Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
1654 Latin American Essays 1525-125X Mid Atlantic Council of Latin American Studies
1655 Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures 1679-7817 Argentinean Association of Computational Mechanics, Brazilian Association of Computational Mechanics, Mexican Association of Numerical Methods in Engineering and Applied Sciences
1656 Law and Contemporary Problems : a Quarterly Published by the Duke University, School of Law 0023-9186 Duke University School of Law
1657 Law, Environment and Development Journal 1746-5893 School of Oriental and African Studies
1658 Law, Social Justice and Global Development 1467-0437 University of Warwick
1659 Lámpara de Diógenes : Revista Semestral de Filosofía 1870-4662 Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
1660 Lean Construction Journal 1555-1369 Lean Construction Institute
1661 Lectio Difficilior 1661-3317 Universität Bern
1662 Leeds International Classical Studies 1477-3643 University of Leeds
1663 Leonardo Electronic Journal of Practices and Technologies 1583-1078 AcademicDirect
1664 Leonardo Journal of Sciences 1583-0233 AcademicDirect
1665 Leprosy Review 0305-7518 LEPRA (The British Leprosy Relief Association)
1666 Letras Hispanas 1548-5633 Texas State University
1667 Lexicometrica 1773-0570 André Salem, Serge Fleury
1668 Lianes 1776-3150 Lianes Association
1669 Liber Annuus 0081-8933 Franciscan Printing Press, Jerusalem
1670 Library Philosophy and Practice 1522-0222 University of Nebraska, Lincoln libraries
1671 Libreas : Library Ideas 1860-7950 Institut für Bibliothekswissenschaft Berlin
1672 Libres: Library and Information Science Research Electronic Journal 1058-6768 Curtin University of Technology
1673 Libyan Journal of Medicine 1819-6357 Co-Action Publishing
1674 Lingua Romana : a Journal of French, Italian and Romanian Culture 1551-4730 Brigham Young University
1675 Linguae & 1724-8698 LED Edizioni Universitarie
1676 Linguagem e Ensino 1415-1928 Catholic University of Pelotas
1677 Linguagem em (Dis)curso 1518-7632 Unisul - Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina
1678 Linguistic Discovery 1537-0852 Dartmouth College Library
1679 Lingüística en la Red 1697-0780 Universidad de Alcala
1680 Linguistica Occitana 1773-0538 Association Linguistica Occitana
1681 Linguistics Journal 1718-2301 Linguistics Journal
1682 Linguistik Online 1615-3014 Bern Open Publishing
1683 Lipids in Health and Disease 1476-511X BioMed Central
1684 Literatura y Lingüística 0716-5811 Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez
1685 Livestock Research for Rural Development 0121-3784 Centro para la Investigación en Sistemas Sostenibles de Producción Agropecuaria
1686 Living Reviews in European Governance 1813-856X ECSA Austria
1687 Living Reviews in Relativity 1433-8351 Living Reviews
1688 Living Reviews in Solar Physics 1614-4961 Living Reviews
1689 LLJournal 1930-1693 City University of New York
1690 LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics 1461-1570 London Mathematical Society
1691 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics d000-0051 Kazanskii Gosudarstvennyi Universitet
1692 Logical Methods in Computer Science Logical Methods in Computer Science Association
1693 Logistics Journal : Nicht-referierte Veröffentlichungen 1860-5923 WGTL Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft fuer technische Logistik
1694 Logistics Journal : Referierte Veröffentlichungen 1860-7977 WGTL Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft fuer technische Logistik
1696 Lua Nova : Revista de Cultura e Política 0102-6445 Centro de Estudos de Cultura Contemporânea, CEDEC
1697 M E R I A Journal d000-0045 Global Research in International Affairs
1698 MRS Internet Journal of Nitride Semiconductor Research 1092-5783 Cambridge University Press (CUP)
1699 M/C Journal 1441-2616 M/C - Media and Culture
1701 M@ppemonde 0764-3470 Maison de la géographie
1702 MADERAS: Ciencia y Tecnología 0717-3644 Universidad del Bío-Bío
1703 Magallania 0718-0209 Universidad de Magallanes
1704 Malaria Journal 1475-2875 BioMed Central
1705 Malta Medical Journal 1813-3339 University of Malta
1706 Mana 0104-9313 Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
1707 Managing Global Transitions 1581-6311 University of Primorska
