Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
141249 J.Neurosurg
141251 International Journal of Information Engineering and Electronic Business 2074-9023
141253 Bulletin for the Study of Religion 2041-1863
141257 Revue de l'avocat 1422-5778
141262 Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law 0732-9113
141263 Girlhood Studies 1938-8209
141264 Avvenire
141265 CREMIT
141273 Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine 2234-0645
141274 Studi Urbani
141276 Annali.Reviews.Online 2612-2863 FBK Press
141277 Les Dossiers de l’IPW
141279 Scholedge International Journal of Management & Development ISSN 2394-3378
141281 RIcerche pedagogiche 2611-2213 eanicia edizioni
141289 International Journal of Entrepreneurship Education
141294 Revue et Corrigée 0996-5335
141295 Tacet 2256-9006
141534 Litter@Incognita
141536 Journal of Orthopedic Research and Therapy 2575-8241 Gavin Publishers
141540 Transcription
141542 Infect Genet Evol
141543 Nodos y Nudos 0122-4328 Universidad Pedagógica Nacional
141545 Le Petit Quotidien
141548 Genes Dev
141549 Endocr Rev
141559 Biochem Biophys Res Commun
141560 J Biomed Sci
141569 Quat.Geochronol
141578 Int J Biochem Cell Biol
141584 Cahier de recherche sur l’éducation et les savoirs
141586 Civilisations. Revue internationale d'anthropologie et de sciences humaines
141588 Clio 0486-0349
141591 International Microbiology. Official journal of the Spanish Society for Microbiology
141594 Approches inductives
141597 SAE Int. J. Aerosp
141598 Engineering Failure Analysis
141601 Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology
141612 Leukemia and Lymphoma 1029-2403
141615 Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation 1502-7686
141616 Annals of Epidemiology 1873-2585
141619 Cytometry. Part B, Clinical Cytometry 1552-4957
141629 Oligonucleotides as Therapeutic Agents
141630 Fundamental Journal of Mathematics and Applications 2645-8845
141631 Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research 1759-0817
141634 Mondes du tourisme
141643 Oxford Bibliographies in Environmental Science. Ed. EIC Ellen Wohl. New York: Oxford University Press
141659 Catheter Cardiovasc Interv
141662 Crit Care Med
141665 Curr Neurovasc Res
141670 Acta Diabetol
141671 Toxicol Ind Health
141672 Stem Cells International
141673 J Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle
141675 Hemodial Int
141677 J Ren Nutr
141679 Thyroid
141681 N Engl J Med
141682 Diabetes Metab
141686 J Dev Orig Health Dis
141688 Soins Gerontol
141691 Cardiovasc Revasc Med
141695 Ann Intensive Care
141702 Mol Phylogenet Evol
141703 Adipocyte
141704 Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids
141709 Sports Med Open
141712 Revista Luthor. Entender, destruir y crear 1853-3272
141718 Revista Pos de Ciências Socias
141719 Dossiers d’études/CNAF
141723 Bulletin de la société préhistorique de Monaco
141736 Annals of Gastroenterology 1792-7463
141746 International Journal of Reviews and Research in Social Sciences
141747 Impresa Progetto-Electronic Journal of Management 1824-3576 Rivista accreditata AIDEA - Accademia Italiana di Economia Aziendale
141749 Current Opinion in Toxicology
141751 International Journal of Plasma Environmental Science & Technology 2415-0436 The Institute of Electrostatics Japan
141753 Journal of Advances In Technology Innovation 2415-0436 Taiwan Association of Engineering and Technology Innovation
141754 Proceedings of Engineering and Technology Innovation IMETI
141755 Revista Terceira Margem 2358-727X Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
141756 Revista de geografía espacios 0719-7209 Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano
141760 Transportation Science
141761 Appl. Intell
141762 Innovation Review ESBS
141765 SM Musculoskeletal Disorders 2576-5442 SMGroup
141766 Journal of Analysis and Computation 0973-2861
141767 Biochem Pharmacol
141768 FEBS Lett
141779 Archipels 2497-8884
141781 Bulletin de l’association des amis du vieux Pont-du-Château Association des Amis du Vieux Pont-du-Château
141789 Journal of Change Management
141793 Lithics
141794 Bilan scientifique DRAC Pays de la Loire
141798 International Immunology
141799 Febs Letters
141801 Comics Signatures 9791090314122 Neofelis Editions
141803 Journal of Geochemical Exploration Elsevier
141805 Iton 77 3223-4140 Besser
141806 EWASH & TI : Environmental and Water Sciences, Public Health and Territorial Intelligence 2509-1069
141807 Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences (FJMS) 0972-0871
