Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
904694 Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part B 1521-6950 Taylor & Francis
126573 Journal of library metadata 1938-6389 Taylor & Francis
130688 Journal on the Use of Force and International Law 2053-1702 Taylor & Francis
167520 Jung Journal: Culture & Psyche 1934-2039 Taylor & Francis
846087 LIT: Literature Interpretation Theory 1545-5866 Taylor & Francis
130288 Language & History Taylor & Francis
119131 Leisure/Loisir 1492-7713 Taylor & Francis
119485 Materials Technology: Advanced Performance Materials 1066-7857 Taylor & Francis
106706 Méthod(e)s: African Review of Social Sciences Methodology 2375-4753 Taylor & Francis
107164 Policing and Society: An International Journal of Research and Policy 1477-2728 Taylor & Francis
149648 Restorative Justice 2050-473X Taylor & Francis
170543 Systems Science and Control Engineering An Open Access Journal Taylor & Francis
173781 Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography 1600-0870 Taylor & Francis
151339 The Asian Pacific Journal of Anthropology 1444-2213 Taylor & Francis
102976 The International Journal of Human Ressource Management Taylor & Francis
177201 Theatre, Dance and Performance Training 1944-3927 Taylor & Francis
336933 Ñawpa Pacha - Journal of the Institute of Andean Studies (Berkeley) 2051-6207 Taylor & Francis
133895 Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction 1939-9138 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
123451 Proceedings of the International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics - River Flow 2012 Taylor & Francis Group
105027 Cogent Chemistry 2331-2009 Taylor & Francis Online
123245 International Journal of Urban Sciences 1226-5934 Taylor & Francis Online
160414 International Journal of Veterinary Science and Medicine Taylor & Francis Online
111540 Journal of Management Analytics Taylor & Francis Online
158817 Statistics: a journal of theoretical and applied statistics Taylor & Francis Online
131154 The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society 1930-7799 Taylor & Francis Online
755495 Proceedings of the ITA-AITES World Tunnel Congress 2023 Taylor & Francis group
155265 Journal of Agricultural & Food Information 1540-4722 Taylor & Francis online
146179 Journal of Safety and Reliability Taylor & Francis online
139329 Carbon Management 1758-3004 Taylor & Francis: STM, Behavioural Science and Public Health Titles
105517 Journal of Enterprise Transformation 1948-8289 Taylor Francis
108428 Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society Taylor and Francis
437046 International Journal of Political Economy 1558-0970 Taylor and Francis
160724 Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse 1547-0652 Taylor and Francis
479052 Journal of Statistics & Management Systems 2169-0014 Taylor and Francis
151683 Luxury: History, Culture, Consumption 2051-1825 Taylor and Francis
181317 Media Practice and Education 2574-1136 Taylor and Francis
698846 Science and Technology of Advanced Materials: Methods 2766-0400 Taylor and Francis
113760 Shakespeare 1745-0926 Taylor and Francis
109441 The Design Journal Taylor and Francis
148979 Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics 0972-0502 Taylor and Francis Group
886452 Journal of Textile Design Research and Practice 2051-1787 Taylor and Francis Group
794128 URBAN, PLANNING AND TRANSPORT RESEARCH 2165-0020 Taylor and Francis Group
535064 Asia-Pacific Review 1343-9006 Taylor&Francis
518792 Journal ofAfricanCulturalStudies,Taylor&Francis(Routledge), Taylor&Francis
48183 Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 0953-7325 TaylorAndFrancis
166015 International Symposium on Traditional Music Tbilisi State Conservatory
122993 MUSICA THEORICA - Revista da Associação Brasileira de Teoria e Análise Musical 2525-5541 TeMA
110013 Inovacije u nastavi - časopis za savremenu nastavu 0352-2334 Teacher Education Faculty
129723 Teaching Innovations 0352-2334 Teacher Education Faculty University of Belgrade
346252 Contact Magazine (TESL Ontario, Canada) 0227-2938 Teachers of English as a Second Language Association of Ontario
168902 TResearch 1649-8917 Teagasc
271223 Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 1526-1506 Tech Science Press
101977 Acta Technica Napocensis - Electronics and Telecommunications 1221-6542 Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
