Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
174010 MPRA Paper n°18618
455653 MPRA paper
39994 MR 1827-1995 Edizioni Minerva Medica
96727 MR3124714 Reviewed Arnaud, Marie-Claude When are the invariant submanifolds of symplectic dynamics Lagrangian? Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst
279106 MRC Working Papers 2534-9465 Monetary Research Center (Sofia)
128580 MRS Advances Cambridge University Press
182021 MRS Advances
39995 MRS Bulletin 0883-7694 Cambridge University Press (CUP)
125410 MRS Bulletin
123594 MRS Communications 2159-6859 Cambridge University Press
176991 MRS Energy & Sustainability 2329-2229
86066 MRS Fall proceedings 2012/Cambridge University Press 2013
98935 MRS Internet J. Nitride Semicond. Res
1698 MRS Internet Journal of Nitride Semiconductor Research 1092-5783 Cambridge University Press (CUP)
80781 MRS Online Proceedings Library 1946-4274 Cambridge University Press
70789 MRS Proceedings
116279 MRS Spring Meeting
79416 MRS proceeding
55382 MRS-Fall Symp. Proc
156571 MSH Informations 0397-2062
114095 MSI Eureka
63049 MSJ Memoirs
82905 MSMI
881739 MSR - Mélange de Sciences religieuses Université catholique de Lille
881742 MSR -Mélange de Sciences Religieuses Université Catholique de Lille
30304 MSRI Publications
37389 MST News
7229 MSU Business Topics 0024-8460 Graduate School of Business Administration, Michigan State University
110107 MSphere American Society for Microbiology
156087 MT Endocrinologie et Reproduction 1763-3850
108064 MTA Review / Military Technical Academy Review 1843-3391 Military Technical Academy Publishing House
75801 MTDL '11 : International ACM Workshop on Multimedia Technologies for Distance Learning
49447 MTF
872178 MTNS 2014 the 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, 7 - 11 July 2014, Groningen, The Netherland : proceedings
