Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
9329 Women & Literature 0147-1759 Transaction Periodicals Consortium
9330 Women and Politics -New York- Haworth Press 0195-7732 Haworth Press, Inc., The
9332 Women and Language 8755-4550 George Mason University, Communication Dept
9333 Women Artists News 0149-7081 Women Artists News
9334 Women in Business 0043-7441 American Business Women's Association
9335 Women lawyers' journal 0043-7468 Women Lawyers' Club
9336 Women Sports 0095-0661
9337 Women's Art Magazine 0951-0230 Women's Art Library
9338 Women's Basketball 1524-9204 Madavor Media, LLC
9339 Women's History Review 0961-2025 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
9340 Women's Review of Books 0738-1433 Old City Publishing
9341 Womens Rights Law Reporter 0085-8269 Women's Rights Law Reporter
9342 Women's Sports 0163-7428 Women's Sports
9343 Womens Sports and Fitness 8750-653X Women's Sports & Fitness Inc
9344 Women's Sports & Fitness (New York, N.Y.: 1998) 1099-6079 Conde Nast
9345 Women's Studies 0049-7878 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
9346 Women's Studies in Communication 0749-1409 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
9347 Women's Studies International Forum 0277-5395 Elsevier
9348 Women's studies quarterly 0732-1562 Feminist Press
9349 Women's Writing 0969-9082 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
9350 Wood & Wood Products 0043-7662 Vance Publishing Corp
9351 Wood Technology 1067-1064 Wood Technology
9352 Worcester Art Museum Journal 0193-9564 Worcester Art Museum
9353 Word and Image 0266-6286 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
9354 Work and Occupations 0730-8884 SAGE Publications
9355 Workbench 0043-8057 August Home Publishers
9356 Workforce -Costa Mesa 1092-8332 Crain Communications, Inc
9357 Workforce Management 1547-5565 Crain Communications
9358 Working Mother 0278-193X Working Mother
9359 WorkingUSA 1089-7011 Wiley
9360 Working Woman -New York 0145-5761 Working Woman
9361 World Affairs -Washington 0043-8200 Heldref Publications
9362 World Archaeology 0043-8243 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
9363 World Architecture -London- Grosvenor Press International Limited 0956-9758 Tower Publishing
9364 World Bank Research Observer 0257-3032 Oxford University Press (OUP)
9365 World Bank Research Observer 1564-6971 Oxford University Press (OUP): Policy J - Oxford Open Option E
9366 World Broadcast Engineering 1529-5052 Primedia
9367 World Broadcast News 1050-012X Intertec
9368 World Competition 1011-4548 Kluwer Law International
9369 World Crops 0043-8391 World Crops Publications, Ltd
9370 World Development 0305-750X Elsevier
9371 The World Economy 0378-5920 Wiley
9372 World Futures 0260-4027 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
9373 World Health 0043-8502 World Health Organization
9374 World Libraries 1092-7441 Dominican University, Graduate School of Library and Information Science
9375 World Link 1016-359X Euromoney Publications
9376 World literature today 0196-3570 University of Oklahoma, World Literature Today
9377 World Marxist Review 0043-8642 Imported Publications
9378 World Mining 0043-8707 World Mining, Circulation Department
9379 World Mining Equipment 0746-729X Metal Bulletin plc
9380 World Monitor 0897-9472 World Monitor
9381 World of Interiors 0264-083X Quadrant Subscriptions Services
9382 World of Tribal Arts 1354-2990 Tribarts Inc
9383 World oil 0043-8790 Euromoney Publications
9384 World Outlook (New York, N.Y.: 1915) 0190-4345
9385 World Policy Journal 0740-2775 SAGE Publications
9386 World Politics 0043-8871 Cambridge University Press (CUP)
9387 World Press Review 0195-8895 Stanley Foundation
9388 World Studies in Education 1441-340X James Nicholas Publishers
9389 World Tennis 0043-910X World Tennis Magazine, Subscription Dept
9390 World Today -London- Oxford University Press then the Royal Institute of International Affairs 0043-9134 C&C Mailers International Inc
9391 World Tomorrow 0364-8583
9392 World Trade Law Journal 1057-1132 Commerce Clearing House
9393 World Wastes 1064-8429 Intertec
9394 World Watch 0896-0615 Worldwatch Institute
9395 The Writer 0043-9517 Writer, Inc
9396 Writers Digest 0043-9525
9397 Writing Instructor 0277-7789 Writing Instructor
9398 Written Communication 0741-0883 SAGE Publications
