Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
608992 Les Cahiers d'Agora Laboratoire Agora
609016 Sociologia Italiana 2033-7485
609027 The Art of Discrete and Applied Mathematics University of Primorska
609050 Cancer radiothérapie 1769-6658
609061 Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 1361-6463
609063 2022 International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies (ICECET)
609078 The Medieval Chronicle 1567-2336 Brill
609087 Ressources INRAE
609088 J.M.M.S 2734-9837 Thang Long University, Dui Kim, Hong Mai, Hanoi
609149 EuroIntervention : journal of EuroPCR in collaboration with the Working Group on Interventional Cardiology of the European Society of Cardiology
609401 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering
609538 Journal of Agro-Technology and Rural Sciences 2792-1360
609560 Asian Journal of Science and Applied Technology 2249-0698
609580 AGRIEAST: Journal of Agricultural Sciences 1391-5886
609635 International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy and Allied Sciences 2277-4998
609639 International Journal of Research Publications
609736 International journal of hydrology science and technology 2042-7808 INDERSCIENCE ENTERPRISES LTD
609753 NMD-ATM 2018
609840 Zeitgeschichte
609841 EUROCLIO BULLETIN 1871-3386
609846 Minerva : Quarterly Report
609986 Handicap. Revue de sciences humaines et sociales 1295-2362 CTNERHI
609988 Neurobiology of Aging 1558-1497
609991 Acta Bio-Medica: Atenei Parmensis 2531-6745
609997 Revue d’histoire de la pensée économique 2495-8670
610087 Journal of Electrochemical Chemistry Elsevier
610110 Живи наследства / Living Heritage 2683-0256 Регионален център за опазване на нематериалното културно наследство в Югоизточна Европа под егидата на ЮНЕСКО
610116 Urban Agriculture & Regional Food Systems 2575-1220
610138 European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Imaging
610150 FLOW: Applications of Fluid Mechanics (En ligne) 2633-4259 Cambridge University Press
610216 AVANCA | CINEMA 2184-0520
610337 Bio-Protocol
610358 Quaternaria Nova Istituto Italiano di Paleontologia Umana
610506 EDG
610518 Hospitality & Society 2042-7913
610532 Revue d’histoire de l’enfance « irrégulière » 1962-9419
610533 lo Squaderno 1973-9141
610537 IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems. Part II, Express Briefs 1558-3791
610547 International Review of Economics, Management and Law Research 2665-7279
610606 Ukrainian Journal of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences 2617-6149
610637 Plumas 2967-7734
583477 Problems of Archaeology, Ethnography, Anthropologie of Siberia and Neighboring Territories 2658-6193 IAET
583493 Cahiers de l'OPPEE Université de Bordeaux
583512 Fantasy Art Studies 2646-5132 Les têtes imaginaires
583528 Journal électronique de recherche sur l’intervention en éducation physique et sportive
583529 Chemins de formations
583570 Revue Else
583614 International Journal of Agriculture Sciences 0975-3710 Bio Info Publication
583617 Journal of Agriculture and Ecology Research International 2394-1073
583678 Friends of Dr Williams's Library Annual Lectures Dr Williams's Trust
583688 The Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Procedural Law Oxford University Press
583697 Decision Analytics Journal 2772-6622
583865 ManarKeni 2249-9164 Manarkeni
583926 PHLOEME 1631-0691
583932 Julius-Kühn Archives
584005 Revista de Geografia - PPGEO - UFJF
584008 Annuaire international de justice constitutionnelle (AIJC) 0995-3817
584032 Revista de Estudios Brasileños 2386-4540
584081 Lexbase Hebdo, la lettre juridique
584087 Le Bulletin AdoniF 2678-0003 Association pour le développement des outils naturalistes et informatiques pour la fonge (AdoniF)
584104 Technology. Technology of Instrument Making: Scientific and Technical Collection Moscow: TsNTI "Poisk
