Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
107212 Transactions of the ASME: Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology 0094-9930 ASME
107217 Columbia Science & Technology Law Review
107219 Izvestiya Vuzov Severo-Kavkazskii Region
107222 The Puppet Notebook
107223 The Sybil
107227 Journal of Management History
107230 Dolomites Research Notes Approximation
107232 imagen-a 1885-4508
107241 Underwater Technology
107245 Bulletin de la Société Historique et Archéologique de Langres
107246 Bulletin de la Société des Sciences Naturelles et d’Archéologie de la Haute Marne
107248 Séminaire de Probabilités XLVII
107252 Rivista Biblica Italiana 0035-5798 Paideia-Dehoniane, Roma-Brescia
107257 Revista Mídia e Cotidiano 2178-602X
107260 Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management
107261 Fondation Res Publica
107262 Revue des BioRessources
107266 SLC 1286-4889
107270 Economic Quality Control De Gruyter
107274 Margalla Papers 1999-2297 ISSRA
107277 Pakistan Journal of American Studies 1011-811X Area Study Centre for Africa, North & South America, Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad
107281 Kontraste/Contrastes
107283 Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology Springer
106373 Kasetsart Journal, Soc. Sci
106376 Papeles Médicos 1133-7591 Sociedad Española de Documentación Médica (SEDOM)
106380 Rivista Giuridica del Lavoro e della previdenza sociale 0392-7229 Ediesse [Roma ]
106384 IJEEM : International Journal for Studies in Mathematics Education 2176-5634 Universidade Bandeirante de São Paulo
106391 Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science/Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement
106394 VBA Journal
106400 EMES Selected Papers
106405 Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging
106407 Todo Hospital 0212-1972 Puntex S.A
106408 Miscellanea Geographica - Regional Studies on Development
106409 Caribbean Atlas
106410 Cahiers de l'histoire et des mémoires de la traite négrière, de l'esclavage et de leurs abolitions en Normandie, ISSN 2101-9436. Gouverner l'Ile Bourbon au temps de l'esclavage (1817-1824)
115382 Int. J. on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic control and computer engineering
115383 revue IJSPM
115384 International REvue of Automatic COntrol (IREACO)
115386 International Journal on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic control
115388 Sciences & Technologie de lÁutomatique (e-sta)
115392 ASME journal
115393 International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing System
115395 RS - JESA
115398 JESA
115401 Universitas : Monthly Review on Philosophy and Culture
115403 Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems
115410 Optical Ingineering
115413 Journal de Physique I (The European Physical Journal)
115415 Fario Les Belles-Lettres