Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
142839 Northern Notes International Arctic Social Sciences Association IASSA
142841 Telfor journal 1821-3251
142842 Advances in Electronics and Telecommunications 2081-8580
142843 La Revue Internationale de l'Education Familiale
142844 American Affairs 2475-8809 American Affairs Foundation Inc
142845 Hoover Institution - One Hundred Years
142849 Sciences Po Bibliothèque
142850 The drinks business
142854 Toutel'
142855 (Re)sources
142856 Decanter
142857 Emile Magazine
142859 EUROPP
142860 Ulyces
144178 Kasetsart
144183 Marine Biotechnology
144191 Physiological Entomology
144193 Polymer 0032-3861
144195 ICSSHC
144198 D'onte Ses 2109-6090 Cercle de généalogie et d'histoire des Marchois et Limousins
144205 Journal of Thoretical Biology
144207 Medecine et Chirurgie du Pied
144208 Journal de Pharmacie Clinique
144211 Socio 9782735115334 Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l'homme
144212 ACS sensors
144214 Proceedings World Geothermal Congress
144230 Organic Photonic Materials and Devices Xvii
144232 Plasmonics: Metallic Nanostructures and Their Optical Properties Xiii
144233 Complexity
144234 Iztapalapa 2007-9176
144239 International Journal of Accounting and Economics Studies
144244 Revista da Faculdade de direito da UFRGS 0104-6594
144249 Current opinion in immunology 1879-0372
144256 Applied Catalysis B. Environmental
144257 Sustainable Chemical Processes
144258 Hepato-Gastro et Oncologie Digestive 2115-3310
144264 Catal. Sci. Technol
144265 Obésité (revue francophone de recherche pour l'obésité (IF : 1,1)
144270 Chemistry Today
144274 Macromolecular Rapid Communications
144278 Regulation & Governance 1748-5983
144284 Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics 1672-0229
144296 Revue territoires et santé
144306 EPJ Nuclear Sci.Technol
144308 Meth. Enzymol 1557-7988
144311 Petri nets newsletter Universität Augsburg
144322 International Journal of Bio-resource and Stress Management 0976-3988
144329 Writings on Dance Victoria: Australia
144331 Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung Section B-a Journal of Chemical Sciences
144333 IxD&A - Interaction Design & Architecture(s) 2283-2998
144334 International Marmot Network
144336 Bulletin de la Société d’Histoire et d’Archéologie de la Saintonge maritime
144338 International Journal of Cyber Behavior, Psychology and Learning 2155-7136
144344 Oncologie
144351 Revue Ichkalat 2335-1586 Centre universitaire de Tamanrasset
144352 Panthéon Assas : le magazine de l'Université 2554-7119 Université Paris 2 Panthéon Assas
144354 International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Research 1355-2554
144357 Long Range Planning 0024-6301
144358 Recherche et Application en Marketing (RAM) 0767-3701
144359 Strategic Organization 1741-315X
144360 Business Ethics : a European Review 1467-8608
144361 Journal of Management Studies 0022-2380
144363 Human Relations 1741-282X
144364 Journal of International Business Studies 0047-2506
144365 Industrial marketing management 0019-8501
144367 Journal of Management 0149-2063
144370 IJEM, International Journal of Educational Management 0951-354X
144371 JFEI, Journal of Family and Economic Issues 1058-0476
144372 Corporate governance 0964-8410
144373 Strategic Management Journal 0143-2095
144374 Journal of Management Inquiry 1056-4926
144376 Journal of Direct, Data and Digital Marketing Practice 1746-0166
144377 Harvard Business Review 0017-8012
144379 American Journal of Sociology (AJS) 1537-5390
144380 American Sociological Review 1939-8271
144381 European Journal of Marketing 0309-0566
144382 Journal of business venturing 0883-9026
144383 Culture and Organization 1475-9551
144384 Journal of Economic Theory 0022-0531
144386 Gestion : Revue Internationale de Gestion 0701-0028
144390 Journal of Enterprising Culture 0218-4958
144393 Protée 0300-3523
144394 Managerial and Decision Economics 0143-6570
144396 European business forum 1469-6460
144397 Journal of Customer Behaviour 1475-3928
144400 Small Enterprise Research 1321-5906
144401 Journal of Educational Computing Research 0735-6331
144404 Journal of Economic Surveys 0950-0804
144405 Business strategy review 1467-8616
144406 Marketing Theory 1470-5931
144408 International Journal of Market Research 1470-7853
144409 Qualitative Market Research 1352-2752
144411 Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting 0954-1314
144414 Consumption Markets and Culture 1025-3866
144415 Nordiske Organisasjonsstudier 1501-8237
144416 Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing 0885-8624
144417 Liiketaloudellinen Aikakauskirja 0024-3469
144420 Journal of small business and entrepreneurship 0827-6331
144422 Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion 1476-6086
144423 Economies et Sociétés. Série K, KA, KC, KF Economie de l’entreprise 0013-0567
144425 Journal of European Industrial Training 0309-0590
144427 COeG, Comportamento Organizacional e Gestão 0872-9662