20287 MTP International Review of Science
39915 MTP. Médecine thérapeutique / Pédiatrie 1286-5494 John Libbey Eurotext [1998-....]
23481 MTS/IEEE Oceans University of Miami
61801 MTT, The 4th International Conference on Meaning Text Theory
103259 MTZ Worldwide 2192-9114 Springer Automotive Media
735768 MU KARA SANI 0257-1838
75796 MUE '11 : The 5th FTRA International Conference on Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering
81694 MULTIMED - Revista do Réseau Méditerranée de Centres d'Études et de Formation
122993 MUSICA THEORICA - Revista da Associação Brasileira de Teoria e Análise Musical 2525-5541 TeMA
123277 MUSICultures 1920-4213 Canadian Society for Traditional Music / Société canadienne pour les traditions musicales
89850 MVA2013 IAPR International Conference on Machine Vision Applications
135007 MVM: Cuadernos de Estudios Manuel Vázquez Montalbán 2014-0525 Asociación de Estudios Manuel Vázquez Montalbán
75750 Ma Ying and Hans-Michael Trautwein (eds.)
47382 MaK Edition
167816 MaLiCE
140239 MaLiCE, le Magazine des Littératures et des Cultures à l'ère numérique Cielam
39876 Maandblad Geestelijke Volksgezondheid 0024-8576 Mgv
72268 Maandschrift Accountancy & Bedrijfskunde
86038 Maarg. A Magazine of the Arts
149875 Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law 1023-263X METRO, the Institute for Transnational Legal Research
91518 MacTech Magazine
39878 MacWorld (Sweden) 0284-3005 IDG Communications Pte Ltd
87420 Macabéa - Revista Eletrônica do Netlli
6901 Macarthur Law Review 1327-1644 University of Western Sydney Macarthur
109963 Macchine Utensili 1126-3377 tecniche nuove
83469 Maced. J. Chem. Chem. Engin
75634 Maced. J. Chem. Chem. Engin
93885 Macedonian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
729934 Macedonian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering 1857-5552
597254 Macedonian Veterinary Review 1857-7415
100646 Mach Graph Vision
163909 Mach.Learn.Sci.Tech
137858 Machikaneyama Ronso 0387-4818 The Literary Society, Osaka University
6902 Machine Design -Cleveland 0024-9114 Penton Ipc
45366 Machine Dynamics Problems
74226 Machine Dynamics Research 2080-9948 Warsaw University of Technology edition
169899 Machine Dynamics Research
72944 Machine Graphics & Vision 1230-0535 Instytut podstaw informatyki (Pologne)
20971 Machine Intelligence and Robotic Control Journal 1345-2681 Cyber Scientific
6903 Machine Learning 0885-6125 Springer Verlag
109707 Machine Learning
181030 Machine Learning Technical Reports Machine Learning Lab. at Koya University, Iraq
174866 Machine Learning and Data Mining for Sports Analytics (MLSA)
135113 Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases ECML PKDD 2017
132800 Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction 2504-4990 MDPI
182280 Machine Learning with Applications 2666-8270 Elsevier
177075 Machine Learning: Science and Technology IOP Publishing Ltd
16813 Machine Translation 0922-6567 Springer Verlag
16814 Machine Vision and Applications 0932-8092 Springer Verlag
143288 Machine learning Journal
39877 Machinebouw 1572-4980 Array Publications
134414 Machines 2075-1702 MDPI
27303 Machines, Agency and Desire
16815 Machining Science and Technology 1091-0344 Taylor & Francis
837430 Machining Science and Technology 1532-2483
158171 Macht und Ohnmacht : Kirchenlied und Politik. Liturgie und Kultur. Zeitschrift der Liturgischen Konferenz für Gottesdienst, Musik und Kunst
120094 Macla 1885-7264
6904 Maclean's 0024-9262 Rogers Media
6905 Macquarie Law Journal 1445-386X Macquarie University
218936 Macro Management & Public Policies 2661-3360 Bilingual Publishing
146217 MacroDev 2116-4363 Agence Française de Développement
96709 Macroeconomic Announcements
16816 Macroeconomic Dynamics 1365-1005 Cambridge University Press (CUP)
108316 Macroeconomic Dynamics
175168 Macroeconomica CASE
130331 Macroeconomics and Finance in Emerging Market Economies 1752-0843 Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research
139789 Macroheterocycles 1998-9539 Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology
59663 Macroheterocycles
167453 Macromol 2673-6209 MDPI
99528 Macromol. Mater. Eng
99684 Macromol. Rep
138319 Macromol. Symp
16817 Macromolecular Bioscience 1616-5187 Wiley-VCH Verlag
797060 Macromolecular Bioscience 1616-5195
16818 Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 1022-1352 Wiley-VCH Verlag
639170 Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 1521-3935
16819 Macromolecular Materials and Engineering 1438-7492 Wiley-VCH Verlag
147561 Macromolecular Materials and Engineering
16820 Macromolecular Rapid Communications 1022-1336 Wiley-VCH Verlag
174495 Macromolecular Rapid Communications 1521-3927
