Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
163217 Carnets d'histoire de la médecine Société française d'histoire de la médecine
159405 Bulletin de liaison - Société française d'étude du seizième siècle 1252-0446 Société française d'étude du seizième siècle
861083 L’Ethnographie. Création. Pratiques. Publics. 2534-5893 Société française de l'ethnoscénologie
180095 Annales du congrès annuel de la Société française de thermique Société française de thermique
707981 Les premières années Société française des architectes
125567 Bulletin de la Société française des mécaniciens 0368-8933 Société française des mécaniciens
780496 Mémoire hors série de la Société géologique de France Société géologique de France
119171 Bulletin trimestriel de la Société Géologique de Normandie et des Amis du Muséum du Havre 0336-9994 Société géologique de Normandie et des amis du Muséum du Havre
147718 Mémoires de la société géologique du Nord 0767-7375 Société géologique du Nord
109446 Bulletin de la société historique du VIe arrondissement de Paris 1148-831X Société historique du VIe arrondissement de Paris
347487 Bulletin de la Société Historique et Archéologique de Pontoise, du Val d'Oise et du Vexin 1148-8077 Société historique et archéologique de Pontoise, du Val-d'Oise et du Vexin (Pontoise)
120210 Bulletin Bibliographique de la Société Internationale Arthurienne 0074-1388 Société internationale arthurienne
612067 bulletin de la société philomatique vosgienne Société philomatique vosgienne
160202 Notes Assyriologiques Brèves et Utilitaires 0989-5671 Société pour l'Etude du Proche-Orient Ancien
170766 Arès. Supplément 0760-7431 Société pour le développement des études de défense et de sécurité internationale
591483 Bulletin philologique et historique 0775-955X Société pour le progrès des études philologiques et historiques
167726 Bulletin d’information sur les manuels scolaires 0298-8577 Société pour l’information sur les manuels scolaires et les moyens d’enseignement
428186 Actes de la séance de la Société préhistorique française de Nice 2263-3847 Société préhistorique française
544122 Bulletin du Groupe Lyonnais de Psychanalyse, Société psychanalytique de Paris Société psychanalytique de Paris
116690 Mémoires et documents sur l'histoire en Savoie 1153-6764 Société savoisienne d'histoire et d'archéologie
126090 e-Eratosthène 2882-5506 Société scientifique Eratosthène
270478 Archives héraldiques suisses 1423-0534 Société suisse d'héraldique
405379 Parlement : bulletin d'information de la Société suisse pour les questions parlementaires Société suisse pour les questions parlementaires
780638 Société tournaisienne de géologie, préhistoire et archéologie ASBL. Bulletin trimestriel Société tournaisienne de géologie, préhistoire et archéologie ASBL
717012 Postcolonial Literatures and Arts Sociétés des Etudes Postcoloniales (SEPC)
149727 Съпоставително езикознание / Contrastive Linguistics 0204-8701 Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”
167796 Godišnik na Sofijskiâ universitet Sv. Kliment Ohridski. Centʺr za slavâno-vizantijski proučvaniâ Ivan Dujčev 1311-784X Sofiâ : Universitetsko izdatelstvo Sv. Kliment Ohridski
804632 Linux Developer's Journal 1896-6314 Software-Wydawnictwo Sp. z o.o
477932 Egyptian Journal of Archaeological and Restoration Studies 2090-4932 Sohag University, Egypt
104181 Cahiers Rémois de Musicologie 1766-9936 Soicété champenoise de musicologie
619404 La lettre de Sol et Civilisation 1252-9417 Sol et Civilisation
148346 La Petite Boite à Outil Solidaires
123701 La lettre de SPFA Solidarité Protestante France-Arménie (Paris)
233232 Bulletin des Chrétiens d'Orient Solidarité d'Orient
121110 Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization 1906-9685 Sompong Dhompongsa and Somyot Plubtieng
109322 Deutsche Notar-Zeitschrift Sonderheft
225554 Historia Sophia Publications
161839 Historia. Hors-série 2270-311X Sophia Publications
776820 Iberoamericana Revista 0388-1237 Sophia University
165587 Publications de l'AIDELF – Carrefour de la démographie francophone Sophie Pennec et Michel Oris
135544 Notiziario Archeologico della Soprintendenza di Palermo Soprintendenza di Palermo
115180 Asie Sorbonne
477067 Genesis. Revue internationale de critique génétique Sorbonne Presses Université
446047 124 Sorbonne. Carnet de l'école doctorale d'Histoire de l'art et d'Archéologie 2497-594X Sorbonne Université
151074 Camenulae 2494-212X Sorbonne Université
149259 e-Theatrum mundi Sorbonne Université Presses
232792 OBVIL Observatoire de la vie littéraire Sorbonne Universités
127297 Napoléon Ier 1298-6380 Soteca
149278 Histoire et Mémoires 1967-7839 Souny
163713 Trax magazine Sources Management
112809 Les Nouveaux Cahiers Sous les auspices de l'Alliance Israélite Universelle
152726 Proceedings of the Annual Congress of the South African Sugar Technologists' Association 0373-045X South African Sugar Technologists' Association
175172 South Asian Research Journal of Biology and Applied Biosciences 2664-7923 South Asian Research Publication
787305 South Centre, Research Paper 1819-6926 South Centre
977418 South China Morning Post South China Morning Post
114507 SECI Oncology 2314-8500 South Egypt Cancer Institute
984797 SPC Fish Aggregating Device Information Bulletin South Pacific Community
129515 Postmodernism problems 1314-3700 South-West University
