Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
77495 Mirabilia
77496 International Journal
77499 TrustBus '12 : 9th International Conference on Trust, Privacy and Security in Digital Business
77500 Model. Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng
77504 Special Issue in IEEE Computer Dynamic Software Product Lines
77505 Frontiers of Computer Science 2095-2228 Springer Verlag
77510 Language in performance
77511 Ladakh Studies
77520 Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Cognitive Radio and Advanced Spectrum Management (CogART '11)
77525 ACEEE International Journal on Information Technology
77529 Statistics A Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics
77531 Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences Serie IIa
77532 Journal of Arthropod-Borne Diseases 1735-7179 Iranian Society of Medical Entomology
77533 Progress in Biological Sciences 1016-1058 College of Science, University of Tehran
77535 Courbet Clésinger Oeuvres croisées
77537 Cahiers Simondon
77539 the internet journal of infection diseases
77544 Proceedings of the 14th symposium on Principles and practice of declarative programming ACM
77547 Diabétologie Pratique
77553 Agence universitaire de la francophonie
77554 Franfurter Afrikanistische Blatter 19 (2007)
77555 ICSOC '12 : 10th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing
77557 Revue européenne d'histoire
77558 CLOSER '12 : 2nd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
77559 WETICE ' 12 : IEEE 21st International Workshop on Enabling Technologies : Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises
77562 IEEE Intelligent Informatics Bulletin 1727-5997 IEEE
77564 Quaderns de Prehistòria i Arqueologia de Castelló 1137-0793 Castelló de la Plana: Servei de Publicacions Diputació de Castelló
77567 Application research of computers 1001-3695 ji suan ji ying yong yan jiu bian ji bu
77570 Revue Internationale de CFAO et Informatique Graphique
77573 Proceedings of the American Medical Informatics Association Conference AMIA
77575 Arkheia
77576 Revue Jeunes Chercheurs en Management du Sport
77577 Ehlite
77578 Marketing Grandes Ecoles
77579 Les Cahiers de la Responsabilité Globale
77583 SCC '11 : The 8th International Conference on Services Computing
77586 Buletinul Universitatii Petrol-Gaze din Ploiesti
77588 Recherches & éducations 1969-0622 Société Binet Simon
77589 Ethnies Documents
77592 World J Microbiol Biotechnol
77596 Proc. Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS and MOEMS
77600 Vasconia. Cuadernos de Historia-Geografía 1136-6834 Eusko Ikaskuntza
77601 Publicaciones del Instituto Geologico y Minero de Espana
77602 International Journal of Industrial Robot
77605 Dialogue. Recherche sur le Couple et la Famille
77608 Cahiers Daumier 1961-7046 Association des Amis d'Honoré Daumier
77609 E-lla
77611 IRCAM
77613 Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser