Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
6727 Laser Focus 0740-2511 PennWell Pub. Co
6728 Laser Focus World 1043-8092 Laser Focus
6729 The Laserdisk Professional 0896-4149 Pemberton Press
6730 Lasie 0047-3774 State Library of New South Wales
6731 Latin American Art 1042-9808 Latin American Art
6732 Latin American Literary Review 0047-4134 Latin American Literary Review
6733 Latin American Perspectives 0094-582X SAGE Publications
6734 Latin American Politics and Society 1531-426X Wiley
6735 Latin American research review 0023-8791 University of New Mexico
6736 LatinFinance 1048-535X Euromoney Publications
6737 Law and Inequality 0737-089X University of Minnesota
6738 Law & Sexuality 1062-0680 Law & Sexuality
6739 Law and Social Inquiry 0897-6546 Wiley
6740 Law and Society Review 0023-9216 Wiley
6741 Law & the Social Order 0023-9224
6742 Law and History Review 0738-2480 Cambridge University Press (CUP)
6743 Law and Human Behavior 0147-7307 American Psychological Association
6744 Law and Literature 1535-685X University of California Press
6745 Law and Philosophy 0167-5249 Springer Verlag
6746 Law and Policy in International Business 0023-9208 Georgetown University Law Center
6747 Law and Psychology Review 0098-5961 University of Alabama
6748 Law Computers & Artificial Intelligence 0962-9580 Carfax Publishing Co
6749 Law in context (Bundoora, Vic.) 0811-5796 La Trobe University Press
6750 Law in Transition 0734-158X National Lawyers Guild
6751 Law Institute journal 0023-9267 Law Institute of Victoria
6752 Law Librarian 0023-9275 Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
6753 Law Library Journal 0023-9283 American Association of Law Libraries
6754 Law of the Sea Institute Proceedings 0557-8620 University of Hawaii, Manoa, Wm. S. Richardson School of Law
6755 Law Office Economics & Management 0458-8630 West Group
6756 Law Quarterly Review 0023-933X Sweet and Maxwell
6757 Law Society's Gazette 0023-9380 Law Society (Great Britain)
6758 Law, medicine & health care : a publication of the American Society of Law & Medicine 0277-8459 American Society of Law & Medicine
6759 Law, Probability and Risk 1470-8396 Oxford University Press (OUP)
6760 Lawyer of the Americas 0023-9445 University of Miami School of Law
6761 Lawyers Guild Review 0734-1598 National Lawyers Guild
6762 Irish Library 0023-9542 Library Association of Ireland and Library Association
6764 Leads 0458-8983 American Library Association
6765 Lear's 0897-0149 Lear's
6766 Learning and Behavior 1543-4494 Springer Verlag
6767 Learning (Belmont, Calif.) 0090-3167 Learning
6768 Learning and Individual Differences 1041-6080 Elsevier
6769 Learning and Leading with Technology 1082-5754 The International Society for Technology in
6771 The Learning Assistance Review 1087-0059 General College, University of Minnesota
6772 Learning Disability Quarterly 0731-9487 SAGE Publications
6773 Learning Today 0091-7281 Library College Associates, Inc
6774 Legacy 0748-4321 University of Nebraska Press
6775 Legal Affairs 1538-8123 Legal Affairs Inc
6776 Legal Aid Brief Case 0024-0338 National Legal Aid and Defender Association
6777 Legal Education Review 1033-2839 Legal Education Review
6779 Legal Intelligencer 0277-495X King & Baird
6780 Legal Reference Services Quarterly 0270-319X Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
6781 Legal Studies 0261-3875 Wiley
6782 Legal Studies Forum 0894-5993 American Legal Studies Association
6783 Legal Theory 1352-3252 Cambridge University Press (CUP)
6784 Legion d'Honneur 1081-6828 New York, NY : The Society
6785 Leiden Journal of International Law 0922-1565 Cambridge University Press (CUP)
6786 Leonardo 0024-094X Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press (MIT Press)
6787 Leonardo Music Journal 0961-1215 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press (MIT Press)
6788 Letter Arts Review 1076-7339 Letter Arts Review Inc
6789 Letter to Libraries 0747-5608 Oregon State Library
6790 Leukos 1550-2716 Illuminating Engineering Society of North America
6791 Leveltari kozlemenyek 0024-1512 Budapest : Akademiai Kiado
6792 Lewis & Clark Law Review 1557-6582 Lewis & Clark Law School
6793 Lex et scientia 0024-1601 Westminster Publications
6794 Liberal Education -Washington DC 0024-1822 Association of American Colleges and Universities
6795 Libraries and Culture 0894-8631 University of Texas Press
6796 Library 0024-2160 Oxford University Press (OUP)
6797 Library and Archival Security 0196-0075 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
6798 Library and Information Science Research 0740-8188 Elsevier
6799 Library Information Update 1476-7171 Chartered Institute of Library & Information Professionals
6800 Library Acquisitions 0364-6408 Elsevier
6801 Library Administration and Management 0888-4463 American Library Association
6802 Library and Information Science 0373-4447 Mita Society for Library and Information Science
6803 Library Association of Alberta Bulletin 0002-483X Library Association of Alberta
6804 Library Association Record 0024-2195 World Wide Subscription Service Ltd
6805 The Library Binder 0024-2209 Boston, Library Binding Institute
6806 Library chronicle 0024-2233 Philadelphia : Friends of the Library, University of Pennsylvania
