Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
11860 CMIGExtra: Cases 1572-3496 Elsevier
12150 COSPAR Information Bulletin 0045-8732 Elsevier
43415 Cahiers de l'audition 0980-3483 Elsevier
11475 Calphad 0364-5916 Elsevier
444 Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal 0846-5371 Elsevier
22527 Canadian Journal of Cardiology 0828-282X Elsevier
22515 Canadian Nurse 0008-4581 Elsevier
11495 Cancer Cell 1535-6108 Elsevier
22509 Cancer Chemotherapy and Biological Response Modifiers Annual 0921-4410 Elsevier
11497 Cancer Detection and Prevention 0361-090X Elsevier
117524 Cancer Epidemiology 1877-7821 Elsevier
11500 Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics 0165-4608 Elsevier
11503 Cancer Letters 0304-3835 Elsevier
139254 Cancer genetics 2210-7762 Elsevier
170273 Carbohydrate Polymer Technologies and Applications 2666-8939 Elsevier
11513 Carbohydrate Polymers 0144-8617 Elsevier
11514 Carbohydrate Research 0008-6215 Elsevier
11515 Carbon 0008-6223 Elsevier
146184 Carbon Resources Conversion 2588-9133 Elsevier
166286 Carbon Trends 2667-0569 Elsevier
11517 Card Technology Today 0965-2590 Elsevier
107106 Cardiac Electrophysiology Clinics 1877-9182 Elsevier
11526 Cardiovascular Pathology 1054-8807 Elsevier
11527 Cardiovascular Radiation Medicine 1522-1865 Elsevier
11529 Cardiovascular Revascularization Medicine 1553-8389 Elsevier
11530 Cardiovascular Surgery -Oxford 0967-2109 Elsevier
11534 Carnegie Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy 0167-2231 Elsevier
19437 Case Manager 1061-9259 Elsevier
177812 Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering 2666-0164 Elsevier
106126 Case Studies in Construction Materials 2214-5095 Elsevier
108168 Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 2214-157X Elsevier
87667 Case Studies on Transport Policy 2213-624X Elsevier
11538 Catalysis Communications 1566-7367 Elsevier
20482 Catalysis Today 0920-5861 Elsevier
3839 Cell 0092-8674 Elsevier
11555 Cell Calcium 0143-4160 Elsevier
278439 Cell Genomics 2666-979X Elsevier
38555 Cell Host and Microbe 1931-3128 Elsevier
11560 Cell Metabolism 1550-4131 Elsevier
163440 Cell Reports Physical Science 2666-3864 Elsevier
104560 Cell Systems 2405-4712 Elsevier
11558 Cell differentiation 0045-6039 Elsevier
11559 Cell differentiation and development : the official journal of the International Society of Developmental Biologists 0922-3371 Elsevier
169660 Cells & Development 2667-2901 Elsevier
11570 Cellular Immunology 0008-8749 Elsevier
11573 Cellular Signalling 0898-6568 Elsevier
175051 Cement 2666-5492 Elsevier
11575 Cement and Concrete Composites 0958-9465 Elsevier
11576 Cement and Concrete Research 0008-8846 Elsevier
11588 Ceramics International 0272-8842 Elsevier
11589 Ceramurgia International 0390-5519 Elsevier
11598 Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 0960-0779 Elsevier
165690 Chem 2451-9308 Elsevier
166889 Chem Catalysis 2667-1093 Elsevier
11608 Chemical Engineering Journal 1385-8947 Elsevier
165703 Chemical Engineering Journal Advances 2666-8211 Elsevier
11609 Chemical Engineering Research and Design 0263-8762 Elsevier
11610 Chemical Engineering Science 0009-2509 Elsevier
11606 Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification 0255-2701 Elsevier
11611 Chemical Geology 0009-2541 Elsevier
11612 Chemical Geology Isotope Geoscience section 0168-9622 Elsevier
11613 Chemical Health and Safety 1074-9098 Elsevier
11615 Chemical Physics 0301-0104 Elsevier
20102 Chemical Physics Letters 0009-2614 Elsevier
11622 Chemie der Erde / Geochemistry 0009-2819 Elsevier
11630 Chemistry and Biology 1074-5521 Elsevier
11633 Chemistry and Physics of Lipids 0009-3084 Elsevier
11642 Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 0169-7439 Elsevier
11643 Chemosphere 0045-6535 Elsevier
11644 Chemosphere -Oxford- Global Change Science 1465-9972 Elsevier
11649 Chest Surgery Clinics of North America 1052-3359 Elsevier
3893 Child Abuse and Neglect 0145-2134 Elsevier
