Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
73589 Surface
75187 Surface & Coating Technology
803088 Surface & coatings technology 1879-3347
117677 Surface Engineering
456729 Surface Mining 0043-2075 „Poltegor – Instytut” Instytut Górnictwa Odkrywkowego
75129 Surface Review and Lettersers
180520 Surface Topography-Metrology and Properties 2051-672x
369656 Surface and Coatings Technology
177130 Surfaces and Interfaces
438790 Surg Radiol Anat 1279-8517
845039 Surgery 1532-7361
118949 Surgery
93584 Surgery Innovation
118835 Surgical Neurology International 2229-5097 Wolters Kluwer - Medknow
173776 Surgical Oncology 1879-3320
147266 Surgical Oncology Clinics of North America 1558-5042
849078 Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy
660115 Surgical endoscopy 1432-2218
124729 Surrealismus, revue de l'art surréaliste 2493-7061
675502 Survey Methodology 1492-0921
70198 Survey Methodology
106649 Survey Methodology 0714-0045 Statistics Canada
134249 Surveys and Perspectives Integrating Environment and Society (S.AP.I.E.N.S) 1993-3819 Institut Veolia
53834 Surveys and Perspectives Integrating Environment and Society - S.A.P.I.EN.S
59311 Surveys and perspectives integrating environment & society
179972 Surveys in Geophysics
146594 Surveys on Applied and Industrial Mathematics 0869-8325 Publishing House of the « OP&PM» journal, Moscow
47632 Survival Analysis and Quality of Liife
47640 Survival Analysis, Reliability and Quality of Life
30743 Survival. Les Nouvelles Survival International France
656972 Susmat 2692-4552
64149 Sussurri & Grida
33101 Sustain' magazine Mcclelland Publishing Ltd
363369 Sustainability
302737 Sustainability and Climate Change 2692-2924
584308 Sustainability in Debate 2179-9067
73244 Sustainability in Debate
294777 Sustainability in Environment 2470-637X
160495 Sustainability, in the special issue "Sustainable Transportation for Sustainable Cities
126587 Sustainable Chem. Processes
144257 Sustainable Chemical Processes
166492 Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering
587569 Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy
334830 Sustainable Chemistry for Climate Action 2772-8269
177087 Sustainable Computing - Informatics and Systems
143082 Sustainable Design, Manufacturing and Engineering Workforce Education for a Green Future
56640 Sustainable Development and Planning IV
42666 Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems
142518 Sustainable Energy Grids & Networks
667710 Sustainable Engineering and Innovation 2712-0562
947120 Sustainable Futures Lab
312496 Sustainable Horizons 2772-7378
123882 Sustainable Life Through Ecological Architecture and Environmental Friendly Technology Proceeding
386163 Sustainable Manufacturing and Service Economics 2667-3444
76358 Sustainable Mediterranean
103375 Sustainable Mediterranean Construction, land culture, research and technology- SMC magazine
127092 Sustainable Mountain Development Series
122500 Sustainable Multilingualism 2335-2019 Institute of Foreign Languages Vytautas Magnus University
113076 Sustainable Multilingualism
166685 Sustainable Operations and Computers 2666-4127 Elsevier
93681 Sustainable Sanitation Practice
735356 Sustainable Social Development 2972-4880
31520 Sustainable land use in intensively used agricultural regions
33424 Sustaining Urban Networks
26591 Suteren zai Zhongguo. Lishi, kaogu, yuyan de xin tansuo 粟特人在中國 – 歷史, 考古, 語言的新探索 Zhonghua shuju
346586 Suvannabhumi 2092-738X Korea Institute for ASEAN Studies
924411 Suvannabhumi. Multi-disciplinary Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 2092-738X Institute for Southeast Asian Studies, Busan University of Foreign Studies, Korea
99572 Sven. Papperstidn
