Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
109969 Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal Emerald Group Publishing
19122 Sport, Education and Society 1357-3322 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
40617 Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 1751-1321 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
126648 Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology 2157-3905 Educational Publishing Foundation of the American Psychological Association
40618 SportBusiness International SportBusiness Group
40619 Sportex Dynamics Centor Publishing Ltd
40620 Sportex Medicine 1471-8138 Centor Publishing Ltd
114584 Sports - Multidisciplinary Open Access Journal 2075-4663 MDPI
21232 Sports Biomechanics 1476-3141 Taylor & Francis (Routledge): SSH Titles
19125 Sports Engineering 1369-7072 Springer Verlag
8668 Sports Illustrated 0038-822X Time Inc
8669 Sports Illustrated Women 1537-6230 Time Inc., Sports Illustrated Group
19126 Sports Medicine 0112-1642 Springer Verlag
137227 Sports Medicine International Open Thieme
40621 Sports Medicine Reports 1524-0991 AHC Media LLC
19128 Sports Medicine Training and Rehabilitation 1057-8315 Informa UK (Taylor & Francis)
19127 Sports Medicine and Arthroscopy Review 1062-8592 Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins
69064 Sports Medicine, Arthroscopy, Rehabilitation, Therapy and Technology 1758-2555 BioMed Central
120014 Sports medicine - Open 2199-1170 Springer
2363 Sportscience 1174-9210 University of Otago
19129 Sportverletzung - Sportschaden 0932-0555 Georg Thieme Verlag
19131 Sprache - Stimme - Gehör 0342-0477 Georg Thieme Verlag
115712 Sprache im technischen Zeitalter 0038-8475 Böhlau-Verlag
19130 Sprache und Kognition 0253-4533 Hogrefe
166524 Sprachwissenschaft 0344-8169 Universitätsverlag Winter
117624 Sprawozdania Archeologiczne 0081-3834 Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, Polish Academy of Sciences
2364 Spreadsheets in Education 1448-6156 Bond University
103731 Springer INdAM Series 2281-518X Springer
130327 Springer Proceedings in Advanced Robotics 2511-1256 Springer
112812 Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 2194-1009 Springer
60356 Springer Proceedings in Physics 1867-4941
18411 Springer Seminars in Immunopathology 0344-4325 Springer Verlag
104477 SpringerPlus 2193-1801 SpringerOpen
2365 Sprouts : Working Papers on Information Systems 1535-6078 Sprouts Alliance
55469 Spécial Champignons Magazine
148928 Spécialiste de Médecine du Sport
111897 SpécifiCITéS. La revue des Terrains Sensibles 2256-7186 Champ social
57745 Spéléo magazine 1629-1573 Spéléo magazine
21231 Srpski Arhiv za Celokupno Lekarstvo 0370-8179 Serbian Medical Society
8671 St. John's Journal of Legal Commentary 1049-0299 St. John's University School of Law
8673 St. Louis Law Review 0271-2849 Washington University
19134 St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal 1061-0022 American Mathematical Society
208472 St. Petersburg Polytechnic University journal. Physics and mathematics 2405-7223 Elsevier
8675 St. Thomas law review 1065-318X St. Thomas University School of Law
50531 Stadion - Zeitschrift für Geschichte des Sports und der Körperkultur 0172-4029 Academia Verlag
5671 Staff Papers- International Monetary Fund 0020-8027 International Monetary Fund
8676 Staff Reporter 0013-8495 Baltimore, Enoch Pratt Free Library
8677 Stage of the Art 1080-7268 Arizona State University
12711 Stahlbau / Steel Structures 0038-9145 Ernst und Sohn
8678 Stained Glass 0038-9161 Stained Glass
8679 Stained Glass -Kansas City 1067-8867 Stained Glass Association of America
8680 Stained Glass Quarterly 0895-7002 Stained Glass Quarterly
129739 Stand 0038-9366
19135 StandardView 1067-9936 Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
40624 Standardization News American Society for Testing and Materials
21230 Standardization news : SN 1094-4656
167506 Standards 2305-6703 MDPI
102204 Standards in Genomic Sciences 1944-3277 BioMedCentral
19136 Standort - Zeitschrift für angewandte Geographie 0174-3635 Springer Verlag
2366 Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy 1095-5054 Stanford University
8681 Stanford Environmental Law Annual 0197-7873 Stanford Environmental Law Society, Stanford Law School
8682 Stanford Environmental Law Journal 0892-7138 Stanford Law School
8683 Stanford Humanities Review 1048-3721 Stanford University, Humanities Center
8684 Stanford Journal of International Law 0731-5082 Stanford Law School
8685 Stanford Journal of Law, Business and Finance 1078-8794 Stanford Law School
8686 Stanford Law Review 0038-9765 Stanford Law School
2368 Stanford Technology Law Review 1098-4267 Stanford Law School
2367 Stanford journal of archaeology d000-0987 University of Stanford, Archaeology Center
105450 Stantari - Histoire naturelle et culturelle de la Corse 1774-8615 Kyrnos publications
12712 Starch/Stärke 0038-9056 Wiley-VCH Verlag
46645 Starinar 0350-0241 Beograd: Arheološki institut
40625 Start-Up 1090-4417 Windhover Information Inc
109474 Stat 2049-1573 John Wiley & Sons
21229 State Coverage Initiatives issue brief : a national initiative of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
40627 State Environment & Safety Regulatory Monitoring Report The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc
40628 State Environment Daily 1535-1637 The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc
40629 State Health Care Regulatory Developments The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc
40630 State Health Watch 1074-4754 AHC Media LLC
8688 State Librarian 0305-9189 Circle of State Librarians
8689 State Library Newsletter 0490-8473 National Association of State Libraries
40631 State Politics and Policy Quarterly 1532-4400 SAGE Publications
40626 State and Local Government Review 0160-323X SAGE Publications
8687 State government (Denver, Colo.) 0039-0097 State Government
21227 State legislatures 0147-6041
19137 State of California Labor 1531-9037 University of California Press
648930 State of the Planet 2752-0706 Copernicus Publication
21224 States of health 1524-4830
8690 Station Bulletin 0362-8167 St. Paul : Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Minnesota
161134 Statistica Applicata - Italian Journal of Applied Statistics 1125-1964 Associazione per la Statistica Applicata
19138 Statistica Neerlandica 0039-0402 Wiley
35424 Statistica Sinica 1017-0405 Taipei : Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica
40632 Statistical Abstract of the United States 0081-4741 Bernan Associates
70993 Statistical Analysis and Data Mining 1932-1864 Wiley
40633 Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology 1544-6115 De Gruyter
155593 Statistical Communications in Infectious Diseases 1948-4690
19139 Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes 1387-0874 Springer Verlag
171604 Statistical Journal of the IAOS 1874-7655 IOS press
40634 Statistical Journal of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe 0167-8000 IOS Press
19140 Statistical Methodology 1572-3127 Elsevier
19141 Statistical Methods and Applications 1618-2510 Springer Verlag