6807 The Library chronicle of the University of Texas at Austin 0024-2241
6808 Library Collections, Acquisitions, and Technical Services 1464-9055 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
6809 Library Computer Systems and Equipment Review 0895-531X Mecklermedia Corp
6810 Library Computing 1527-1161 Sage Publications, Inc
6811 Library Education Experimental Project 0586-3376 Syracuse, N.Y. : Syracuse University, School of Library Science
6812 Library Herald 0024-2292 Delhi Library Association
6813 Library Hi Tech 0737-8831 Emerald
6814 Library History 0024-2306 Maney Publishing
6815 Library Journal (1876) 0000-0027
6816 Library journal 0363-0277 Library Journal
6817 Library Management 0143-5124 Emerald
6818 Library Media Connection 1542-4715 Linworth Publishing Inc
6819 Library Mosaics 1054-9676 Yenor Inc
6820 Library News Bulletin 0024-2403 The Library
6821 Library Notes 0024-2438 Duke University Library
6822 Library Notes (Alabama Public Library Service) 0401-1295 Montgomery, Alabama Public Library Service
6823 Library Notes (University of Michigan) 0539-8436 Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Library Staff Association
6824 Library Occurrent 0024-2454 Indiana State Library
6825 Library of Congress Information Bulletin 0041-7904 Public Affairs Office of the Library of Congress
6826 Library of Congress. Quarterly Journal of Current Acquisitions 0090-0095 Library of Congress
6827 Library Personnel News 0891-2742 American Library Association
6828 Library Quarterly 0024-2519 University of Chicago Press
6829 Library Research 0164-0763 Norwood, N.J., Ablex
6830 Library Research in Progress 0455-9282 Washington, D.C. : U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education, Library Services Branch
6831 Library Resources and Technical Services 0024-2527 American Library Association
6832 Library Review 0024-2535 Emerald
6833 The Library Scene 0090-8746 Library Binding Institute
6834 Library science with a slant to documentation 0024-2543 Sarada Ranganathan Endowment for Library Science
6835 Library Security Newsletter 0094-0216 Haworth Press
6836 Library Service News 0024-2551 School of Library Service, Columbia University
6837 Library Software Review 0742-5759 Sage Publications, Inc
6838 Library Talk 1043-237X Linworth Publishing, Inc
6839 Library Technology Reports 0024-2586 American Library Association
6840 Library Trends 0024-2594 Johns Hopkins University Press
6841 The Library Trustee 1042-9654 Vermont Library Trustees Association
6842 Library World (London, England: 1907) 0024-2616
6843 Library-College Journal 0024-225X Library-College Associates
6844 Libri 0024-2667 De Gruyter
6845 Life (Chicago, Ill. : 1978) 0024-3019 Time Inc
6846 Life Sciences 0024-3205 Elsevier
6847 Lifelong Learning 0740-0578 American Association for Adult and Continuing Education
6848 Lifelong learning, the adult years / Adult Education Association of the United States of America 0148-2165 Adult Education Association of the United States of America
6849 Light Metal Age -Chicago 0024-3345 Fellom Publications
6850 Lighting & Electrical Design 0360-9758 W.R.C. Smith Pub. Co
6851 Lighting Design & Application 0360-6325 Illuminating Engineering Society
6852 Lighting Dimensions 0191-541X Prism Business Media
6853 Limnology and Oceanography 0024-3590 Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography
6854 Lincoln law review (San Francisco, Calif.) 0024-368X Lincoln Law School
6855 Lingua Franca 1051-3310 Lingua Franca, Inc
6856 Linguistics 0024-3949 De Gruyter
6857 Link Up -Minneapolis then Medford 0739-988X Information Today, Inc
6858 Literary and Linguistic Computing 0268-1145 Oxford University Press (OUP)
6859 Literary Review -Madison 0024-4589 5276.655
6861 Literature and Psychology 0024-4759 Rhode Island College
6862 Literature and Theology 0269-1205 Oxford University Press (OUP)
6863 LIT: Literature Interpretation Theory 1043-6928 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
6864 Literature Film Quarterly 0090-4260 Salisbury State College
1088 Information Bulletin on Variable Stars 1587-2440 Konkoly Observatory
1089 Information Research 1368-1613 Information Research
1090 International Journal of Information Sciences for Decision Making 1265-499X University of South Toulon - Var
1091 Information Technology and Disabilities 1073-5127 E A S I: Equal Access to Software and Information
1092 Information Technology Journal 1812-5638 Asian Network for Scientific Information
1093 Information Technology Learning and Performance Journal 1535-1556 Office Systems Research Association
1094 Revue I3 - Information Interaction Intelligence 1630-649X Cépaduès
1095 Informing Science 1547-9684 Informing Science Institute
1096 Ingeniare : Revista Chilena de Ingeniería 0718-3291 Universidad de Tarapacá
1097 Revista de Ingeniería Mecánica 1029-516X Instituto superior politécnico José Antonio Echeverría / CUJAE
1098 Ingenieria y Universidad 0123-2126 Pontifica Universidad Javeriana, Faculty of Science
1099 Ingenierías 1405-0676 Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
1100 Innovate (North Miami Beach, Fla.) 1552-3233 Nova Southeastern University