127058 Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift Svenska Botaniska Föreningen
148713 Svensk Numismatisk Tidskrift Svenska Numismatiska Föreningen
571183 Svenska Dagbladet
164377 Sviet Literatuty - Le monde de la littérature
97008 Swahili Forum
26397 Swahili language and society / Notes and News Institut fur Afrikanistik der Universität
163278 Swarm and Evolutionary Computation
47801 Swedish Economic Policy Review
169717 Swedish Government Official Reports
102917 Swift Studies
182544 Swiss AIDS News
151241 Swiss Academies Reports
124365 Swiss Archives of Neurology, Psychiatry and Psychotherapy 2297-6981
150026 Swiss Dental Journal
59056 Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics
46883 Swiss Journal of Geoscience
149132 Swiss Journal of Psychology
129726 Swiss Journal of Sociology 2297-8348 De Gruyter
779277 Swiss Medical Weekly 1424-3997
53154 Swiss Neutron News
168006 Swiss Political Science Review
648716 Swiss Publications on English Literature and Language: Literature, Ethics, Morality: American Studies Perspectives 0940-0478
151320 Swiss academies reports 2297-1815 Schweizerische Akademie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften
49923 Swiss j. geosciences
243722 Switch (on paper) 2646-9308
133058 Switchboard - Natural Resources Defense Council
150170 Syakaihosyo kenkyu
151256 Sydney Law Review
95209 Sydney Studies in English
167751 Sydowia
357267 Syesis
45555 Syfacte
51415 Sygeplejersken
45676 Syllepse
810219 Symbios. Sociologie & politique de la transition écologique
143762 Symbiosis
51592 Symboles et Traditions
56294 Symbolon
143506 Symcity 2 2190-8982 Christian-Albrechts-Universität-zu-kiel
151311 Symmetry
70322 Symmetry : Culture and Science
138478 Symmetry, Culture and Science
868405 Symmetry, integrability and geometry: methods and applications
118591 Symmetry: Culture and Science
120057 Symmetry: Culture and Science 0865-4834 Symmetrion
99791 Symp Soc Exp Biol
148482 Symphilosophie. International Journal of Philosophical Romanticism 2704-8152
346255 Symphilosophie. Internationale Zeitschrift für philosophische Romantik 2704-8152
414253 Symposion. Akten der Gesellschaft für griech. und Hellenist. Rechtsgeschichte
414249 Symposion. Akten der Gesellschaft für griechische und hellenistische Rechtsgeschichte
29366 Symposium "Anthropologie Industrielle", proposé par le Laboratoire d'Anthropologie Urbaine (CNRS France), sous la direction de Eliane DAPHY( Laboratoire d'Anthropologie Urbaine, CNRS, France)& Oscar GONZALEZ (El Colegio de Michoacan, Mexique), Sessions 11 et 45, 13th International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (The Cultural and Biological Dimensions of Global Change/Las dimensiones culturales y biologicas del cambio global), Mexico, 29 et 30 juillet 1993
29414 Symposium "Antropologie industrielle" (proposé par le LAU, Eliane Daphy & Oscar Gonzalez dir.), 13th ICAES [International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences], The Cultural and Biological Dimensions of Global Change - Las dimensiones culturales y biologicas del cambio global, Mexico July 29 - August 5 1993
34036 Symposium "Ecologie des Communautés végétales" ECOVEG2 du 5 au 7 avril 2006, Avignon
105654 Symposium (International) on Combustion 0082-0784 Elsevier
565690 Symposium : Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy 2154-5278
47665 Symposium : Canadian journal of continental philosophy
107749 Symposium : Canadian journal of continental philosophy 1917-9685
31020 Symposium Das Berliner Aleppo-Zimmer von 1600
32076 Symposium International "L'eau entre guerre et paix", Institut Euro-Méditerranéen, Paris
35663 Symposium International "Territoires et enjeu du développement régional", PSDR-INRA, Lyon, 9-11 mars 2005
178566 Symposium culture@kultur