143073 Journal of Regulatory Economics
143074 Information Economics and Policy
143075 Review of Industrial Organization
143076 International Journal of the Economics of Business
143078 Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade
143080 Social Sciences Information
143081 Malliavin Calculus and Stochastic Analysis Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics Volume 34, 2013, pp 25-76
143082 Sustainable Design, Manufacturing and Engineering Workforce Education for a Green Future
143083 Review of Network Economics
143084 ACM SIGBED Review
143085 Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering: A NASA Journal
143087 PVLDB (Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment)
143089 Computer Graphics Forum (Special Issue on EGSR 2013)
143091 Biometrics
143100 Electronic Letters
143101 Statistics
143105 ENDM
143106 IACR eprint archive
143107 Journal of Information & Communication Research
143109 Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. EUROGRAPHICS 2014)
143110 Social Network Analysis and Mining
143115 Hindawi Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering
143116 MISC - Multi-System & Internet Security Cookbook
143121 Lightwave Technology
143122 Special Issue IMS 2014 IEEE MTT
143123 Evolution
143129 IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking
143132 Future Internet
143134 Fuzzy Sets and Systems
143139 Optical Fiber Technology
143140 Information Processing Letters
143143 IEEE Photonics Technol. Lett. PTL
143145 Computer Networks: The International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking
143149 arXiv:1410.1434
143152 Bulletin de la Société française de recherche opérationnelle et d’aide à la décision (ROADEF)
143153 Telecommunication systems (Springer)
143157 MISC Multi-System & Internet Cookbook
143161 Journal of Computer Virology and Hacking Techniques
143162 Photonic Network Communications
143167 Hackable
143168 Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology
143170 Journal of Visual Languages and Computing
143175 IEEE Transactions on Networking
143177 Horizon Magazine
143178 La Recherche - Numéro spécial Information Quantique
143180 International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks
143184 Physics
143188 Research in the Mathematical Sciences (RMSS)
143192 LNCS : The new codebreakers
143193 LNCS: the new codebreakers
143198 Computer Networks "Special issue on Machine learning, data mining and Big Data frameworks for network monitoring and troubleshooting
143205 Computer Networks "Special issue on Traffic and Performance in the Big Data Era
143207 Journal of Astronomical Instrumentation
143208 Transactions on Circuits ans Systems I
143210 Multi-System & Internet Security Cookbook (MISC)
143213 J. Acoust. Soc. Am
143214 Journal of Nanoparticle Research
143215 MISC Multi-System & Internet Cookbook
143219 JOSA B
143221 Elsevier Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory,
143224 TRETS
143226 Journal of Mathematical Physics
143230 Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Physique
143231 Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. EGSR 2016)
143235 Journal of Graph Theory
143236 Int. J. Information and Coding Theory
143238 International Journal of Autonomic Computing
143240 Advances in mathmatics of Communications
143242 IRACON
143245 Transactions on Circuits and Systems I
143246 ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation
143247 Journal of Sustainable Computing, Informatics and Systems
143248 Génie Logiiel
143254 Integration, the VLSI Journal
143255 Microelectronics Reliabilit Journal
143256 Materials Science Journal
143257 IEEE Electronics Letters
143259 Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. EGSR 2017)
143261 Journal of exposure science and environmental epidemiology
143268 Pattern Analysis and Applications
143277 arXiv:1801.05490
143278 Distributed Computing
143279 Theor. Comput. Sci
143280 Int. J. of Information and Coding Theory
143284 Revue REE (Selection Journées scientifiques URSI 2017)
143288 Machine learning Journal
143292 IET Communications
143299 Computers & Security, Elsevier
143300 Journal of Integer Sequences
143302 SIGACT News
141313 Institut Convergences Migrations
141314 Site de Sciences Po
141316 SASE
141318 Mapana - Journal of Sciences 0975-3303
141323 Drug Metabolism and Drug Interactions
141325 Revue annuelle des Arts et Métiers
141332 Glottometrics 2625-8226 Ram-Verlag
141335 J Biol Chem
141340 Mediators Inflamm
141348 J Control Release