Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
132860 Soil Use and Management
76028 Soil mechanics & foundation engineering
174121 Soil research
33080 Soils Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
135028 Soils and Foundations
166726 Soins
141688 Soins Gerontol
117116 Soins Gérontologie
910630 Soins Pédiatrie/Puériculture
93668 Soins gérontologiques
80357 Soins-Aides-soignantes
98714 Soins. Gérontologie
182267 Soins. Pediatrie, puericulture
98601 Soins. Pédiatrie, puériculture
99048 Soins. Pédiatrie. Puériculture
182268 Soins; la revue de reference infirmiere
100831 Soins; la revue de référence infirmière
77046 Sokendai review of cultural and social studies
766544 Sol. notaires hebdo
25763 Sola fide. Mélanges offerts à Jean Ansaldi (Actes et recherches) E. CUVILLIER
113111 Solaire 1 Magazine
176028 Solar Energy
111584 Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 1879-3398
119903 Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells
68846 Solar System Research
933920 SolarPACES Conference Proceedings 2751-9899
34769 Solas News
224439 Soldats de France Armée de terre
97074 Soleo Presses Universitaires de Grenoble
91750 Solid Earrth
111821 Solid Earth 1869-9529
132502 Solid Earth
72729 Solid Earth Discussions
610791 Solid Earth Sciences 2451-912X
171616 Solid Fuel Chemistry 0361-5219
132417 Solid Slate Communicalions
29948 Solid Solid Sciences
700838 Solid State Nucl Magn Reson 1527-3326
564193 Solid State Phenomena
170586 Solid State Sci
48307 Solid Waste Technology and Management
180589 Solidarietà Come
77984 Solidarité et Santé
888304 Solidarité-Orient
111332 Solidarités
32965 Solidarités collectives. Famille et solidaritésColloque 2004 Famille et solidarités (Association d'économie sociale)
34948 Soliman M., "Regional networks and multilateral context: enhancing capabilities in Africa"- AAAE symposium, Kenya, 2004
34949 Soliman M., Agriculture et alimentation en Méditerranée, Bachta M. & Ghersi G., coordinateurs, CIHEAM, IRESA KARTHALA, 2004
28265 Solon of Athens: New Historical and Philological Approaches
914169 Solos e Desenvolvimento Sustentável: Desafios e Soluções GreenUPorto – Centro de Investigação em Produção Agroalimentar Sustentável, U.Porto Press
43401 Sols de Tunisie, Bulletin de la Direction Générale de l'Aménagement et de la Conservation des Terres Agricoles
31203 Sols urbains
41838 Solta a voz
942179 Solution Notaires Hebdo (SNH)
166422 Solution notaire hebdo
160507 Solution notaires Editions Francis Lefebvre
120704 Solutions 2154-0896
137824 Solutions
129295 Solv. Extr. Res. Dev. Jap
128563 Solvent Extraction Research and Development, Japan 1341-7215
882580 Somanlu. Revista de Estudos Amazônicos 2316-4123 Universidade Federal do Amazonas - UFAM
98631 Somatosensory & Motor Research
170429 Somatosphere: Science, Medicine, Anthropology
158562 Somatosphère : Science, Medicine, and Anthropology
34968 Some New approaches to The Bell Beaker Phenomenon, Lost Paradise...?, Proceedings of the 2nd Meeting of the « Association Archéologie et Gobelets », Feldberg (Germany), 18th-20th avril 1997
142491 Something We Africans Got
30456 Sommaire de table-ronde
55062 Sommeil et Vigilance - Revue de la SFRMS
75696 Sonderheft
158664 Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol
150517 Songklanakarin Journal of Plant Science 2351-0846
78978 Sonorités
277915 Soochow Academic Review: Dongwu Xueshu东吴学术 1674-9790 Changshu Institute of Technology
228050 Sophia 1390-3861 Universidad Politécnica Salesiana de Ecuador
900403 Sophia
175161 Sophia Austral 0719-5605 Universidad de Magallanes
808765 Sophia Linguistica 0287-5357 SOLIFIC
66319 Sophia University Working Papers in Phonetics 2010
172942 Soproni Szemle
187057 Sorgue
182830 Soronda. Revista de estudos guineenses INEP (Guinée-Bissau)
696728 Sortuz: Oñati Journal of Emergent Socio-Legal Studies 1988-0847 Oñati International Institute for the Sociology of Law (IISL)
145456 Sosiologia 0038-1640 Westermarck-seura
157341 Sosyalizm Ansiklopedisi
78290 Sota Terra
126671 Sotsiologicheskoe Obozrenie / Russian Sociological Review 1728-192X
37024 Soudage et Techniques Connexes
72361 Souffle de perse
168691 Soul Lotus
34959 Sound Practice the 1st UKISC, United Kingdom and Ireland Soundscape Community conference on sound culture and environments, Dartington Hall Conference and Dartington College of Art, Devon, England, 16th-20th February 2001
501913 Sound Stage Screen 2784-8949 Università degli Studi di Milano
151084 Sound, Music and Motion International Symposium CMMR
118920 SoundEffects - An Interdisciplinary Journal of Sound and Sound Experience 1904-500X
178227 Soundboard Scholar 2380-2235 Guitar Foundation of America
177846 Sounding Board British Harpsichord Society
176908 Soundscape Journal
66053 Soundscape, The Journal of Acoustic Ecology
179641 Source
116535 Source The Photographic Review 1369-2224 Photo Works North & Gallery of Photography
175039 Source(s) 2261-8562 ARCHE UR3400
136648 Source: Revue économique
123162 Sources Paradigme, Orléans
138333 Sources - Revue de la maison de poésie de Namur
173404 Sources - Travaux historiques
166067 Sources : les cahiers de l'Âne rouge 2269-8132
25272 Sources Travaux historiques
169280 Sources Unesco
835243 Sources diplomatiques", Ministère des Affaires étrangères
181701 Sources et documents pour l'histoire du Pays de Charlieu 1773-519X Association pour la connaissance du pays de Charlieu
