Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
120794 Journal of Stomatology, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2468-7855 Elsevier Masson
159324 Kinésithérapie, la Revue 1779-0123 Elsevier Masson
147660 L'Aide Soignante 1166-3413 Elsevier Masson
22310 L'Encéphale 0013-7006 Elsevier Masson
11004 L'anthropologie 0003-5521 Elsevier Masson
21447 La Presse Médicale 0755-4982 Elsevier Masson
40409 La Revue Sage-Femme 1637-4088 Elsevier Masson
60703 La Revue de Médecine Légale 1878-6529 Elsevier Masson
21652 Morphologie 1286-0115 Elsevier Masson
39993 Motricité Cérébrale 0245-5919 Elsevier Masson
16948 Médecine & Droit 1246-7391 Elsevier Masson
39912 Médecine Palliative 1636-6522 Elsevier Masson
108636 Médecine du sommeil 1769-4493 Elsevier Masson
16949 Médecine et Maladies Infectieuses 0399-077X Elsevier Masson
21617 Neurochirurgie 0028-3770 Elsevier Masson
17397 Neurophysiologie Clinique = Clinical Neurophysiology 0987-7053 Elsevier Masson
17401 Neuropsychiatrie de l'Enfance et de l'Adolescence 0222-9617 Elsevier Masson
17566 Nutrition Clinique et Métabolisme 0985-0562 Elsevier Masson
17664 Option/Bio 0992-5945 Elsevier Masson
181618 Ortho magazine 1262-4586 Elsevier Masson
17789 Pathologie Biologie 0369-8114 Elsevier Masson
108663 Pathologie professionnelle et de l'environnement 1877-7856 Elsevier Masson
40258 Praticien en Anesthésie Réanimation 1279-7960 Elsevier Masson
142788 Pratique Neurologique - FMC 1878-7762 Elsevier Masson
18161 Pratiques Psychologiques 1269-1763 Elsevier Masson
21422 Progrès en Urologie 1166-7087 Elsevier Masson
18348 Psychologie Française 0033-2984 Elsevier Masson
18347 Psychologie du travail et des organisations 1420-2530 Elsevier Masson
21396 Rays -Rome 0390-7740 Elsevier Masson
21340 Revue Neurologique 0035-3787 Elsevier Masson
21365 Revue de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Réparatrice de l'Appareil Moteur 0035-1040 Elsevier Masson
104386 Revue de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Traumatologique 1877-0517 Elsevier Masson
18700 Revue de Micropaléontologie 0035-1598 Elsevier Masson
21337 Revue de Pneumologie Clinique 0761-8417 Elsevier Masson
21332 Revue de Stomatologie et de Chirurgie Maxillo-Faciale 0035-1768 Elsevier Masson
21348 Revue des Maladies Respiratoires 0761-8425 Elsevier Masson
18518 Réanimation 1624-0693 Elsevier Masson
21243 Soins 0038-0814 Elsevier Masson
111318 Soins Cadres 0183-2980 Elsevier Masson
21242 Soins Gérontologie 1268-6034 Elsevier Masson
21240 Soins Psychiatrie 0241-6972 Elsevier Masson
21241 Soins Pédiatrie/Puériculture 1259-4792 Elsevier Masson
262670 Therapies 0040-5957 Elsevier Masson
17333 Néphrologie & Thérapeutique 1769-7255 Elsevier Masson (jusqu'en 2022) / John Libbey Eurotext (à partir de 2023)
111900 EMC. Savoirs et soins infirmiers 1877-7848 Elsevier Masson SAS
103205 European Research in Telemedicine / La Recherche Européenne en Télémédecine 2212-764X Elsevier Masson SAS
832619 Journal of Epidemiology and Population Health 2950-4333 Elsevier Masson SAS
169076 La Presse Médicale Formation 2666-4801 Elsevier Masson SAS
390056 Médecine et Maladies Infectieuses Formation 2772-7432 Elsevier Masson SAS
38272 Annales de chirurgie de la main : organe officiel des societes de chirurgie de la main 0753-9053 Elsevier Science
38277 Annales de l'Institut Pasteur. Immunology 0769-2625 Elsevier Science
38278 Annales de l'Institut Pasteur. Microbiology 0769-2609 Elsevier Science
38276 Annales de l'Institut Pasteur. Virology 0769-2617 Elsevier Science
38275 Annales de l'Institut Pasteur/Actualités 0924-4204 Elsevier Science
38284 Annales des Sciences Naturelles Zoologie et Biologie Animale 0003-4339 Elsevier Science
38432 Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Specialized Section on Mucoproteins and Mucopolysaccharides 0926-6526 Elsevier Science
38487 Bulletin de l'Institut Pasteur 0020-2452 Elsevier Science
38855 Electricity Daily 1070-8928 Elsevier Science
38923 Environmental Pollution (1970) 0013-9327 Elsevier Science
38961 Euromicro Newsletter 0303-1268 Elsevier Science
39040 Fibrinolysis and Proteolysis 1369-0191 Elsevier Science
39758 Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology Elsevier Science
