Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
50377 Liberté politique
711688 Liberté, Egalité, oui, mais Fraternité ?
168883 Liberté. Art et politique 1923-0915
33476 Libertés Amnesty International
36067 Libertés, justice, tolérancemélanges en hommage au doyen Gérard Cohen-Jonathan
158413 Libido
147456 Libido, 17, Eylül-Ekim 2015, p. 36-40 2147-1266 LİBİDO DERGİSİ
173659 Libr-critique [en ligne] Fabrice Thumerel
65362 Librairie Droz Genève
126793 Librairie de l'Académie d'Agriculture
35128 Librairie de l'Université
16752 Librarian Career Development 0968-0810 Emerald
39851 Librarian Insider IOP Publishing Limited
6795 Libraries and Culture 0894-8631 University of Texas Press
150553 Libraries: Culture, History, and Society 2473-0343 Penn State University Press
178753 Librarioli Silo
592204 Librarium : Zeitschrift der Schweizerischen Bibliophilen Gesellschaft 0024-2152 Schweizerische Bibliophilen-Gesellschaft
6796 Library 0024-2160 Oxford University Press (OUP)
40722 Library 1744-8581 Oxford University Press (OUP): Policy E
6799 Library Information Update 1476-7171 Chartered Institute of Library & Information Professionals
99016 Library & Information Science Research
6800 Library Acquisitions 0364-6408 Elsevier
6801 Library Administration and Management 0888-4463 American Library Association
6804 Library Association Record 0024-2195 World Wide Subscription Service Ltd
6803 Library Association of Alberta Bulletin 0002-483X Library Association of Alberta
6808 Library Collections, Acquisitions, and Technical Services 1464-9055 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
6809 Library Computer Systems and Equipment Review 0895-531X Mecklermedia Corp
6810 Library Computing 1527-1161 Sage Publications, Inc
16753 Library Consortium Management 1466-2760 Emerald
6811 Library Education Experimental Project 0586-3376 Syracuse, N.Y. : Syracuse University, School of Library Science
6812 Library Herald 0024-2292 Delhi Library Association
6813 Library Hi Tech 0737-8831 Emerald
16754 Library Hi Tech News 0741-9058 Emerald
58700 Library High tech
6814 Library History 0024-2306 Maney Publishing
39852 Library Issues 0734-3035 Mountainside Publishing Co., Inc
6815 Library Journal (1876) 0000-0027
6817 Library Management 0143-5124 Emerald
6818 Library Media Connection 1542-4715 Linworth Publishing Inc
6819 Library Mosaics 1054-9676 Yenor Inc
6820 Library News Bulletin 0024-2403 The Library
6821 Library Notes 0024-2438 Duke University Library
6822 Library Notes (Alabama Public Library Service) 0401-1295 Montgomery, Alabama Public Library Service
6823 Library Notes (University of Michigan) 0539-8436 Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Library Staff Association
6824 Library Occurrent 0024-2454 Indiana State Library
6827 Library Personnel News 0891-2742 American Library Association
1670 Library Philosophy and Practice 1522-0222 University of Nebraska, Lincoln libraries
666108 Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal) 1522-0222 University Libraries of the University of Nebraska--Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA
39853 Library PressDisplay NewspaperDirect, Inc
6828 Library Quarterly 0024-2519 University of Chicago Press
6829 Library Research 0164-0763 Norwood, N.J., Ablex
6830 Library Research in Progress 0455-9282 Washington, D.C. : U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education, Library Services Branch
6831 Library Resources and Technical Services 0024-2527 American Library Association
6832 Library Review 0024-2535 Emerald
6835 Library Security Newsletter 0094-0216 Haworth Press
6836 Library Service News 0024-2551 School of Library Service, Columbia University
6837 Library Software Review 0742-5759 Sage Publications, Inc
6838 Library Talk 1043-237X Linworth Publishing, Inc
6839 Library Technology Reports 0024-2586 American Library Association
6840 Library Trends 0024-2594 Johns Hopkins University Press