584127 Transylvanian Review of Systematical and Ecological Research 1841-7051 Sciendo
584137 JILA'99 - Actes des Journées Internationales de Linguistique Appliquée Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis
584305 Decision Science Letters 1929-5804
584308 Sustainability in Debate 2179-9067
584322 Le discours hors-norme(s) ou l’atypie du discours 1234-5678 Praxiling
584331 Pesquisa Florestal Brasileira 1983-2605
584360 Forme della scrittura italiano contemporanea in prospettiva contrastiva. La componente testuale Anna- Maria De Cesare, Angela Ferrari, Letizia Lala, Filippo Pecorari
584415 Le Rubicon 0865-6347
584527 Euskera ikerketa aldizkaria 0210-1564
584529 Studia Ecologia et Bioethicae 1733-1218
584623 R Journal 2073-4859
584678 Russian version of European Journal of Psychoanalysis 2306-8922
584680 Revue PIPER
584721 Investigación Teatral 1665-8728 Universidad veracruzana
584850 Deutsches bienen-journal
584886 Language and Law=Linguagem e Direito 2183-3745
584993 Cahiers de l'Institut Pascal EDP Sciences
585079 Revista Tamoios 1676-1995
585905 Competition Law and Policy Debate 2542-3967
585970 Revista Justiça do Direito 1413-7038
586014 Environmental Modelling and Software 1873-6726
586094 Paroles de Lorrains
586118 Population Medicine 2654-1459
586140 Revista Administração em Diálogo - RAD 2178-0080
586321 Journal of Computational and Applied Research in Mechanical Engineering (JCARME) 2228-7922 Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University
586322 Revista Científica de Arquitectura y Urbanismo 1815-5898 Cujae
586358 Cultura neolatina 0391-5654
586360 paralaje
586385 Philologia Antiqua
586534 Bulletin du Groupe de Recherches Historiques et Archéologiques de la Vallée de la Sumène
586543 Itinéraire(s) : lettre de la recherche et de l'international
586546 Viaggiatori : circolazioni scambi ed esilio 2532-7364
586660 bulletin de liaision de l'association française d'archéologie mérovingienne
586662 Front Aging
586726 Journal of European Psychology Students 2222-6931
586776 Auvergne Rhône-Alpes
586785 The Lichen Survey Journal
587363 Current Osteoporosis Reports
587423 Russian Technique and Cybernetica Journal
587441 Place au sens 1627-2315
587515 Association RPDP
587569 Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy
587578 Historical Harp Society Bulletin Janna Urschel
587619 Տնտեսություն և հասարակություն
587625 Finance and Society 2059-5999 N. Coombs
587630 Frontiers in Virology 2673-818X
587661 Equipédia Institut Français du Cheval et de l'Equitation
587790 Journal des Accidents et des Catastrophes
587791 JAC - Journal des Accidents et des Catastrophes
587792 Le droit de la sécurité et de la défense en 2013
587821 LITERA 1304-0057
587928 Górnośląskie Studia Socjologiczne.Seria Nowa. University of Silesia Press
587977 National Science Review 2053-714X
610670 L’abc del saber Edicions Reclams
610707 Revista Internacional de Lenguas Extranjeras / International Journal of Foreign Languages 2014-8100 Publicacions URV
610710 Europa Ethnica 0014-2492 facultas Verlag, Wien
610735 Autour de Vallès. Retours d'exil
610791 Solid Earth Sciences 2451-912X
610802 Computers and artificial intelligence TRANSLIBRIS, Cologne, Germany (1984-1991)
610810 La série télé à l'heure du XIXe siècle
610896 Boletin de historia y antigüedades 0006-6303 Academia colombiana de Historia
610905 Aip Advances
610921 Archives of Microbiology and Immunology 2572-9365
610970 Optics Continuum
611318 Urbanism. Architecture. Constructions 2069-6469 Journal edited by NR&DI URBAN-INCERC
611471 V-APT&M 2022
611477 MetSA, Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, IIT Madras
611624 Egyptian Journal of Nutrition 2090-2514 Egyptian Nutrition Society
611669 JIRSO 1705-2513
