Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
39198 Hématologie 1264-7527 John Libbey Eurotext
39199 Henley Manager Update 0957-4212 Braybrooke Press Ltd
39200 Henry James Review 0273-0340 Johns Hopkins University Press
39201 Hepatogastro -Montrouge 1253-7020 John Libbey Eurotext
39202 Herbalgram 0899-5648 American Botanical Council
39203 Heren LNG Markets Heren Energy Ltd
39204 Hermes - Journal of Language and Communication Studies 0904-1699 Aarhus School of Business
39205 Het medisch jaar Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum BV
39206 High Country News 0191-5657 High Country News
39207 Higher Education Management and Policy 1682-3451 OECD Publishing
39208 Himalayan Journal of Sciences 1727-5210 Himalayan Association Advance Science
39209 Hip International 1120-7000 Wichtig Editore
39210 HiP: HR in Practice acirrt
39211 Histoire, économie et société 0752-5702 Armand Colin
39212 Historical Studies in Education / Revue d'histoire de l'éducation Faculty of Education
39213 History of Political Thought 0143-781X Imprint Academic
39214 History: Reviews of New Books 0361-2759 Taylor & Francis (Routledge): SSH Titles
39215 HMS Beagle - The BioMedNet Magazine BioMedNet
39216 Holy Land Studies 1474-9475 Edinburgh University Press
39217 Home Health Line 1078-2389 United Communications Group
39218 Homeland Security Briefing 1543-4427 The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc
39219 Homiletics 1040-6255 Communication Resources
39220 Homology, Homotopy and Applications 1532-0073 International Press
39221 Hopscotch: A Cultural Review 1098-6995 Duke University Press
39222 Horizons in Biblical Theology 0195-9085 Brill Academic Publishers
39223 HortTechnology 1063-0198 American Society for Horticultural Science
39224 Hospice Management Advisor 1087-0288 AHC Media LLC
39225 Hospital Access Management 1079-0365 AHC Media LLC
39226 Hospital employee health 0744-6470 American Health Consultants Inc
39227 Hospital Home Health 0884-8998 AHC Media LLC
39228 Hospital Infection Control 0098-180X American Health Consultants Inc
39229 Hospital Payment & Information Management 1074-8334 AHC Media LLC
39230 Hospital Pharmacy 0018-5787 Thomas Land Publishers
39231 Hourly Precipitation Data National Climatic Data Center
39232 HR Online Florence Rousseau
39233 HR Resources Longwoods Publishing Corp
39234 Human Nature 1045-6767 Springer Verlag
39235 Human Resource Management International Digest 0967-0734 Emerald
39236 Human Resources Report 1523-2832 The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc
39237 Human Rights Review 1524-8879 Springer Verlag
39238 Human Studies 0163-8548 Springer Verlag
39239 Human Systems Management 0167-2533 IOS Press
39240 Human Vaccines 1554-8600 Taylor & Francis
39241 Human-Computer Interaction 0737-0024 Taylor & Francis
39242 Humanities Collections 1092-6763 Haworth Press
39243 Humanities Research 1440-0669 ANU E Press
39244 Humanomics 0828-8666 Emerald
39245 Humor 0933-1719 De Gruyter
39246 Hungarian Studies 0236-6568 Akadémiai Kiadó
39247 Husserl Studies 0167-9848 Springer Verlag
39248 HVAC&R Research 1078-9669 Taylor & Francis
39249 Humanistica, An International Journal of Early Renaissance Studies 1828-2334 Fabrizio Serra editore
39250 Hydrocarbon Processing 0887-0284 Gulf Publishing Company
39251 Hydroécologie Appliquée 1147-9213 EDP Sciences
39252 Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Letter Hydrogen Letter
39253 Hydrogeology Journal 1431-2174 Springer Verlag
39254 Hydrological Sciences Journal 0262-6667 Taylor & Francis
39255 I-Ways 1084-4678 IOS Press
39256 ICIS Chemical Business Reed Business Information Ltd
39257 Information Design Journal 0142-5471 John Benjamins Publishing
39258 IDS Bulletin 0265-5012 Wiley
39259 Ids Brief 0308-9312 Incomes Data Services
39260 Ids Hr Studies 0308-9339 Incomes Data Services Ltd
30522 Erdoel & Kohle Erdgas Petrochemie
30524 Radioanalytical Nuclear Chemistry
30527 Chemical and Enginee_ring Technology
30528 Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Series A
30529 Journal of Chemical Research (S)
30535 Journal of Materials Reseach
30541 Advances in Quantum Chemistry 0065-3276 Elsevier
30542 Biocatalysis and Biotransformations
30543 European Journal of Physics B1
30544 Journal of Solid State NMR
30545 Environmental Technology Letters Taylor & Francis
30546 International Journal of Pharmacy 1471-5252
30549 Journal of Porphyrins and Phtalocyanines
30550 The Korean Journal of Ceramics
30551 La Chimica e l'Industria
30552 Biomass Bioenergy
30556 Oléogineux, Corps Gras, Lipides
30557 Review in Advanced Material Science
30558 Quantitative Structure Activity Relasioship Combinatorial Science
30559 Rev. Facult Ingen
30561 Chemical Engineering Communication
30562 Transactions of the Indian Ceramic Society 0371-750X Taylor & Francis
30564 Progress in Catalysis
30565 Progress in Advanced Materials and Processes
30567 Tephras, chronology, archaeology, ss la dir. de E. Juvigné et J.P. Raynal, Les dossiers de l'Archéo-Logis n°1
30568 XIII International Oral History Conference – International Oral History Association - Roma, 23-26 giugno 2004 - Memory and Globalization = Memoria y globalización = Memoria e Globalizzazione
30569 Mobilités et inventions locales du territoire au Sud
30570 Mobilités et invention locales du territoire au Sud
30571 SLAS Annual conference
30572 Workshop on Syntactically Annotated Corpora. Corpus Linguistics 2005 Conference
30573 TEPHRAS, chronologie, archéologie
30574 MAROC, terre d'origines. Ss la direction de Jean-Paul Raynal, Fatima-Zohra Sbihi-Alaoui et Abdeljalil El Hajraoui, préface de Yves Coppens
30575 L'objet archéologique africain et son devenir. Actes du colloque international. Paris 4 au 6 novembre 1992
30576 Le Temps de la Préhistoire,
30577 Le temps de la Préhistoire
30580 Colloque Henri Poincaré "Science et pensée", Table-tonde 1, Ecole des Mines, Sophia-Antipolis
30583 Epique 2001