Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
198414 Experimental Astronomy
100364 Experimental Biology 2007
98967 Experimental Biology Online - EBO
481297 Experimental Biology and Medicine 1535-3699
128624 Experimental Cell Research
168290 Experimental Cell Research 1090-2422
541294 Experimental Dermatology 1600-0625
552435 Experimental Diabetes Research 1687-5303
110333 Experimental Economics 1573-6938
166261 Experimental Economics
144491 Experimental Economics 1386-4157
163658 Experimental Hematology
149518 Experimental Mechanics 1741-2765
23800 Experimental Neurobiology
176144 Experimental Neurology 1090-2430
175002 Experimental Results 2516-712X
27134 Experimental Techics
62063 Experimental Technics
800973 Experimental Techniques 1747-1567
164193 Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science
278676 Experimental Thermal and Fluid Sciences
143992 Experimental and Applied Acarology
128650 Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology 0232-7384
133967 Experimental and Clinical Transplantation 1304-0855
187437 Experimental and Clinical Transplantation
154759 Experimental and Computational Multiphase Flow 2661-8869
98680 Experimental biology and medicine (Maywood, N.J.)
35311 Experimental diabesity research
22249 Experimental oncology 1812-9269
154774 Experimental parasitology 1090-2449
169498 Experimental physiology 1469-445X
30354 Experimental pragmatics
24936 Experimental psychology
117868 Experimentalfilme, Filmkollektive Frankfurt Publikation
30944 Experimentation and Interpretation in Mesoamerican Lithic Technology
172347 Experimentelle Archäologie in Europa
167908 Experiments in Fluids
102583 Expert Journal of Economics 2359-7704
25085 Expert Opin Biol Ther
30027 Expert Opin Ther Targets
132475 Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery
129261 Expert Opinion on Orphan Drugs
76125 Expert Rev Clin Pharmacol
148787 Expert Review of Anti-infective Therapy 1478-7210
176138 Expert Review of Cardiovascular Therapy 1744-8344
149526 Expert Review of Medical Devices
168163 Expert Review of Medical Devices 1745-2422
124814 Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research
175033 Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research 1744-8379
169008 Expert Review of Precision Medicine and Drug Development
131328 Expert Review of Vaccines
135754 Expert Reviews in Dermatology
93919 Expert Syst. Appl
136791 Expert Systems
363881 Expert Systems with Applications
477093 Expert opinion on biological therapy
159509 Expert opinion on drug metabolism & toxicology
167898 Expert opinion on drug safety
424919 Expert opinion on investigational drugs
170012 Expert review of cardiovascular therapy
149925 Expert review of clinical pharmacology 1751-2441
22248 Expert reviews in molecular medicine [electronic resource]
791632 Expert systems with applications
929429 Experte auprès de la Commission européenne depuis 2016
49892 Expertise des systèmes d'information
439945 Expertises Economiques
156932 Expertises. Etudes et Recherches
78267 Expl Agric. (2012), volume 48 (2), pp. 194-209 Cambridge University Press 2011
30822 Explaining social change : studies in honour of Colin Renfrew
93537 Expliciter
155465 Exploitant Agricole de Saône et Loire 0983-6233
120462 Exploitation des ressources naturelles et protection des droits de l'homme
35440 Exploration Archéologique de Délos
95716 Exploration Geophysics
114226 Exploration and Mining Geology
924693 Exploration of Digital Health Technologies
525966 Exploration of Drug Science
263517 Exploration of Neuroprotective Therapy
340296 Explorations in Media Ecology 1539-7785
168900 Exploratory Materials Science Research 2582-8444
182304 Exploratory Research and Hypothesis in Medicine 2472-0712
69197 Explore (NY)
545816 Exploring Venus as a Terrestrial Planet. (2007), Geophys. Monogr. Ser
72996 Exportar
36798 Exporter la décentralisation à la française : essai sur le Liban
37533 Expos. Math
178082 Exposition "Capter la ville", Syndicat Potentiel, Strasbourg, sur une proposition de l'Ecole nationale supérieure d'architecture de Strasbourg
178084 Exposition "Capter la ville", Syndicat Potentiel, Strasbourg, une proposition de l'Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Strasbourg
33014 Exposition "Faïences. Faïences de l'Antiquité. De l'Egypte à l'Iran", Paris, Louvre, 2005
877931 Exposition en ligne, UC Louvain, UQAM Montréal
28997 Expositiones Math
182806 Expositiones Mathematicae
950343 Exposome 2635-2265
24970 Expounding the mathematical seed, Bhâskara and the Ganitapada of the Âryabhatîya
260523 Express Polymer Letters
