Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
83696 INOC '13 : International Network Optimization Conference
83698 Bunyan Studies : A Journal of Reformation and Nonconformist Culture 0954-0970 The International John Bunyan Society
83702 Proust, l'étranger
83708 Médiévalisme, modernité du Moyen Age, ILTC
83709 Interlitteraria
83716 AINA '13 : The 27th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications
83717 Algebra and Analysis
83720 Journal of Mathematics, Hindawi Publishing Corp
83721 Eurasian Journal of Mathematical and Computer Applications 2306-6172 Eurasian National University, Kazakhstan (Nur-Sultan)
83725 Images du Moyen Age
83734 TSI Informatique autonomique
83735 Revue d'automatique et de productique appliquées [1988-1995] 0990-7009 Ed. Hermès,
83736 WWW '13 : 22nd International World Wide Web Conference
83737 Mémoire(s), identité(s), marginalité(s) dans le monde occidental contemporain. Cahiers du MIMMOC Université de Poitiers ; MIMMOC
83738 ICONO/LAT '13 : International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear optics and International Conference on Lasers, Applications, and Technologies
83739 Actes du Congrès International de la SFECAG, Colmar, 21-24 mai 2009
83741 ICOST '13 : 11th International Conference On Smart homes and health Telematics
83742 Bulletin de la Société Francophone De Primatologie
83752 Military Communications and Information Systems Conference 2013
83758 MLSP '12 : IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing
83761 75th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society
83763 Revue du Centre national de Documentation pédagogique
83764 The China Economist
83765 Bank for International Settlements
83773 La revue Foéven - Ressources éducatives 1153-2092 Fédération des Œuvres Éducatives et de Vacances de l’Éducation Nationale
83774 Al-Mawaqif (Revue des études et des recherches sur la société et l'histoire) 1112-7872 Publications du Centre Universitaire de Mascara
83776 The Journal of Technology Transfer
83778 Inter-American Music Review
83786 Journal clinical Densitometry
83787 Atelier-Théâtre
83789 MAIA - Music and Arts in Action
83791 Proceedings of Tansducers 2013 and Eurosensors XXVII
83800 International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences 2319-7692 Krishna Institute of Science
83804 Advances in Computational Biology
83805 Int. J. Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing
83808 TSI "Ingénierie Dirigée par les Modèles : Numéro spécial
83814 Cardioscopies
83815 Journal of internet technology (JIT)
83816 Médecine Nucléaire - Imagerie Fonctionnelle et Métabolique
83819 ICaST, Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering (ICST)
83822 Mediterranean Telecommunications Journal
83824 INOC '11 : International Network Optimization Conference
83825 Bulletin Recherche de l'Institut Français de l'Education
83831 Revue de la Faculté de droit de l'Université de Liège 1780-5511 Larcier (Bruxelles, Belgique) [2004-....]
83835 Population , Space and Place,
83838 Geostorie, Bollettino e Notiziario del Centro Italiano per gli Studi Storico-Geografici
83839 La revue du CERFOP
83842 Cahiers de Prothèse
83843 Journal of Life Science
83846 OSA Technical Digest (online)
83848 Journal of Thermal Analysis
83853 HASP
83855 EMBC' 12 : 34th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society
83859 NordTrib
83861 Quaderni de Ricerca in didattica
83862 International Journal of E-Health and Medical Communications (IJEHMC) 1947-315X IGI
83864 Revue interdisciplinaire sur le management et l'humanisme
82556 InMedia : the French Journal of Media and Media Representations in the English-Speaking World 2259-4728 Center for Research on the English-Speaking World (CREW)
82557 Território Autônomo
82558 Industries des Céréales
82560 Méthodologie de la Recherche en Marketing
82563 Science & Technology Studies 2243-4690 Finnish Association for Science and Technology Studies
82564 Iuris Scripta Historiae
82566 Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, ISSN 1939-1250
82568 African Yearbook of International Law [print] / Annuaire Africain de droit international [print] 1380-7412 Martinus Nijhoff ; Koninklijke Brill N.V. (Leiden, Pays-Bas) [1993-....]
82570 UVX2012
82575 Annales Chimia
82576 Aspenia international
82580 Eur J Nucl Med
82582 Journal of Software Engineering and Applications 1945-3116 SCIRP
82589 EURASIP Advances in Multimedia
82591 Cell Journal (Yakhteh) 2228-5806 Royan Institute
82592 Recent Research Developments in Sound and Vibration
82594 Journal Control and Guidance
82595 Archivum Anatolicum 1300-6355 Ankara Üniversitesi
82596 Jaarbericht Ex Oriente Lux
82597 出土文獻研究
82598 宋代文化研究
82600 Procès-verbaux et mémoires de l'Académie des sciences, belles lettres et arts de Besançon et de Franche-Comté
82602 Revue Formation et Profession
82604 The Global Advanced Research Journal of Management and Business Studies (GARJMBS)
82605 Cahiers de la méditerrannée
82608 Encyclopedia of Reagents for Organic Synthesis
82610 Aidu Entos : archeologia e beni culturali 2037-6103 Sassari
82611 Archäologische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan 1434-2758 Reimer
82616 Avicenna Journal of Medical Biotechnology 2008-2835 Avicenna Research Institute
82620 Mathematics in Industry 1612-3956 Springer
82621 The Macrotheme Review
82625 Review of the Guernsey Society
82629 Frequenz Journal of RF-Engineering and Telecommunications
82631 EJS
82635 Comptes-rendus de l'Académie Bulgare des Sciences
82637 Communication Nonlinear Science Numerical Simulation
82638 RIPME
82639 Les Chantiers de l'IDIES
82646 International Critical Thought
82647 Revista del BCV (Banco Central de Venezuela)
82649 Research Institute Promitheas Newsletter
82655 Al Mustaqbal Al Arabi (The Arab Future)
82656 Vlaams Marxistisch Tijdschrift
82658 News International
82659 Relationes laborales
82660 Bioceramics Development and Applications
82662 Beebook
82667 IVS 2012 General Meeting Proceedings
82669 Les cahiers de droit du sport 1777-7550 Centre de droit du sport Aix-Marseille [2005-2018] ; Éditions (DDS) [2019-...]
