Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
165794 Insights of Anthropology
165795 Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics 1939-0238 De Gruyter Mouton
165796 Critic.Cahiers de recherches interdisciplinaires sur la traduction, l'interprétation et la communication interculturelle
165797 Papers do NAEA 1516-9111 Núcleo de Altos Estudos Amazônicos
165798 Revista de Estudos da Comunicação 1518-9775
165799 Crítica e Sociedade: revista de cultura política 2237-0579
165800 Série CEPPAC 1982-2693 University of Brasilia
165803 médiations & médiatisations 2562-0630
165806 Rolde. Revista de cultura aragonesa 1133-6676
165808 Teoria & Pesquisa: Revista de Ciência Política 0104-0103
165809 Sképsis Journal : Revista de Filosofia 1981-4534
165811 Cahiers de Traduction 2602-6023 Université d'Alger 2
168466 Consommation 0010-6593 Centre de recherches et de documentation sur la consommation (France)
168468 Health Economics (United Kingdom)
168469 Contemporary Buddhism: An Interdisciplinary Journal (ISSN : 1463-9947) (ESSN : 1476-7953) Taylor & Francis
168470 Costruire nel mondo antico
168471 Verfassungsblog
168472 Vesuviana an international journal of archaeological and historical studies on Pompeii and Herculaneum 2036-8089 Fabrizio Serra editore
168474 LaMiCuS - Language, Mind, Culture and Society 2544-6886
168475 Communio 0094-2065
168476 Петербургский исторический журнал [Peterburgskij istoričeskij žurnal] Санкт-Петербургский институт истории РАН
168477 Slavia Antiqua. Rocznik poświęcony starożytnościom słowiańskim 0080-9993
168478 Кинема [Kinema]
168479 Revue de l'économie du Centre-Est
168481 Russie, la force des faibles
168482 Du concert à l’écran : la musique classique occidentale et les images
168483 Athens Institute for Education and Research
168484 Cahiers du CRIPES
168485 All the dreams in the world: Fernando Pessoa’s international reception. Pessoa Plural
168486 Grand N
168491 IJCMS : International Journal of Computing Science and Mathematics 1752-5055
168493 Methods in cell biology
168495 Ariane Dreyfus : La lumière est arrivée, elle aussi veut / être bougée. Cahiers d’essai
168498 Bulletin of the Burma Studies Group Southeast Asia Council, Association for Asian Studies
168499 European Journal of Social Science Education and Research 2312-8429
168500 La transmission du savoir dans le monde musulman périphérique 2497-3920 CNRS
168502 Observatoire des politiques publiques en situation épidémique et post épidémique
168503 ReSciLaC revue des sciences du langage et da la communication 1840-8001 Université d'Abomey-Calavi (Cotonou, Bénin)
168505 Springer Mind & Society
168506 Rivista internazionale di tecnica della traduzione = International Journal of Translation 1722-5906
168507 Quaderni speciali di Limes 2036-5937
168508 Trajecta. Religie, cultuur en samenleving in de Nederlanden 0778-8304
168509 Revista Dialogo Educational 1518-3483
168510 Walailak Journal of Science and Technology (WJST) 1686-3933
168511 Predella. Journal of Visual Arts
168514 Revista Estudos Institutionais / Journal of institutional Studies
168516 Journal of Monetary Economics 1873-1295
168517 Ядерная физика и инжиниринг 2079-5629
168518 Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology 1945-8959
168520 Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, Learning Analytics in Massively Multi-User Virtual Environments
168522 [Nano- and Microsystems Technology 1813-8586
168523 Le Journal Des Professionnels de L’enfance
168524 Le Journal des psychologues
168526 Nations and Nationalism 1469-8129
168528 SIO Université de Bourgogne SIO Université de Bourgogne
168529 The Open Medical Devices Journal 1875-1814
168537 Applied Mechanics Reviews
168538 Computers & Fluids
168540 Journal of Aerospace Technology and Management
168541 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
168543 La revue de la BNU
168544 Lieu de recherche - Le carnet de la Bnu 2679-5361
168545 Différences 0247-9095 Droit et liberté
168547 Nauki Polityczne
168548 Passage
168550 International Journal of Flow Control
168554 International Journal of Mechanics and Energy
168556 Kluwer Patent Blog
168557 IFORS NEWS 2223-4373
168558 Paysans et Société 2114-6497 Revue Paysans et Société
168562 Journal of Computational Acoustics
168574 RAIRO. Analyse numérique
168576 Journal of Polymer Science 2642-4169 Wiley
168586 Sciences etc
168590 Perseitas
168591 VIEW. Journal of European Television History and Culture
168593 La Recherche Aérospatiale
168598 Mecánica Computacional
168601 Asian Journal of Legal Education 2322-0058
168602 INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL "MACHINES. TECHNOLOGIES. MATERIALS 1314-507X Scientific technical Union of Mechanical Engineering
168611 The Japanese Journal of Labour Studies
168614 Administration et Éducation
168620 Psihologia social
168622 Science of Science and Management of S&T
168623 Bulletin of Sociological Methodology/Bulletin de Méthodologie Sociologique
168628 Journal of Rare Diseases Research & Treatment
168636 Transversale. Erkundungen in Kunst und Wissenschaft. Ein europäisches Jahrbuch 2510-7542 Wilhelm Fink
168642 Histoire de l’éducation
168646 Revue d'études proudhoniennes
168651 Cadernos de Saúde Pública
168652 Polish Polar Research 0138-0338
