Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
626228 Advances in Difference Equations 1687-1847 Springer International Publishing (SpringerOpen), Cham
817718 Neutron Methods for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage , Neutron Scattering Applications and Techniques Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017N. Kardjilov and G. Festa (eds.)
69505 Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering (ISSE) Springer London
103280 Lettera Matematica International edition 2281-5937 Springer Milan
161020 KI - Künstliche Intelligenz 0933-1875 Springer Nature
151848 PMC Physics B 1754-0429 Springer Nature
163549 Topics in Heterocyclic Chemistry Springer Nature
174947 npj Clean Water Springer Nature
98117 Journal of Educational Change Springer Netherlands
793284 Geometric Complex Analysis, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics
102792 Intelligent Systems Reference Library 1868-4394 Springer Science + Business Media
166139 Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry Springer Science+Business Media
25701 International Review of Education/Internationale Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft/Revue internationale de l'éducation Springer Science+Business Media B.V
859012 Engineering of Micro/Nano Biosystems Springer Singapore
159970 Aquatic Sciences Springer Verlag
122392 Experientia Supplementum 1664-431X Springer Verlag
984782 International Conference on Network Games, Control and Optimization Springer Verlag
130066 International Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 0924-9907 Springer Verlag
121394 Studies in Computational Intelligence 1860-949X Springer Verlag
256446 Journal of Palaeogeography 2524-4507 Springer open
122765 Computational Biomechanics for Medicine 9783319544809 Springer, Cham
813096 De La Prieta, F., et al. Highlights of Practical Applications of Survivable Agents and Multi-Agent Systems. The PAAMS Collection. PAAMS 2019. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1047. Springer, Cham
984728 Decision and Game Theory for Security Springer, Cham
70393 Central European Journal of Computer Science Springer, Versita Publishing
127075 ACSAC '04 Springer-Verlag
176786 Acta Math. Sin. Chi. Ser. 0583-1431 Springer-Verlag
60772 Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing Springer-Verlag
95309 The International Journal on Very Large Databases Springer-Verlag
933324 Theorical and Applied Genetics 1432-2242 Springer-Verlag
65320 Computer Vision -- ECCV 2010 Computer Vision -- ECCV 2010 11th European Conference on Computer Vision, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, September 5-11, 2010, Proceedings, Part II Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
158198 Cybersecurity 2523-3246 SpringerOpen
121021 Business Process Management Workshops Springler
473989 Info-Nature 0750-4586 Srepen (Réunion)
484800 Journal on Mathematics Education 2087-8885 Sriwijaya University
98406 Zbornik radova Vizantoloskog instituta 0584-9888 Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti - Vizantološki institut
138688 Journal of Zoological Research 2637-5575 Sryahwa Publications
148058 EthnoAnthropoZoom 1857-968X Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje
133987 St Edmund Hall Magazine St Edmund Hall, University of Oxford
489403 ANALOGIA 2529-0967 St Maxim the Greek Institute
113829 ВОПРОСЫ МУЗЕОЛОГИИ (The problems of museology) St Petersbourg University, Russia
149221 Philologia Classica 0202-2532 St Petersburg State University Publishing House
393732 Stranger With Friction St Rooster Books
647669 St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 0036-3227 St Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary
944736 St. Antony’s International Review St. Antony's International Review
148318 Проглас / Proglas 2367-8585 St. Cyril and St. Methodius University Press
169598 Lenz-Jahrbuch Literatur, Kultur, Medien 1750-1800 St. Ingbert, Röhrig Universitäts-Verlag
937979 The Oirats and Tibet. Historical heritage and modern perspectives St. Petersburg Centre for Oriental Studies Publishers
