Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
36892 Septième Colloque de Psychologie sociale appliquée20, 21, 22 octobre 2005RENNESUniversité de Haute Bretagne
932724 Septième réunion de l'équipe de recherche "Mémoire et patrimoine" de l'UR "Religion, Culture et Société" (EA 7403), Institut Catholique de Paris, le 3 juillet 2023
932730 Septième réunion de l'équipe de recherche "Mémoire et patrimoine" de l'UR "Religion, Culture et Société" (EA 7403), Institut Catholique de Paris, le 30 mai 2023
102537 Seradika
36123 Serbian Journal Of Electrical Engineering
180292 Serendipities
126102 Seria III: ePublikacje Instytutu INiB UJ. Red. Maria Kocójowa,
62888 Seria electronica si telecomunicatii, transactions on Electronics and Communications
100217 Serials The Journal for the Serials Community
96645 Serie Geografica
157152 Serie Service Etudes des Sols Montpellier
155469 Serie Urbana 1668-0898
91151 Serie-Estudos, ISSN 1414-5138, Campo Grande, Brésil
155643 Series - Journal of the Spanish Economic Association 1869-4187
81143 Series Byzantina. Studies on Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Art. Volume IX. Art of the Armenian Diaspora. Proceedings of the Conference
173384 Series Nova
33819 Series on Advances in Mathematics for Applied Sciences
34477 Series on Knots and Everything
964820 Serious Games & Simulation for Risks Management
154989 Serre et Plein Champ (Pyrénées Orientales 66)
156855 Serres (Pyrénées Orientales 66)
155027 Serres et Plein Champ
144662 Service Business 1862-8516
144606 Service Industries Journal (The) 0264-2069
107396 Service Management
136579 Service Oriented Computing and Applications
80787 Service Systems & Service Management
136372 Service of Radiology, NingBo Hospital of Children and Women
78073 Services, IEEE Congress on
21261 Servir (Lisbon, Portugal) 0871-2379
155463 Servir le Public
120289 Servitium
67126 Sesiunea de comunicari stiintifice a scolii doctorale din universitatea tehnica de constructii bucuresti
52916 Seslkab for Nordisk Filologi Arsberetning 1985-1986
34030 Session de la VIIIe Conférence internationale d'histoire urbaine (Stockolm 2006)
109220 Session spéciale EURASIP : Image Communication Special Issue on Recent Advances in Wireless Video
23526 Set Valued Analysis
79763 Setit 2012: 6th international conference, Sciences of Electronic, Technologies of Information and Telecommunications
899041 Settentrione 1237-9964
173383 Settimana di studio del Centro italiano di studi sull'alto Medioevo
172788 Settimane di Studio del Centro di studi sull' alto medioevo
173376 Settimane di Studio della Fondazione Centro Italiano di Studi sull' Alto Medioevo
160489 Setúbal Arqueológica
32506 Seuils de l'œuvre dans le texte médiéval
