Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
128327 Global Challenges 2056-6646 Wiley
154407 Global Chance, numéro spécial : Développement, Energie, Environnement: changer de paradigme
13678 Global Change Biology 1354-1013 Wiley
294172 Global Change Biology
103827 Global Change Biology - Bioenergy 1757-1693
94006 Global Change Biology - Bioenergy
73693 Global Change Biology Bioenergy
173772 Global Change Newsletter
13677 Global Change and Human Health 1389-5702 Springer Verlag
13679 Global Change, Peace and Security 1478-1158 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
122143 Global Communication Studies 2188-2223 Chiba: Kanda gaigo daigaku gurobaru komyunikeshon kenkyujo,
167375 Global Communications Letters IEEE
117670 Global Communications Newsletter, IEEE Communications Magazine
606048 Global Competition Litigation Review 1756-6002 Sweet & Maxwell
175851 Global Constitutionalism 2045-3817
76486 Global Constitutionalism
177757 Global Conversations: An International Journal in Contemporary Philosophy and Culture 2434-5687 Society for Philosophy as Global Conversation
163121 Global Cooperation Research - A Quarterly Magazine
5041 Global Cosmetic Industry 1523-9470 Allured Publishing Corp
104159 Global Credit Review 2010-4936 World Scientific
13680 Global Crime 1744-0572 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
164219 Global Crime
33922 Global DSP
39141 Global Development Finance 1020-5454 World Bank Publications
124020 Global Dialogue 2519-8688 International Sociological Association
638241 Global Discourse
175476 Global Discourse: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Current Affairs and Applied Contemporary Thought 2326-9995 Bristol University Press
13681 Global Ecology and Biogeography 1466-822X Wiley
852219 Global Ecology and Biogeography 1466-8238
181298 Global Ecology and Biogeography
13682 Global Ecology and Biogeography Letters 0960-7447 JSTOR
108490 Global Ecology and Conservation 2351-9894 Elsevier
913572 Global Ecology and Conservation
104563 Global Ecology and Conservation
39142 Global Economic Prospects World Bank Publications
13683 Global Economic Review 1226-508X Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
26938 Global Economy Journal The Berkeley Electronic Press
91922 Global Education
157905 Global Education Magazine 2255-033X
176996 Global Energy Law and Sustainability 2632-4512
102001 Global Environment 1973-3739 The White Horse Press
13684 Global Environmental Change 0959-3780 Elsevier
123959 Global Environmental Change 0959-3780
116558 Global Environmental Change
13685 Global Environmental Change Part B 1464-2867 Elsevier
13686 Global Environmental Politics 1526-3800 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press (MIT Press)
538413 Global Epidemiology 2590-1133
132394 Global Fashion Management Conference 2288-825X
13687 Global Finance Journal 1044-0283 Elsevier
142649 Global Focus
77639 Global Focus (formerly Business & the Contemporary World)
568387 Global Food History 2054-9547
104694 Global Food Security 2211-9124 Elsevier
456288 Global Food Security
145444 Global Geology
39143 Global Governance 1075-2846 Brill
5042 Global HR 1474-1598 Reed Business Information Ltd
112179 Global Health Action 1654-9716 Häggeby : Co-Action Publishing
524599 Global Health Action
573007 Global Health Action 1654-9880
102235 Global Health Promotion 1757-9759 SAGE Publications
78726 Global Health Promotion
532790 Global Health Research and Policy
818282 Global Health, Epidemiology and Genomics 2054-4200
129857 Global Health: Science and Practice 2169-575X Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs
98162 Global Heart 2211-8160 World Heart Federation
308892 Global Hip Hop Studies 2632-6833 Intellect Books
177962 Global Histories
361842 Global Implementation Research and Applications 2662-9267
152456 Global Information Infrastructure Symposium
70867 Global Information Infrastructure Symposium (GIIS 2011)
80608 Global Information Infrastructure Symposium, GIIS'11, IEEE Xplore
80909 Global Information Infrastructure and Networking Symposium
164297 Global Innovation Index 2263-3693 Cornell University, INSEAD, WIPO
146210 Global Intellectual History
5043 Global Investor 0951-3604 Euromoney Institutional Investeor Plc
178925 Global Journal Al-Thaqafah
146503 Global Journal of Advanced Engineering Technologies and Sciences 2349-0292 Global journal of advanced engineering technologies and sciences
178339 Global Journal of Advanced Research
101284 Global Journal of Advanced Software Engineering Avanti Publishers
135112 Global Journal of Archaeology & Anthropology 2575-8608 Jupiner publishers
667064 Global Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences 2052-6350
497235 Global Journal of Business Management International Scholar Journals
117737 Global Journal of Business Research 1931-0277 IBFR - Institute for Business and Finance Research
496975 Global Journal of Business and Management International Scholar Journals
138520 Global Journal of Business, Economics and Management: Current Issues
339418 Global Journal of Cancer Therapy 2581-5407 Peertechz Publication
422903 Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice
338955 Global Journal of Ecology 2641-3094 Peertechz
118799 Global Journal of Engineering Science and Research Management 2349-4506
106365 Global Journal of Engineering Science and Researches 2348-8034
153028 Global Journal of Engineering Sciences
784875 Global Journal of Engineering Sciences - GJES 2641-2039 iris publishers
170021 Global Journal of Engineering and Technology Advances
104508 Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management 2383-3572
53365 Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management
148890 Global Journal of Forensic Science and Medicine 2349-5014
66954 Global Journal of Health Science IPRJB JOURNALS
153091 Global Journal of Human Resource Management
114602 Global Journal of Human Social Sciences