144428 HEP, Higher Education Policy 0952-8733
144429 International Journal of Advertising 0265-0487
144430 Journal of advertising research 0021-8499
144431 Research in Management Consulting series 0000-0000
144432 Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management 0966-0879
144434 Quantitative Finance 1469-7688
144436 Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 1932-4391
144438 Philosophy of management 1740-3812
144439 Der Controlling-Berater 0723-3221
144440 Marketing Industrial 1806-2539
144442 ISBJ, International Small Business Journal 0266-2426
144443 Gender, Work and Organization 0968-6673
144444 Frontiers of entrepreneurship research 0740-7416
144445 ET & P, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 1042-2587
144446 International Journal of Technology Management 0267-5730
144447 Revue française de gouvernance d'entreprise 1962-2961
144451 Applied Financial Economics 1466-4305
144452 MIS Quarterly 0276-7783
144453 International Journal of Electronic Business 1470-6067
144454 Journal of Marketing Management 0267-257X
144455 Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management 0885-3134
144456 Nouvelle revue de psychosociologie 1951-9532
144458 Information Systems Research 1526-5536
144459 Information Technology and People 0959-3845
144460 Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 0146-1672
144463 Journal of business strategy (the) 0275-6668
144464 International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation 1465-7503
144465 Journal of Corporate Finance 0929-1199
144470 LRJ, Luxury Research Journal 2041-3831
144471 International Journal of Auditing 1090-6738
144472 The Journal of Network Theory in Finance 2055-7795
144473 Family Business Review 0894-4865
144475 Administrative Science Quarterly 1930-3815
144477 Business Horizons 0007-6813
144478 Journal of Management Development 0262-1711
144480 Research in the Sociology of Organizations 0733-558X
144481 Organization 1350-5084
144484 Global Strategy Journal 2042-5791
144485 Cornell Hospitality Quarterly 1938-9655
144487 International Journal of Tourism Sciences 1598-0634
144488 Korean Journal of Hotel Administration
144489 Journal of Korean Convention Research
144491 Experimental Economics 1386-4157
144496 Economic Inquiry 0095-2583
144497 JEMS, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy 1058-6407
144499 Small Business Economics 0921-898X
144502 International Review of Financial Analysis 1057-5219
144503 Natural Hazards 0921-030X
144505 The Journal of Technology Transfer 0892-9912
144507 Personality and Individual Differences 0191-8869
144511 IJIMA, International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising 1477-5212
144512 Journal of Engineering and Technology Management 0923-4748
144513 Leadership & Organization Development Journal 0143-7739
144516 MIT Sloan Management Review 1532-9194
144517 European Management Review 1740-4754
144519 Journal of the History of Biology 0022-5010
144520 RAM Recherche et Applications en Marketing 0667-3701
144521 British Accounting Review 0890-8389
144523 Personnel Psychology 1744-6570
144525 Organization & Environment 1086-0266
144526 Journal of Finance (The) 1540-6261
144527 Business Ethics Quarterly 2153-3326
144529 Anthropology Today 0268-540X
144530 Journal of Business Anthropology 2245-4217
144532 Local Environment 1354-9839
144534 Interactive Technology and Smart Education 1741-5659
144536 Small Group Research 1046-4964
144537 Group and Organization Management 1059-6011
144539 British Journal of Industrial Relations 1467-8543
144540 Multinational Business Review 1525-383X
144541 Technologie et Innovation 2399-8571
144542 Singapore Journal of Legal Studies 0218-2173
144543 Revue Economies et Sociétés. série EGS, Economie et Gestion des Services
144544 BM, Journal of Brand Management 1350-231X
144545 International Business Review 0969-5931
144546 Cluster Computing 1386-7857
144547 Foundations and Trends in Entrepreneurship 1551-3114
144548 Journal of Business Ethics Education 1649-5195
144549 Journal of Organizational Behavior 0894-3796
144550 Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 1042-4431
144551 Education + Training 0040-0912
144553 System Dynamics Review 1099-1727
144554 Asia Pacific Financial Markets 1387-2834
144556 International Journal of Social Research Methodology 1364-5579
144557 Journal of Empirical Finance 0927-5398
144558 Revista de Administração FEAD 2236-4439
144559 RAUSP, Revista de Administração da USP 1984-6142
144560 Revista de Administração FACES Journal 1517-8900
144561 Journal of Management History 1751-1348
144564 The Leadership Quarterly 1048-9843
144566 Human Resource Management Review 1053-4822
144567 Business History 1743-7938
144568 International Journal of Research in Marketing 0167-8116
144570 Group Decision and Negotiation 0926-2644
144571 Business and Society 0007-6503
144573 Studi Culturali 1824-369X
144574 Im@go 2281-8138
144576 The Microfinance Review 2229-3329