3904 Children and Youth Services Review 0190-7409 Elsevier
3913 China Economic Review 1043-951X Elsevier
11676 Chinese Astronomy 0146-6364 Elsevier
11677 Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics 0275-1062 Elsevier
11678 Chinese Chemical Letters 1001-8417 Elsevier
72984 Chinese Journal of Aeronautics 1000-9361 Elsevier
11683 Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry 1872-2040 Elsevier
11685 Chinese Journal of Biotechnology 1872-2075 Elsevier
11687 Chinese Journal of Catalysis 1872-2067 Elsevier
11688 Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering 1004-9541 Elsevier
11690 Chinese Journal of Chromatography 1872-2059 Elsevier
124643 Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines 2095-6975 Elsevier
22474 Chinese Journal of Traumatology (English Edition) 1008-1275 Elsevier
22473 Chinese Medical Sciences Journal 1001-9294 Elsevier
11702 Chirurgie -Paris 0001-4001 Elsevier
11708 Chromatographic reviews 0009-5907 Elsevier
11719 Cities 0264-2751 Elsevier
167128 City and Environment Interactions Elsevier
81703 City, Culture and Society 1877-9166 Elsevier
169644 Cleaner Environmental Systems 2666-7894 Elsevier
302796 Cleaner Materials 2772-3976 Elsevier
600305 Cleaner Waste Systems Elsevier
101547 Climate Risk Management 2212-0963 Elsevier
119954 Climate services 2405-8807 Elsevier
11739 Clinica Chimica Acta 0009-8981 Elsevier
11760 Clinical Biochemistry 0009-9120 Elsevier
11761 Clinical Biomechanics 0268-0033 Elsevier
22464 Clinical Breast Cancer 1526-8209 Elsevier
11770 Clinical Chiropractic 1479-2354 Elsevier
22461 Clinical Colorectal Cancer 1533-0028 Elsevier
11771 Clinical Cornerstone 1098-3597 Elsevier
11777 Clinical Eye and Vision Care 0953-4431 Elsevier
96668 Clinical Genitourinary Cancer 1558-7673 Elsevier
11782 Clinical Imaging 0899-7071 Elsevier
11783 Clinical Immunology 1521-6616 Elsevier
11785 Clinical Immunology Newsletter 0197-1859 Elsevier
22447 Clinical Lung Cancer 1525-7304 Elsevier
108365 Clinical Lymphoma, Myeloma & Leukemia 2152-2650 Elsevier
11797 Clinical Microbiology Newsletter 0196-4399 Elsevier
11799 Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 0303-8467 Elsevier
11801 Clinical Neurophysiology 1388-2457 Elsevier
11803 Clinical Neuroscience Research 1566-2772 Elsevier
106574 Clinical Nutrition Experimental 2352-9393 Elsevier
11808 Clinical Nutrition Supplements 1744-1161 Elsevier
96046 Clinical Plasma Medicine 2212-8166 Elsevier
11823 Clinical Positron Imaging 1095-0397 Elsevier
11826 Clinical Psychology Review 0272-7358 Elsevier
11828 Clinical Radiology 0009-9260 Elsevier
11829 Clinical Radiology Extra 1477-6804 Elsevier
160466 Clinical Simulation in Nursing 1876-1399 Elsevier
11837 Clinical Techniques in Equine Practice 1534-7516 Elsevier
11838 Clinical Techniques in Small Animal Practice 1096-2867 Elsevier
11839 Clinical Therapeutics 0149-2918 Elsevier
11844 Clinical Update -American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 1070-7212 Elsevier
38603 Clinical and Applied Immunology Reviews 1529-1049 Elsevier
130394 Clinical and Translational Radiation Oncology 2405-6308 Elsevier
11749 Clinical and diagnostic virology 0928-0197 Elsevier
11795 Clinical materials 0267-6605 Elsevier
126670 Clinical neurophysiology practice 2467-981X Elsevier
235667 Clinical nutrition open science/Clin Nutr Open Sci 2667-2685 Elsevier
98201 Clinics and Research in Hepatology and Gastroenterology 2210-7401 Elsevier
11846 Clinics in Dermatology 0738-081X Elsevier
11848 Clinics in Family Practice 1522-5720 Elsevier
11850 Clinics in Occupational and Environmental Medicine 1526-0046 Elsevier
11847 Clinics in endocrinology and metabolism 0300-595X Elsevier
11864 Coastal Engineering 0378-3839 Elsevier
11869 Cognition 0010-0277 Elsevier
11415 Cognitive Brain Research 0926-6410 Elsevier
11876 Cognitive Development 0885-2014 Elsevier
3990 Cognitive Psychology 0010-0285 Elsevier
11883 Cognitive Systems Research 1389-0417 Elsevier