6842 Library World (London, England: 1907) 0024-2616
6797 Library and Archival Security 0196-0075 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
811808 Library and Information History 1758-3489
6802 Library and Information Science 0373-4447 Mita Society for Library and Information Science
6798 Library and Information Science Research 0740-8188 Elsevier
6806 Library chronicle 0024-2233 Philadelphia : Friends of the Library, University of Pennsylvania
6816 Library journal 0363-0277 Library Journal
6825 Library of Congress Information Bulletin 0041-7904 Public Affairs Office of the Library of Congress
6826 Library of Congress. Quarterly Journal of Current Acquisitions 0090-0095 Library of Congress
171996 Library of Mediterranean History
6834 Library science with a slant to documentation 0024-2543 Sarada Ranganathan Endowment for Library Science
6843 Library-College Journal 0024-225X Library-College Associates
138208 Libre cours: la Vienne Société Loire et Terroirs
32153 Libre prétexte
20263 Libre-Acces
132161 LibreSens 1157-7452 CPED (Centre protestant d'études et de documentation)
1671 Libreas : Library Ideas 1860-7950 Institut für Bibliothekswissenschaft Berlin
112425 Libres Savoirs
45811 Libres cahiers pour la psychanalyse 1625-7480 In Press
1672 Libres: Library and Information Science Research Electronic Journal 1058-6768 Curtin University of Technology
279033 Libresens
6844 Libri 0024-2667 De Gruyter
733278 Libri
341288 Libri & Documenti 0390-1009 Milano, biblioteca Trivulziana
32567 Libri e biblioteche e letture dei frati mendicanti. (XXXII Congresso internazionale di studi francescani, Assisi 2004
105550 Libros de la corte 1989-6425 Instituto Universitario "La Corte en Europa" - IULCE
170866 Librosdelacorte test
127405 Liburna : revista de humanidades 1889-1128 Universidad católica de Valencia "San Vicente Mártir
177905 Libya Antiqua 0459-2980 Fabrizio Serra editore
1673 Libyan Journal of Medicine 1819-6357 Co-Action Publishing
136314 Libyan Studies 0263-7189 Cambridge University Press
73717 Libyca 1111-360X Centre national d'études historiques
71409 Libélio
29733 Libéralismes et partis libéraux en Europe
103508 Libération 0335-1793 SARL Libération
175866 Libération
138252 Libération 0335-1793 SARL Libération (SFR Presse)
176315 Libé
223927 Lichen - Revue de Poésie, (53)
223923 Lichen - Revue de Poésie, (58)
223921 Lichen - Revue de Poésie, (59)
16808 Lichenologist 0024-2829 Cambridge University Press (CUP)
180533 Lidil (Revue de linguistique et de didactique des langues)
99601 Liebigs Ann. Chem
20575 Liebigs Annalen / Recueil
156916 Liebigs Annalen der Chemie 0170-2041
16755 Lied und populäre Kultur / Song and Popular Culture 1619-0548 JSTOR
75827 Lien Horticole
105254 Lien Horticole 0293-6852
77141 Lien Social. Le Forum du Jeudi
63514 Lien social 0994-1819 Lien social
635774 Lien social
26579 Lien social et Politiques 1204-3206 Anjou, Québec : Éd. Saint-Martin ; Rennes : Presses de l'EHESP
919143 Lien social et Politiques
108242 Liens 0850-4806 UCAD
181383 Liens citoyens
124054 Liens nouvelle série 0850-4806 Faculté Des Sciences et Technologies de l'Education et de la Formation, Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar
171970 Liens nouvelle série 0850-4806 Faculté des Sciences et Technologies de l'Education et de la formation (FASTEF) / UCAD
45758 Liens social et politique
110331 Liens socio
775711 Liens socio/Lectures 2116-5289
916017 Liens, Revue Internationale des Sciences et Technologies de l’Éducation 2772-2392 Faculté des Sciences et Technologies de l’Éducation de la Formation Université Cheikh Anta DIOP de Dakar Sénégal
187097 Lieu de recherche - BNU
168544 Lieu de recherche - Le carnet de la Bnu 2679-5361
26557 Lieux Communs - Les Cahiers du LAUA 1779-5885 LAUA (Langages, Actions Urbaines, Altérités - Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Nantes)