155847 Expression Cosmétique 2108-1956
938713 Expression sensible
142005 Expression, Revue internationale sur les expressions intellectuelles et spirituelles de peuples sans écriture
135957 Expressions
81166 Expressions maghrébines
64203 Expresso (L') (café pédagogique)
63063 Expérience et mémoire
134137 Expériences pédagogiques
157574 Expérimentation Animale 0014-4916
32112 Expérimenter pour apprendre
693987 Extracellular Vesicles and Circulating Nucleic Acids 2767-6641
153955 Extracta Mathematica
24221 Extracta Mathematicae
204323 Extracta Mathematicae 2605-5686
20888 Extraction de connaissances et apprentissage
95304 Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances (EGC)
76004 Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances (EGC), Tunisie
521497 Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances: EGC'2022
95316 Extraction et gestion de connaissances (EGC)
78882 Extraction et gestion des connaissances
932829 Extrait d'article mentionné comme suit: "Les ambitions culturelles de la Chine" dans le manuel "Histoire-Géographie. Géopolitique. Sciences politiques" (dir. Anne Doustaly) - Classe de Première - Paris - Belin - 2019, P. 125
43917 Extrait de "l'Europe qui se construit", E. Dacheux (dir), Presses universitaires de St etienne, 2003
76998 Extrait du "Bulletin de la société de géographie
79564 Extramuros
91237 Extrapol
157725 Extrapolation
180026 Extreme Events and Natural Hazards: The Complexity Perspective
174917 Extreme Mechanics Letters
77819 Extreme Physiology & Medicine
112399 Extremophiles life under extreme conditions
157272 Extrusion Communiqué 0958-0549
122333 Extrême Orient, Extrême Occident
123671 Extrême orient Extrême occident
216883 Extrême-Orient Extrême-Occident
123675 Extrême-Orient Extrême-Occident Statuts et identités dans l’Asie prémoderne (XVIIe-XIXe siècle)
122286 Extrême-Orient, Extrême-Occident
62392 Eye (Lond)
477082 Eye (London, England)
151867 Eye and Contact Lens 1542-233X
119188 Eye magazine
179995 Eyes on Europe 1782-8449
152171 Ezikov Svyat (Orbis Linguarum)
983868 F&S Reviews 2666-5719
177481 F&S Science 2666-335X
577545 F-ILIA
31476 F. Camerota, ed., Nel Segno di Masaccio (Firenze, Galleria degli Uffizi,16 ottobre 2001-20 gennaio 2002)
31325 F. Camerota, ed., Nel segno di Masaccio (Firenze, Galleria degli Uffizi, 16 ottobre 2001-20 gennaio 2002)
66986 F1000 Biol Rep
155940 F1000 Biology Reports 1757-594X
120550 F1000 Medicine Reports 1757-5931
182181 F1000Prime Reports 2051-7599
145784 F1000Research
62971 FABREC, programme européen : Education, Audiovisuel, Culture
847861 FACE: Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales 2500-9338
700693 FACETS
120076 FACTA UNIVERSITATIS series Working and Living Environmental Protection
60196 FACTA. A journal of Roman Material Culture Studies 2
162621 FAMEQ
983937 FANI
64502 FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) Plant Protection Bulletin
155957 FAO Animal Production and Health Paper 0254-6019
104511 FAO Cultured Species Information programme
157261 FAO European Cooperative Network on Pasture and Fodder Crop Production Bulletin
614847 FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Circular 2070-6065
154139 FAO fisheries technical paper
154165 FAO water reports
97234 FARES 2008 : International Workshop on Frontiers in Availability, Reliability and Security
97286 FAST Forecasting and Assessement in Science and Technology Occasional Paper
110616 FAT Schriftenreihe
52336 FATES/RV'06: Formal Approaches to TESting/Runtime Verification
77795 FATIGUE 2010
154323 FBA news
156226 FBMIS Forest Biometry Modelling and Information Sciences 1740-5955
90477 FC 2013 : Financial Cryptography and Data Security 17th International Conference
45175 FCAA
45174 FCAA journal
48813 FDMP (Fluid dynamics & Material processing)
84820 FDTC
176934 FEA Information Engineering Journal 2167-1273
146644 FEBS J
171452 FEBS Journal 1742-4658
141768 FEBS Lett
160076 FEBS Letters 0014-5793
160386 FEBS Letters 0014-5793
160389 FEBS Letters 1873-3468
143928 FEBS Open Bio
81146 FEEM Working Paper
785176 FEMERIS: Revista Multidisciplinar de Estudios de Género 2530-2442
173844 FEMS Immunology & Medical Microbiology 1574-695X
98838 FEMS Immunology & Medical Microbiology
134039 FEMS Microbiol Lett
28369 FEMS Microbiol. Lett
50764 FEMS Microbiol. Reviews
288804 FEMS Microbiology Ecology
156994 FEMS Microbiology Immunology 0920-8534
159937 FEMS Microbiology Letters 0378-1097
167300 FEMS Microbiology Reviews
28589 FEMS Yeast Res
143931 FEMS Yeast Research 1567-1364
170165 FEMS microbiology reviews 1574-6976