149743 Езиков свят / ORBIS LINGUARUM 1312-0484 South-West University "Neofit Rilski
134156 Cahiers du dix-septième 1040-3647 Southeast American society for French seventeenth-century studies
168498 Bulletin of the Burma Studies Group Southeast Asia Council, Association for Asian Studies
278773 The Promise of Reason: Studies in the New Rhetoric Southern Illinois University Press
175134 Nauchnye doklady vyssheĭ shkoly. Biologicheskie nauki 0470-4606 Soviet Union Ministerstvo vysshego i srednego spetsial'nogo obrazovaniia
640871 Asian Journal of Spectroscopy 0971-9237 Spectral-Force Publications
108828 RAHIS - Revista de Administração Hospitalar e Inovação em Saúde 1983-5205 Spell
121091 International Journal of ChemTech Research 0974-4290 Sphinx Knowledge House
119035 Oriental Pharmacy and Experimental Medicine 1598-2386 Spiringer Link
358019 Cross Cultural Studies Review. A Journal for comparative studies of culture, literature and the art 2671-065X Split University
150342 STUDI E RICERCHE - COLLANA DELL'ASSOCIAZIONE ITA.NA DEI PALEOGRAFI E DIPLOMATISTI, 6 Spoleto : Fondazione Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo, 2015, cop. 2015
596399 Rivista di Diritto ed Economia dello Sport 1825-6678 Sports Law and Policy Centre
25375 Beiträge zur Fremdsprachenvermittlung aus dem Konstanzer SLI Sprachlehrinstitut der Universität Konstanz
171092 Global Research Journal of Fishery Science and Aquaculture Spring Journals
338449 30th International Symposium on Shock Waves Springer
169777 Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg 0025-5858 Springer
98001 Acoustical Imaging 0270-5117 Springer
112329 Advanced Structural and Chemical Imaging Springer
170663 Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Management Springer
142928 Advances in Mechanism and Machine Science Springer
79459 Algorithmic Learning Theory Springer
957339 Annali di Matematica Pura e Applicata (1923-) 1618-1891 Springer
71490 Annual Report of National Institute for Fusion Science Springer
131588 Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis Springer
152815 Archive for the history of Exact Sciences 1432-0657 Springer
80391 Artificial Intelligence Magazine Springer
788747 Artificial Intelligence and Smart Environment Springer
151988 Automatic Control and Computer Sciences 0146-4116 Springer
26207 Bioethics in cultural contexts. Reflections on methods and finitude Springer
105446 Biomedical Simulation 9783319120560 Springer
169824 Biometals. An International Journal on the Role of Metal Ions in Biology, Biochemistry, and Medicine Springer
64363 CCIS 67 Communications in Computer and Information Sciences series Springer
26738 Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing Springer
147686 Computational Methods and Experimental Testing In Mechanical Engineering Springer
705463 Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series 2191-5644 Springer
101845 Current Environmental Health Reports Springer
114407 Developments in Mathematics 1389-2177 Springer
122684 Emotional Engineering Springer
781863 Environmental Sustainability 2523-8922 Springer
883548 Frontiers in Software Engineering Education. FISEE 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Springer
108085 ICONIP Springer
132017 IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology 1868-4238 Springer
105149 Immersive Education, Communications in Computer and Information Science Springer
129545 Int. J. on Digital Libraries 1432-5012 Springer
116817 Intelligent Industrial Systems 2363-6912 Springer
745579 Interactivity, Game Creation, Design, Learning, and Innovation 1867-822X Springer
387078 International Association of Geodesy Symposia book series Springer
138158 International Journal for Digital Humanities 2524-7840 Springer
179123 International Journal of Document Image Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR) Springer
119500 International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education Springer
177128 International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 1735-2630 Springer
78372 International Journal of Foundation of Computer Science Springer
25514 International Review of Education/Internationale Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft/Revue internationale l'éducation Springer
127559 International Symposium on Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems Springer
44367 International journal of biometeorology Springer
353349 Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions A: Science 1028-6276 Springer
150820 Italian Economic Journal 2199-3238 Springer
101280 Journal für Mathematik-Didaktik 0173-5322 Springer
185788 Journal of Cellular Pharmacology Springer
105145 Journal of Computers in Education Springer
94082 Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems Springer
88025 Journal of Dynamics and Games (JDG) Springer
104204 Journal of Indian Philosophy 0022-1791 Springer
810322 Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves Springer
61841 Journal of Logic, Language and Computation Springer
175805 Journal of Logic, Language, and Information 0925-8531 Springer
124751 Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine 0957-4530 Springer
98171 Journal of Meteorological Research 2095-6037 Springer
175210 Journal of Oceanology and Limnology 2096-5508 Springer