9399 Wyoming Library Roundup 0043-9738 Wyoming Library Association
9400 Yachting 0043-9940
9401 Yale French Studies 0044-0078 JSTOR
9402 Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine 0044-0086 Yale University
9403 Yale Journal of Criticism 0893-5378 Johns Hopkins University Press
9404 Yale Journal of International Law 0889-7743 Yale Law School
9405 Yale Journal of Law and the Humanities 1041-6374 Yale Law School
9406 Yale Journal of Law and Feminism 1043-9366 Yale Law School
9407 Yale Journal of World Public Order 0734-0494 Yale Law School
9408 Yale Journal on Regulation 0741-9457 Yale Law School
9409 Yale Law and Policy Review 0740-8048 Yale Law School
9410 Yale Law Journal 0044-0094 Yale Law School
9411 The Yale Lit 0148-4532
10525 Annual Reports Section C: Physical Chemistry 0260-1826 Royal Society of Chemistry
10526 Annual Review in Automatic Programming 0066-4138 Elsevier
10527 Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 0267-1905 Cambridge University Press (CUP)
10528 Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering 1523-9829 Annual Reviews
10529 Annual review of biophysics and bioengineering 0084-6589 Annual Reviews
10530 Annual Review of Biophysics and Biomolecular Structure 1056-8700 Annual Reviews
10531 Annual Review of Clinical Psychology 1548-5943 Annual Reviews
10532 Annual Review of Computer Science 8756-7016 Annual Reviews
10533 Annual Review of Energy 0362-1626 Annual Reviews
10534 Annual Review of Energy and the Environment 1056-3466 Annual Reviews
10535 Annual Review of Environment and Resources 1543-5938 Annual Reviews
10536 Annual review of fish diseases 0959-8030 Elsevier
10538 Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics 1527-8204 Annual Reviews
10539 Annual Review of Information Science and Technology 0066-4200 Association for Information Science and Technology
7789 Photogrammetric engineering and remote sensing 0099-1112 Asprs American Society for Photogrammetry and
7790 Photographic Journal -London- Royal Photographic Society 0031-8736 C and C Mailers Intl., Inc
7791 Photographic Science and Engineering 0031-8760 Washington, Society of Photographic Scientists and Engineers
7792 Phylon (1960) 0031-8906 JSTOR
7793 Physical educator 0031-8981 Phi Epsilon Kappa Fraternity
7794 Physical Therapy 0031-9023 American Physical Therapy Association
7795 Physician and Sports Medicine 0091-3847 McGraw-Hill
7796 Physics Teacher 0031-921X American Association of Physics Teachers
7797 Physics today 0031-9228 American Institute of Physics
7799 Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 1522-2152 University of Chicago Press
7800 Physiological Reviews 0031-9333 American Physiological Society
7801 Physiological Zoology 0031-935X University of Chicago Press
7802 Phytochemistry 0031-9422 Elsevier
7803 Phytopathology 0031-949X American Phytopathological Society
7804 Picturescope 0031-9694 Picture Division, Special Libraries Association
7805 Piecework 1067-2249 Interweave Press, LLC
7806 Pierce Law Review 1543-138X Franklin Pierce Law Center
7807 PIMA Magazine 1046-4352 Paper Industry Management Association
7808 PIMA's Papermaker 1093-670X Paper Industry Management Association
7809 Pioneer America Society transactions : P.A.S.T. Pioneer America Society 0884-3309 Pioneer America Society
7810 Pipeline and Gas Industry 1079-8765 Pipe Line & Gas Industry
7811 Pipe Line Industry 0032-0145 Pipe Line Industry
7812 Pipeline & gas journal 0032-0188 Advanstar Communications
7813 Pittsburgh Legal Journal 0032-0331 Allegheny County Bar Association
7814 PLA Newsletter 0022-6998 Public Library Association
7815 Places -Massachusetts 0731-0455 Design History Foundation
7816 The Planner 0309-1384 Royal Town Planning Institute
7817 Planning 0001-2610 American Planning Association
7818 Planning and Changing 0032-0684 Illinois State University
7819 Planning for Higher Education 0736-0983 Society for College and University Planning
7820 Planning Review 0094-064X Emerald
7821 Plant and Cell Physiology 0032-0781 Oxford University Press (OUP)
7825 Plant Engineering -Chicago then Highlands Ranch 0032-082X Cahners Publishing Company
7826 Plant Pathology 0032-0862 Wiley
7827 Plant Physiology 0032-0889 Oxford University Press ; American Society of Plant Biologists
7828 Planta 0032-0935 Springer Verlag
7829 Plasma Physics 0032-1028 Institute of Physics (IOP)