147378 Transactions of the Technical University of Košice 1335-2334 Technical University of Košice
881940 Transport & Logistics: the International Journal 2406-1069 Technical University of Košice, University of Belgrade
174950 Journal of Social Sciences 2587-3490 Technical University of Moldova
120257 International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Management 2456-8066 Technical and Scientific Publisher
98325 Nouvelle revue de Géopolitque 9782710810193 Technip
55803 La lettre des réseaux sans fil Techniques de l'Ingénieur
125076 Électronique – Photonique Techniques de l'Ingénieur
124730 Matériaux | Etudes et propiétés des métaux Techniques de l'ingénieur
166230 Technium Social Science Journal 2668-7798 Technium
168717 Interaction and Multiscale Mechanics Techno Press
121720 Advances in Biomechanics and Applications 2287-2094 Techno-Press
121868 Advances in Concrete Construction 2287-5301 Techno-Press, Ltd
146879 Foro de Profesores de E/LE 1886-337X Tecnolingüística SL
164105 Pistas Educativas 2448-847X Tecnológico Nacional de México, Instituto Tecnológico de Celaya
178496 Global lens Tecnológico de Monterrey (Nuevo León, Mexique)
133245 Farhang. Quarterly Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies Tehran, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies
124881 Journal of the Teikyo Heisei University 1341-5182 Teikyo Heisei University
167786 TCWorld - Magazine for International Information Management 1862-6386 Tekom
178290 HaMerhav HaTziburi Tel Aviv University
149459 Studi trentini di scienze storiche - sezione prima 0392-0690 Temi editrice - Trento
154740 Tempura Tempura
133426 Politika Tepsis
26345 Journal of European Economy Ternopil Academy of National Economy
169004 revue Terra-HN Terra
755850 La Grande Conversation Terra Nova
184235 Le Lien créatif 2262-2071 Terran magazine
168171 Horizon Le Mag 1765-0992 Terrena
128901 Terres Ardennaises 0758-3028 Terres Ardennaises
114829 Association mode d'emploi 1291-7826 Territorial
470472 Intertexts 1092-0625 Texas Tech University
136153 Conradiana 0010-6356 Texas Tech University Press
331814 RISS Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse Textem Verlag
162027 Anais Leirienses. Estudos e documentos Textiverso
958762 Agriculture and Natural Resources (ANRES) 2468-1458 Thailand Editorial System (ThaiES)
555824 National interest Academic Journal 2730-2393 Thaksin University, Thailand
776712 Science & Technology Asia 2586-9027 Thammasat University, Thailand
609088 J.M.M.S 2734-9837 Thang Long University, Dui Kim, Hong Mai, Hanoi
440488 Thaêtre 2678-8373 Thaêtre
528452 서울대학교 대학신문 The Daehak-Shinmoon [quotidien de l’Université nationale de Séoul]
153541 The Adyar Library Bulletin 0001-902X The Adyar Library and Research Centre, Chennai
974476 The African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Dispute
166959 ECLQ (Energy and Climate Law Quarterly) 2906-8525 The African Institute for Legal and Critical Thinking
135091 Expedition ANTARKTIS-XXIII/4 of the research vessel "Polarstern" in 2006 1618-3193 The Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research is located in Bremerhaven, Germany
108275 Indian Journal of Mathematics 0019-5324 The Allahabad Mathematical Society
955112 The Journal of Early American Numismatics 2577-5774 The American Numismatic Society
178283 Arab Media & Society 1687-7721 The American University in Cairo
134366 The Anglo-Hellenic Review 1351-9107 The Anglo-Hellenic League
278325 Journal of Taiwan Archaeology The Archaeological Society of Taiwan
686555 建築と社会 / Kenchiku to shakai The Architectural Association of Japan
32180 Worldview. Perspectives on Architecture and Urbanism from around the World The Architectural League of New York
486615 Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 0146-0404 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Inc
123560 Scottish Literary Review 1756-5634 The Association for Scottish Literary Studies
377390 Archaeologia Cypria 0257-1951 The Association of Cypriot Archaeologists (Nicosia)
328350 The Journal of Dress History 2515-0995 The Association of Dress Historians
156743 AGHP Technical Notes The Association of Geohazard Professionals
276071 Australian Journal of Maritime Archaeology The Australian Institue for Maritime Archaeology
136369 Proceedings of the Centre for Mathematics and its Applications 1328-5076 The Australian National University, Mathematical Sciences Institute, Centre for Mathematics & its Applications