1810 Neurosurgical Focus 1092-0684 American Association of Neurological Surgeons
1811 New Balkan Politics 1409-8709 Institute for Sociological and Political Research, Skopje
1812 New Disease Reports 2044-0588 British Society for Plant Pathology
1813 New England Law Review 0028-4823 New England School of Law
1814 New Horizons in Adult Education 1062-3183 Nova Southeastern University
1816 New Perspectives on Political Economy 1801-0938 CEVRO Institut
1817 New South Wales Public Health Bulletin 1034-7674 CSIRO Publishing
1818 New York Journal of Mathematics 1076-9803 Electronic Journals Project
1819 New York State dental journal 0028-7571 New York State Dental Journal
1820 New Zealand Journal of Physiotherapy 0303-7193 New Zealand Society of Physiotherapists Inc
1821 Nexus Network Journal 1590-5896 Springer Verlag
1822 Nigerian Journal of Surgical Research 1595-1103 Surgical Sciences Research Society, Zaria
1823 Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide 1543-1002 Association of Historians of Nineteenth-Century Art
1825 Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 1023-5809 European Geosciences Union (EGU)
1826 The Nonprofit Review 1346-4116 Japan NPO Research Association (JANPORA)
1827 Nordic Journal of Building Physics: acta physica aedificiorum 1402-5728 Kungl Tekniska Högskolan, Institutionen för Byggvetenskap
1828 Nordic Notes 1327-905X Flinders University Adelaide
1829 Nordic Road and Transport Research 1101-5179 Statens Väg- och Transportforskningsinstitut
1830 Nordicom Review 1403-1108 Nordic Information Centre for Media and Communication Research (Nordicom)
1831 Nordicum-Mediterraneum 1670-6242 University of Akureyri
1832 Nordlit 1503-2086 Septentrio Academic Publishing: Nordlit
1833 Nordlyd 0332-7531 Septentrio Academic Publishing
1834 North American Journal of Welsh Studies 1554-8112 North American Association for the Study of Welsh Culture and History
1835 North Carolina Libraries 0029-2540 North Carolina Library Association
1836 North Carolina Medical Journal 0029-2559 North Carolina Institute of Medicine
1837 The North Star : A Journal of African American Religious History d000-0979 North Star (Poughkeepsie)
1838 North-Western Journal of Zoology 1584-9074 Univeristy of Oradea Publishing House
1839 Northwestern Journal of Technology and Intellectual Property 1549-8271 Northwestern University School of Law
1840 Northwestern University Journal of International Human Rights 1549-828X Northwestern University School of Law
1841 Norwegian Journal of Geology 0029-196X Norwegian Geological Society (Norsk Geologisk Forening, NGF)
1842 Notices of the American Mathematical Society 0002-9920 American Mathematical Society
1843 Nouvelles 1712-8242
1844 Nova Economia 0103-6351 Federal University of Minas Gerais
1845 Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie : Teorija i Istorija Literatury, Kritika i Bibliografija 0869-6365 Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie
1846 Novos Estudos Cebrap 0101-3300 Centro Brasileiro de Análise e Planejamento
1847 Nuclear Receptor 1478-1336 Biomed Central Ltd
1848 Nuclear Receptor Signaling 1550-7629 Nuclear Receptor Signaling Atlas
1849 Nuclear Technology and Radiation Protection 1451-3994 VINA Institute of Nuclear Sciences
1853 Nutrición Hospitalaria 0212-1611 Sociedad Española de Nutrición Parenteral y Enteral
1854 Nutrition and Metabolism 1743-7075 BioMed Central
1855 Nutrition Bytes 1548-4327 University of California
1856 Nutrition Journal 1475-2891 BioMed Central
1857 Nutrition Noteworthy 1556-1895 University of California
1858 NZ Journal of Teachers' Work 1176-6662 Massey University
1859 Observatorio Social de América Latina - OSAL 1515-3282 CLACSO - Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales
1860 Ocean Science 1812-0784 European Geosciences Union
1861 Ocean Science Discussions 1812-0806 European Geosciences Union
1862 Oceanologia 0078-3234 Polish Academy of Sciences
1863 Oceanus 0029-8182 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
1864 Ohio History 0030-0934 Ohio Historical Society
1866 Oil and Gas Business d000-0086 Ufa State Petroleum Technological University
1867 Omj 1443-5144 Australian Museums and Galleries Online
1868 Oncología (Barcelona) 0378-4835 Alpe Editores, S.A