1101 Innovation Journalism 1549-9049 Innovation journalism
1102 Inquiries in Sport and Physical Education 1790-3041 Hellenic Academy of Physical Education
1103 Intangible Capital 1697-9818 OmniaScience
1104 Integers : Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory 1553-1732 State University of West Georgia, Charles University, and DIMATIA
1105 Inteligencia Artificial. Ibero-American Journal of Artificial Intelligence 1137-3601 Spanish Association for Intelligence Artificial (AEPIA)
1106 Intellector 1807-1260 Cenegri
1107 Interação (Curitiba) 1516-1854 Universidade Federal do Parana
1108 Interacções 1646-2335 Instituto Politécnico de Santarém, Escola Superior de Educação
1109 InterActions : UCLA Journal of Education and Information Studies 1548-3320 UCLA Graduate School of Education & Information Studies
1110 Interactive Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery 1569-9293 Oxford University Press (OUP)
1111 Interactive Multimedia Electronic Journal of Computer - Enhanced Learning 1525-9102 Wake Forest University
1112 Interciencia 0378-1844 Interciencia Association
1113 INTERCOM 0102-6453 INTERCOM - Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos Interdisciplinares da Comunicação
1114 Interdisciplinaria 0325-8203 Centro Interamericano de Investigaciones Psicológicas y Ciencias Afines
1115 Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems 1334-4684 Croatian Interdisciplinary Society
1116 Interdisciplinary Information Sciences 1340-9050 Editorial Committee of the Interdisciplinary Information Sciences
1117 Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management 1555-1229 Informing Science Institute
1118 Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Learning and Learning Objects 1552-2210 Informing Science Institute
1119 Interface : Comunicação, Saúde, Educação 1414-3283 Fundação UNI
1120 InterJournal 1081-0625 New England Complex Systems Institute
1121 Internal Medicine 0918-2918 Japanese Society of Internal Medicine
1122 International Brazilian Journal of Urology 1677-5538 Sociedade Brasileira de Urologia
1123 International Breastfeeding Journal 1746-4358 BioMed Central
1124 International Education Journal 1443-1475 Shannon Research Press
1125 International Electronic Journal for Leadership in Learning 1206-9620 University of Calgary Press
1126 International Electronic Journal of Health Education 1529-1944 American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance
1127 International Family Planning Perspectives 0190-3187 Guttmacher Institute
1128 International Heart Journal 1349-2365 International Heart Journal Association
1129 International Journal for Educational Integrity 1833-2595 University of South Australia
1130 International Journal for Equity in Health 1475-9276 BioMed Central
1131 International Journal for Mathematics Teaching and Learning 1473-0111 Centre for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching
1132 International Journal of Ageing and Later Life 1652-8670 Linköping University Electronic Press
1133 International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 1641-876X University of Zielona Góra
1134 International Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies 1823-6243 USM Press
1135 International Journal of Baltic Law 1648-9349 Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania)
1136 The International Journal of Baudrillard Studies 1705-6411 Bishop's University
1137 International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 1479-5868 BioMed Central
1138 International Journal of Biological Sciences 1449-2288 Ivyspring International Publisher
1139 International Journal of Biomedical Imaging 1687-4188 Hindawi Publishing Corporation
1140 International Journal of Biomedical Sciences 1306-1216 World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
1141 International Journal of Botany 1811-9700 Asian Network for Scientific Information
1142 International Journal of Cancer Research 1811-9727 Academic Journals, New York
1143 International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology 1697-2600 Asociación Española de Psicología Conductual (AEPC)
1144 International Journal of Communications Law and Policy 1439-6262 Oxford University, Centre for Socio-Legal Studies
1145 International Journal of Community Music 1550-7327 New York University, Department of Music & Performing Arts
1146 International Journal of Computational Intelligence 1304-4508 World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
1147 International Journal of Computer Science 1306-4428 World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
1148 International Journal of Computer Science and Applications 0972-9038 Technomathematics Research Foundation
1149 International Journal of Computers, Communications and Control 1841-9836 Agora University of Oradea
1150 International Journal of Construction Education and Research 1550-3984 Taylor & Francis (Routledge): SSH Titles - no Open Select
1151 International Journal of Criminal Justice Sciences 0973-5089 South Asian Society of Criminology and Victimology
1152 International Journal of Design Computing 1329-7147 Key Centre of Design Computing, Faculty of Architecture, University of Sydney