Landscape | Political Economy
307703 Revue chinoise des droits de l'homme / Chinese journal of human rights [Renquan yanjiu. 人权研究] 2096-8221 Renmin University of China / Université du Peuple de Chine (Pékin, Chine) [2013-....]
307704 Le Juriste (《法学家》) 1005-0221
307707 Mensuel académique(《学术月刊) 0439-8041
307713 Droit et politiques(《政治与法律》) 1005-9512
307723 Revue de l'Université Jiaotong de Shanghai(Philosophie et Science Sociale) (《上海交通大学》哲学社会科学版) 1008-7095
307736 ECNU law review(《师大法学》)
307737 Journal of Comparative Law(《比较法研究》) 1004-8561
307742 Frontiers in Nuclear Engineering 2813-3412
307744 Unmesh, Monthly Newsletter of N.S. KASHMIR RESEARCH INSTITUTE
307752 Olizane, guide aventure Olizane
307755 Diálogos 2520-5927 Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa'e
307766 Revue Marocaine de Gestion et de Société
307787 Paper and the paper manuscript
307792 Tibet Archaeology Newsletter (Flight of the Khyung)
307825 Archives of Osteoporosis
307866 Central Asian Journal of Global Health 2166-7403
307927 Journal of Machine Learning Research 1533-7928
307941 HST Proposal ID 12601. Cycle 19
307942 ATNF proposal id.C2032
307943 ATNF proposal id.C1954
307944 ATNF proposal id.C1821
307945 NOAO Proposal ID 2008A-0569
307946 NOAO Proposal ID 2008A-0186
307985 NOAO Proposal ID 2006A-0366
308186 Italian Journal of Pediatrics 1824-7288
308189 Gynecologic Oncology 0090-8258
308401 Journal of Aeroelasticity and Structural Dynamics ASD
308474 European Journal of Creative Practices in Cities and Landscapes 2612-0496
308488 Canadian Public Policy 1911-9917
308502 Minutes de l'histoire de l'architecture moderne GHAMU
308544 50/50 le magazine de l'égalité hommes-femmes
308578 De la guerre 2804-083X Perrin
308624 Education and Society
308795 Archaeological Discoveries and Excavations in 2020 NAIM
308811 Scandia Journal of Medieval Norse Studies 2595-9107 NEVE Nucleus of Vikings and Scandinavian Studies
308838 World Journal of Psychiatry 2220-3206
308892 Global Hip Hop Studies 2632-6833 Intellect Books
308975 Journal of Illiberalism Studies
308990 Fintech 2674-1032 MDPI
308996 Les Cahiers Archéologiques 0068-4945 Editions Picard
309001 Petroleum Science 1672-5107 China University of Petroleum Beijing in collaboration with KeAi
309023 Fractal. Revista de teoría y cultura
309081 Economic Modelling
309147 Droit et développement social(《法制与社会发展》) 1006-6128
309168 Revista de estudios sobre patrimonio cultural - APUNTES
309398 Regards sur la RDA et l'Allemagne de l'Est 2606-7625 Hypothèses
309510 CQFD
309526 Lettre des Amis du Musée Louis-Philippe du Château d’Eu et du Domaine royam de Randan
309547 Revue Twaï
309550 Revue Lostraniero
309555 Revue Idiomag
309558 Itinerantes. Revista de historia y de religión
309561 Nouveaux Espaces latinos
309597 Cavernes
309979 Revista de Escritoras Ibéricas 2340-9029
310200 Revue du CAC Brétigny
310204 SAUC- Street Art and Urban Creativity 2183-9956 UC R&D Consortium
310273 International Yearbook of Futurism Studies 2192-0281 De Gruyter
310321 Bacterial Empire 2585-9374
310328 Journal of the Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association 2376-0699
310520 Appl.Sciences
310597 Milli Saraylar Sanat Tarih Mimarlık Dergis 2687-198X
310633 Filología
310728 The Journal 1533-0001
310931 华东政法大学学报 [Huadong Zheng-Fa Xueyuan xuebao] / Journal of the East China University of Politics and Law [Revue de l'université de sciences politiques et de droit de Chine orientale] 1008-4622 华东政法大学主办 [Université de sciences politiques et de droit de Chine orientale] (Shanghaï, Chine) [1998-....]
