Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
70184 Recherches donzéroises
70185 Géologie de le France
70187 International Journal of Aerospace Engineering 1687-5966 Hindawi Publishing Corporation
70189 Appl Phys
70196 Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology 1847-9804 SAGE Publications Ltd
70198 Survey Methodology
70204 Le Monde des Moulins
70205 Ferrantia, Luxembourg,
70206 Ferrantia, Luxembourg
70211 Journal Shock Waves
70212 Annuario
70216 J. Comput. Graph. Statist
70217 Earth-Science ReÍiews
70225 Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning 1935-8237 Now Publishers
70227 Kobie 0211-1942 Bilbao: Grupo Espeleológico Vizcaino
70228 in vol. "Administrație românească arădeană", Doru Sinaci, Emil Arbonie (coord.), Editura "Vasile Goldiș" University Press, Arad
70229 Canadian Investment Review
70230 Journal of Credit Risk
70231 Oxford Analytica
70238 Journal Sediment. Research
70239 Spec. Publ. International Association Sedimentologists
70240 Spec. Publ. International Association of Sedimentologists
70241 Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie N.F., Suppl.-Bd
70245 Comunicación y medios 0719-1529 Comunicación y Medios Instituto de la Comunicación e Imagen, Universidad de Chile
70247 Napoléon III
70252 Revista Facultad de Ingenieria Universitad de Antioquia
70258 La revue Economia
70260 Eur Cell Mater
70264 Energeia
70267 J Neuropsychol
70269 E/C rivista dell'Associazione Italiana di studi semiotici 1973-2716 Associazone Italiana Studi Semiotici
70273 Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics / Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics An International Journal
70274 Glimpse. Phenomenology and Media
70275 Opuscula Mathematica 1232-9274 AGH University of Science and Technology
70276 PIREN-Seine
70279 Marine Petrology Geology
70283 Proceedings IODP
70284 Proceedings of the IODP
70285 SEPM special publications
70286 Bulletin de l'académie royale des sciences d'outre mer de Belgique
70294 E.N.S.M.P. Mém. Sc. de la Terre
70295 Carte géologique de la France (1/50 000)
70298 State Bank of Pakistan Research Bulletin
70300 Tumult
70301 International Journal of Bioclimatology Biometeorology
70303 Origins of Early Writing Systems
70304 Theoretical Ecology 1874-1738 Springer
70307 Dounia
70308 L'année sociale 2011
70310 Bioinformatics -Oxford undefined or unknown publisher
70314 Rencontres
70318 Langages, Adolescence
70319 Journal of Geographic Information System 2151-1950 Scientific Research Publishing
70322 Symmetry : Culture and Science
70323 Bull. Association Naturalistes Vallée Loing
70324 Etudes et documents (CHEFF)
70325 Journal of European Transactions on Telecommunications (ETT)
70326 Réfractions 1287-4086 Les Amis de Réfractions (Rhône)
70328 The Journal of Communications (JCM),
70330 CST
70344 Int J Obes
70346 Society for free radical research: Free Radicals, Health and Lifestyle
70351 Journal of Computer Science and Engineering
70353 revista de trabajo
70356 Aussenwirtschaft
70358 Annal Nutr Metab
70359 The Physiologist
70361 Bulletin de la Société Herpétoogique de France
70364 Itinéraires-LTC
70370 Gegenworte. Hefte für den Disput über Wissen
70372 European Food and Feed Law Review (EFFL)
70373 Industrie minérale, les techniques
70376 Réunion island, Terra Nova
70378 Wochenbericht
70380 Quaestiones Geographicae
70381 Heinrich-Böll-Stifung, Schriften zur Demokratie
70382 spe drilling conference
70384 Microbiology Research
70391 Arts et Mémoire
70393 Central European Journal of Computer Science Springer, Versita Publishing
70394 in. vol., "Ethno-confessional realities in the Romanian area: historical perspectives (XVIII-XX centuries)"/ Mircea Brie, Sorin Sipoș, Ioan Horga (coord.), Editura Universității din Oradea
70395 International Journal of Web Information Systems (IJWIS)
70398 Medicina nei secoli 0394-9001 Università degli Studi di Roma «La Sapienza»
70403 AUCO Czech Economic Review
70404 Lecture notes in engineering and computer science
70406 Brussels Economics Review / Cahiers économiques de Bruxelles
70409 Revue d'histoire nordique = Nordic historical review 1778-9605 Pôle Européen Jean Monnet (Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail)
70414 Ingénieurs de l'Automobile 0020-1200 SIA
70415 International Journal of Earth Sciences (Geol Rundsch)
70426 Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte
68253 Jerusalem Quarterly
68255 Quarterly Monitor
68256 Sfinx
68260 Cahiers du CIRTES
68261 Savoirs : Revue internationale de recherches en éducation et formation des adultes 1763-4229 L'Harmattan
68267 Science and video 1775-4143 Maison méditerranéenne des sciences de l'homme - MMSH
68277 Zeitschrift für Controlling und Management
68278 Photomask Technology 2010 Proceedings