26938 Global Economy Journal The Berkeley Electronic Press
176823 Russell: the Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 1913-8032 The Bertrand Russell Research Centre, McMaster U
755213 The Book Review 0970-4175 The Book Review Literary Trust
139526 Maps in History 1379-3306 The Brussels Map Circle
656632 The Catalyst Review 0898-3089 The Catalyst Group Resources, Inc
150107 In Focus The Center for Khmers Studies
628985 World Records 2640-0065 The Center for Media, Culture, and History at New York University
794250 Journal of North American Herpetology 2333-0694 The Center for North American Herpetology
797237 « 今天 » (Today) 0803-0391 The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press
667242 Current Trends In Information Communication Technology Research (CTICTR) 2814-1709 The College of Postgraduate Studies, Babcock University
166145 Development: For advances in developmental biology and stem cells 1477-9129 The Company of Biologists
133319 Road Transport Law The Confederation of Organizations in Road Transport Enforcement - CORTE
25317 Journal of the Construction History Society The Construction History Society
907216 Corrosion Science and Technology 2288-6524 The Corrosion Science Society of Korea
628756 The Journal of Cotton Science The Cotton Foundation
706779 Crossways Journal 1.1 The Crossways in Cultural Narratives Consortium
129694 Eborakon The Department of English and Related Literature The University of York
820019 Sidelights The Dorothy L. Sayers Society
101569 Interface The Electrochemical Society
121871 Electrochemistry (Tokyo, Japan) 1344-3542 The Electrochemical Society of Japan
831481 SVU-International Journal of Agricultural Sciences 2636-381X The Faculty of Agriculture, South Valley University, Egypt
102893 Fans, the Bulletin of the Fan Circle International The Fan Circle International
955809 Philippine Journal of Crop Science 0115-463x The Federation of Crop Science Societies of the Philippines
152361 The Feldenkrais Jounal The Feldenkrais Guild of North America
454871 Women's Studies Quarterly (WSQ) 1934-1520 The Feminist Press
179225 Ohio Valley History Journal The Filson Historical Society, Cincinnati Museum Center, and the University of Cincinnati
178726 Annales Fennici Mathematici The Finnish Mathematical Society
182694 New Philology 2414-1135 The Foreign Philology Faculty of Zaporizhzhia National University
134190 The Broker The Foundation for International Development Publications (IDP)
136569 ARES – Armament Industry European Research Group The French Institute for International and Strategic Affairs (IRIS)
838676 Proceedings of the European Combustion Meeting 2023 The French Section of The Combustion Institute
805293 Nekhen News The Friends of Nekhen
108163 International Journal of Geomate 2186-2986 The Geomate International Society
179832 The journal of the Hakluyt Society The Hakluyt Society for scholarly books on voyages of discovery, history of exploration, maritime history, historical travel accounts
870664 The Harrovian The Harrow School
260632 Perspectives sur l'histoire, la culture et la société française 0793-2839 The Hebrew University Magnes Press Jerusalem
178299 Iberoamerica Global 1565-9615 The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
621275 The Tennessee Williams Annual Review 1097-6035 The Historic New Orleans Collection
721344 Early Keyboard Journal 0899-8132 The Historical Keyboard Society of North America
26867 History of Economic Review The History of Economic Thought Society of Australia
176102 Translation Quarterly 1027-8559 The Hong Kong Translation Society
129523 The Mathematics Student 0025-5742 The Indian Mathematical Society
160581 Man and Environment 0254-0446 The Indian Society for Prehistoric and Quaternary Studies (ISPQS), Pune, 1971
224821 Social Phenomena 2305-7327 The Institute for Research on Social Phenomena
145844 Journal of Ancient Civilizations 1004-9371 The Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations, Northeast Normal University, Changchun
197639 Arheologia 0235-3490 The Institute of Archaeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
902039 World News of Natural Sciences 2543-5426 The Institute of Biopaleogeography named under Charles R. Darwin, Poland
902068 World Scientific News 2392-2192 The Institute of Biopaleogeography named under Charles R. Darwin, Poland
141751 International Journal of Plasma Environmental Science & Technology 2415-0436 The Institute of Electrostatics Japan
