Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
56501 Synergies Pays germanophones 1866-5268 GERFLINT
40933 Synergies Pologne 1774-7988 GERFLINT
113471 Synergies Portugal 2268-493X GERFLINT
102370 Synergies Roumanie 1841-8333 GERFLINT
66023 Synergies Royaume Uni et Irlande 1961-9464 Synergies
79862 Synergies Sud-Est européen 1961-9367 GERFLINT
72529 Synergies Tunisie 2105-1054 GERFLINT
177790 Synergies Turquie 1961-9472 GERFLINT
177791 Synergies Venezuela 1856-0350 GERFLINT
8769 Synergy 0039-7814 Bay Area Reference Center, San Francisco Public Library
19274 Syntax 1368-0005 Wiley-Blackwell
19275 Syntax and Semantics 0092-4563 Elsevier
26218 Syntaxe et Sémantique 1623-6742 Presses Universitaires de Caen
19276 Synthese 0039-7857 Springer Verlag (Germany)
120325 Syntheses Statistiques Comptes et Revenus
175303 Synthesis : an Anglophone Journal of Comparative Literary Studies 1791-5856 National Documentation Centre (EKT)
19280 Synthesis Lectures on Antennas 1932-6076 Morgan & Claypool
19281 Synthesis Lectures on Biomedical Engineering 1930-0328 Morgan & Claypool
19282 Synthesis Lectures on Communications 1932-1244 Morgan & Claypool
19283 Synthesis Lectures on Computational Electromagnetics 1932-1252 Morgan & Claypool
19284 Synthesis Lectures on Computer Architecture 1935-3235 Morgan and Claypool Publishers
19285 Synthesis Lectures on Computer Graphics 1933-8996 Morgan & Claypool
19286 Synthesis Lectures on Computer Science 1932-1228 Morgan & Claypool
19287 Synthesis Lectures on Digital Circuits and Systems 1932-3166 Morgan & Claypool
19288 Synthesis Lectures on Electrical Engineering 1559-811X Morgan & Claypool
19289 Synthesis Lectures on Engineers Technology and Society 1933-3633 Morgan & Claypool
19290 Synthesis Lectures on Image Video and Multimedia Processing 1559-8136 Morgan & Claypool
19291 Synthesis Lectures on Mobile and Pervasive Computing 1933-9011 Morgan & Claypool
19292 Synthesis Lectures on Power Electronics 1931-9525 Morgan & Claypool
19293 Synthesis Lectures on Signal Processing 1932-1236 Morgan & Claypool
19294 Synthesis Lectures on Solid State Materials and Devices 1932-1260 Morgan & Claypool
19295 Synthesis Lectures on Speech and Audio Processing 1932-121X Morgan & Claypool
19278 Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic and Metal-Organic Chemistry 0094-5714 Informa UK (Marcel Dekker)
19279 Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, Metal-Organic, and Nano-Metal Chemistry 1553-3174 Taylor & Francis: STM, Behavioural Science and Public Health Titles
159326 Synthesis-Revista de la Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua 0187-6007 Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua, México
19277 Synthesis: Journal of Synthetic Organic Chemistry 0039-7881 Georg Thieme Verlag
19296 Synthetic Communications 0039-7911 Taylor & Francis: STM, Behavioural Science and Public Health Titles
19297 Synthetic Metals 0379-6779 Elsevier
106606 Synthetic and Systems Biotechnology 2405-805X KeAi
170960 Synthèses & Hypothèses Équipe de Recherche Interdisciplinaire sur les Aires Culturelles
97302 Synthèses - Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques
8770 Syracuse Journal of International Law and Commerce 0093-0709 Syracuse University College of Law
8771 Syracuse Law Review 0039-7938 Syracuse University
40685 Syria Report MEICA
70684 Syria. Archéologie, art et histoire 0039-7946 IFPO
155495 Syrph the Net 1393-4546
19298 System 0346-251X Elsevier
19299 System Dynamics Review 0883-7066 Wiley-Blackwell
