Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
60212 European citokine Network
543231 European conference on Power electronics and applications
759676 European constitution
58048 European contributions to American studies
94661 European directory of sustainable and energy efficient building
606185 European journal of American studies 1991-9336
626542 European journal of Mathematics and statistics 2736-5484
22272 European journal of anaesthesiology. Supplement 0952-1941
497599 European journal of cancer (Oxford, England . 1990) 1879-0852
22271 European journal of cell biology. Supplement 0724-5130
84089 European journal of chemistry
154406 European journal of civil engineering
477113 European journal of clinical microbiology & infectious diseases : official publication of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology
135207 European journal of clinical pharmacology
796327 European journal of dental education . official journal of the Association for Dental Education in Europe 1600-0579
340736 European journal of dermatology: EJD
59659 European journal of development studies
110662 European journal of economics and economy
477039 European journal of gastroenterology & hepatology
22265 European journal of haematology. Supplementum 0902-4506
100164 European journal of histochemistry : EJH
98497 European journal of homelessness 2030-2762
478977 European journal of internal medicine
816910 European journal of internal medicine 1879-0828
105285 European journal of nutrition 1436-6215
163890 European journal of oncology nursing : the official journal of European Oncology Nursing Society
182516 European journal of oral sciences 1600-0722
698760 European journal of paediatric neurology 1532-2130
375488 European journal of paediatric neurology : EJPN : official journal of the European Paediatric Neurology Society
795733 European journal of pharmaceutical sciences . official journal of the European Federation for Pharmaceutical Sciences 1879-0720
110105 European journal of pharmaceutics and biopharmaceutics : official journal of Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Pharmazeutische Verfahrenstechnik e.V 1873-3441
336351 European journal of preventive cardiology 2047-4881
605460 European journal of public health 1464-360X
542772 European journal of sport science 1536-7290
913155 European journal of turkish studies 1773-0546
451215 European journal of ultrasounds
137802 European labour law journal 2013-9525
623482 European neuropsychopharmacology 1873-7862
373957 European papers
199550 European philosophy of medicine and health care 0928-7493
179579 European political economy review 1742-5697
154313 European research in regional science
94396 European research in telemedecine
57292 European review of history = Revue européenne d'histoire
160274 European sociologist
174389 European thyroid journal
154152 European water pollution control
816790 EuropeanaTech Insight
56146 Europeanroads review RGRA
71972 Europhycs Letters
87703 Europhyics Letters
47834 Europhys
56107 Europhys News
46315 Europhys. Journal E,
28343 Europhys. Letters
83322 Europhysics Conference Abstracts
172479 Europhysics Letters
90131 Europhysics Letterss
79597 Europhysics Lettres
123505 Europolis
119224 Europos-Doura
99065 Europski glasnik
134268 Europäische Erziehung
63515 Europäische Geschichte Online
65704 Europäische Geschichte Online (EGO)
98428 Europäisches Zeitschrift für Arbeitsrecht
104421 Europæa 1292-8968
70136 Eurorient ISSN 1284-4519
156998 Euroryza
87136 Euroscope, CEE
36184 Eurosite Spoonbill Network Newsletter
156623 Eurosoya 0760-0224
45240 Eurostat Pulications - Luxembourg
157279 Eurostatistiques 0252-8266
145924 Eurostudia 1718-8946
156129 Eurosurveillance Weekly 1812-075X
32803 Eurovent Cecomaf Review
46708 Eurovent Review
156234 Eurovin Etudes 1764-8831
156128 Eurovin News 1626-6838
156965 Euroviti Cahier Technique
175742 Eurozine
163152 Eurozine 1684-4637
735047 Eurpean Journal of Applied Physiology
81068 Eurytemora affinis
49444 Eurépargne
180432 Eurépargne 0251-3021
79263 Eurêka
94600 Eurêka, le moment de l'invention
94589 Eurêka, le moment de l'invention, un dialogue entre art et science
43782 Euskal gramatikari eta literaturari buruzko ikerketak XXI. mendearen atarian - Gramatika gaiak
43641 Euskalkiak eta bestelako hizkera-moduak eskolan [Les dialectes basques et les autres formes de langue à l'école], Arte eta Kulturako V. Topaketak / V. Encuentros de Arte y Cultura, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea / Universidad del País Vasco Bilbao, 5-7 de
584527 Euskera ikerketa aldizkaria 0210-1564
44172 Euskera zientifiko-teknikoa: normalizazinotik homologazinora
