Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
779 Elementos 0187-9073 Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla
780 Elore 1456-3010 Finnish Folklore Society
781 ELSA Selected Papers on European Law 1373-2196 The European Law Students' Association
782 Emerging Infectious Diseases 1080-6040 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
783 Emerging Themes in Epidemiology 1742-7622 BioMed Central
784 Encontros Bibli: Revista Eletrônica de Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação 1518-2924 Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
785 Encounters 1715-0647 Association for Political Research
786 Enculturation: a Journal of Rhetoric, Writing, and Culture 1525-3120 George Mason University
787 Endocrine Journal 0918-8959 Japan Endocrine Society
788 Endocrine Regulations 1210-0668 Slovak Academic Press
789 Enfoques 1514-6006 Universidad Adventista del Plata
790 Enformatika 1305-5313 World Enformatika Society
791 Engenharia Agrícola 0100-6916 Sociedade Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola
792 Engenharia Ambiental : Pesquisa e Tecnologia 1678-2178 Environmental Engineering Course / UNIPINHAL
793 Engenharia Sanitaria e Ambiental 1413-4152 Brazilian Association of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering
794 Engineering Economics 1392-2785 Technologija
795 English Teaching : Practice and Critique 1175-8708 University of Waikato
796 Ensaio 0104-4036 Fundação CESGRANRIO
797 Enseñanza e Investigación en Psicología 0185-1594 Consejo Nacional Para la Enseñanza e Investigación en Psicología
798 Entelequia : Revista Interdisciplinar 1885-6985 Grupo Eumednet, University of Malaga
799 Entomologia y Vectores 0328-0381 SciELO
800 Entomotropica 1317-5262 Sociedad Venezolana de Entomología
5545 InStyle 1076-0830 Time Inc
5546 Insurance and Technology 1054-0733 A Miller Freeman Publication
5547 Insurance Conference Planner 0193-0516 Prism Business Media
5548 Insurance counsel journal 0020-465X International Association of Insurance Counsel
5549 Insurance Law Journal -Sydney 1030-2379 Reed International Books Australia Pty Limited
5550 Insurance law journal (Chicago, Ill.) 0020-4722 Commerce Clearing House
5551 InTech 0192-303X Isa Instrument Society of America
5552 Integrateducation 0020-4862 Integrateducation
5553 Integrative and Comparative Biology 1540-7063 Oxford University Press (OUP)
5554 Intellect 0149-0095
5555 Intellectual Property Forum 0815-2098 Intellectual Property Society of Australia and New Zealand
5556 Intellectual Property Journal 0824-7064 Carswell
5557 Intelligent Enterprise -San Mateo 1524-3621 Miller Freeman
5558 Inter-American economic affairs 0020-4943 Inter-American Economic Affairs
5559 Inter-American Law Review 0020-4951 Tulane Institute of Comparative Law
5560 Inter-American Library Relations Newsletter 0020-496X Washington: Columbus Memorial Library
5561 Revista interamericana de bibliografia = Review of inter-American bibliography 0020-4994
5562 Interavia 0020-5168 Jane's Information Group
5563 Interavia, Business & Technology 1423-3215 Aerospace Media Publishing (AMP) SA
5564 Interavia Business and Technology 0983-1592 Air & Cosmos Sa-france
5565 Interchange 0826-4805 Springer Verlag
5566 Interchurch News 0090-7332
5567 Interface 0163-6626 Mitchell Publ
5568 Interfaces 0092-2102 INFORMS
5569 Interior design (New York, N.Y.) 0020-5508 Reed Business Information
5570 Interiors & Sources 1059-5287 LC Clark Publishing
5571 Interiors -New York 0164-8470 Interiors
5572 Interlending and Document Supply 0264-1615 Emerald