1869 Oncologist 1083-7159 Oxford University Press
1870 Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing 1676-4285 Fluminense Federal University
1871 Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration 1556-3847 Springer-Verlag
1872 Online Journal of Health and Allied Sciences 0972-5997 Online Journal of Health and Allied Sciences
1873 Online Journal of Health Ethics 1551-4218 University of Mississippi Medical Center
1874 Online Journal of Issues in Nursing 1091-3734 Kent State University School of Nursing
1875 Online Journal of Nursing Informatics 1089-9758 OJNI Corp
1876 The Online Journal of Peace and Conflict Resolution 1522-211X Tabula Rasa Institute
1877 Online Journal of Rural Nursing and Health Care 1539-3399 Binghamton University
1878 Online Journal of Space Communication 1542-0639 Ohio University
1879 Opción 1012-1587 Universidad del Zulia
1880 Open Government : A Journal on Freedom of Information 1745-8293 Liverpool John Moores University
1881 Opinião Pública 0104-6276 Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação
1883 Oral Tradition 0883-5365 Center for Studies in Oral Tradition
1884 Ornitología Colombiana 1794-0915 Asociación Colombiana de Ornitología
1886 Osaka Journal of Mathematics 0030-6126 Osaka University
1887 Osteopathic Medicine and Primary Care 1750-4732 BioMed Central
1888 Other Voices : The e-Journal of Cultural Criticism 1094-2254 University of Pennsylvania
1889 Outskirts: Feminisms along the Edge 1445-0445 University of Western Australia
1890 Paediatrica 1728-239X Cimagraph
1891 Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 1028-8880 Asian Network for Scientific Information (ANSINET)
1892 Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences Online 1682-024X Professional Medical Publications
1893 Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 1680-5194 Asian Network for Scientific Information (ANSINET)
1894 Palabra Clave 0122-8285 Universidad de La Sabana
1895 Palaeontologia Electronica 1094-8074 Coquina Press
1896 Pan-American Journal of Aquatic Sciences 1809-9009 Pan-American Journal of Aquatic Sciences
1897 Panorama Socioeconómico 0716-1921 Universidad de Talca
1898 The Pantaneto Forum 1741-1572 Pantaneto Press
1899 Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 0031-1049 Universidade de São Paulo, Museu de Zoologia
1900 Papeles de Población 1405-7425 Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
1901 Papeles de Trabajo sobre Cultura, Educación y Desarrollo Humano 1699-437X Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
1902 Papeles del CEIC 1695-6494 Centro de Estudios Sobre la Identidad Colectiva
1903 Papeles del Este : Transiciones Poscomunistas 1576-6500 Universidad Complutense de Madrid
1904 Papeles del psicólogo 0214-7823 Spanish Psychological Association (Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos)
1905 Papers Lextra 1885-2785 Institut Joan Lluís Vives
1906 Papers of Surrealism 1750-1954 AHRC Research Centre for Studies of Surrealism and its Legacies
1907 Papers on Social Representations 1021-5573 London School of Economics and Political Science
1908 Parasitología al día 0716-0720 Sociedad Chilena de Parasitología. Federación Latinoamericana de Parasitología
1909 Parasitología latinoamericana 0717-7704 Sociedad Chilena de Parasitología
1910 Park Science 0735-9462 National Park Service
1911 Particle and Fibre Toxicology 1743-8977 BioMed Central
1912 PASOS : Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural 1695-7121 PASOS
1202 The Internet Journal of Alternative Medicine 1540-2584 Internet Scientific Publications, LLC
1203 The Internet Journal of Anesthesiology 1092-406X Internet Scientific Publications, LLC
1204 The Internet Journal of Asthma, Allergy and Immunology 1532-0642 Internet Scientific Publications, LLC
1205 The Internet Journal of Cardiology 1528-834X Internet Scientific Publications, LLC
1206 The Internet Journal of Cardiovascular Research 1540-2592 Internet Scientific Publications, LLC
1207 The Internet Journal of Dental Science d000-0993 Internet Scientific Publications, LLC
1208 The Internet Journal of Dermatology 1531-3018 Internet Scientific Publications, LLC
1209 The Internet Journal of Emergency and Intensive Care Medicine 1092-4051 Internet Scientific Publications, LLC