160793 Sources(s), "Savants / Savoirs
66930 Sources, travaux historiques
413374 Sources-Cibles 1561-8005 Université Saint-Joseph, Beyrouth (Liban)
55234 Sources. Histoire au présent
181918 Sources. Revue d'Archéologie, d'Histoire, d''Ethnologie et de Sciences Naturelles de Cerdagne-Capcir. Pyrénées Catalanes 2269-8132
49574 Sources. Travaux historiques
36590 Sous le Masque de l'Animal. Essais sur le sacrifice en Afrique Noire, réunis par M.Cartry
180006 Sous le figuier 0987-1497
30783 Sous le sceau des Réformes / Au contact des Lumières. Hommage à Philipe Loupès
150842 South & Southeast Asia culture and religion Journal Amarjiva
79950 South Afrian Journal of Science
58816 South African Archaeological Society Goodwin Series
768285 South African Dental Journal 0375-1562
101470 South African Journal for Enology and Viticulture
57854 South African Journal of Art History
133030 South African Journal of Chemical Engineering 1026-9185
180931 South African Journal of Child Health 1994-3032
177200 South African Journal of Economics 1813-6982
181065 South African Journal of Education 0256-0100
123088 South African Journal of Environmental Law and Policy
130752 South African Journal of Higher Education
708467 South African Journal of Information Management 2078-1865
83611 South African Journal of International Affairs
136182 South African Journal of Psychology 0081-2463
45463 South African Journal of Statistics,
135398 South African Journal of Wildlife Research
152573 South American Journal of Basic Education, Technical and Technological 2446-4821
105764 South American Journal of Logic 2446-6719
629514 South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal 1960-6060
151752 South Asian Classical Studies 1881-2074
202452 South Asian Diaspora 1943-8192
178280 South Asian History and Culture 1947-2498
894169 South Asian History and Culture
178856 South Asian Journal of Management Sciences
83692 South Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases
127298 South Asian Journal of Human Resources Management 2322-0937
637340 South Asian Journal of Research in Microbiology 2582-1989
149803 South Asian Journal of Social Studies and Economics 2581-821X SCIENCEDOMAIN international (SDI)
170405 South Asian Research SAGE Journals
175172 South Asian Research Journal of Biology and Applied Biosciences 2664-7923 South Asian Research Publication
291529 South Asian Research Journal of Business and Management 2664-3995
471441 South Asian Research Journal of Natural Products
132966 South Asian Review
64495 South Asian Studies
178662 South Asian Studies 0266-6030
154919 South Asian Water Studies
856601 South Asian journal of parasitology Ms. M. B. Mondal, Ph.D
158565 South Atlantic Quarterly
154801 South Atlantic Review
787305 South Centre, Research Paper 1819-6926 South Centre
977418 South China Morning Post South China Morning Post
51000 South East Asian Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
172289 South East European Monitor
159632 South Interfaces in the Korean Peninsula INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM EHESS
175471 South african historical journal 0258-2473
163376 South as a State of Mind 2241-3901 Cube Art Editions
30385 South asian archaeology 1987. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe, held in the Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Island of San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice.Serie orientale Roma 66
127176 South asian journal of experimental biology
97127 South-East European Journal of Political Science
131848 South-Eastern Europe Journal of Economics 1109-8597 Association of Economic Universities of South and Eastern Europe and the Black Sea Region
969086 Southeast Asia Vertebrate Records 2424-8525
165865 Southeast Asia: A Multidisciplinary Journal Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, Universiti Brunei Darussalam
67432 Southeast Asian Studies
948640 Southeast Asian Studies 2186-7275
164690 Southeast Asian Studies = Tōnan Ajia Kenkyū 0563-8682
83570 Southeast Asian Studies of China
150980 Southeast Culture, China
87894 Southern Economic Association
26608 Southern European Society and Politics
110770 Southern Journal of Linguistics
48453 Southern Journal of Philosophy
131939 Southern Semiotic Review Sykes Geoffrey, Ryder Paul
72048 Souveraineté et Gouvernance
98412 Souvislosti, revue pro literatutu a kulturu Prague
159108 Sov.Phys.JETP
166647 Soviet Astronomy Letters (Pisma v Astronomicheskii Zhurna)
846725 Soviet Electrochemistry Akademija nauk SSSR
127033 Soviet Ethnography
111132 Soviet History Discussion Papers Deutsches Historisches Institut Moskau / Centre d'Études franco-russe de Moscou
159220 Soviet Journal of Chemical Physics 0733-2831 Gordon and Breach
164525 Soviet Mathematics - Doklady American Mathematical Society
164524 Soviet Mathematics Doklady American Mathematical Society
48361 Soviet and Eastern European Foreign Trade
86860 Soviet and Post-Soviet Review
178736 Sovrastrutture
65101 Sovremennaja damaturgija
37841 Sovremennaya Matematika. Fundamentalnye Napravleniya
614254 Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosaCurrent problems in remote sensing of the Earth from space 2411-0280
164131 Soyons Logiques. Let's be Logical
632997 Sozial Aktuell
152653 Sozial- und Präventivmedizin¶Social and Preventive Medicine¶Médecine social et préventive 0303-8408