104174 Lieux Littéraires / La Revue 1764-9064 Université Paul-Valéry -- Montpellier III
31818 Lieux d'accès public à Internet et aux outils multimédias (collection Réflexions et Avis d'Experts)
134561 Lieux d'être 0980-3769 Régis Louchaert
29627 Lieux de culture, culture de lieux. Production(s) culturelle(s) locale(s) et émergence des lieux : dynamiques, acteurs, enjeux
34059 Lieux de culture, culture des lieux
867020 Lieux de l'enfance Privat
33426 Lieux, décors et paysages de l'ancien roman des origines à Byzance
119845 Life 2075-1729 MDPI
141960 Life
6845 Life (Chicago, Ill. : 1978) 0024-3019 Time Inc
20264 Life Chemistry Reports
130456 Life Cycle Reliability and Safety Engineering 2520-1352
28372 Life Sci
152160 Life Sci.Space Res
273306 Life Science Advance Molecular Genetics
156902 Life Science Advances 0255-6642
156946 Life Science Advances. Steroid Biochemistry
132334 Life Science Alliance 2575-1077 Life Science Alliance LLC
146932 Life Science Alliance
44642 Life Science International Journal
155097 Life Science Journal 1097-8135
6846 Life Sciences 0024-3205 Elsevier
37843 Life Sciences International Journal
104129 Life Sciences in Space Research 2214-5524 Elsevier
707956 Life Sciences, Society and Policy 2195-7819
174792 Life Span and Disability
179505 Life Stories 0987-223X
39854 Life Writing 1448-4528 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
53936 Life and Marine Sciences
155936 Life and Pensions 1748-9024
6847 Lifelong Learning 0740-0578 American Association for Adult and Continuing Education
136826 Lifelong Lifewide Learning 2279-9001 EdaForum
6848 Lifelong learning, the adult years / Adult Education Association of the United States of America 0148-2165 Adult Education Association of the United States of America
143424 Lifestyle Genomics 2504-3161
16756 Lifestyles Family and Economic Issues 0882-3391 Springer-Verlag
37506 Lifetime Data Anal
16757 Lifetime Data Analysis 1380-7870 Springer Verlag
150809 Ligabue Magazine
140605 Ligature - revue critique du livre d'artiste 2270-0404 Association Livre d’artiste & art contemporain - LAAC
178244 Ligeia
26233 Ligeia, dossiers sur l'art 0989-6023 Ligeia - Giovanni Lista
169257 Ligeia. Dossiers sur l'art
131866 Light & Engineering 0236-2945 Znack Publishing House
6849 Light Metal Age -Chicago 0024-3345 Fellom Publications
281555 Light and Engineering (Svetotechnika)
702568 Light, Plasmonics and Particles
180136 Light: Advanced Manufacturing 2689-9620
146674 Light: Science & Applications
98008 Light: Science and Applications 2095-5545 Nature Publishing Group
6850 Lighting & Electrical Design 0360-9758 W.R.C. Smith Pub. Co
6851 Lighting Design & Application 0360-6325 Illuminating Engineering Society
6852 Lighting Dimensions 0191-541X Prism Business Media
281557 Lighting Engineering
105419 Lighting research and technology
143121 Lightwave Technology
169134 Ligiea
120608 Ligne Verte 1247-5998
152354 Ligne de Front, Histoire des conflits du XXe siècle Caraktère
46247 Lignes 0988-5226 Editions Lignes
154710 Lignes
76243 Lignes de crêtes
83346 Lignes de fuite Association Lignes de fuite
39855 Lignes directrices pour les essais de produits chimiques 1684-3681 OECD Publications Centre
175233 Lignées Elevage Buena vista
113721 Ligures 1824-7776 Istituto internazionale di studi liguri
156361 Lihapäivät 0355-0869
69987 Lihpao (Taipei)
144417 Liiketaloudellinen Aikakauskirja 0024-3469
106353 Liinc em revista 1808-3536 Rio de Janeiro RJ: Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Laboratório Interdisciplinar sobre Informação e Conhecimento
21757 Lijecnicki Vjesnik 0024-3477 Croatian Medical Association
67746 Lijiang Minzu Yanjiu 丽江民族研究 云南民族出版社
21756 Likars'ka Sprava Vrachebnoe Delo 1019-5297 Zdravle
150040 Lili, la rozell et le marimba (2019-2021) La Criée centre d'art contemporain, Rennes
578291 Lille simplement
766316 Limbaj si contect/Speech and Context 1857-4149 Angela Cosgiuc