311019 Revue de l'Université chinoise de géologie (Edition des Sciences Sociales)(《中国地质大学学报(社会科学版)》) 1671-0169
311046 Peking University Law Journal / 中外法学 1002-4875 Université de Pékin [1988-....]
311052 环球法律评论 / Global Law Review [Revue globale du droit] 1009-6728 中国社会科学院 [Académie chinoise des sciences sociales] (Pékin, Chine) [2008-....]
311132 Communications Engineering Nature
311299 History Studies. Journal of the History Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University 2410-4671 Faculty of History of Lomonosov Moscow State University
311316 Ergod.Theor.Dynam.Syst.A
311818 Sensors
311916 Smart Materials in Medicine 2590-1834 Elsevier
311917 Panta Rei - Revista digital de Historia y Didáctica de la Historia 1136-2464
311918 Estudios Clásicos 0014-1453
311927 Biota Colombiana 0124-5376
311939 L'Ennemi Christian Bourgois
311948 EID&A 2237-6984
311987 Revue du musée Carnavalet-Histoire de Paris Paris Musées
311991 Deltio biblikon meleton
312045 Bulletin de l'Association française de sémiotique 1624-6470 Association française de sémiotique
312052 International Journal of Advanced Technology & Engineering Research 2250-3536
312068 Raudem: Revista de estudios de las mujeres 2340-9630 La Cañada de San Urbano Almería: Editorial Universidad de Almería
312071 Antiquitates Mathematicae 1898-5203 Polish Mathematical Society
312201 Neurips
312496 Sustainable Horizons 2772-7378
312540 Debats. Revista de cultura, poder i societat 0212-0585
312574 Numismatics, Sphragistics and Epigraphy 1312-5532 National institute of archaeology with museum (Bulgarian academy of sciences)
312636 Journal of Software for Algebra and Geometry 1948-7916
312910 Africa. Série Cahiers des arts et traditions populaires (CATP) [Revue du Centre des arts et traditions populaires] 0330-6860 Institut national du patrimoine (INP) [Tunis, Tunisie] [1996-2017]
312968 Frontiers in Nuclear Engineering
312971 Raddar
313084 Collection Centrale des Cas et Médias Pédagogiques CCMP
313267 Statistics in Biosciences 1867-1764 Springer
313343 Nuevos mundos, mundos nuevos
313535 Family Practice
313536 The Lancet Digital Health
313537 Minerva Anestesiologica
313547 Medicine
313559 Review of Environmental Economics and Policy 1750-6816
313610 Astronomische Nachrichten
313694 Zoom Recherche - Cahiers ESPI2R
313732 Atmospheric Research
313839 Itinerari 2036-9484 Mimesis
313840 Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics
313845 Understanding Complex Systems 1860-0832
313900 Didactique 2563-2159 Département de didactique (UQAM)
314081 Toronto Working Papers in Linguistics 1705-8619
314085 The Nautilus 0028-1344 Bailey-Matthews Shell Museum
314251 Кам'яна доба України Київ : Інститут археології НАН України
314288 Medijske studije 1847-9758
314290 La revue africaine
314298 International Journal of Developmental Science 2192-001X
314340 Lucius Annaeus Seneca 2785-2849 Sapienza Università Editrice
314347 Ахреологія
314422 Biotechnology Journal International 2456-7051
314568 Cancer Investigation
314613 Historia Magistra 2036-5071 Rosemberg & Sellier
314646 Revue des énergies renouvelables 1112-2242 Centre de Développement des énergies renouvelables
314689 Bollettino per i beni culturali dell'Umbria 1974-3637 BetaGamma Editoria - Viterbo
314784 International Journal of Natural Resource Ecology and Management 2575-3088 Science Publishing Group
314805 Indian Journal of Entomology 0367-8288
314842 Filologicamente Bologna University Press
315002 The International Journal of Developmental Biology 1696-3547
315003 Chem.Phys.Lett
315094 Nature Synthesis Springer Nature
315145 Atti della Accademia nazionale dei Lincei. Rendiconti. Classe di scienze morali, storiche e filologiche 0391-8181 Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei
315172 Critica d'arte 0011-1511 Firenze : Edizioni GEF srl
315227 Slayage: The Journal of Whedon Studies
315236 2021 IEEE 17th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE)
315272 2022 33rd Annual SEMI Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference (ASMC)
315295 GNOSI: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Human Theory and Praxis 2714-2485 GNOSI
315353 Resurgence & Ecologist 0034-5970 The Resurgence Trust
315410 Frantsuzskij Ezhegodnik
315446 Avtobiografiя, Journal on Life Writing and the Representation of the Self in Russian Culture
315494 #1257 2649-3543 Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
315513 Kirchenmusikalisches Jahrbuch Schöningh/Brill
315523 Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science Studies 2458-925X
315533 Advances in Simulation 2059-0628
315536 Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
315584 Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 1119-8109 Faculty of Engineering, Nnamdi Azikiwe University