40007 Mutation Research/Environmental Mutagenesis and Related Subjects 0165-1161 Elsevier Science
40477 Serodiagnosis and Immunotherapy in Infectious Disease 0888-0786 Elsevier Science
40645 Strategic Environmental Management 1097-1823 Elsevier Science
40676 Supramolecular Science 0968-5677 Elsevier Science
38471 The British journal of oral surgery 0007-117X Elsevier Science
10188 Advances in Education in Diverse Communities 1479-358X Elsevier Science B.V., Amstredam
7098 Microform & Imaging Review 0949-5770 Elsevier Science Inc
11621 Chemico-Biological Interactions 0009-2797 Elsevier [1969-....]
22726 Animal Reproduction Science 0378-4320 Elsevier [1977-....]
5683 International Review of Law and Economics 0144-8188 Elsevier [1981-....]
98737 Physics and Chemistry of the Earth. Parts A/B/C 1474-7065 Elsevier [2002-....]
117693 Molecular Catalysis 2468-8231 Elsevier [2017, vol. 427-....]
117064 Digital Communications and Networks 2352-8648 Elsevier [Co-publisher]
13758 The American Journal of Medicine 0002-9343 Elsevier [Commercial Publisher]
11796 Clinical Microbiology and Infection 1198-743X Elsevier for the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
528718 Genetics in Medicine Open 2949-7744 Elsevier on behalf of American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics
611465 Advances in Radiation Oncology 2452-1094 Elsevier on behalf of American Society for Radiation Oncology
123623 JACC : Basic to Translational Science 2452-302X Elsevier on behalf of the American College of Cardiology Foundation
176924 JID Innovations 2667-0267 Elsevier on behalf of the Society for Investigative Dermatology
21740 Marine Environmental Research 0141-1136 Elsevier science
107993 Annales françaises d'Oto-rhino-laryngologie et de Pathologie Cervico-faciale 1879-7261 Elsevier, United States
10217 Advances in Mind-Body Medicine 0741-9738 Elsevier- Churchill Livingstone
11776 Clinical Excellence for Nurse Practitioners 1085-2360 Elsevier- Churchill Livingstone
108797 Pratiques en Nutrition : santé et alimentation 1766-7305 Elsevier-Masson
124491 Current Research in Translational Medicine 2452-3186 Elsevier-Masson SAS
72750 JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging 1936-878X Elsevier/American College of Cardiology
79080 JACC: Cardiovascular Interventions 1936-8798 Elsevier/American College of Cardiology
106151 JACC: Heart Failure 2213-1779 Elsevier/American College of Cardiology
104606 Archives of Cardiovascular Diseases Supplements 1878-6480 Elsevier/French Society of Cardiology
60015 Archives of cardiovascular diseases 1875-2136 Elsevier/French Society of Cardiology
36901 Médecine Nucléaire - Imagerie Fonctionnelle et Métabolique Elsevier/Masson
11102 Biochemical medicine and metabolic biology 0885-4505 Elsevier;Elsevier - Academic Press
4316 CVGIP: Graphical Models and Image Processing 1049-9652 Elsevier;Elsevier - Academic Press
4317 CVGIP: Image Understanding 1049-9660 Elsevier;Elsevier - Academic Press
13200 Experimental Mycology 0147-5975 Elsevier;Elsevier - Academic Press
14128 IMPACT of Computing in Science and Engineering 0899-8248 Elsevier;Elsevier - Academic Press
14124 ImmunoMethods 1058-6687 Elsevier;Elsevier - Academic Press
5636 International journal of man-machine studies 0020-7373 Elsevier;Elsevier - Academic Press
15795 Journal of Microcomputer Applications 0745-7138 Elsevier;Elsevier - Academic Press
16630 Knowledge Acquisition 1042-8143 Elsevier;Elsevier - Academic Press
17399 Neuroprotocols 1058-6741 Elsevier;Elsevier - Academic Press
12323 Current Problems in Dermatology -Chicago then St Louis 1040-0486 Elsevier;Elsevier - Mosby
12326 Current Problems in Pediatrics 0045-9380 Elsevier;Elsevier - Mosby
13927 Home Care Provider 1084-628X Elsevier;Elsevier - Mosby
14757 International Journal of Trauma Nursing 1075-4210 Elsevier;Elsevier - Mosby
17637 Operative Techniques in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 1071-0949 Elsevier;Elsevier - WB Saunders
12454 Seminars in Clinical Neuropsychiatry 1084-3612 Elsevier;Elsevier - WB Saunders
18874 Seminars in Neonatology 1084-2756 Elsevier;Elsevier - WB Saunders
11310 British Homoeopathic Journal 0007-0785 Elsevier;Elsevier- Churchill Livingstone
11744 Clinical Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine 1461-1449 Elsevier;Elsevier- Churchill Livingstone
11964 Complementary Therapies in Nursing and Midwifery 1353-6117 Elsevier;Elsevier- Churchill Livingstone
12140 Coronary Health Care 1362-3265 Elsevier;Elsevier- Churchill Livingstone
13164 Evidence Based Healthcare 1462-9410 Elsevier;Elsevier- Churchill Livingstone
13170 Evidence Based Oncology 1363-4054 Elsevier;Elsevier- Churchill Livingstone
19767 Tubercle and Lung Disease 0962-8479 Elsevier;Elsevier- Churchill Livingstone
146760 Free Radicals and Antioxidants Emanuscript Services
94925 Pharmacognosy Communications 2249-0159 Emanuscript Services
3099 Architectural review 0003-861X Emap Architecture
38216 AJ Plus Emap Business Communications
38475 British Rate and Data (BRAD) 0263-3515 Emap Business Communications
38477 Broadcast: The Weekly Newspaper of the Television & Radio Industry 0040-2788 Emap Business Communications
39916 Media and Marketing Europe 1743-4920 Emap Business Communications
40371 Retail Week 1360-8215 Emap Business Communications
5251 Hot Rod 0018-6031 Emap Enterprises
7220 Motor Trend 0027-2094 Emap Enterprises
8667 Sport (New York, N.Y.) 0038-7797 Emap Enterprises
2548 Teen 0040-2001 Emap Enterprises
167551 Pesquisa Florestal Brasileira 1809-3647 Embrapa Florestas
110832 Accounting Research Journal 1030-9616 Emerald
9469 Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal 0951-3574 Emerald
153403 Advances in Environmental Accounting and Management 1479-3598 Emerald
10212 Advances in Librarianship 0065-2830 Emerald
71998 African Journal of Economic and Management Studies 2040-0705 Emerald
10305 Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology 0002-2667 Emerald
10400 American Journal of Police 0735-8547 Emerald
10564 Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials 0003-5599 Emerald
19413 Antidote 1363-8483 Emerald
161225 Arts and the market 2056-4945 Emerald
10816 Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics 1355-5855 Emerald
3234 Asian Libraries 1017-6748 Emerald
3242 Aslib Proceedings 0001-253X Emerald
10846 Assembly Automation 0144-5154 Emerald
11057 Balance Sheet 0965-7967 Emerald
11059 Baltic Journal of Management 1746-5265 Emerald
11088 Benchmarking 1463-5771 Emerald
3517 Bottom Line 0888-045X Emerald
11309 British Food Journal 0007-070X Emerald
11315 British Journal of Clinical Governance 1466-4100 Emerald
11410 Business Process Management Journal 1463-7154 Emerald
11413 Business Strategy Series 1751-5637 Emerald
11960 COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering 0332-1649 Emerald
11480 Campus-Wide Information Systems 1065-0741 Emerald
11532 Career Development International 1362-0436 Emerald
38587 Chinese Management Studies 1750-614X Emerald
3948 Circuit World 0305-6120 Emerald
11781 Clinical Governance 1477-7274 Emerald
38611 Clinical Performance and Quality Healthcare 1063-0279 Emerald
3992 Collection Building 0160-4953 Emerald
145120 Collection and Curation 2514-9326 Emerald
12089 Construction Innovation: Information, Process, Management 1471-4175 Emerald
12141 Corporate Communications: An International Journal 1356-3289 Emerald
12143 Corporate Governance: The international journal of business in society 1472-0701 Emerald
12204 Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal 1352-7606 Emerald
12552 Development and Learning in Organizations 1477-7282 Emerald
38779 Direct Marketing: An International Journal 1750-5933 Emerald
12615 Disaster Prevention and Management 0965-3562 Emerald
12790 Education and Training 0040-0912 Emerald
4574 Electronic Library 0264-0473 Emerald
38864 Electronic Resources Review 1364-5137 Emerald
39763 Employee Counselling Today 0955-8217 Emerald
12894 Employee Relations 0142-5455 Emerald
12896 Empowerment in Organizations 0968-4891 Emerald
12920 Engineering Computations 0264-4401 Emerald
12921 Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management 0969-9988 Emerald
38920 Environmental Management and Health 0956-6163 Emerald
12970 Equal Opportunities International 0261-0159 Emerald
38969 European Business Review 0955-534X Emerald
13050 European Journal of Innovation Management 1460-1060 Emerald
13057 European Journal of Marketing 0309-0566 Emerald
13178 Executive Development 0953-3230 Emerald
13305 Facilities 0263-2772 Emerald
727261 Fulbright Review of Economics and Policy 2635-0173 Emerald
134761 Gender in Management 1754-2413 Emerald
13775 Handbook of Business Strategy 1077-5730 Emerald
13827 Health Education 0965-4283 Emerald
13833 Health Manpower Management 0955-2065 Emerald
112885 Housing, Care and Support 1460-8790 Emerald
39235 Human Resource Management International Digest 0967-0734 Emerald
39244 Humanomics 0828-8666 Emerald
14156 Industrial Lubrication and Tribology 0036-8792 Emerald
5468 Industrial Management 0007-6929 Emerald
14157 Industrial Management and Data Systems 0263-5577 Emerald
5477 Industrial Robot: An International Journal 0143-991X Emerald
14151 Industrial and Commercial Training 0019-7858 Emerald
14196 Information Technology and People 0959-3845 Emerald
14239 Integrated Manufacturing Systems 0957-6061 Emerald
5573 Interlending Review 0140-2773 Emerald
5572 Interlending and Document Supply 0264-1615 Emerald