98363 Eutomia revista de literatura e linguística
128879 Eutopia
157886 Eutopía - Revista de Desarrollo Económico Territorial 1390-5708
142190 Euxeinos 2296-0708
267326 Evaluated by an Integrative
72299 Evaluation and Program Planning / Evaluation and Programme Planning
31524 Evaluation des risques environnementaux pour une gestion durable des espaces
37091 Evaluation et compétences et apprentissage expérientiels : savoirs, modèles et méthodes, Actes du 17ème colloque international de l'AMEE
66357 Evaluation et développement des compétences au travail
34609 Evaluation in E-learning : the European Academic Software Award
98613 Evaluation interne, évaluation externe. Les mesures du travail ', Journées du GDR Economie et Sociologie et du LEST, ' Les approches du marché du travail ', Aix-en-Provence, 29-30 septembre 2005 (en collaboration avec F. Vatin)
89535 Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
34088 Evaluation, Ministère de l'Ecologie et du Développement Durable
885794 Evangile aujourd'hui
279014 Evangile et Liberté
703855 Evangélisation et paroisse
30607 Evelyne Micollier, (ed.) Sexual Cultures in East Asia: The Social Construction of Sexuality and Sexual Risk in a Time of AIDS
836673 Evening show
4744 Evergreen Review 0014-3758
85180 Evid Based Med
606189 Evidence Combined. Western and Eastern Sources in Dialogue
22251 Evidence report/technology assessment (Summary) 1530-440X
108987 Evidence-Based Endodontics
681321 Eviterna
110186 EvoDevo
150086 EvoDyn@ISWC
119323 Evol App
141350 Evol Appl
44502 Evol Ecol Res
105231 Evolution 0014-3847
143123 Evolution
66737 Evolution & Development of the Brachiopod Shell
102396 Evolution - International Journal of Organic Evolution
156796 Evolution Agricole 0755-1134
148721 Evolution Equations & Control Theory
90224 Evolution Equations and Control Theory
109316 Evolution Equations and Control Theory (EECT)
129877 Evolution Letters
243518 Evolution Psychiatrique 0014-3855
127271 Evolution and Big History
43701 Evolution and Cognition
117121 Evolution and Human Behavior
100494 Evolution international journal of organic evolution
48820 Evolution of shrews
486641 Evolutionary Anthropology 1520-6505
337326 Evolutionary Applications 1752-4571
421026 Evolutionary Applications
163195 Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences 2330-2925
63909 Evolutionary Biology
164308 Evolutionary Biology—A Transdisciplinary Approach
174627 Evolutionary Computation
72794 Evolutionary Intelligence
157917 Evolutionary Systematics
135711 Evolutionary Trends in Plants
54225 Evolutionary and Institutional Economic Review
41900 Evolutionnary Bioinformatic Online
34401 Evolutions technologiques et vieillissement des personnes
156814 Evoluzione Vivaistica
639704 Evolving Earth 2950-1172
173522 Evolving Systems
41293 Evropa volume IV, Moscow, Mandr & Ka, publishers
156876 Evénement du Jeudi 0765-412X
71952 Ex Aequo
193743 Ex Ponto
91923 Ex Æquo
41448 Ex-Aequo
91863 Ex-Lege
166757 Ex-centric Narratives: Journal of Anglophone Literature, Culture and Media 2585-3538
124760 ExCl
738466 Ex_situ 1710-3193
130830 Exacta (Online)
932821 Examinateur au grand oral d'admission de l'IRIS, le 1er juillet 2021
132267 Examining developments and applications of wearable devices in modern society
33548 Excavations at Kition. VI, The Phœnician and later levels
67813 Excellence classique et marginalité / XVIIème siècle
34720 Exclusion et liens financiers : Monnaies sociales, Rapport 2005-2006
45193 Exemplaria Classica
123414 Exercer 0998-3953
733301 Exercice
282639 Exercice – Revue bien urbaine
31506 Exercices sociologiques autour de Roger Cornu. Dans le chaudron de la sorcière
109678 Exils et mémoires de l'exil dans le monde ibérique (XIIe-XXIe siècles)
84625 Exils et émigration hispaniques au XXIe siècle, Revue du CERIC
31190 Exils-Identité
126572 Existe-t-il des arts « mineurs » ? Traditions, mutations et dé-définitions, de la Renaissance à l’art actuel
89829 Exkursionsführer und Veröffentlichungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften
134454 Exp Aging Res 1096-4657
25099 Exp Cell Res
28890 Exp Cell Research
56409 Exp Clin Transplant
99777 Exp Eye Res
140687 Exp Mech
48426 Exp. Cell Res
27498 Exp. Cell. Res
149530 Exp. Gerontol
50904 Exp. Neurol
56532 Exp. Neurol.,
149515 Exp. Physiol
106449 Expansion Entrepreneuriat
619586 Exper.Astron
170898 Experientia
20148 Experientia Supplementum
134581 Experimenta: Revista de divulgación científica de la Universidad de Antioquia 2357-3503
102692 Experimentacion en arqueologia, Estudio y diffusion de pasado
71306 Experimental & Translational Stroke Medicine
113725 Experimental Agriculture