315590 Research Journal in Engineering and Applied Sciences 2276-8467 Emerging Academy Resources
315720 International Journal of Industrial and Operations Research
315725 Revista Gestão & Políticas Públicas 2237-1095 USP
315836 Démiurges
315838 Green Synthesis and Catalysis (GSC) 2666-5549 Elsevier - Open access :
315885 Bibliothèque nationale de France - Les essentiels
316016 Sahrdaya Rendez-vous, Journal of Interfaces in Arts and Culture Dr. Davees C. J.
316058 Market and Competition Law Review
316060 Mainstream 2582-7316
316215 Revista Puertorriqueña de Psicología - "puerto rican journal of psychology 1946-2026 Asociación de Psicologí­a de Puerto Rico
316235 Economic issues 1363-7029 Nottingham Trent University
316461 Romanistische Zeitrschrift für Literaturgeschichte 0343-379X C. Winter
316477 Epitoanyag - Journal of Silicate Based and Composite Materials 0013-970X
316501 Revista Vértices 1415-2843 Essentia Editora Iffluminense
316520 Collection Travaux & Documents (Ministère de la Justice) Ministère de la Justice
316529 Les grands entretiens d’artpress Artpress
316534 Geobios
316552 Drug Development Research
316553 Dossier pour la science- La révolution végétale
316568 DEDALUS – Revista Portuguesa de Literatura Comparada 0871-9519 EDIÇÕES COSMOS
316607 Chroniques d'archéologie maghrébine
316615 Les cahiers techniques ARAAFU CRBC
316629 Trivium: Estudos Interdisciplinares 2176-4891
316661 Water Biology and Security 2772-7351 Elsevier
316676 Internationale Zeitschrift für Kulturkomparatistik 2698-492X
325730 Les Cahiers du CCRAG Centre Centrafricain de Recherche et d’Analyse Géopolitique (CCRAG)
325758 Industrie du futur
325864 Applications of Modelling and Simulation ARQII Publication
326231 La Matematica Springer
326290 Anodos. Studies of the Ancient World 1338-5410 Trnavská univerzita v Trnave, Filozofická fakulta
326318 Bio-Africa 1817-5546 Éditions Universitaires de Côte d’Ivoire (EDUCI)
326539 RetroNews 2492-8704 BNF-Partenariats
327410 Journal of Yoga and Physiotherapy 2476-1303
327417 Journal of Integrative and Complementary Medicine 2768-3605
327440 Stanovnistvo 0038-982X
327562 Journal of Turkish Studies / Türklük Bilgisi Araştırmaları 0743-0019 Günay Kut
327633 Diabetes care
327671 Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering 1944-7078
327718 CogSci
328167 Encyclopedia of Cryptography, Security and Privacy Springer
328213 Annuaire d'histoire liégeoise 0304-0771 Liège : Vaillaut-Carmanne
328295 Kurtrierisches Jahrbuch Stadtbibliothek Trier
328347 Teatro XXI 0328-9230
328350 The Journal of Dress History 2515-0995 The Association of Dress Historians
328359 Dubrovnik annals
328393 Abgadiyat 1687-8280 Bibliotheca Alexandrina
328531 Proceedings of the 44th Annual Cognitive Science Society Meeting
328602 Culture & Patrimoine. La revue des Amis de Moret et de sa Région 2106-9999 Les Amis de Moret et de sa Région
328633 Open Access Emergency Medicine 1179-1500
328766 Plant physiology
328823 Goettingen Journal of International Law 1868-1581 Goettingen Journal of International Law
328846 Proceedings of semantics and linguistic theory (SALT)