7830 Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 0741-3335 IOP Publishing
7831 Plastics & Rubber International 0309-4561 Plastics and Rubber Institute
7832 Plastics Design & Processing 0032-1176 Plastics Design & Processing
7833 Plastics Engineering -Connecticut 0091-9578 Wiley-Blackwell
7834 Plastics Technology -New York 0032-1257 Bill Communications Inc
7835 Plastics World 0032-1273 PTN Publishing Co
7836 Plateau 0032-1346 Northern Arizona Society of Science and Art
7837 Plating and Surface Finishing 0360-3164 American Electroplaters' Society Inc
7838 Platts Energy Business & Technology 1540-367X McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc
7839 Plays 0032-1540
7840 Plays and Players -London- Heathmill Multimedia 0032-1559 Brevet Publications (UK) Ltd
7844 Ploughshares 0048-4474 Emerson College
7845 PM Network 1040-8754 Project Management Institute
7846 PMLA 0030-8129 Modern Language Association
7847 Pn Review 0144-7076 Xl Publishing Services
7848 Pnla Quarterly 0030-8188 Pnla Quarterly
7849 Poet Lore 0032-1966
7850 Poetics Today: International Journal for Theory and Analysis of Literature and Communication 0333-5372 Duke University Press
7851 Poetry (Modern Poetry Association) 0032-2032 Modern Poetry Association
7852 Poets & Writers 0891-6136 Poets & Writers, Inc
7853 Pointer (Washington, D.C.) 0554-4246 Heldref Publications
7854 Police Chief 0032-2571 International Association of Chiefs of Police
7855 Police Magazine 0161-6129
7856 Policy and Practice of Public Human Services 1520-801X American Public Human Services Association
7857 Policy Evaluation 1524-3273 Policy Studies Organization
7858 Policy Review -Washington 0146-5945 Heritage Foundation
7859 Policy Studies Journal 0190-292X Wiley-Blackwell
7860 Policy Studies Review 0278-4416 Policy Studies Organization
7861 Political Communication 1058-4609 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
7862 Political Geography 0962-6298 Elsevier
7863 Political Quarterly 0032-3179 Wiley-Blackwell: No OnlineOpen
7864 Political Research Quarterly 1065-9129 SAGE Publications (UK and US)
7865 Political Science Quarterly 0032-3195 The Academy of Political Science
7866 Political Studies 0032-3217 Wiley-Blackwell: No OnlineOpen
7867 Political Theory 0090-5917 SAGE Publications (UK and US)
7868 Politics and Society 0032-3292 SAGE Publications (UK and US)
7869 Politics and the Life Sciences 0730-9384 Association for Politics and the Life Sciences
7870 Politics Today 0160-4929
7871 Polity 0032-3497 Palgrave Macmillan
7872 Pollution Engineering 0032-3640 Cahners Publishing Company
7873 Polymer Engineering and Science 0032-3888 Wiley-Blackwell
7874 Poptronics 1526-3681 Gernsback Publications Inc
7875 Popular Electronics (1954) 0032-4485
7876 Popular Electronics (1989) 1042-170X Gernsback Publications Inc
7877 Popular Gardening 0032-4507
7878 Popular Gardening & Living Outdoors 0554-6907
7879 Popular Mechanics 0032-4558 The Hearst Corporation
7880 Popular Mechanics Magazine 0736-993X
7881 Popular Music 0261-1430 Cambridge University Press (CUP)
7882 Popular Music and Society 0300-7766 Taylor & Francis (Routledge): SSH Titles
7883 Popular Photography & Imaging 1542-0337 Hachette Filipacchi
7884 Popular Science 0161-7370 Times Mirror Magazines Inc
7885 Population and Development Review 0098-7921 Wiley-Blackwell
7886 Population and Environment 0199-0039 Springer Verlag (Germany)
7887 Population Bulletin -Washington 0032-468X Population Reference Bureau, Inc
7888 portal: Libraries and the Academy 1531-2542 Johns Hopkins University Press
7889 Portia Law Journal 0196-5646 Portia Law School
7890 Portuguese Studies 0267-5315 Modern Humanities Research Association (MHRA)
7891 Post-Soviet Geography 1060-5851 V.H. Winston & Sons, Inc
7892 Post-Soviet Geography and Economics 1088-9388 Bellwether Publishing Ltd
8702 Strategic Finance -Montvale 1524-833X Institute of Management Accountants
8703 Strategic Management Journal 0143-2095 Wiley
8704 Strategies 0892-4562 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
8705 Strategy and Leadership 1087-8572 Emerald
8706 The Structurist 0081-6027 Structurist
8707 Studies in 20th and 21st Century Literature 0145-7888 New Prairie Press
8708 Studies in Adult Education 0039-3525 National Institute of Adult Continuing Education (England & Wales)