144274 Macromolecular Rapid Communications
16821 Macromolecular Reaction Engineering 1862-832X Wiley-VCH Verlag
102606 Macromolecular Research 1598-5032 Springer
20476 Macromolecular Structures
16822 Macromolecular Symposia 1022-1360 Wiley-VCH Verlag
540312 Macromolecular Symposia
16823 Macromolecular Theory and Simulations 1022-1344 Wiley-VCH Verlag
172545 Macromolecular Theory and Simulations
16518 Macromolecules 0024-9297 American Chemical Society
877654 Macromolecules 1520-5835
30123 Macromolecules and Secondary Metabolites of Grapevine and Wine
137239 Macrophage 2378-136X Smart Science & Technology
6906 Macworld -San Francisco 0741-8647 Macworld -- Subscription Department
179098 Mad Movies 0338-6791 Custom Publishing
92576 Mada-ENELSA 2410-0331 MESupReS
86943 Mada-Géo : journal des sciences de la terre
513384 MadaRevues 2710-4648 Akhil Gupta
83010 Madagascar Conservation & Development 1662-2510 Indian Ocean e-Ink
919142 Madagascar Conservation and developement
98076 Madamines 2220-0681 MadaRevues
174014 Made in Nouvelle-Calédonie : le magazine de l’industrie calédonienne
134631 Madeleine De l'Incidence
43694 Madeleine de Jauréguiberry Omenaldia - Hommage Colección Lankidetzan
43638 Madeleine de Jauréguiberry Omenaldia-Hommage Colección Lankidetzan
6907 Mademoiselle 0024-9394 Conde Nast
146938 Madera Bosques
124000 Madera y Bosques Instituto de Ecología
117827 Madinati, La Revue d'urbanisme, d'architecture et de construction 2477-9849 Djillali Tahraoui, Directeur de la Publication : Oran
6908 Madison Avenue 0024-9483 Madison Avenue Magazine
299296 Madmoizelle
172973 Madoc
369777 Madoc. Tijdschrift voor de Middeleeuwen
32409 Madrid, Casa de Velasquez, colloque « Los Almohades. Doctrina, actividad intellectual y práticas religiosas
54642 Madrider Mitteilungen 0418-9744 Philipp von Zabern
166873 Madrygal. Revista de Estudios Gallegos
123514 Madàràt - Ǧam’iyaẗ madàràt ma’rifiyaẗ 0330-7565 Association Madarat Maarifia
802322 Maedica - A Journal of Clinical Medicine 1841-9038
54177 Maesurement Science and Technology
608691 Mag AFSP 2825-6034 Association française de science politique — AFSP
162695 Mag Sacem 2108-8802 SACEM
122843 Mag UPVD Université de Perpignan Via Domitia 52 avenue Paul Alduy 66 860 Perpignan Cedex 9 33 (0)4 68 66 20 00
447837 Mag' UPVD
243114 Mag'MA Musée de l'Armée
179271 MagICINe ICIN
139238 MagRH 2677-660X MagRH
1703 Magallania 0718-0209 Universidad de Magallanes
168746 Magallánica. Revista de Historia Moderna Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Humanidades
913178 Magallánica: Revista de Historia moderna 2422-779X
157250 Magasin Agricole 0763-8922
48714 Magasinet Humaniora
148877 Magazin istoric 0541-881X Fundaţia Culturală Magazin Istoric
730533 Magazin istoric
523159 Magazin-erwachsenenbildung 1993-6818 Erwachsenenbildung und Weiterbildung
442889 Magazine 360 °
88309 Magazine Artension 1778-6630 Éditions Lelivredart
105562 Magazine Bretons Éditions Blanc et Noir - Vannes
106155 Magazine Brune
132078 Magazine Décideurs 2493-8718
87067 Magazine France-Arménie
121088 Magazine J'innove en Nord-Pas de Calais
329825 Magazine Les Trésors de la culture ORACOM
145546 Magazine Livres Hebdo 2116-8539 Electre SA - Cercle de la Librairie
625283 Magazine Moyen Orient
174013 Magazine Question-Réponse
167044 Magazine VU
130240 Magazine de l'Institut Confucius 孔子学院月刊 1674-9715 Gai Kan Bianjibu
39880 Magazine de l'OMPI 1020-7074 World Intellectual Property Organization
83486 Magazine de la communication de crise et sensible 2266-6575 Observatoire international des crises (OIC)
174742 Magazine de l’Acfas Acfas
604424 Magazine de l’EUA (European Universities Association)
906453 Magazine de l’éducation (Université de Cergy-Pontoise, équipe des sciences de l’éducation)
333581 Magazine des Cultures Digitales 1638-3400 association Musiques & Cultures Digitales
102589 Magazine des IUT de France
101724 Magazine des Professions Financières et de l'Économie 2431-2460 Centre des professions financières
154280 Magazine des anciens élèves de l'ESIEE
906504 Magazine des professionnels de la dépollution des sites - UPDS Mag Union des professionnels de la dépollution des sites - UPDS
119057 Magazine du département informatique de l'INSA de Lyon
173378 Magazine littéraire
29943 Magazine littéraire (Le) 0024-9807 Magazine Littéraire
175459 Magazine municipal "Toul'Horizon Mairie de Toulaud, 07130, France
6910 Magazine of American History with Notes and Queries 0361-6185
6911 Magazine of Bank Administration 0024-9823 Bank Administration Institute, Publication Office
169568 Magazine of Civil Engineering 2712-8172 Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University