66036 Seuils et rites. Littérature et culture
597887 Seventeenth Conference on Education and Training in Optics and Photonics: ETOP 2023
398190 Seventeenth-Century French Studies
75223 Seventh American Nuclear Society International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Plant Instrumentation, Control and Human-Machine Interface Technologies NPIC&HMIT
34474 Seventh International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammar and Related Formalisms
95635 Seventh Iutam Symposium On Laminar-turbulent Transition
63053 Sexe et races
30893 Sexe, genre et âge dans la relation d'enquête. Journées d'études de la Société d'ethnologie française organisées par Eliane Daphy et Agnès Jeanjean
62553 Sexologies Revue Européenne de sexologie et santé sexuelle
59172 Sexologies. Revue européenne de sexologie et de santé sexuelle
51792 Sextant
53599 Sextant, ULB
32300 Sextus Empiricus, Contre les professeurs
33192 Sexual Cultures in Europe. Themes on sexuality, edited by F. Eder, L. Hall, G. Hekma
29314 Sexual Cultures in Europes. Themes in sexuality, edited by Franz Eder, Leslie Hall, Gert Hekma
159821 Sexual Development 1661-5425
156483 Sexual Dysfunction in Medicine 1467-6621
559096 Sexual Health & Compulsivity 2692-9953
164097 Sexual Medicine 2050-1161
166382 Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare 1877-5756
710414 Sexualidad y castidad , Opiniόn y certeza
169987 Sexualidad, Salud y Sociedad - Revista Latinoamericana 1984-6487
732978 Sexuality & Culture 1936-4822
302370 Sexuality, Gender & Policy 2639-5355
34723 Sexualität, Unterschichten und ArbeiterInnenbewegung
29446 Sexualité et sida. Recherches en sciences sociales
134785 Sexualités humaines. Revue de santé sexuelle & de sexologie des professionnels de santé
128061 Sexualités occidentales
190447 Sexually Transmitted Infections
262038 Sexuologie
68256 Sfinx
173277 Sguardo. Rivista di Filosofia
85162 Shaker-Verlag Transactions on Systems, Signals and Devices
26164 Shakespeare Survey: An Annual Survey of Shakespeare Studies and Production
137790 Shakespeare après Shakespeare/Shakespeare after Shakespeare
32830 Shakespeare et l'Europe de la Renaissance. Actes du congrès organisé par la Société Française Shakespeare
203392 Shakespeare in Elysium: Romanian Afterlives. The Annals of Ovidius University Constanta: Philology Series,
32644 Shakespeare's Problem Plays: All's Well That Ends Well, Measure for Measure, Troilus and Cressida
32894 Shakespearean Criticism
33283 Shakespearean Criticism Yearbook 1992
123532 Shaman International Journal of Shamanistic Research
30741 Shamanism and Performing Arts. Papers and Abstracts for the 2nd Conference of the International Society for Shamanistic Research, July 11-17, 1993, Budapest, Hungary
