Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
170190 Maternal Health, Neonatology and Perinatology
170193 Extension[S] 1635-3102 Institut d'études politiques de Bordeaux
170194 Psychologie Scolaire
170196 Sillages
170198 Lettre de l'Ipraus 1763-6868 Ecole d'architecture de Paris-Belleville
170200 La Lettre de l'Ipraus 1763-6868 Ipraus - Ecole d'architecture de Paris-Belleville
170201 al-Andalus y la historia
170202 Yearbook of Transnational History Fairleigh Dickinson University Press
170203 neutrosphic knowledge
170204 neutrosophic knowledge
170207 Indo-European Linguistics and Classical Philology 2306-9015
170208 Boletim OPPA
170210 Journal Of Clinical Neurology, Neurosurgery And Spine Scientific Literature
170215 Strojnícky Casopis 2450-5471 Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava
170218 La Lettre de la Fondation pour l'Innovation Politique
170220 Yvonne Rainer. Danse ordinaire
170222 LONNIYA 2434-561X Université Jean Lorougnon Guédé de Daloa
170223 The International Journal of Aging and Society 2160-1909
170225 Europe&Orient 1773-9802 Institut Tchobanian
170227 European Integration Studies
170228 Bet Debora Journal
170229 Woman Up!2
170233 European Politics and Society Newsletter
170235 The European Journal of Women’s Studies
170236 Matter. Journal of New Materialist Research
170237 Gender and Sexuality Journal
170238 Social Europe Journal
170239 Austrian Studies Newsmagazin
170241 Austrian Studies Newsmagazine
170242 AMBERD Bulletin 2579-2989 Armenian State University of Economics
170244 Проблемы национальной стратегии 2079-3359 Российский институт стратегических исследований
170245 Journal of Nursing Practice 2614-3488 Institut Ilmu Kesehatan STRADA Indonesia (STRADA Indonesia Health Sciences Institute)
170246 Grammatica 0182-855X Université de Toulouse le Mirail
170248 Zemljište i biljka 0514-6658
170249 Arrhythmia & Electrophysiology Review 2050-3377
170251 Journal of Crime, Conflict and World Order 1043-1578 Social Justice
170253 Tετράδια μαρξιαμού 2529-0207 Athènes
170256 História: Debates e Tendências 2238-8885 Passo Fundo
170257 Theseis (Θέσεις) 1106-2142 Athènes
170258 Pesquisa e Debate - Revista da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo 1806-9029 PUC
170259 Economía y Desarrollo 0252-8584 Universidad de La Habana
170260 Τετράδια Μαρξισμού 2529-0207 Athènes
170261 Argumentum – Revista Brasileira da Universidade Federal de Espírito Santo 2176-9575 Universidade Federal de Espírito Santo
170262 政治经济学与当代问题 Tsinghua University of Beijing
170263 Marchés & Organisations - Revue d'analyse stratégique
170264 Senri Ethnological Studies 152 (On the Notion of Popular Culture in the Middle East : the Intersection between Japanese and French Approaches; ed. by François Pouillon, Dominique Casajus, Tetsuo Nishio and Tsuyoshi Saito) 1340-6787 National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka (Japan)
170265 The Paper (Beijing)
170267 International Development Economics Associates Economic Research Foundation, New Delhi
170269 Sinosfere 2612-6982
170276 Numerical Methods in Civil Engineering 2345-4296
170284 Advanced Institute of Management Research / Economic & Social Research Council
170294 Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 1300-0861
170311 Transportation Research Procedia
170316 SciPost Chemistry SciPost
170317 Zbornik Matice srpske za prirodne nauke 0352-4906 Matica srpska
170319 Mundo nuevo. Revista de estudios latinoamericanos 0379-6922 Instituto de Altos Estudios de América Latina
169989 Lumina 1981-4070
169991 Kalakalpa IGNCA Journal for Arts 2456-8201 Indira Gandhi National Center for the Arts
169992 Galáxia (São Paulo)
169995 Revista Portuguese De História do Livro 0874-1336 Edições Távola Redonda
169998 Journal of Media Critiques 2056-9785
169999 E-Compós
170000 Conexão comunicação e cultura 2178-2687
170003 Déviance et société
170007 Journal of Intelligence History 1616-1262
170008 Memories at Stake
170010 Femina Politica
