Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
40279 Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Geology = Teaduste Akadeemia toimetised 1406-0132 Estonian Academy Publishers
40278 Proceedings- Estonian Academy of Sciences Engineering 1406-0175 Estonian Academy Publishers
40280 Proceedings- Estonian Academy of Sciences Physics Mathematics 1406-0086 Estonian Academy Publishers; 1999
96 Agronomy Research 1406-894X Estonian Agricultural University
895 Folklore : Electronic Journal of Folklore 1406-0957 Estonian Literary Museum, Estonian Folklore Institute
12984 Estuaries 0160-8347 Estuaries
101971 Afkar/Idées 1697-0411 Estudios de Politica Exterior/Instituto Europeo del Mediterraneo
123546 Eger Journal of English Studies 1786-5638 Eszterházy Károly Főiskola Anglisztika Tanszék
174591 Archéologie Vaudoise : chroniques 2296-6358 Etat de Vaud, Direction générale des immeubles et du patrimoine DIVISION ARCHÉOLOGIE
165322 Millepiani/Urban Eterotopia
38942 Ethical Corporation Magazine Ethical Corporation
22281 Ethiopian Medical Journal 0014-1755 Ethiopian Medical Association
6089 The Journal of ethnic studies 0091-3219 Ethnic Studies Program
842 Ethnobotany Research and Applications 1547-3465 Ethnobotany Research and Applications
3467 Blueprint -London- Peter Murray 0268-4926 Etp Ltd
127558 La revue de Téhéran : mensuel culturel iranien en langue française 2008-1936 Ettelaat
145914 ADEF. Revista de Filosofía 0326-8160 Eudeba
78524 Journal of Concrete and Applicable Mathematics 1559-176X Eudoxus Press
115708 TURyDES 1988-5261
83721 Eurasian Journal of Mathematical and Computer Applications 2306-6172 Eurasian National University, Kazakhstan (Nur-Sultan)
38320 Applied Econometrics and International Development 1578-4487 Euro-American Association of Economic Development Studies
861 European Journal of Scientific Research 1450-216X EuroJournals
1192 International Research Journal of Finance and Economics 1450-2887 EuroJournals
118349 EuroIntervention 1774-024X EuroPCR
5043 Global Investor 0951-3604 Euromoney Institutional Investeor Plc
39468 International Tax Review 0958-7594 Euromoney Institutional Investor PLC
5597 International financial law review 0262-6969 Euromoney Institutional Investor Plc
2730 Air Traffic Management 0969-6725 Euromoney Publications
2732 Aircraft Economics 0966-7857 Euromoney Publications
2733 Airfinance Journal 0143-2257 Euromoney Publications
3843 Central European 0962-2543 Euromoney Publications
4199 Corporate Finance -London 0958-2053 Euromoney Publications
4714 Euromoney -London 0014-2433 Euromoney Publications
5044 Global Telecoms Business 0969-7500 Euromoney Publications
6125 Journal of Financial Statement Analysis 1085-3464 Euromoney Publications
6381 Journal of Project Finance 1082-3220 Euromoney Publications
6468 Journal of Structured and Project Finance 1538-3830 Euromoney Publications
6736 LatinFinance 1048-535X Euromoney Publications
9375 World Link 1016-359X Euromoney Publications
9383 World oil 0043-8790 Euromoney Publications
39889 Managing intellectual property 0960-5002 Euromoney Publications Plc
134413 European Journal of Engineering Research and Science Europa Publishing
169838 Culture, Practice and Europeanization 2566-7742 Europa-Universität Flensburg
169099 Europe des Droits & Libertés / Europe of Rights & Liberties 2726-1263 Europe des droits & libertés (Strasbourg)
38966 Europe's World 1782-0642 Europe's World
104170 Europe. Revue littéraire mensuelle 0014-2751 Europe. Revue
854 European Diversity and Autonomy Papers - EDAP 1827-8361 European Academy in Bolzano (EURAC)
150489 European Journal of Cell Science European Academy of Applied and Social Sciences
150490 European Journal of Climate Change European Academy of Applied and Social Sciences
149953 European Journal of Pharmaceutical Research European Academy of Applied and Social Sciences
134328 The Journal of International Advanced Otology 1308-7649 European Academy of Otology and Neurotolog
101415 EAI Endorsed Transactions on Collaborative Computing European Alliance for Innovation
105997 EAI endorsed transactions on Internet of Things 2414-1399 European Alliance for Innovation
165540 American Studies in Europe 1359-4923 European Association for American Studies
85395 European journal of American studies European Association for American Studies
126604 EAAP PUBLICATION 0071-2477 European Association for Animal Production
10691 Aquatic Mammals 0167-5427 European Association for Aquatic Mammals
856 The European Journal of Comparative Economics 1824-2979 European Association for Comparative Economic Studies and Universita Carlo Cattaneo
101985 Journal of the European Association for Health Information and Libraries 1841-0715 European Association for Health Information and Libraries
94081 Journal of the European Association for Studies of Australia 2013-6897 European Association for Studies of Australia
29840 Bulletin- European Association for Theoretical Computer Science 0252-9742 European Association for Theoretical Computer Science; 1999
132678 Renewable Energy & Power Quality Journal 2172-038X European Association for the Development of Renewable Energies, Environment and Power Quality
157884 European Journal of Theatre and Performance European Association for the Study of Theatre and Performance
68101 Bulletin of the European Association of Fish Pathologists 0108-0288 European Association of Fish Pathologists
968040 European Journal of Geography 1792-1341 European Association of Geographers
104389 Near Surface Geophysics 1569-4445 European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE)
690 EARSeL eProceedings 1729-3782 European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories
117875 Electronic Communications of the EASST 1863-2122 European Association of Software Science and Technology e.V
112757 Geochemical Perspectives Letters 2410-339X European Assoication of Geochemistry
165964 Bird Census News 1381-5261 European Bird Census Council
23423 EBU Technical Review European Broadcasting Union
169359 European Journal of Economics and Business Studies 2411-4073 European Center for Science Education and Research
126474 European Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 2411-958X European Center for Science Education and Research
165047 Governance regional integration economics agriculture trade insights 2215-0593 European Centre for Development Policy Management
863 Eurosurveillance 1560-7917 European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
1612 Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in Europe 1617-5247 European Centre for Minority Issues
132660 International Journal of Development and Economic Sustainability 2053-2199 European Centre for Research, Training and Development (ECRTD)
774528 Neuroscience Applied 2772-4085 European College of Neuropsychopharmacology
241561 European Journal of Political Research Political Data Yearbook 2047-8844 European Consortium for Political Research - ECPR
776 Electronic Transactions on Artifical Intelligence 1403-204X European Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence
107167 Leibniz Transactions on Embedded Systems 2199-2002 European Design and Automation Association (EDAA) \ EMbedded Systems Special Interest Group (EMSIG) and Schloss Dagstuhl -- Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik GmbH, Dagstuhl Publishing
167616 Pharmeuropa bio & scientific notes 1814-2435 European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines & HealthCare
858 European Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning 1027-5207 European Distance and E Learning Network
36203 Web Ecology European Ecological Federation (EEF)
130332 European Economics Letters European Economics Letters Group
138585 International Journal of Corrosion and Scale Inhibition 2305-6894 European Federation of Corrosion Working Party 1: Corrosion and Scale Inhibition
120658 EFSA Journal 1831-4732 European Food Safety Authority
129312 EFSA Supporting Publications 2397-8325 European Food Safety Authority
4550 EFTA Bulletin 0012-7655 European Free Trade Association, Press and Information Service
67 Advances in Geosciences 1680-7340 European Geosciences Union
10459 Annales Geophysicae 0992-7689 European Geosciences Union
238 Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 1680-7316 European Geosciences Union
239 Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 1680-7367 European Geosciences Union
103028 Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 1867-1381 European Geosciences Union
284 Biogeosciences 1726-4170 European Geosciences Union
285 Biogeosciences Discussions 1810-6277 European Geosciences Union
89585 Earth Surface Dynamics 2196-6311 European Geosciences Union
101466 Earth System Dynamics 2190-4979 European Geosciences Union
87258 Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems 2193-0856 European Geosciences Union
108122 Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems Discussions European Geosciences Union
105630 Geoscientific Model Development 1991-9603 European Geosciences Union
70167 Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 1027-5606 European Geosciences Union
1012 Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions 1812-2108 European Geosciences Union
107842 Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences Discussions 2195-9269 European Geosciences Union
1860 Ocean Science 1812-0784 European Geosciences Union
1861 Ocean Science Discussions 1812-0806 European Geosciences Union
71898 Solid Earth 1869-9510 European Geosciences Union
525 Climate of the Past 1814-9324 European Geosciences Union (EGU)
526 Climate of the Past Discussions 1814-9340 European Geosciences Union (EGU)
1825 Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 1023-5809 European Geosciences Union (EGU)
106318 Soil 2199-3971 European Geosciences Union (EGU)
105675 Earth System Dynamics Discussions 2190-4995 European Geosciences Union/Copernicus Publ
38979 European Hospital 0942-9085 European Hospital GMBH
35273 EIPASCOPE 1025-6253 European Institute of Public Administration
666124 European Journal of Health and Biology Education 2165-8722 European Journal of Health and Biology Education
2064 Research Journal of International Studies 1453-212X European Journals, Inc
104003 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré (D) Combinatorics, Physics and their Interactions 2308-5827 European Mathematical Society
11905 Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici 0010-2571 European Mathematical Society
59115 EMS Newsletter 1726-751X European Mathematical Society
12849 Elemente der Mathematik 0013-6018 European Mathematical Society
177991 European Mathematical Society Magazine 2747-7894 European Mathematical Society
106238 Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics 1661-7207 European Mathematical Society
42636 Interfaces and Free Boundaries : Mathematical Analysis, Computation and Applications 1463-9963 European Mathematical Society
39689 Journal of Noncommutative Geometry 1661-6952 European Mathematical Society
122689 Journal of Spectral Theory 1664-039X European Mathematical Society
16350 Journal of the European Mathematical Society 1435-9855 European Mathematical Society
40097 Oberwolfach Reports 1660-8933 European Mathematical Society
18399 Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences 0034-5318 European Mathematical Society
40361 Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni 1120-6330 European Mathematical Society
40394 Revista Matemática Iberoamericana 0213-2230 European Mathematical Society
40918 Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen 0232-2064 European Mathematical Society
177643 Journal of Combinatorial Algebra 2415-6302 European Mathematical Society Press
28992 Portugaliae Mathematica 0032-5155 European Mathematical Society Publishing House
151738 Quantum Topology 1663-487X European Mathematical Society Publishing House
124821 European Mineralogical Union Notes in Mineralogy 1417-2917 European Mineralogical Union
126341 Journal of the European Mosquito Control Association 2054-930X European Mosquito Control Association
40079 Nucleus 1581-1646 European Nuclear Society
38957 Euro Observer - Newsletter of the European Observatory on Health Care Systems 1020-7481 European Observatory on Health Care Systems
154605 Eurohealth 1356-1030 European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies
182764 European Journal of Biomedical Research 2796-0056 European Open Science Publishing
101622 Journal of the European Optical Society : Rapid publications 1990-2573 European Optical Society
127194 European Papers 2499-8249 European Papers
38247 Amtsblatt Des Europaeischen Patentamts (Official Journal of the EPO) 0170-9291 European Patent Office
105147 EPA Newsletter 1011-4246 European Photochemistry Association
4737 European Photography 0172-7028 European Photography
13085 European Journal of Physics 0143-0807 European Physical Society
13149 EPL - Europhysics Letters 0295-5075 European Physical Society / EDP Sciences / Società Italiana di Fisica / IOP Publishing
39341 Inside Russia and Eurasia European Press Agency
2437 Tobacco Induced Diseases European Publishing
256419 Region - The Journal of ERSA European Regional Science Association
22318 Edtna Erca Journal -English Edition 1019-083X European Renal Care Association
59820 ERCOFTAC Bulletin European Research Community on Flow, Turbulence And Combustion
119682 ERJ Open Research European Respiratory Society
13128 European Respiratory Journal 0903-1936 European Respiratory Society
101274 European Respiratory Review 0905-9180 European Respiratory Society
111894 International Journal of Child and Family Welfare 1378-286X European Scientific Association on Residential and Family Care for children and adolescents (EUSARF)
117287 European Scientific Journal 1857-7881 European Scientific Institute
132579 Journal of Cognition European Society for Cognitive Psychology
169688 ESMO Open 2059-7029 European Society for Medical Oncology
109346 The European English Messenger 0960-4545 European Society for the Study of English ESSE
13042 European Journal of Heart Failure 1388-9842 European Society of Cardiology (Wiley)
699503 The European Sociologist 2415-6426 European Sociological Association
44532 The Messenger 0722-6691 European Southern Observatory
53753 ESA Special Publication 0379-6566 European Space Agency
125088 ESA bulletin 0376-4265 European Space Agency
98364 ACTA Futura 2309-1940 European Space Agency, Advanced Concepts Team
152717 Integral Transpersonal Journal European Transpersonal Association
119846 EAI Endorsed Transactions on Cloud Systems 2410-6895 European Union Digital Library
104216 Acta Europeana Systemica 2225-9627 European Union for Systemics
48275 Network Industries quarterly 1662-6176 European University Institute / Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne
47071 Polis 2223-8174 European University of Tirana
130432 International Marine Energy Journal 2631-5548 European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference
163626 Reports in Mechanical Engineering European centre for operational research
123016 Yearbook of Private International Law 1566-6352 European law publishers & Swiss Institute of Comparative Law
68641 International Journal of Design Sciences and Technology 1630-7267 Europia
96850 Revue des Interactions Humaines Médiatisées (RIHM) = Journal of Human Mediated Interactions 1289-2963 Europia
119021 Revue d’Interaction Homme Machine Europia productions
115939 HB revue internationale d'études stendhaliennes 1287-3209 Eurédit
44193 Bat : soziolinguistika aldizkaria : Hizkuntza normalizazioa eta glotopolitika aldizkaria 1130-8435 Euskal Kulturaren Batzarrea
133704 Egan 0422-7328 Euskalerriko Adiskideen Elkartea-Real Sociedad Vascongada de Amigos del País
133615 Euskonews & media 1139-3629 Eusko Ikaskuntza
77600 Vasconia. Cuadernos de Historia-Geografía 1136-6834 Eusko Ikaskuntza
57651 Zainak : cuadernos de antropología-etnografía 1137-439X Eusko-Ikaskuntza
38997 Evangelical Missions Quarterly (EMQ) 0014-3359 Evangelical Missions Information Services
154749 Evangile et Liberté 1146-4771 Evangile et Liberté
9419 Year Book of Education 0084-2508 Evans Bros
23033 Evolutionary Ecology Research 1522-0613 Evolutionary Ecology, Ltd
134767 NEO-LITHICS: The Newsletter of Southwest Asian Neolithic Research 1434-6990 Ex Oriente
4749 Exceptional Parent 0046-9157 Exceptional Parent
22748 American Journal of Orthopedics -Belle Mead 1078-4519 Excerpta Medica, Inc
3894 Child Care Information Exchange 0164-8527 Exchange Press Inc
4751 Executive Educator 0161-9500 Executive Educator
4549 EEO Today 0362-5818 Executive Enterprises Publications Co. Inc
139352 HR Grapevine 2055-2556 Executive Grapevine International Ltd
3857 Chain Store Age General Merchandise Edition 0193-1350 Executive Offices, Chain Store Age General Merchandise Group
3858 Chain Store Age General Merchandise Trends 0885-050X Executive Offices, Chain Store Age General Merchandise Group
108922 Sciences du jeu Experice - Université Paris‐Nord
132226 International Journal of Experimental Dental Science 2278-1692 Experimental Medical and Dental Science Research Association
10963 Expert Review of Anti-infective Therapy 1478-7210 Expert Reviews
12365 Expert Review of Cardiovascular Therapy 1477-9072 Expert Reviews