611709 Book of Abstracts - 56th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea
611794 Avaliação: Revista da Avaliação da Educação Superior (Campinas) 1414-4077
611910 EMSI 2023
611922 Journal of Psychiatry and Cognitive Behaviour 2574-7762
611948 Le Quotidien Lexbase Lexbase
611954 Gender and Behaviour
611986 Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering 1174-9857
612031 le monde diplomatique (édition portugaise) le monde diplomatique
612047 Journal of Silence Studies in Education 2808-1005 ASCEE
612067 bulletin de la société philomatique vosgienne Société philomatique vosgienne
612529 Newsletter UPL
612550 But ! Saint-Etienne Football Club
612556 TV Réunion 1ère
612593 Pediatric Allergy, Immunology, and Pulmonology 2151-321X
612610 Bezons Info
612658 Audimat Audimat
612709 Biofuel Research Journal 2292-8782
612821 Annales droit [nouvelle série] Université d'Antananarivo MBM (Mariaka Boky Edition)
612830 Energy Proceedings 2004-2965
612845 le monde diplomatique (édition hongroise)
612877 Intervention, Journal for Mental Health and Psychological support Affected Areas
612904 Clio's Psyche
612905 Tiers
612925 Revista Brasileira de História da Matemática 2675-7079 Sociedade Brasileira de História da Matemática
612940 MCLC RESOURCE CENTER Modern Chinese Literature and Culture The Ohio State University
613245 Journal of Ocean and Coastal Economics 2373-8456
613288 ICES Cooperative Research Report 1017-6195
613306 Phycologia 0031-8884
613361 Spanish Journal of Marketing - ESIC 2444-9695
613383 Management of Biological Invasions 1989-8649
613454 Mat.Quant.Tech
613536 Marine Geology 0025-3227
613540 Climate, Disaster and Development Journal 2467-6926
613728 Front. Public Health
613732 Diatom Research 0269-249X
613850 Aquatic Sciences And Engineering 2602-473X
613876 Elementa-science Of The Anthropocene 2325-1026
613930 Open Journal of Biophysics 2164-5388
613952 Revue de l'énergie
613962 International Journal of Distributed Artificial Intelligence 2637-7888
613977 Nature Ecology & Evolution 2397-334X
614033 ICES Iden-tification Leaflets for Diseases and Parasites of Fish and Shellfish 0109-2510
614038 ICES Techniques in Marine Environmental Sciences 0903-2606
614163 Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries 1110-6131
614170 European Journal Of Taxonomy 2118-9773
614213 One Health Outlook 2524-4655
614240 IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1755-1315
614254 Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosaCurrent problems in remote sensing of the Earth from space 2411-0280
614307 Educatio catholica 2663-1091
614318 Warsaw Theological Studies 0209-3782
614397 Bordeaux Economics Working Papers Bordeaux School of Economics (BSE)
614407 HLRP: Health Literacy Research and Practice 2475-6024
614596 Remote Sensing In Ecology And Conservation 2056-3485
614693 E3S Web of Conferences 2267-1242
614768 Mathematics Open 2811-0072 Worldscientific
614776 Ecology And Evolution 2045-7758
576304 Smart Aquaponics System for Oreochromis niloticus Production 2348-0394 Advances in Research
576383 Revue d'histoire du XIXe siècle. Société d'histoire de la révolution de 1848 et des révolutions du XIXe siècle 1265-1354
576388 Presses de Scinces Po
576545 Escritores del mundo. Revista de literatura, critica y ensayo
576562 revue de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme
576573 Étude du wagon intelligent connecté
576581 Revue Recherches en Sciences de Gestion-Management
576591 Classica 1966-7892 Premières Loges
576619 Bulletin des Amis de Maurice Emmanuel 1773-9519
576626 Cahiers Maurice Ravel Séguier
576647 Gene expression patterns: GEP
576680 Bulletin Association Internationale des Harpistes et Amis de la Harpe (Section française) 0295-2610 Association Internationale des Harpistes et Amis de la Harpe (Section française)