170011 Baltic Worlds
170012 Expert review of cardiovascular therapy
170018 Revue Pluridisciplinaire Africaine de l'environnement 2778-584X Association Jeunesse Africaine pour l'environnement
170019 International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering
170020 GSC Advanced Research and Reviews
170021 Global Journal of Engineering and Technology Advances
170022 Levant Cahiers de l'espace méditerranéen
170023 World Journal of Innovative Research (WJIR) 2456-8236 Nextgen Research Publication
170024 Indian Journal of Engineering 2319-7757 Discovery Scientific Society
170025 International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST), ISSN 2347 – 8578
170026 Folk
170027 Les Cahiers de l'Ecole Nationale du Patrimoine
170028 The Journal of Community Informatics
170030 Sciences de L'Homme et de la Société, Lettre du Département, CNRS
170031 The Journal of Positive Psychology
170032 eTropic: electronic journal of studies in the tropics
170033 E-competitions 2116-0201 Institut de droit de la concurrence
170034 Encyclopedia of Library and Information Sciences, Third Edition
170037 Forensic Imaging 2666-2264
170040 Ars Interpretandi: Journal of Legal Hermeneutics 1722-8352
170042 AJIL Unbound 2398-7723
170043 Akorneo - Revue des sciences et techniques pour la conservation et l’usage durable de la nature 2649-6828
170044 SALIS Journal of Information Management and Technology Society for the Advancement of Library and Information Science (SALIS)
170049 Jornal brasileiro de nefrologia : 'orgao oficial de Sociedades Brasileira e Latino-Americana de Nefrologia 2175-8239
170051 JNCI Cancer Spectrum 2515-5091
170052 Cancer Imaging 1470-7330
170053 International Journal of Academic Research in Library & Information Science Eureka Journals
170054 De l’objet à l’œuvre
170055 Autour de la table. Manger, boire et communiquer
170059 Revista Ñ 1667-8680 Clarín Agea
170063 Journal of Innovation & Knowledge 2444-569X
170066 Journal of Physics: Energy
170068 Innovations-Technology and Techniques in Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery 1556-9845
170070 Recherches sémiotiques
170071 Cahiers de Recherche DMSP, Université de Paris-Dauphine
170077 Fantasy, retour aux sources BnF Multimedia
170078 Forensic Science Today
170081 Applied Immunohistochemistry and Molecular Morphology : Aimm 1533-4058
170085 Manege für Architektur
170087 Journal of Human Rights Practice 1757-9619
170088 Physics Comment: A Southern African Physics Magazine SAIP
170089 Etudes Théologiques et Religieuses
170094 Neurosciences and Psychol
170096 Socioaffective Neurosciences and Psychology
170097 Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology 1743-2782
170099 CeROArt CeROArt
170100 AFSEP Facteur Santé
170101 Institut Psychanalyse et Management
170106 Applied In Vitro Toxicology 2332-1512
170107 Universitas, Monthly review on philosophy and culture 1015-8383 Fu-Jen Catholic University
170109 Bitácora arquitectura 1405-8901
170113 Revista valenciana d' estudis autonòmics 0213-2206
170114 Revue Échanges
170115 Jahrbuch der Rechtsdidaktik 2566-9540
170116 Cornell International Law Journal Online 1930-7977
170118 NLS Business Law Review
170119 Management Technologie et Innovation
170121 European Investment Law and Arbitration Review 2468-7413
170122 The International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence
170123 Open Source Solutions
170124 Revue de l'AFPLANE
170125 La Revue Politique et Parlementaire Paris: Presses Universitaires de France
170126 Almanach Jules Verne Paris : Publication du Ministère de l’Industrie
170127 Le Courrier des Cadres Paris: APEC
170128 Social Intelligence London: Taylor Graham
170133 L’autre, cliniques, cultures et sociétés
170134 International Journal of Applied Metaheuristic Computing, Special Issue on: Metaheuristics and Their Applications to Industrial Engineering, 2(1):29-44 IGI Global
170135 Universitas : Monthly Review on Philosophy and Culture 哲學與文化 1015-8383 Fu-Jen Catholic University 輔仁大學
