Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
96934 Friture mag
96936 Levia Gravia
96938 Giornale Storico della Letteratura Italiana
96942 Agilent ICP-MS Journal
96948 International Journal of Cancer. Journal International Du Cancer
96949 International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agent
96951 Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-agent Systems
96952 Revue "Critique
96955 Langue, littérature, littéralité
96956 Pigment Cell Research / Sponsored by the European Society for Pigment Cell Research and the International Pigment Cell Society
96959 Cahiers de la transidentité
96961 International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology
96964 Bilans archéologiques - Guadeloupe
96965 Annales de la Fac. des Sc. de Toulouse
96973 The Journal of Surgical Research
96977 Lares, quadrimestriale di studi demoetnoantropologici
96978 Query Representation and Understanding proceedings
96980 Earth Planet Sci. Lett
96985 International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transaction
96992 Dapim: Studies on the Holocaust (Routledge)
97001 Bulletin Vert de l'association des professeurs de mathématiques de l'enseignement public
97002 EUi Newsletter, Tamkang University, Taiwan
97008 Swahili Forum
97009 Comparative Studies of South Asia and the Middle East
97010 Energy and Environmental Sciences
97011 Green
97013 Bulletin de la Confédération Française pour la Promotion Sociale des Aveugles et Amblyopes (CFPSAA)
97016 Officina della Storia
97017 Archivi e Cultura
97027 La Revue des jeunes chercheurs en littérature
97034 Annali della Facoltà delle Lettere di Bari
97035 EMBC 2014 : 36th annual international IEEE conference of the Engineering in Medecine and Biology Society
97041 Speech Prosody
97042 Etude Entreprise et Personnel
97043 EHLITE Magazine
97049 Tribu
97054 Profession Achat
97055 Classe Export
97057 Periferia, revue en ligne de l'Université de l'État de Rio de Janeiro
97063 Communications on mathematical pysics
97064 Journal of Computations & Modelling
97070 seminar_BG
97072 L'Entreprise Economica
97073 ARGDT
97074 Soleo Presses Universitaires de Grenoble
97078 Transformation
97079 Journal of the Korean Society for Applied Biological Chemistry
97082 SSMOCI (Société Suisse Moyen Orient et Civilisation Islamique) Bulletin
97083 Revista de Administração e Inovação (RAI)
97084 Proceedings of ASME