115300 ITE Transactions on Media Technology and Applications 2186-7364 The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers
164195 Journal of ITE (Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers) (Japanese Edition) 1342-6907 The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers
505645 Bulletin of medieval canon law 2372-2509 The Institute of Medieval Canon Law
171593 Contemporary Eurasia 1828-3948 The Institute of Oriental Studies, National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia
136820 Acta Technica 0001-7043 The Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR
905947 Yearbook of the Institute of the Romanian Revolution of December 1989 3008-5128 The Institute of the Romanian Revolution of December 1989
106851 Healthcare Technology Letter 2053-3713 The Institution of Engineering and Technology
102649 Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy 2160-5882 The International Association for Energy Economics
169696 Policy in Focus 2318-8995 The International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth / United Nations Development Program
98491 Bulletin of the International institute of the Caucasus Peoples' Friendship. Theory of economics and national economy management. The International institute of the Caucasus Peoples' Friendship (Stavropol, Russia)
101112 Bulletin of the International institute of the Caucasus Peoples' Friendship. Theory of economics and national economy management. 2071-3819 The International institute of the Caucasus Peoples' Friendship (Stavropol, Russia)
178415 Proceedings of the Irish Biblical Association 0332-4427 The Irish Biblical Association
436612 Annals of the Japan Association of Economic Geographers 0004-5683 The Japan Association of Economic Geography
137828 Japanese-Language Education around the Globe 0917-2920 The Japan Foundation
182351 Cycle History 19, Proceedings of the 19th International Cycling History Conference The John Pinkerton Memorial Publishing Fund, Quorum Print Ltd, Cheltenham (England)
120247 American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ASECS) The Johns Hopkins University Press
29381 The Cultural topography of food The Johns Hopkins University Press
163975 The Journal of Sophia Asian studies 0289-1417 The Journal of Sophia Asian studies
159602 Augustinian Studies 0094-5323 The Journal of the Augustinian Institute at Villanova University
129969 ABACUS: The Journal of the Mathematical Association of Nigeria 0001-3099 The Journal of the Mathematical Association of Nigeria
131994 Kipling Journal 0023-1738 The Kipling Society, London
178479 The Journal of Drama 1738-9267 The Korean Drama Society
802622 Journal of Applied and Pure Mathematics The Korean Society for Computational and Applied Mathematics
138263 The Journal of Oriental Research Madras 0022-3301 The Kuppuswami Sastri Research Institute, Madras
106473 Seoul Journal of Korean Studies 1225-0201 The Kyujanggak Institute for Korean Studies
166456 Jus Gentium. Journal of International Legal History 2381-0254 The Lawbook Exchange
102530 International Journal of Literacies The Learner
145843 The Linnean The Society's Biannual Newsletter for Fellows The Linnean Society
177535 The Linnean: Newsletter and Proceedings of The Linnean Society of London 0950-1096 The Linnean Society of London
137858 Machikaneyama Ronso 0387-4818 The Literary Society, Osaka University
111025 The Middle East in London 1743-7598 The London Middle East Institute, SOAS
820165 Perspecta: The Yale Architectural Journal The MIT Press
175188 The Magic Lantern Gazette 1059-1249 The Magic Lantern Society of the United States and Canada
738507 Mars Papers Archive The Mars Society, Lakewood, Colorado, USA
120416 ABACUS 0001-3099 The Mathematical Association of Nigeria
101959 The Slavonic and East European Review 0037-6795 The Modern Humanities Research Association and University College London, School of Slavonic and East European Studies
194766 The Journal of Studies in Language 1225-4770 The Modern Linguistic Society of Korea
114177 Advances in Multidisciplinary Research Journal 2488-8699 The Multidisciplinary Research Group of the International Centre for Information Technology & Development, Southern University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA
130637 语言战略研究 Study on language stradegy 2096-1014 The National Language Committee of China
133973 Studies in the Age of Chaucer The New Chaucer Society