Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
137256 Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory
136255 Simulation Transactions of the SCS
115362 Simulation, Society for Computer Simulation International
115357 Simulation, The Society for Modeling and Simulation International Ed
80521 SinFra '09 : Singaporean-French IPAL Symposium
114510 Sinal de menos 1984-8730
45122 Sincronie
83542 Sineris. Revista de Musicologia
162150 Sinestesieonline
144542 Singapore Journal of Legal Studies 0218-2173
8497 Singapore Library Journal 0542-1799
135052 Singapore Middle East Papers
21250 Singapore dental journal 0377-5291
135764 Singlet Oxygen, UV-A, and Ozone
867690 Sinite. Revista de Pedagogia Religiosa
171573 Sino-US English Teaching 1539-8072
175658 SinoPolis
53623 Sinologie française
117918 Sinope
170269 Sinosfere 2612-6982
36482 Sintaxis histórica de la lengua española. Primera parte: La frase verbal
559276 Sintesi astratta. Espansioni e risonanze dell’arte astratta in Italia
62055 Sintesis Tecnologica
139822 Sinéctica
119641 Siris
104100 Sirventès
42480 Sistema
179527 Sistema 0210-0223
60110 Sistema Terra
117207 Sistemi Urbani
72022 Sistemi e Impresa
85043 Sisyphe (Ο Σίσυφος)
120723 Site IDELE - Lettre de la Cryobanque Nationale
120784 Site INRA - Portail Actus - Actualités
174483 Site INRAe - Toutes les Actualités, les centres INRAE Pays de la Loire
176920 Site Non-Fiction
93000 Site Salon double, observatoire de la littérature contemporaine. URL:
178208 Site de Réforme
141314 Site de Sciences Po
37249 Site de l'Ecole Doctorale 139
62924 Site de la SFLGC [en ligne] :
131959 Site du CERI
175719 Site du CERIUM
175826 Site du Centre d'histoire de Sciences Po
138802 Site du Conseil constitutionnel
87917 Site du Forum di Quaderni Costituzionale
37624 Site expert des Ecoles Normales Supérieures
74101 Site internet de La Découverte
128227 Site internet de la plateforme CATHY
174333 Site national INRA Portail Actus
596271 Site web de l'ISPI
172811 Sites. Revue archéologique
102868 Situacion 0213-2273
174467 Situating French / Situer le Français
156896 Situation du Marché Vinicole 0223-4580
29425 Six études sur la société basque
77444 Sixième colloque du GDR SOC-SIP du CNRS
932733 Sixième réunion de l'équipe de recherche "Mémoire et patrimoine" de l'UR "Religion, Culture et Société" (EA 7403), Institut Catholique de Paris, le 20 avril 2023
118761 Sixteenth International Conference on Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics
101591 Sixth International Conference on Advances in System Testing and Validation Lifecycle
75224 Sixth International Conference on Sensitivity Analysis of Model Output
75229 Sixth International Conference on Sensitivity Analysis of Model Output, SAMO2010
61850 Sixth european workhop on lignocellulosics and pulp
76064 Siyasa dualiyya
929287 Siècle 21 Littérature & Société 1637-3480
333056 Siècle 21 n° 34
138956 Skandinavistik 0342-8427
139041 Skandinavistik
88065 Skara stiftshistoriska sällskap medlemsblad
962948 Skeletal Muscle
179140 Skeletal radiology
121781 Skepsi
47668 Skepsis
8503 Skeptic 0093-5050
119341 Skholê
821264 Ski Français
95391 Skill
180590 Skill 1971-4866
99857 Skin Pharmacol
32652 Skol Vreizh
537425 Skritur
62272 Skyllis
113203 Skyllis, Journal for Underwater Archaeology
896754 Skén&graphie
165809 Sképsis Journal : Revista de Filosofia 1981-4534
57250 Skírnir. Hins íslenska bókmenntafélags
92688 Skôlé
178389 Slate 1091-2339
154389 Slate
168749 Slavery & Abolition
168477 Slavia Antiqua. Rocznik poświęcony starożytnościom słowiańskim 0080-9993
61680 Slavic Almanach - The South African Journal for Slavic, Central and Eastern European studies
158017 Slavica Bruxellensia, revue polyphonique de littérature, histoire et culture slaves de l'Université Libre de Bruxelles
164149 Slavica Occitania
49304 Slavyanove Denye (Seoul)
315227 Slayage: The Journal of Whedon Studies
336964 Sleep
421016 Sleep & breathing = Schlaf & Atmung
336965 Sleep Health
717053 Sleep Medicine 1878-5506
110092 Sleep Medicine Review
169707 Sleep Medicine and Disorders: International Journal
900703 Sleep Science and Practice 2398-2683
139672 Sleep and Breathing 1522-1709
316750 Sleep and Vigilance 2510-2265
21244 Sleep research online [electronic resource] : SRO
151652 Slice Magazine 1938-6923
83922 Sloan Center on Aging & Work at Boston College
59599 Slov. Anthropol
123984 Slovak Ethnology
498805 Slovak Journal of Civil Engineering 1338-3973
79018 Slovak Journal of Political Science
134775 Slovak international scientific journal 5782-5319
47933 Slovenian Journal for Money and Banking
156056 Slovenian Veterinary Research 1581-6915
129068 Slovenska antropologia
129070 Slovenska antropologie
55914 Slovenská antropológia
110566 Slovo a Slovesnost - A journal for the theory of language and language cultivation founded in 1935 by the Prague Linguistic Circle (ISSN 0037-7031)
484987 Slovo a smysl 1214-7915
46929 Slovo, viskazivanije, tekst v kognitivnom, pragmatičeskom и kulturologičeskom aspektax
101426 Slověne 2304-0785
78658 Slow Food
46250 Slowfood
142862 Slowpolitix
65426 Smaine LAMY
155060 Small Arms Survey
144499 Small Business Economics 0921-898X
144400 Small Enterprise Research 1321-5906
101361 Small Enterprise Research: The Journal of SEAANZ 1321-5906
144536 Small Group Research 1046-4964
475641 Small Methods 2366-9608
159844 Small Ruminant Research 0921-4488
159129 Small Ruminant Research
156024 Small Scale Forest Economics Management and Policy 1447-1825
155244 Small Wars & Insurgencies
27532 Small journal
128475 Smarginature
79197 Smarika
181418 Smart Energy 2666-9552
162231 Smart Engineering Systems Design
84591 Smart Grid and Renewable Energy
105525 Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies
166317 Smart Investor
179051 Smart Materials Research 2090-3561
795413 Smart Materials and Structures 1361-665X
807908 Smart Tourism 2810-9821
123883 Smart Urbanism Symposium
129658 Smart and Sustainable Manufacturing Systems
166535 SmartMat 2688-819X
738451 Smartgreen
808075 Smartox Biotechnology/SB-Peptide application note
155129 Snudebiller 2197-3024
68375 So Multiples
171459 Soap
131204 SocArXiv
80610 SocInfo '12 : The 4th International Conference on Social Informatics
148145 Soccer & Society
51401 Sociaal Antropologische Cahiers no 20
87661 Social & Cultural Geography
99467 Social & Cultural Geography / Social and Cultural Geography
143953 Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal 0301-2212
22890 Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systems
122808 Social Business
74871 Social Choice & Welfare
24827 Social Cognition
77247 Social Cohesion and Development
144082 Social Compass
899051 Social Compass 1461-7404
60617 Social Compass (revue de la Société internationale de sociologie des religions. SISR/IRSS)
81574 Social Compass: International Review of Sociology of Religion
238251 Social Computing and Social Media \\ Communication and Social Communities
179115 Social Development 1467-9507
166154 Social Dynamics
345380 Social Education Research 2717-5723
125880 Social Enterprise Journal 1750-8614
154380 Social Europe 2628-7641
160586 Social Europe
170238 Social Europe Journal
83961 Social Glance. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
165981 Social Governance Review
8533 Social Hygiene 0741-7934
78094 Social Identities. Journal for the Study of Race, Nation and Culture
138739 Social Indicators Research
166613 Social Issues and Policy Review 1751-2395
24914 Social Justice Research
503037 Social Marketing Quaterly 1524-5004
911118 Social Movement Studies 1474-2829
138613 Social Netw. Analys. Mining
143110 Social Network Analysis and Mining
90645 Social Networking
560124 Social Networks 1879-2111
245881 Social Policy and Society
81102 Social Problems - Russian Adademy of Social sciences
319662 Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology
552630 Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 1433-9285
114891 Social Psychology
661853 Social Psychology / Psihologie Socială