937946 Tibetology in St. Petersburg St. Petersburg Centre for Oriental Studies Publishers
110404 Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University 2411-1210 St. Petersburg University Press
788067 St. Tikhon’s University Review 1991-640X St. Tikhon’s University Press
160175 Handelingen van de Geschied- en oudheidkundige kring van Oudenaarde, van zijn kastelnij en van den lande tusschen Maercke en Ronne 2033-4176 Stad Oudenaarde
328295 Kurtrierisches Jahrbuch Stadtbibliothek Trier
752103 Italianistica. Nuova serie 2610-9522 Stampa Università Ca' Foscari
179483 Terror and the Making of Modern Europe: Transatlantic Perspectives on the History of Violence Stanford University
126646 Dibur : literary journal 2228-3552 Stanford University Division of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages
163030 Mongolica Pragensia 1803-5647 Stanislav Juhaňák – TRITON
160980 Mining Electromechanics and Automatics 0201-7814 State Higher Educational Institution "National Mining University
116158 Palimpsest. A Journal on Women, Gender and the Black International 2165-1612 State University of New York Press
106649 Survey Methodology 0714-0045 Statistics Canada
60165 Statistix Statistix
179957 Gegenwartsliteratur Ein germanistisches Jahrbuch A German Studies Yearbook 1617-8491 Stauffenburg Verlag
163003 Stauffenburg Romanistik 2366-3588 Stauffenburg Verlag
115438 Zibaldone 0930-8997 Stauffenburg Verlag
118403 Stedelijk Studies, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam 2405-7177 Stedelijk Museum
845491 Proc. SPIE 10911, High-Power Laser Materials Processing: Applications, Diagnostics, and Systems VIII Stefan Kaierle, Stefan W. Heinemann
592182 GEOREVIEW: Scientific Annals of Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava. Geography Series 2343-7405 Stefan cel Mare University Publishing House
136380 Proceedings of the International Conference Integrated Management of Environmental Resource 2537-3757 Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava
113650 Izvestiya Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk. Seriya Matematicheskaya 1607-0046 Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences
823761 Mathematical Aspects of Cryptography 2220-2617 Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences
598241 Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages 0259-0131 Stellenbosch University
483834 International Journal of Science Commerce and Humanities 2053-5295 Steve Grosser
130098 Ons Erfdeel 0030-2651 Stichting Ons Erfdeel
356335 Acta universitatis Stockholmiensis 0349-7003 Stockholm University
453031 Journal of Intelligence Studies in Business (JISIB), Stockholm University
703695 Stockholm Papers in Latin American Studies 1654-0204 Stockholm University Press
112088 Kintop Stoemfeld/Roter Stern
148683 América invertida. Revista de poesia/Journal of Poetry 2577-7661 Stony Brook University
772075 Storia corsa 2610-3060 Storia corsa edizioni
148315 Nowy Obywatel 2082-7644 Stowarzyszenie "Obywatele Obywatelom
124083 Stowarzyszenie Sztuka i Dokumentacja = Art and documentation 2080-413X Stowarzyszenie Sztuka i Dokumentacja
456265 ZINES 2739-6770 Strandflat
143605 Cahiers de publications doctorales : sciences humaines, philosophie, linguistique Strasbourg : Association des doctorants et docteurs de l'Université Marc Bloch
26103 Streven Streven
160573 Strindbergiana 0282-8006 Strindbergssällskapet
34077 Wiener Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Neuzeit Studien Verlag
133022 Jahrbuch für Geschichte des ländlichen Raumes 2523-2185 StudienVerlag
112893 Studies in African Linguistics 0039-3533 Studies in African Linguistics, Inc
479077 Filosofia oggi 0392-9744 Studio Editoriale di Cultura
667948 Studium Ricerca 0039-4130 Studium
234836 Coastal and offshore science and engineering Studium Editore
178294 Archiv für Urheber- und Medienrecht 1424-4276 Stämpfli
113063 Contreligne Stéphan Alamowitch
160135 Bajo la Lupa Subdirección de Investigación, Servicio Nacional del Patrimonio Cultural
133249 Économie Entreprises 1114-0887 Success publications
637522 Hispanista Revista electrónica Suely Reis