11874 Cognitive and Behavioral Practice 1077-7229 Elsevier
11885 Cold Regions Science and Technology 0165-232X Elsevier
22427 Collegian 1322-7696 Elsevier
98443 Colloid and Interface Science Communications 2215-0382 Elsevier
11891 Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 0927-7757 Elsevier
11892 Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 0927-7765 Elsevier
11899 Combinatorial Chemistry 1464-3383 Elsevier
11902 Combustion and Flame 0010-2180 Elsevier
11928 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 1007-5704 Elsevier
11934 Communist Affairs 0588-8174 Elsevier
4057 Communist and Post-Communist Studies 0967-067X Elsevier
11942 Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 0010-406X Elsevier
11944 Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - A: Comparative Physiology 0300-9629 Elsevier
11943 Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part A: Molecular and Integrative Physiology 1095-6433 Elsevier
11945 Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 1096-4959 Elsevier
11946 Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part C: Comparative Pharmacology 0306-4492 Elsevier
11947 Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part C: Comparative Pharmacology and Toxicology 0742-8413 Elsevier
11948 Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part C: Toxicology and Pharmacology 1532-0456 Elsevier
11949 Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part D: Genomics and Proteomics 1744-117X Elsevier
127764 Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Comparative Biochemistry 0305-0491 Elsevier
11954 Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 0147-9571 Elsevier
11941 Comparative and general pharmacology 0010-4035 Elsevier
11962 Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 1744-3881 Elsevier
11963 Complementary Therapies in Medicine 0965-2299 Elsevier
11970 Composite Structures 0263-8223 Elsevier
11971 Composites 0010-4361 Elsevier
11972 Composites Business Analysts 1464-2840 Elsevier
148457 Composites Communications 2452-2139 Elsevier
11973 Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 1359-835X Elsevier
11974 Composites Part B: Engineering 1359-8368 Elsevier
161595 Composites Part C: Open Access 2666-6820 Elsevier
11975 Composites Science and Technology 0266-3538 Elsevier
11977 Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry 0166-526X Elsevier
606762 Comprehensive Psychoneuroendocrinology 2666-4976 Elsevier
145135 Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series III - Sciences de la Vie 0764-4469 Elsevier
11996 Computational Biology and Chemistry 1476-9271 Elsevier
109512 Computational Condensed Matter 2352-2143 Elsevier
11999 Computational Geometry 0925-7721 Elsevier
12004 Computational Materials Science 0927-0256 Elsevier
12011 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 0167-9473 Elsevier
107293 Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal 2001-0370 Elsevier
117638 Computational and Theoretical Chemistry 2210-271X Elsevier
11995 Computational and Theoretical Polymer Science 1089-3156 Elsevier
128880 Computer Aided Chemical Engineering 1570-7946 Elsevier
12012 Computer Aided Geometric Design 0167-8396 Elsevier
12017 Computer Audit Update 0960-2593 Elsevier
12018 Computer Communications 0140-3664 Elsevier
12019 Computer Compacts 0167-7136 Elsevier
12021 Computer Fraud & Security Bulletin 0142-0496 Elsevier
12020 Computer Fraud and Security 1361-3723 Elsevier
12022 Computer Graphics and Image Processing 0146-664X Elsevier
12024 Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems 0951-5240 Elsevier
12025 Computer Languages -Oxford 0096-0551 Elsevier
12026 Computer Languages, Systems and Structures 1477-8424 Elsevier
4098 Computer Law and Security Review 0267-3649 Elsevier
12027 Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 0169-2607 Elsevier
178539 Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine Update 2666-9900 Elsevier