82672 International Conference on Signal Image Technology and Internet Based Systems
82675 ICPPW '12 : The 41st International Conference on Parallel Processing Pittsburg, PA 10-13 september 2012
82676 Revue Forum
82685 Journal of Biomaterials and Nanobiotechnology
82686 Journal about Parents in Education (IJPE)
82687 Approches interdisciplinaires de la lecture 1771-236X Presses Universitaires de Reims
82689 International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research 1348-8503 Springer Verlag
82700 Analyse de l'Espace 0153-3134 Centre de recherche Analyse de l'espace
82702 Domitia Presses universitaires de Perpignan
82707 Fundamental Issues and Canonical Flows
82714 Prologue
82715 Revue MARS
82716 Théories de la phrase et de la proposition de Platon à Averroès
82718 Analyse et théologie, croyances religieuses et rationalité
82720 Democraty and social justice in Asia and Arab world
82722 Histoire des musulmans et de l'islam du Moyen âge à nos jours
82724 Al Fârâbî, Averroès : conversation et démonstration
82735 Ethic@ Florianópolis SC: Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Departamento de Filosofia Núcleo de Ética e Filosofia Política
82738 Nuova civiltà delle macchine 1970-9714 Torino: Nuova ERI-Edizioni RAI
82743 The Amazigh Voice
82744 Voluntas, revista internacional de filosofia 2179-3786 Santa Maria RS: Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Programa de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia
82745 Knjizevni List (Magazine littéraire)
82750 Prevention and Research 2240-2594 Prevention and Research, Universita di Roma
82753 Revista portuguesa de pedagogia 0870-418X Universidade de Coimbra
82757 Biologia Marina Mediterranea
82758 ISB-Magazine ISB
82762 Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - Proceedings 1869-1315 De Gruyter
82763 smarts structures and systems
82766 IEEE International Reliability Physics
82774 Annali di Botanica
82777 The National Palace Museum monthly of Chinese Art
82780 Revue des Sciences de l'Education
82781 Adv Healthc Mater
82789 Bulletin d'analyse phénoménologique 1782-2041 Université de Liège
82792 Current Molecular Pharmacology 1874-4672 Bentham Science
82801 Berceo. Revista riojana de ciencias sociales y humanidades
82802 Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics VII
82804 39th COSPAR Scientific Assembly
82807 39th COSPAR Scientific Assembly
82809 IEEE Information Theory Workshop
82811 Topics in Functional and Harmonic Analysis, Theta Series in Advanced Mathematics
82813 Nota di Lavoro
82815 Population-F
82817 39th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference
82820 Journal of Trading
82822 Applied economic perspectives and policy
82827 L'Information littéraire n° 2
82836 Case Rep Infect Dis
82837 International Journal of Navigation and Observation
82839 4th International Workshop on TRaffic Analysis and Classification TRAC 2013
82842 Bulletin de liaison des membres de la Société de Géographie
82843 Eurocrypt 2013
82845 Chaotic Modeling and Simulation Journal
82846 Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems
82847 Journal of Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
82849 Doklady Physics
82850 Mechanics of Solids
82851 Polimery 0032-2725 Instytut Chemii Przemysłowej
82854 New Geographies (Journal of the Harvard University Graduate School of Design)
82856 Journal of Aerospace Information Systems 2327-3097 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
82858 Computers Standards & Interfaces
82866 International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning (IJCEELL)
82869 Le Rhinolophe
82870 Nouvelle Mythologie Comparée / New Comparative Mythology Nouvelle Mythologie Comparée
82871 Mathematical Anthropology and Cultural Theory 1544-5879
82873 Int J Endocrinol
82874 Journal of Humanistic Mathematics
82877 Préhistoire, Art et Sociétés 1954-5045 Société Préhistorique Ariège-Pyrénées
82878 Sciences Eau & Territoire
82879 Disease Models & Mechanisms 1754-8403 Cambridge Company of Biologists
82883 Proceedings of the ICE - Engineering History and Heritage
82886 IJACT : International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology
82893 Séminaire Équations aux Dérivées Partielles. École polytechnique
82895 Environmental Progress
82898 Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics, Ed. P. W. Hawkes
82903 Environmental Law Reporter News & Analysis
82905 MSMI
82906 journal of Entreprise Information Management
82907 Thémata: Revista de filosofía
82908 International Journal of future Generation Communication and Networking
82911 Handb Clin Neurol Elsevier B.V
82915 Med Chem
82918 EUSIPCO 2012
82923 IET Circuits Devices and Systems
82933 UNOPAR Científica. Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde
82935 Revista Brasileira de Qualidade de Vida
82936 Ciência & Saúde
82938 Trabalho & Educação 1516-9537 UFMG - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
82939 Saúde e Pesquisa
82940 Revista CPAQV
82941 Regional Formation and Development Studies 2029-9370 Klaipeda University press
82942 New economics papers history and philosophy of economics