170137 Pluralité des langues et des supports: descriptions et approches didactiques
170138 Enseigner l'EPS 2106-3524
169682 Lettre d'Information du DAE Bailleur de fonds pour l'éducation en Afrique, Banque Mondiale
169683 Lettre d'information du DAE Bailleurs de fonds pour l'éducation en Afrique, Banque mondiale
169684 Revue d'Histoire médiévale Publication du CAHMER
169686 Recruter
169687 Recruter 1164-7426
169689 Journal of Modern Periodical Studies Penn State University Press
169690 FIEF (Feuillets d'information sur l'emploi et la formation) 0766-9909
169691 Bulletin de l'AECSE Association des chercheurs en sciences de l'éducation (AECSE)
169692 Ozymandias
169693 Cahiers de recherche du CERPE Centre de recherche sur les politiques économiques (Montréal)
169694 Bulletin du réseau enseignement technique et développement industriel
169695 Zeszyty naukowe wydzialu humanistycznego Université de Gdansk
169696 Policy in Focus 2318-8995 The International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth / United Nations Development Program
169697 Universum Amenoum
169698 Vastarien Grimscribe Press
169699 Journal of Dynamics and Games
169700 The Carrollian
169705 Social Science and Medicine
169707 Sleep Medicine and Disorders: International Journal
169708 Open Journal of Parkinson's Disease and Treatment
169710 Les cahiers du dictionnaire 2239-0626 Classiques Garnier
169711 lez valenciennes Presses Universitaires de Valenciennes
169716 Jewish Studies at CEU
169717 Swedish Government Official Reports
169719 Cahiers de l’association Charles Gide pour l’étude de la pensée économique association Charles Gide pour l’étude de la pensée économique
169720 Correspondances en Onco-Hématologie 1954-4820 EDIMARK SAS
169724 Indian Journal of Sericulture 0445-7722 Central Sericultural Research and Training Institute
169726 La Rencontre, revue des Amis du Musée Fabre 1155-2115 Les Amis du Musée Fabre
169729 Villa Europa 2190-7811 Presses Universitaires de la Sarre
169730 APEduC Revista / APEduC Journal 2184-7436 Associaçao Portugesa de Educaçao em Ciências
169731 Le Studium Multidisciplinary Journal Le Studium Multidisciplinary Journal
169732 Le Studium Multidisciplinary Journal Le STUDIUM
169733 Tempulli - Revistë periodike kulturore
169735 NVL la revue 0153-9027 Centre Denise Escarpit
169736 Archaeological Reports The Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies
169737 Vietnam Journal of Chemistry 0866-7144
169738 Chemins publics
169740 Moscow University Physics Bulletin 0027-1349
169743 Francia. Forschungen zur westeuropäischen Geschichte
169745 Communiars. Revista de Imagen, Artes y Educación Crítica y Social
169746 Calle 14 revista de investigación en el campo del arte 2011-3757
169749 Represent.Theory
169752 The Open Statistics & Probability Journal 1876-5270
169753 Iowa Literaria 2578-6202 University of Iowa, USA
169755 Italian History and Culture
169756 Grazer Architektur Magazin - GAM Graz University of Technology
169757 Journal of Atmospheric Electricity 0919-2050
169762 Santander Art and Culture Law Review 2391-7997
169764 Cryobiology and Cryotechnology 2424-1555
169765 Radio Dijon Campus
169766 Radio host and Technology reporter
169767 Revista de Patologia do Tocantins 2446-6492
169768 Journal of Communication in Healthcare 1753-8068
169769 Journal of Hematology & Oncology
169771 Passato e presente. Rivista di storia contemporanea 1120-0650 FrancoAngeli
169773 Militärgeschichtliche Zeitschrift 0026-3826
169774 Revue Cahiers de Linguistique et de Didactique
169775 LA REVUE STRATÉGIQUE EN PRATIQUESLes enjeux de sécuritéet de défense nationalevuspar les doctorantsIHEDN Institut des hautes études de défense nationale
169777 Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg 0025-5858 Springer
169781 Francia. Forschungen zur westeuropäischen Geschichte 0251-3609
169782 Quantitative imaging in medicine and surgery
169785 Indian Journal of Radio and Space Physics