131454 Proustiana. Mitteilungen der Marcel Proust Gesellschaft 0174-6960 Suhrkamp / Insel
160337 Sciences pour la communication 0933-6079 Suisse, Bern : Peter Lang
414842 Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University 2307-9533 Sumy National Agrarian University, Ukraine
176264 Journal of Economic Development 0254-8372 Sung Y. Park
107968 Journal de la Société finno-ougrienne / Suomalais-ugrilainen seura aikakauskirja 0355-0214 Suomalais-ugrilainen seura
85000 Supercomputer Supercomputer
101292 Rivista di Studi Anglo-Americani Supernova
112707 Supply Chain Magazine 1950-1560 Supply Chain Magazine
142748 Supply Chain Magazine 1950-1560 Supply Chain Magazine SAS
163631 Forum Geografi 2460-3945 Surakarta: Fakultas Geografi LPPI Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
625352 Journal of Geodesy and Geoinformation Science 2096-1650 Surveying and Mapping Press
30743 Survival. Les Nouvelles Survival International France
178626 Buddhismus Aktuell 0949-1104 Susanne Billig
127058 Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift Svenska Botaniska Föreningen
148713 Svensk Numismatisk Tidskrift Svenska Numismatiska Föreningen
166698 Research Journey 2348-7143 Swatidhan International Publication
170564 New Education Division Documents Series Swedish International Development Agency
161567 European Human Rights Law Review 1361-1526 Sweet & Maxwell
606048 Global Competition Litigation Review 1756-6002 Sweet & Maxwell
117480 Horizons 1663-2710 Swiss National Science Foundation
132154 Swiss portal for philosophy
131939 Southern Semiotic Review Sykes Geoffrey, Ryder Paul
481338 ContreTemps. Revue de critique communiste 1633-597X Syllepse
106864 Les Cahiers de l'émancipation Syllepse
112756 Sylvie Thouësny
120057 Symmetry: Culture and Science 0865-4834 Symmetrion
164508 Chambre d'Agriculture de Bretagne Synagri
105928 Thérapie psychomotrice 0249-6569 Syndicat National d'Union des Psychomotriciens
164501 IIMpact éco Syndicat National des Ingénieurs de l'Industrie et des Mines
676549 Psychologues et psychologies 0297-6234 Syndicat National des Psychologues (SNP)
227920 Site du Syndicat Paris Métropole Syndicat Paris Métropole
113852 Bulletin d’information et de liaison du Syndicat de la presse artistique française Syndicat de la presse artistique française
169623 Éducateur, Revue du Syndicat des Enseignants Romands 0256-6370 Syndicat des enseignants romands
104175 La Lettre du SFCC Syndicat français de la critique de cinéma
162854 Les Cahiers de Valençay 2727-0297 Syndicat mixte du Château de Valençay
133269 Psychologues & psychologie Syndicat national des psychologues
123786 Chronica 1588-2039 Szegedi Tudományegyetem. Történeti Intézet (Institut d'Histoire, Université de Szeged, Hongrie)
177397 Columella 2064-7816 Szent István Campus of Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences
98399 Zeszyty naukowe SGPiS Szkoła Główna Planowania i Statystyki
140372 Fordulat 2498-9347 Szövetkezetiséget Támogató Egyesület
26969 Aquisição da Linguagem : Conceito, Definição e Explicação na Criança In S. Dinucci Fernandes (Org.) São Paulo : Cultura Acadêmica Editora
151685 Oestbulletinen 1654-8698 Sällskapet för studier av Ryssland, Central-och Östeuropa samt Centralasien
293409 Cahiers Maurice Ravel 0769-7945 Séguier
293413 Cahiers Maurice Ravel 0769-7945 Séguier
576626 Cahiers Maurice Ravel Séguier
705001 Journal of Süleyman Demirel University Institute of Social Science 1304-6373 Süleyman Demirel University
773590 RADDAR T&P Publishing
104922 Nāme-ye Irān-e Bāstān. The International Journal of Ancient Iranian Studies 1735-3912 T. Daryaee (University of California, Irvine)
453925 Journal of Turkish Court of Accounts / Sayistay Dergisi 1300-1981 T.C. Sayistay Baskanligi Inonu Bulvari (Eskisehir Yolu) No: 45 06520 Balgat/Ankara Turkiye
374640 TAO Digital Library 2282-1023 TAO Digital Library
603848 AMNIS Revue d’études des sociétés et cultures contemporaines Europe/Amérique 1764-7193 TELEMME - UMR 6570
109076 El Argonauta español. Revue consacrée à l'étude de la presse espagnole de ses origines à nos jours 1765-2901 TELEMME UMR 7303, Aix Marseille Université, CNRS