168656 Asian Spine Journal 1976-1902
168657 Advances in Orthopedics 2090-3464
168658 Management et Avenir / Santé 2426-5551
168659 Laboratory Investigation; a Journal of Technical Methods and Pathology 1530-0307
168661 Construction21 France
168663 Hanyu Xuexi (汉语学习) 1003-7365 Chinese Language Learning, Yanbian University
168664 Developmental Neuroscience 1421-9859
168668 Culture, le Magazine Culturel de l'Université de Liège 2032-7900
168669 Dossier du centre d'études et de recherches sur les qualifications La documentation française
168670 Axon
168671 Nankai Business Review International 2040-8749
168672 Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences - Series I - Mathematics
168677 Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations
168679 International angiology : a journal of the International Union of Angiology
168681 Signo y Seña 2314-2189
168682 Perspectives 0304-3045 UNESCO
168683 StreetPress
168685 Studies in Popular Culture
168686 The Irish Journal of Gothic and Horror Studies 2009-0374
168688 Ciências em Debate 2318-9193 Departamento de Ciências da Administração – Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
168689 Incertains regards
168690 El Nuevo Diario 1605-0614
168691 Soul Lotus
168694 Actu-Dieta
168695 The Programming Historian en français
168699 Zeitschrift für Romanische Sprachen und ihre Didaktik (ZRomSD) ibidem
168700 Archives du féminisme
168703 L'OURS - L'office universitaire de recherche socialiste
168704 ILO Working Paper
168705 ILO Research Department Working Paper
168708 UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology 2693-7425 UCLA
168709 Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids
168711 Studi di storia dell'educazione Armando
168714 Canadian and international education Comparative and International Education Society of Canada
168716 Helius 2357-8297
168717 Interaction and Multiscale Mechanics Techno Press
168718 Recherche et Formation, 82 1968-3936
168720 Distances et médiations des savoirs. Distance and Mediation of Knowledge (14).
168721 Anuario mexicano de derecho internacional
168722 journal of chromatography and separation techniques 2157-7064 Longdom
168723 Via Domitia 0563-9786 Université de Toulouse le Mirail
168724 Voices of Mexico 0186-9418 CISAN- UNAM
168725 Arquivo. Boletim do Arquivo Histórico de Moçambique Arquivo Histórico de Moçambique (Maputo)
168726 Organographes du Cymbalum pataphysicum 0339-7203 Collège de 'Pataphysique
168729 Electronic Materials Letters 1738-8090
168730 DESI
168731 ITF Coaching and sport science review 2225-4757 International Tennis Federation
168732 Acta Militaria Mediaevalia Musée régionale de Sanok, Pologne
168733 Banking & Financial Services Policy Report
168734 Ученые записки. Электронный научный журнал Курского государственного университета [Učenye zapiski: revue électronique de l’Université d’Etat de Kursk] Université d’Etat de Kursk, Russie
168735 Journal Français de Santé Publique
168736 Formation profession : revue scientifique internationale en éducation, 29 (1) CRIFPE
168737 Fenêtre sur Tour, Le magazine d’information de la Direction des Archives départementales de la Seine-Maritime 2102-0868 Département de la Seine-Maritime
168738 Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment
168740 Third
168741 Action Juridique CFDT
168742 Chronic Pain & Management
168744 L’obsolescence observée. Blog de Alternatives Économiques
168747 History Ireland 0791-8224
168749 Slavery & Abolition
168753 Annals of Clinical and Medical Case Reports 2639-8109 acmcasereport
168754 Journal of Nursing Management 1365-2834
168757 Quaderni della Biblioteca nazionale centrale di Roma 1723-9222
168761 Cátedra, revista de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación y Humanidades de la UNAN-Managua 2220-3818
168762 Bolsa Cultural 1606-9471
168763 Palette pour Marie-Madeleine Martinet
168766 Trade and development review 0974-4347 Jadavpur University
168767 Advanced Manufacturing Series NIST
168809 Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers: Construction Materials
168810 International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation
168835 Cahiers du Prohemio
168836 CAUCES -Revue d'Etudes Hispaniques Université de Valenciennes
168838 Phil.Trans.A.Math.Phys.Eng.Sci
168840 Math.Res.Lett
168843 Le rôdeur
168844 Acta Cryst.A
168847 J.Appl.Cryst
168848 Radio Sci
168851 J.Geom.Anal
168854 Cognition
168865 Centre de Sociologie des Organisations
168866 Cultus: The Journal of intercultural mediation and communication 2035-2948 Radivo Holding s.r.l. - Iconesoft Edizioni
168869 Journal of Science and Development
168870 Friedrich Hölderlin : présences du poète
168873 La revue Hebdo édition sociale
168879 Defrénois
168880 Journal of Sensors
168883 Liberté. Art et politique 1923-0915
168886 SAMA - Société des Amis de Marcel Aymé
168888 Journal of Organization Design 2245-408X
168889 The BMJ 2057-0066
168890 Sociological Theory 1467-9558
168891 American Review of Public Administration 1552-3357
168892 International Journal On Cyber Situational Awareness 2057-2182
168893 Revista Portuguesa de Engenharia de Estruturas 2183-8488
168894 Postcolonial Politics Centre for Postcolonial Studies, Goldsmiths, University of London
168898 Psychological Research on Urban Society 2620-3960