Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
152147 Le Point Afrique
152148 Africa Today
152149 Peripherie - Politik, Ökonomie, Kultur
152150 Le Point
152151 La Croix
152153 Contretemps
152155 European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults
152159 TDC 0395-6601 Canopé
152160 Life Sci.Space Res
152161 Wallonie Elevage
152162 International Journal of Pure & Applied Bioscience
152164 Revista Valenciana de Filologia
152167 Medi1 Radio
152169 Voice of Africa
152170 Japonisumu kenkyû ジャポニスム研究 / Studies in Japonisme 1344-2198
152171 Ezikov Svyat (Orbis Linguarum)
152172 Revue d’histoire industrielle des Pyrénées occidentales
152184 Bulletin of Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency 2432-2830 Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency
152185 Kyôsai. Kawanabe Kyôsai kenkyûkai kaishi 暁齋 : 河鍋暁斎研究会会誌 0388-5917
152187 Revue Grain de sel
152188 CIHEAM Watch Letter
152189 Agridape
152190 Europe : revue littéraire mensuelle
152192 Kokuritsu kokkai toshokan geppô 国立国会図書館月報 / National Diet Library Monthly Bulletin 0027-9153
152193 Journal of the Helminthological Society of Washington 1049-233X Lawrence, Kan
152194 Literatura e Sociedade 1413-2982 Universidade de São Paulo
152195 Instituto de Estudios Latinoamericanos
152198 Wathi
152201 Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences
152202 De Genere 2465-2415 Benevento: Edizioni Labrys
152203 Behavior Research Methods 1554-3528
152204 Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior 1938-3711
152206 Gerontology 1423-0003
152208 Shôyû Kurabu kaihô 尚友倶楽部会報
152209 Pediatric Exercise Science 0899-8493
152211 Me no me 目の眼 / Mind’s Eye Monthly Art Magazine 0386-1481
152212 Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture 2330-8249 TAYLOR & FRANCIS
152213 The International Journal of Psychoanalysis Dana Birksted-Breen
150816 Arts & cultures
150817 Semanario Universidad
150818 Traffic Injury Prevention 1538-957X
150820 Italian Economic Journal 2199-3238 Springer
150824 Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 1873-6483
150825 ジャポニスム研究 1344-2198 ジャポニスム学会
150826 デザイン理論   0910-1578 Isho gakkai
150827 Proceedings of Advancing Astrophysics with the Square Kilometre Array (AASKA14). 9 -13 June, 2014
150828 Addiction (Abingdon, England) 1360-0443
150829 The International Journal of Press/Politics 1940-1612 Sage Publications