225486 Mélanges en chômage au professeur HOUNDAGB TENTE A. H. Brice, GIBIGAYE Moussa & OREKAN Vincent O. A.
874680 Politika.Io TEPSIS
167589 Wrong Wrong Magazine 2183-5527 TERCEIRO DIREITO
108960 TESOLANZ Journal 1172-9694 TESOLANZ, in Wellington, NZ
406813 edition text + kritik TEXT+KRITIK
797449 Ab-Original, Journal of Indigenous Studies and First Nations and First Peoples' Cultures 2471-0938 THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PRESS
760031 Educacion e biblioteca. biblioteca n° 143, octobre 2004, Madrid 0214-7491 TILDE en collaboration avec l'association Educacion e bibliotecas
299891 TK-21 la revue 1200-7935 TK-21
580112 Proceedings of Liquid Metal Processing and Casting 2022 TMS
554832 journal of Trade science 1859-3666 TMU
740781 Burning Farm 2813-8058 TPOD Lab — Theory and Project of Domestic Space. EPFL, Lausanne
524477 In Translation / في الترجمة 2353-0073 TRADIL Laboratory, Badji Mokhtar University, Annaba, Algeria
687784 Travaux & Innovations 0399-9688 TRAME
226369 TRANS Internet-Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaften 1560-182X TRANS
610802 Computers and artificial intelligence TRANSLIBRIS, Cologne, Germany (1984-1991)
106366 Revista TriploV de Artes, Religiões e Ciências 2182-147X TRIPLOV
816074 La Revue de Travel and Tourism Research Association (TTRA) TTRA
137168 Spool 2215-0900 TU Delft
830906 Archive of Formal Proofs 2150-914x TU Muenchen
740972 European Journal of Social Impact and Circular Economy 2704-9906 TURIN UNIVERSITY
170768 TWMS Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 2076-2585 TWMS : Turkic World Mathematical Society
474405 Quaderni del Museo del Papiro Siracusa TYCHE
955081 Taihe Institute Observer Taihe Institute
115203 Vers la guerre totale. Le tournant de 1914-1915 Taillandier
179817 Taipei Theatre Journal 1813-9078 Taipei National University of the Arts
86615 Journal of Internet Technology Taiwan Academic Network
141753 Journal of Advances In Technology Innovation 2415-0436 Taiwan Association of Engineering and Technology Innovation
240531 Taiwan Journal of Democracy 1815-7238 Taiwan Foundation of Democracy
577004 LATENZ. Journal für Philosophie und Gesellschaft, Arbeit und Technik, Kunst und Kultur Talheimer Verlag
158743 Historia 0018-2281 Tallandier
131887 Divergencia 0719-2390 Taller de Historia Política O.C.F
136654 Tambov University Reports. Series Natural and Technical Sciences 1810-0198 Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin” (Tambov, Russian Federation)
163113 Le Matin Dimanche Tamedia Publications Romandes (CH)
178425 Tamiḻaram Tamiḻaram patippakam, Maturai
335187 Quaderni di Aristonothos Tangram Edizioni Scientifiche
159732 Journal of Crop Protection 2251-905X Tarbiat Modares University
588673 Language Related Research 2383-0816 Tarbiat Modares University
164391 International Journal of Econometrics and Financial Management 2374-2011 Tarek Sadraoui
159349 Povolzhskaya Arkheologiya Journal 2306-4099 Tatarstan Academy of Science
182646 Revista Ensaios Tatuí, ed. Conservatório de Tatuí, São Paulo
727542 Revista portuguesa de historia do livro 0874-1336 Tavola Redonda
803382 Tax Notes Federal 2688-6642 Tax Analysts
168089 Journal of Asian Civilisation 1993-4696 Taxila Institute of Asian Civilizations
770352 Journal of Asian Civilizations 1993-4696 Taxila Institute of Asian Civilizations, Islamabad
114505 Australian Journal of Structural Engineering 1328-7982 Taylor & Francis
168469 Contemporary Buddhism: An Interdisciplinary Journal (ISSN : 1463-9947) (ESSN : 1476-7953) Taylor & Francis