30598 Symposium international "Territoires et enjeu du développement régional"Lyon 9, 10 et 11 mars 2005
56364 Symposium on Applied perception in graphics and visualization (APGV) ACM Press
29097 Symposium on Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS (DTIP 2004). 12-14 mai 2004 - Montreux, Switzerland,
133778 Symposium on new invasive diagnostic methods
30603 Symposium on the Modernization in China, 1860-1949
37983 Symposium on the Physics and Chemistry of SiO_2 and the Si-SiO_2 Interface - 5, H.Z. Massoud
231769 Symposium. Culture@Kultur : Expression artistique et cicatrices de la Première Guerre mondiale. Continuités et discontinuités (1919-2019). Perspectives franco-allemandes/ Künstlerischer Ausdruck und Narben des Ersten Weltkriegs: Kontinuität und Diskontinuität (1919-2019)
178913 Symposium. Culture@Kultur n°3 (2021), numéro thématique dirigé par Gilles Buscot et Françoise Knopper sur Expression artistique et cicatrices de la Première Guerre mondiale. Continuités et discontinuités (1919-2019). Perspectives franco-allemandes/ Künstlerischer Ausdruck und Narben des Ersten Weltkriegs: Kontinuität und Diskontinuität (1919-2019)
66892 Symposium. Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale
591924 Synapse 0762-7475
480141 Synapse 1098-2396
76425 Synchrona Themata
46209 Synchrotron Rad
164385 Synchrotron SOLEIL Highlights
114051 Synchrotron Soleil: INRA SOLEIL 10 years
167232 Syndicalisme critique et défi institutionnel
47066 Syndicalisme et société
118505 Syndicat National des psychologues
69834 Synergie
48524 Synergie France
113298 Synergie Monde
113291 Synergie Nord Est Européen
84489 Synergie Pays germanophones
74747 Synergie Pologne
113332 Synergie Pérou
64850 Synergie Roumanie
158026 Synergies Afrique centrale et de l'Ouest
165516 Synergies Monde
133990 Synergies Pérou
675788 Synergies Royaume-Uni et Irlande
113323 Synergies Russie
70487 Synform
130061 Synform 0723-3655 Thieme
365486 Synkrētic 2653-4029
55264 Synlett 2007
171281 Synopsis : images antiques, images cinématographiques
90227 Synoptikos
104773 Synoptique An Online Journal of Film and Moving Image Studies Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema - Concordia University
33530 Syntax in Antiquity
34465 Syntaxe, Lexique et Lexique-Grammaire. Volume dédié à Maurice Gross
158104 Synteesi 0359-5242
96516 Syntesis
32728 Synth. Commun
99607 Synth. Polym. J
115962 Synthese
26730 Synthese, special issue in Historic of Logic
337561 Synthesis
269918 Synthesis and Catalysis: Open Access 2574-0431 Insight Medical Publishing
560507 Synthesis and Catalysis: Open Access 2574-0431 Insight Medical Publishing
51585 Synthesis philosophica 0352-7875 Croatian Philosophical Society Zagreb
155302 Synthesis. An Academic Journal of Literature and Culture
179709 Synthesis. An Anglophone Journal of Comparative Literary Studies
124555 Synthetic Biology eJournal 1556-5068
174911 Synthetic Metals
150679 Synthetic Polymer Journal 1224-0230 Romanian Polymer Society
271718 Synthèse 1282-3910 Isemar : Institut du shipping et d'économie maritime
106417 Synthèse
95603 Synthèse - Fondation Robert Schuman
131395 Synthèse : Revue des Sciences et de la Technologie 1111-4924
134477 Synthèse Document APEC APEC
117520 Synthèse de résultats. Cellule études et transfert. AGROCAMPUS OUEST
715062 Synthèse, Institut de la statistique et des études économiques ISEE
133380 Synthèse: Revue des Sciences et de la Technologie “Université Badji Mokhtar- Annaba” (Algeria)
133791 Synthèse: Revue des Sciences et de la Technologie 2352-9717 Université Badji Mokhtar - Annaba
49086 Synthèses
919146 Syntone
42988 Syomhendo (Kathmandu, Nepal)
65637 Syrexe Biology
137360 Syria
208981 Syria. Archéologie, art et histoire
135916 Syrian Studies Association Newsletter