19300 System Familie 0933-3053 Springer Verlag (Germany)
145160 System Informatics 2307-6410 Irina B. Adrianova
173683 System Theory, Control and Computing Journal 2668-2966 Facultatea de Automatică, Calculatoare și Electronică Universitatea din Craiova
153863 Systematic & Applied Acarology 1362-1971
8772 Systematic Biology 1063-5157 Oxford University Press (OUP)
8773 Systematic Botany 0363-6445 Aspt American Society of Plant Taxonomists
19302 Systematic Entomology 0307-6970 Wiley-Blackwell
19303 Systematic Parasitology 0165-5752 Springer Verlag (Germany)
69065 Systematic Reviews 2046-4053 BioMed Central
19301 Systematic and Applied Microbiology 0723-2020 Elsevier
8774 Systematic zoology 0039-7989 JSTOR
19304 Systematics and Biodiversity 1477-2000 Taylor & Francis: STM, Behavioural Science and Public Health Titles
59565 Systematics and Geography of Plants
156890 Systemic Fungicides and Antifungal Compounds 0939-8929
19305 Systemic Practice and Action Research 1094-429X Springer Verlag (Germany)
156542 Systemist 0961-8309
108140 Systems 2079-8954 MDPI
19307 Systems Analysis Modelling Simulation 0232-9298 Informa UK (Taylor & Francis)
14004 Systems Biology 1741-2471 Institution of Engineering and Technology
102180 Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine 1939-6368 Taylor & Francis
16557 Systems Engineering 1098-1241 Wiley
8775 Systems Integration 1044-4262 Cahners Publishing Company
8776 Systems Integration Business 1063-407X Cahners Publishing Company
19310 Systems Practice 0894-9859 Springer-Verlag
19311 Systems Research 0731-7239 John Wiley & Sons
8777 Systems Research and Behavioral Science 1092-7026 Wiley
104672 Systems Science & Control Engineering 2164-2583 Taylor & Francis
19308 Systems and Computers in Japan 0882-1666 Wiley-Blackwell: No OnlineOpen
19306 Systems and Control Letters 0167-6911 Elsevier
855572 Systems and Soft Computing 2772-9419 Elsevier
19309 Systems and Synthetic Biology 1872-5325 Springer Verlag (Germany)
2396 Systems, Signs and Actions 1652-8719 Lingköping University, Aarhus University
721000 Systèmes d'information hospitalier solutions 2609-5858 SIH Solutions SAS
123914 Systèmes alimentaires / Food Systems 2555-4670 Classiques Garnier
20811 Systèmes d'Information et Management 1260-4984 Eska
25926 Systèmes de pensée en Afrique Noire 0294-7080 CNRS
140476 Sábado 0872-8402 Lisboa [Portugal] : Invesmédia
55612 São Paulo Journal of Mathematical Sciences 1982-6907 Springer
2307 São Paulo em Perspectiva 0102-8839 SciELO
122266 Sèvres 1169-2537 Société des Amis du musée national de Céramique
91675 Sèvres, une histoire céramique 1961-8883 Paris: Éd. courtes et longues
105151 Séances de la Société préhistorique française 2263-3847 [Paris]: Société préhistorique française
50789 Sécurité globale 1959-6782 [Paris]: Eska
137105 Sédiments, Les grands cahiers Périgord Patrimoines 2430-4832 [Vitrac]: [Association Périgord patrimoines]
102803 Sélectionneur Français 0374-1621
164439 Séminaire Laurent Schwartz - EDP et applications 2266-0607 Centre de mathématiques Laurent Schwartz
75688 Séminaire d'Analyse Convexe Université Montpellier II - Sciences et Technique du Languedoc
21009 Séminaire de Probabilités 0720-8766 Springer-Verlag
35900 Séminaire de Théorie Spectrale et Géométrie 1624-5458 Grenoble : Université de Grenoble 1, Institut Fourier, 1983
55362 Séminaires et congrès 1285-2783 Société mathématique de France
45929 Sémiotiques 1160-9907 Institut national de la langue française. Unité de recherche linguistique
510704 Séquence Bois 1258-889X Innovapresse