891944 Shanghai Archives of Psychiatry
21260 Shanghai kou qiang yi xue = Shanghai journal of stomatology 1006-7248
25388 Shanghai yanjiu luncong (Papers on Shanghai Studies)
34350 Shaping Technology/ Building Society Studies in Sociotecnical Change
34346 Shaping Technology/Building Society. Studies in Sociotechnical Change
66801 Shehui kexue bao 社会科学报
122374 Shehui kexue wenxian chubanshe
44648 Shehuixue yanjiu
889200 Shell and Spatial Structures (IWSS 2023)
180465 Shen zhou jiao liu (Chinese Cross Currents) 1810-147X
61998 Sherwood
153886 Sherwood : Foreste ed Alberi Oggi 1590-7805
55076 Shift Mag
172904 Shigaku-Zasshi [Revue des Histoires]
167339 Shih Hsin Law Review
751592 Shii Studies Review 2468-2462
161836 Shimei 紫明
62057 Ship & Boat International
32326 Ship Technology Research
102830 Ship Technology Research 0937-7255
58834 Ship Technology Research (ISSN: 0937-7255)
72145 Shiso
172880 Shisô
77862 Shixue lilun yanjiu 史學理論研究
30948 Shiyou Huagong
120213 Shmierpapier
106790 Shock
154819 Shock 1540-0514
35771 Shock (Augusta, Ga.)
147564 Shock Waves
140995 Shock and Vibration
66703 Shodhmala Magh
899943 Shoelifer
125746 Shomotsugaku 書物学
175381 Short Story 1052-648X
159194 Shoulder & Elbow
504526 Show Chwan Medical Journal
943477 Show Chwan Medical Journal 1561-0497
53810 Shygys (Almaty)
152208 Shôyû Kurabu kaihô 尚友倶楽部会報
123685 Shû to danpen : ruijyuto hensan no Nihon bunka
167261 Shūkyō kenkyū 宗教研究 0387-3293
73179 Si Somos Americanos (Chile)
357036 Siberian Journal of Philosophy 2541-7517
167614 Siberian journal of science and technology 2587-6066
296498 Sibila
953286 Sibirskie istoricheskie issledovaniya 2312-461X
80646 Sibirskij Matematičeskij Žurnal : Akademija Nauk SSSR, Sibirskoe Otdelenie
170387 Sichuan Waiguoyu Xueyuan Xuebao (Bulletin académique de l’Institut des langues étrangères de Sichuan)
127332 SiderUniversalisme (Heller
114880 Siembra, Facultad de Ciencias Agrícolas, UCE
53472 Siemens Forschungs- und Entwicklungs-berichte
20411 Sigchi Bulletin - Special
175486 Siggi, le magazine de sociologie 2563-5425
529926 Sight & Sound
155901 Sight and Life Magazine
493747 Sigila
103466 Sign Systems Studies
120767 Sign@ture (Cerema)
131788 Signal Processing Letters
64918 Signal Processing Magazine
78332 Signal Processing Systems (SIPS)
76771 SignalProcessing: Image Communication
180531 Signalétiques et signalisations linguistiques et langagières des espaces de ville (configurations et enjeux sociolinguistiques), Revue de l'Université de Moncton
180932 Signatures
32340 Signe et Prédiction dans l'Antiquité (Actes du Colloque International de Créteil et Paris, 22-23-24 mai 2003)
142300 Signes Discours Sociétés
919507 Signes Musiques
66038 Signes du feu
36869 Significare e comprendere. La semantica del linguaggio verbale. XI Congresso Nazionale della Società di Filosofia del Linguaggio
702896 Significação: Revista de Cultura Audiovisual 1516-4330
120530 Signo & seña
76356 Signo & seña, Buenos Aires
168681 Signo y Seña 2314-2189
43619 Signo y pensamiento
61785 Signos Históricos [en línea]
123197 Signos Literarios 1870-4050
56553 Signos linguisticos
79309 Signos, Annuario de Humanidades
172666 Signum
173425 Signum, Revista da Associação Brasileira de Estudos Medievais
173377 Signum. Revista da Abrem. Associaçào Brasiliera de Estudos Medievalis
41837 Signótica
20412 Sigplan Notices
157245 Siipikarja 0037-5098
488817 Siksācakr, Journal of the Center for Khmer Studies. Revue du Centre des Études Khmères
857911 Silence
980289 Silence 0756-2640
175291 Silence, absence, les formes du non-dit - Revue d’Études Françaises
91722 Silesia Antique
146215 Silicon
49673 Silicon Nitride and Silicon Dioxide Thin Insulating Films and Other Emerging Dielectrics
55650 Silicon carbide and related materials
64590 Silk Road Art and Archaeologx
64817 Silk Road Art and Archaeology,
175738 Silk Road Reporters
170196 Sillages
182511 Sillages critiques
157386 Sillon des Landes et des Pyrénées 0152-6456
154317 Silnews
150292 SiloMag
156879 Silsoe Researh Institute Translation New Series
120753 Silva Belgica 0776-7153
54781 Silva, arbres, forêts et sociétés
160128 Silvae Genetica 0037-5349
490004 Silène
34907 Similar but different. Bell Beakers in Europe
36023 Simone Weil, l'expérience de vie et le travail de la pensée
34724 Simone de Beauvoir l "Le deuxième sexe", le livre fondateur du féminisme moderne en situation
29290 Simposio italiano di studi egei dedicato a Luigi Bernabò Brea e Giovanni Pugliese Carratelli
167958 Simul Healthc
31852 Simulacra Romae, Roma y las capitales provinciales del Occidente Europeo. Rome et les capitales provinciales de l'Occident. Actes du colloque de Tarragone, 12-14 décembre 2002
136181 Simulation
137256 Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory