Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
162023 King Kong Mag asbl KIKK
162027 Anais Leirienses. Estudos e documentos Textiverso
162029 Le Virus de la recherche Presses Universitaires de Grenoble
162035 Revue Sécurité Intérieure 2496-3437 Anaj-IHEDN
162036 Har Far 1268-5119 Anaram Au Patac
162039 TRANS
162041 Le voyageur à son retour, suivi de Carnets de lecture
162042 Littérature et Nation
164358 Romanische Forschungen 1864-0737
164360 Canal TV « Culture »
164362 Bulletin annuel de l'Institut d'histoire de la Réformation
164363 Chroniques de Port-Royal
164364 Asian Journal for Public Opinion Research 2288-6168 Center for Asian Public Opinion Research & Collaboration Initiative (CAPORCI)
164365 Revista EntreRios. Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia da Universidade Federal do Piauí 2595-3753
164367 Uppsala Rhetorical Studies
164368 Onoba. Revista de Arqueología y Antigüedad 2340-3047
164369 Çankaya University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 1309-6761 Çankaya University
164370 Indian Journal of Science Discovery Publication
164372 2019 IEEE International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics IEEE
164374 Comunicata Scientiae
164377 Sviet Literatuty - Le monde de la littérature
164378 Gastroenterologie Clinique et Biologique
164379 Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology
164380 FruiTrop Magazine Cirad
164381 Intentio : [revue du Centre de recherches en épistémologie, analyse logique et phénoménologie] 2679-4462 Carlos Lobo
164382 Le Genre et l'écran
164383 Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies Bulletin 2410-0951 University of Hamburg
164384 Clinical Spine Surgery
164385 Synchrotron SOLEIL Highlights
164386 Jurnal Humaniora 0852-0801
170500 ISBN 978-3-319-09164-8
170502 Pragmalingüística Monográfico
170503 International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence
170504 Pragmalingüística, Monográfico
170506 Bare Lives – Etudes Britanniques Contemporaines
170508 La Moselle Agricole 0750-2389
170509 Quaternary Sciences 1001-7410 Chinese Academy of Sciences
170513 HISPANIA, Le monde luso-hispanophone
170514 Tomsk State University Journal of Philology 2310-5046 Tomsk State University
170516 International Journal of Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation 2043-8257
170518 Chancels
170520 L’orfèvrerie liturgique
170522 Neerlandica Wratislaviensia
170523 Studi e materiali di Storie delle Religioni
170524 Le Courrier de la Bibliothèque diocésaine de Nancy
170525 9th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence 2017
170526 BDAW ’16. ACM
170528 La revue du notariat 2369-6184 yvon blais
170530 SCITEPRESS, 2015
170531 4rth International Conference on Software Engineering and New Technologies. 2015
170532 Ann.PDE
170534 EUROGRAPHICS’2016
170536 Revista FIAR 1867-1519
170538 Lisa
170540 LPAR
170541 Palliative Medicine Reports
170543 Systems Science and Control Engineering An Open Access Journal Taylor & Francis
170544 Perditions Idéologiques 2781-0496
170548 SysTol’13
170551 Revue française d’histoire du livre
170555 Iranian Journal of Science and Technology-Transactions of Civil Engineering 2228-6160
170557 KEOD'15
170558 Bulletin Officiel de l'éducation nationale Ministère de l'Éducation nationale et de la Jeunesse >
170560 Discrete Mathematics Letters 2664-2557 Discrete mathematics letters
170562 Aquaculture Research
170564 New Education Division Documents Series Swedish International Development Agency
170567 Acta Math.Appl.Sin.Engl.Ser
170568 Geophys.Res.Lett
170569 Bull.Russ.Acad.Sci.Phys
170572 Int.Math.Res.Not
170574 Appl.Math.Mod
170575 J.Geophys.Res.Oceans
170576 Proceedings of Higher Educational Institutions. Маchine Building 0536-1044 Bauman Moscow State Technical University
170577 Arch.Ration.Mech.Anal
170578 Coal 0041-5790 Ugol' Journal Edition, LLC
170580 NEWS OF THE HIGHER INSTITUTIONS. MINING JOURNAL 0536-1028 Ural State Mining University
170582 Geophys.J.Int
170584 Phys.Status Solidi B
170585 Invent.Math
170586 Solid State Sci
170588 Adv.Appl.Math
170589 J.Geophys.Res
170591 Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management Springer
170592 ISWC'17
170593 ICTAI'16
170594 Commun.Pure Appl.Math
170595 WIMS'2015
170596 Phys.Status Solidi A
170598 Problems in Mechanical Engineering 2709-2984 Institute for Mechanical Engineering Problems of National Academy of Science of Ukraine
170599 Hammamet
170601 Description Logics 2015
170602 20th International Conference (LPAR-2015)
170603 News of higher educational institutions. Construction 0536-1052 Novosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
170618 ASDIWAL, Revue genevoise d’anthropologie et d’histoire des religions Université de Genève. Département de linguistique
170619 J. Building Engineering
170620 Heat Transfer Engineering
170621 International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research
170622 Automation in Construction
170623 Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Fukui University 0429-8373 Fukui University
170627 International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow
170628 International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow
170632 GeoJournal (Springer)
170634 Journal of Energy Storage
170635 Underground Space
170636 Water
170637 Церковно-Общественный Вестник / Cerkovno-Obščestvennyj Vestnik Obščestvo ljubitelej cerkovnoj istorii
170638 Neuroanatomy and Behaviour 2652-1768
170639 Fisheries Research
170641 Gestão & Produção
170643 Chang'an Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of Chang'an University (Natural Science Edition)
170644 3ème rencontre IngéPlus, Grenoble INP
170645 4ème rencontre IngéPlus, Grenoble INP
169828 Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics 0869-6632
169830 Apocrypha 1155-3316 Brepols
169831 Recherches des Sciences Religieuses 2104-3884 Centre Sèvres -Faculté des jésuites de Paris
169833 Revue d’histoire de la Shoah 2553-6141
169834 S&D magazine
169840 Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
169841 Ethnologie und Anthropologie
169843 Société française
169844 Health 1949-4998 Scientific Research
169845 International Perspectives in Psychology 2157-3883
169846 Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities
169847 Flux
169849 télévision nationale;LCP
169851 International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems (IJAACS)
169852 Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems
169853 World Wide Web Internet and Web Information Systems
169854 Computers & Chemical Engineering
169855 Journal of Information Security and Applications (JISA)
169856 Journal of Intelligent Information Systems
169857 ZTE Communications
169858 Trends in Telemedicine & E-health
169859 International Journal of Advanced Information Science and Technology (IJAIST)
169863 International Journal on Energy Conversion (IRECON)
169865 Modelling, Measurement and Control
169866 International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics
169874 Asian Journal of German and European Studies
169877 Les Cahiers du CREA-Ecole Polytechnique
169883 Місто: історія, культура, суспільство [Misto : istorija, kul’tura, suspil’stvo, Kiev]
169884 Amia ... Annual Symposium Proceedings. Amia Symposium 1559-4076
169885 Княжа доба: історія і культура [Knjaža doba: istorija i kul’tura, Lviv]
169886 Scientifiques de Notre-Dame
169887 Археологія і давня історія України [Arxeologija ta davnjaja istorija Ukrainy, Kiev] 2227-4952
169888 Российский археологический ежегодник [Rossijskij arxeologičeskij ezegodnik, Saint-Pétersbourg]
169889 Записки Института истории материальной культуры РАН [Zapiski Instituta istorii materialnoj kultury RAN, Saint-Pétersbourg]
169890 The Journal of the International Institute
169892 Археологические вести [Arxeologičeskie Vesti, Saint-Pétersbourg]
169893 Talanta 1873-3573
169894 Barca
169897 The Journal of Computational Multiphase Flows
169898 International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing
169899 Machine Dynamics Research
169900 Instrumentation, Mesure, Métrologie
169902 CAMES-Série A
169903 International Journal of Photoenergy
169905 Foot & Ankle Specialist 1938-6400
169907 Αρχαιολογία και Τέχνες 1108-2402
169909 Revue des lettres modernes - Ecritures Jeunesse 0035-2136 Classiques Garnier
169916 Breast Cancer 1880-4233
169917 Land MDPI
169919 New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies 0028-8276
169921 Integrative Clinical Medicine
169922 Politique et Sociétés
169923 Parma per l'arte 0391-7622
169925 Artificial Intelligence Review
169928 Electronics (Switzerland)
169929 Marine Georesources and Geotechnology
169931 Annals of Work Exposures and Health 2398-7316
169940 Études de communication publique
169942 Quintessence international (Berlin, Germany : 1985) 1936-7163
169943 Via Atlântica 1516-5159 USP Universidade de São Paulo (Brasil)
169946 Computers and Geotechnics
169952 Neurocomputing
169960 Environmental Technology (United Kingdom)
169964 Annals of the American Psychotherapy Association (Annals of Psychotherapy & Integrative Health) ISSN 1535- 4075
169969 Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems
169974 The Journal of Aging Research & Lifestyle (JARLife) 2534-773X SERDI, Auzeville-Tolosane (FRA)
169975 Bulletin de l'Association Lorraine des Professeurs de Langues Anciennes
169980 Les entretiens d’orthophonie
169981 Notandum 1516-5477
169983 CASA: Cadernos de Semiótica Aplicada
169985 ARTICLE LinkedIn LinkedIn
169986 Esboços - Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em História da UFSC 1414-722X
169987 Sexualidad, Salud y Sociedad - Revista Latinoamericana 1984-6487
169988 Psicanálise & Barroco em Revista 1679-9887
170142 Media Asia
170143 TRAS (Travaux de l'Atelier-Séminaire) 1290-3833 IAR Université Aix-Marseille III
170155 Clystère 2257-7459
170159 Early Development and parenting
170163 Migrations-Santé
170165 FEMS microbiology reviews 1574-6976
170176 La Libre pensée nantaise
170177 Retratos da Escola 1982-131X
170178 Italianistica Debreceniensis
170180 Revue scientifique francophone en Communication Organisationnelle
170188 Les Cahiers de l'implication. Revue d'analyse institutionnelle 1286-3912 Université Paris 8 Vincennes Saint Denis