1210 The Internet Journal of Emergency Medicine d000-0994 Internet Scientific Publications, LLC
1211 The Internet Journal of Endocrinology 1540-2606 Internet Scientific Publications, LLC
1212 The Internet Journal of Epidemiology 1540-2614 Internet Scientific Publications, LLC
1213 The Internet Journal of Family Practice 1528-8358 Internet Scientific Publications, LLC
1214 The Internet Journal of Forensic Science 1540-2622 Internet Scientific Publications, LLC
1215 The Internet Journal of Gastroenterology 1528-8323 Internet Scientific Publications, LLC
1216 The Internet Journal of Genomics and Proteomics 1540-2630 Internet Scientific Publications, LLC
1217 The Internet Journal of Geriatrics and Gerontology d000-0995 Internet Scientific Publications, LLC
1218 The Internet Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 1528-8439 Internet Scientific Publications, LLC
1219 The Internet Journal of Health 1528-8315 Internet Scientific Publications, LLC
1220 The Internet Journal of Healthcare Administration 1531-2933 Internet Scientific Publications, LLC
1221 The Internet Journal of Hematology 1540-2649 Internet Scientific Publications, LLC
1222 The Internet Journal of Infectious Diseases 1528-8366 Internet Scientific Publications, LLC
1223 The Internet Journal of Internal Medicine 1528-8382 Internet Scientific Publications, LLC
1224 The Internet Journal of Law, Healthcare and Ethics 1528-8250 Internet Scientific Publications, LLC
1225 The Internet Journal of Medical Informatics d000-0997 Internet Scientific Publications, LLC
1226 The Internet Journal of Medical Technology 1559-4610 Internet Scientific Publications, LLC
1227 The Internet journal of mental health 1531-2941 Internet Scientific Publications, LLC
1228 The Internet Journal of Microbiology d000-0999 Internet Scientific Publications, LLC
1229 The Internet Journal of Nanotechnology d000-1000 Internet Scientific Publications, LLC
1230 The Internet journal of nephrology 1540-2665 Internet Scientific Publications, LLC
1231 The Internet Journal of Neurology 1531-295X Internet Scientific Publications, LLC
1232 The Internet Journal of Neuromonitoring 1531-300X Internet Scientific Publications, LLC
1233 The Internet Journal of Neurosurgery 1528-8285 Internet Scientific Publications, LLC
1234 The Internet Journal of Nuclear Medicine 1539-4638 Internet Scientific Publications, LLC
1235 The Internet Journal of Oncology 1528-8331 Internet Scientific Publications, LLC
1236 The Internet Journal of Ophthalmology and Visual Science 1528-8269 Internet Scientific Publications, LLC
1237 The Internet Journal of Orthopedic Surgery 1531-2968 Internet Scientific Publications, LLC
1238 The Internet Journal of Otorhinolaryngology 1528-8420 Internet Scientific Publications, LLC
1239 The Internet Journal of Pain, Symptom Control and Palliative Care 1528-8277 Internet Scientific Publications, LLC
1240 The Internet Journal of Pathology 1528-8307 Internet Scientific Publications, LLC
1241 The Internet Journal of Pediatrics and Neonatology 1528-8374 Internet Scientific Publications, LLC
1242 The Internet Journal of Perfusionists 1531-3026 Internet Scientific Publications, LLC
1243 The Internet Journal of Pharmacology 1531-2976 Internet Scientific Publications, LLC
1244 The Internet Journal of Plastic Surgery 1528-8293 Internet Scientific Publications, LLC
1245 The Internet Journal of Pulmonary Medicine 1531-2984 Internet Scientific Publications, LLC
1246 The Internet Journal of Radiology 1528-8404 Internet Scientific Publications, LLC
1247 The Internet Journal of Rescue and Disaster Medicine 1531-2992 Internet Scientific Publications, LLC
1248 The Internet Journal of Rheumatology 1528-8412 Internet Scientific Publications, LLC
1249 The Internet Journal of Spine Surgery d000-1002 Internet Scientific Publications, LLC
1250 The Internet Journal of Surgery 1528-8242 Internet Scientific Publications, LLC
1251 The Internet Journal of Third World Medicine 1539-4646 Internet Scientific Publications, LLC
1252 The Internet Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 1524-0274 Internet Scientific Publications, LLC
1253 The Internet Journal of Toxicology 1559-3916 Internet Scientific Publications, LLC
1254 The Internet Journal of Tropical Medicine 1540-2681 Internet Scientific Publications, LLC