107283 Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology Springer
110398 Journal of Shipping and Trade 2364-4575 Springer
561299 Journal of the Minerals Metals & Materials Society (JOM) 1543-1851 Springer
101522 Journal of trust management 2196-064X Springer
170591 Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management Springer
105239 Knowledge and Information Systems (KAIS) Springer
387077 Lect. Notes Phys Springer
702493 Lecture Notes in Computer Science Springer
106512 Lecture Notes in Economics 129 and Mathematical Systems 0075-8442 Springer
97954 Les cahiers de l'année gérontologique 1760-5350 Springer
128786 Lettera Matematica Pristem 1593-5884 Springer
24372 Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry Springer
82620 Mathematics in Industry 1612-3956 Springer
73635 Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv Springer
166426 Medecine studies 1876-4533 Springer
136487 Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development 1865-0929 Springer
145649 Molecular mechanisms of angiogenesis Springer
646329 Nature Springer
20552 Naturwissenschaften Springer
491918 OR Spectrum 0171-6468 Springer
121297 OR Spectrum Springer
673949 PFG - Journal of photogrammetry remote sensing ang geoinformation science 2512-2789 Springer
73949 Parallel Problem Solving From Nature Springer
652998 Peking Mathematical Journal 2524-7182 Springer
129961 Philosophy of Management Springer
589330 Planta Springer
672793 Post-Quantum Cryptography 0302-9743 Springer
547840 Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics Springer
133321 Proceedings of International Conference on Robotics in Alpe Adria Danube Region Springer
602664 Proceedings of the 20th Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2018) 2194-5357 Springer
656541 Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Integrated Environmental Management for Sustainable Development, Sousse, Tunisia (27-30 October 2016) 1737-3638 Springer
128159 Proceedings of the I-ESA Conferences Springer
124262 Residual Stress, Thermomechanics & Infrared Imaging, Hybrid Techniques and Inverse problems 9783319217659 Springer
114625 SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences 1674-7321 Springer
495167 Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision Springer
109366 Science China Life Sciences 1674-7305 Springer
173714 SeMA Journal: Bulletin of the Spanish Society of Applied Mathematics 2254-3902 Springer
173473 SeMa Journal 2254-3902 Springer
105097 Smart Learning Environment Springer
134187 Social Networks Analysis and Mining 1869-5450 Springer
864559 Special Issue in Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence: Mathematical Foundations of Analogical Reasoning and Applications Springer
113568 Springer Optimization and Its Applications 1931-6828 Springer
440712 Statistics and Computing 1573-1375 Springer
179479 Studies in Computational Intelligence 1860-9503 Springer
170964 Studies in the Philosophy of Sociality 2542-9094 Springer
159569 Systemics of Incompleteness and Quasi-systems Springer
148125 Séminaire de Probabilités XLII Springer
164397 TOP An Official Journal of the Spanish Society of Statistics and Operations Research 1134-5764 Springer
105144 Technology, Knowledge and Learning Springer
381482 Test Springer
160207 The 20th International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications (ICCSA 2020) Springer
182010 The Computer Games Journal Springer
819481 The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 2252-0406 Springer
142283 The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment Springer
493141 The Journal of Supercomputing 0920-8542 Springer
53354 Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing - SAT 2008, 11th International Conference, SAT 2008, Guangzhou, China, May 12-15, 2008. Proceedings Springer
638916 Transactions Of The Indian National Academy Of Engineering/INAE 2662-5415 Springer
659038 Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems LII 9786-6266 Springer
543804 Trends in Psychology 2358-1883 Springer
502169 X-Ray Lasers 2012: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on X-Ray Lasers, 11–15 June 2012, Paris, France 0930-8989 Springer
848814 computational and applied mathematics 1807-0302 Springer
179300 corporate governance in banking and Investor Protection : From Theory to Practice Springer
180923 information geometry 2511-2481 Springer
103259 MTZ Worldwide 2192-9114 Springer Automotive Media
85177 International Symposium on Security in Computing and Communications Springer Berlin Heidelberg
89067 Serious Games Development and Applications Springer Berlin Heidelberg
146318 Wood Science and Technology Journal of the International Academy of Wood Science 0043-7719 Springer Berlin Heidelberg
379019 Cellular Automata, 15th International Conference on Cellular Automata for Research and Industry 0302-9743 Springer Cham
981387 From Animals to Animats 17 0302-9743 Springer Cham
783449 From Particle Systems to Partial Differential Equations 2194-1009 Springer Cham
107958 From Particle Systems to Partial Differential Equations II Springer International Publishing
169609 Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems 0075-8442 Springer International Publishing
105422 Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography 1863-2246 Springer International Publishing